Destiny's Path

As Tōsō stood frozen, a perplexed expression etched on his face, Makoto stared at him, bewildered by his sudden stillness. "What's wrong, Tōsō?" Makoto inquired, his voice marinated with concern.

Tōsō shook his head, dismissing Makoto's concern with a forced smile. "It's nothing," he replied, his tone unconvincing. "I just... I feel like I recognise that name." The mention of Raidon lingered in his mind, a name from his life he has long tried to ignore.

Turning on his heel, Tōsō made his way back towards his house, a sense of unease gnawing at the edges of his consciousness. He paused momentarily, scanning the surrounding area with a furrowed brow before continuing on inside, hoping to shake off the disquieting feeling that lingered within him.

Meanwhile, Makoto ascended the hill to Kodai's house, his thoughts consumed by the conversation he was about to have. Upon knocking on the door, he was greeted by the pleasant sight of Kodai, a warm smile gracing his features as he welcomed Makoto inside.

"Please, Makoto, please. Come inside."

"Arigatō." Makoto took his shoes off, leaving them outside, and stepped in.

As they settled into a comfortable conversation, Makoto broached the topic of Daisuke's desire to train under Kodai once again.

"He's thrilled to have Tōsō as his sparring partner again," Makoto remarked, a note of satisfaction in his voice.

Kodai's expression shifted, a hint of concern flickering in his eyes.

"Tōsō may not be near enough Daisuke's level anymore... to push him further," he mused thoughtfully. "We may need to bring in other Samurai from neighboring villages to provide the challenge he seeks."

Makoto nodded in agreement, his mind racing with possibilities.

"Even though you're the last surviving member of the Deadly Seven, the legacy of your former comrades lives on through their students," Kodai remarked, a sense of determination in his tone.

"I'll be sure to send word to them, offering payment for their services." Responded Makoto.

Kodai's gaze softened, a knowing smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"Word has reached me recently of talented Samurai spotted in villages fifty miles northwest of here," he revealed, his voice bubbling with excitement. "Perhaps that's where you'll find the challenge Daisuke seeks."

Excited by the prospect, Makoto made the decision to embark on the journey himself, his heart filled with determination as he prepared to seek out the skilled warriors rumored to reside in the distant villages.

Meanwhile, back at Tōsō's house, Sakutarō's innocent question hung in the air, prompting a heartfelt exchange between father and sons. "Do you think I could grow up to become a stronger warrior than you, Father?" Sakutarō asked, his eyes wide with curiosity.

Tōsō's heart swelled with pride as he gazed at his son. "Of course, my son," he replied, his voice filled with conviction. "You will become much stronger than I ever was."

Genji, ever the empathetic soul, voiced his own concerns. "I hope we'll still have time to play together, Sakutarō," he admitted, his voice drooping with worry.

Sakutarō wrapped an arm around his younger brother, offering him comfort. "Don't worry, Genji," he reassured him, his voice gentle. "I'll always make time for you."

Tōsō pulled his sons in for a hug, a sense of warmth and love enveloping them. "As long as I'm around, nothing will hurt either of you," he vowed, his voice soft yet firm, a promise of protection and devotion that would endure through any trial they faced together.

However, Sakutarō couldn't help but wonder, that this promise mirrored the promise his father made to Daisuke all those years ago.

"Father," began Sakutarō, "what was mother like?"

"Sakutarō," Tōsō began gently, his voice filled with a mixture of longing and sorrow as he met his son's inquisitive gaze. "Your mother... she was a truly remarkable woman."

Sakutarō's eyes sparkled with interest as he listened intently, eager to learn more about the mother he was too young to remember. "What was she like, Father?" he asked again softly, his voice wrapped with a sense of yearning.

Tōsō's expression softened as he spoke, his memories of his beloved wife flooding back with vivid clarity. "She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "Her hair was like spun gold, cascading in waves down her back. Her eyes... they sparkled like the stars in the night sky. And her smile... it could light up the darkest of days."

A wistful smile tugged at Tōsō's lips as he recalled the moments they had shared, the laughter and the love that had filled their home. "She always tried to make me happy," he continued, trying to hide the emotion in his voice. "Even during the darkest times, she was my beacon of light."

Tears welled up in Genji and Sakutarō's eyes as they listened to their father's words, the weight of their mother's absence weighing heavily on their hearts. "She always dreamed of having two sons," Tōsō revealed, his voice thick with emotion. "Two sons who would grow up to be respected, valiant men."

In that moment, a solemn determination filled the air as Genji and Sakutarō exchanged a silent vow. "We'll make her proud, Father," Genji declared, his voice steady despite the tears that streaked his cheeks. "We'll live up to her dreams."

Sakutarō nodded in agreement, his resolve shining bright in his tear-filled eyes. "We'll be the valiant men she always wanted us to be," he vowed, his voice filled with determination.

Tōsō pulled his sons into a tight embrace once again, his heart overflowing with love and pride. "I know you will, my sons," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "And your mother will be watching over you, every step of the way."