An Unexpected Turn

Two Weeks Later.

As Daisuke and Sakutarō made their way to the village center, the sun stood tall in the sky, casting dappled shadows across the cobblestone streets. Their conversation flowed easily between them, filled with the easy camaraderie of teacher and apprentice.

"So, Sakutarō, have you been practicing your swordsmanship with Tōsō?" Daisuke inquired, a playful twinkle in his eye as he glanced at Sakutarō.

Sakutarō nodded eagerly, a sense of pride swelling within him. "Of course, Daisuke," he replied, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. "I've been practicing every day, just like you told me."

Their conversation was interrupted by the murmurs of villagers gathered in the village square, their voices rising with frustration and annoyance. Curious, Daisuke and Sakutarō approached, their eyes scanning the crowd for signs of trouble.

A concerned villager approached them, face filled with worry. "There are two foreigners causing trouble," he explained, his voice tense with apprehension. "They've been bothering people for food and refusing to pay."

Daisuke and Sakutarō exchanged a knowing glance before taking action, their steps purposeful as they made their way towards the source of the disturbance. As they approached the two strangers, Sakutarō whispered to Daisuke, his voice filled with determination.

"Let me lead, Daisuke," he urged, his eyes beaming with confidence.

Daisuke hesitated for a moment, unsure of Sakutarō's request, but ultimately nodded in agreement. "Alright, Sakutarō," he replied, still feeling uncertain. "I trust you."

With a newfound sense of resolve, Sakutarō stepped forward, his gaze steady as he addressed the strangers. "Where are you from?" he asked firmly, his voice unwavering despite the tension that hung in the air.

The strangers scoffed at Sakutarō's question, their demeanor brash and disrespectful. "Get lost, kid, before you get hurt," one of them retorted, his words laced with arrogance.

Undeterred, Sakutarō stood his ground, his eyes flashing with determination. "I asked you a question," he insisted, his voice firm.

As one of the strangers lurched forward, clearly intoxicated. Sakutarō reacted with lightning-fast reflexes, twisting the man's arm and sending him crashing to the ground. The other stranger reached for a knife, but before he could act, Daisuke intervened, kicking the weapon from his hand with expert precision.

"Stay put, before you get hurt." Daisuke stated.

With both strangers subdued, Daisuke commanded them to pay for their meal and leave the village at once. Sakutarō released his grip on the man he had in a chokehold, rising to his feet with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

As the strangers begrudgingly complied with Daisuke's orders, Sakutarō couldn't help but feel a surge of pride in his chest. He had faced danger head-on and emerged victorious, proving himself as a capable warrior in his own right.

Together, Daisuke and Sakutarō stood tall, their bond stronger than ever as they watched the strangers slink away, their tails between their legs. And as they begun their journey home, the echoes of Sakutarō's bravery reverberating through the village, Sakutarō knew that he had made Daisuke and his father proud.

As they approached Sakutarō's house, a sense of unease settled over Daisuke like a shroud. He tensed, his grip tightening on his Katana as he instinctively moved to shield Sakutarō behind him. Concern covered Sakutarō's face as he glanced up at Daisuke, confusion evident in his eyes.

"What's wrong, Daisuke?" Sakutarō whispered, worry buried within his voice.

Daisuke's gaze swept over their surroundings, his senses on high alert as he scanned for any sign of danger. "Something's not right," he replied quietly, his voice coiled with apprehension. "Stay close to me at all times."

With a sense of caution, Daisuke crept forward, Sakutarō following closely at his heels. As they drew nearer to the house, streaks of blood on the ground sent a shiver down Sakutarō's spine. Before he could react, Daisuke silenced him with a stern gesture, his expression grave as he signaled for caution.

"You make a sound, and we die." Daisuke whispered.

The door to the house lay broken and splintered, a chilling portent of the scene that awaited them inside. Daisuke's hand hovered over his sword, his heart pounding in his chest as he summoned his Tokihanatsu, the wolf materializing at his side with a low growl. Daisuke moved his head in a circle, signalling for the wolf to scan the area for any other threats besides what may be in the house. Fear began to creep into Daisuke's soul, not because he feared the enemy, but he feared for Sakutarō's life.

Peering cautiously into the dim interior, Daisuke's worst fears were confirmed as he beheld the gruesome sight that lay before him. Tōsō's lifeless body lay sprawled on the ground, the air heavy with the scent of blood and death. Standing above him stood a blacked out Ninja, back facing Daisuke and Sakutarō. Anguish and fury surged within Daisuke as he clenched his fists, his voice rising with righteous indignation.

"What have you done?!" he roared, his words reverberating through the silence of the house.

Before Sakutarō could react, the shadowy figure spun around, a deadly weapon glinting in his hand. With cat-like reflexes, Daisuke also spun, shielding Sakutarō from harm as he kicked the death star away with a swift motion of his foot.

But their assailant was not so easily deterred. With a swift precision, he launched a second weapon at Daisuke, the deadly projectile finding its mark and piercing his flesh. Pain flared through Daisuke's body, but he refused to yield, his determination unwavering as he fought to protect Sakutarō.

With a flurry of motion, Daisuke and the ninja engaged in a deadly dance of blades and fists, each move calculated and precise. Daisuke attempted to sweep the Ninja, causing the Ninja to leap into the air. As he did so, Daisuke's second leg followed through in an attempt to kick the Ninja mid air. However, it was blocked. The Ninja grabbed Daisuke's throat, squeezing as he tried to burst his windpipe. Daisuke jumped forwards, headbutting him, slamming the Ninja's arm down and away from his neck.

As the fight raged on, Daisuke found himself outmatched by his skilled adversary, his wounds mounting with each passing moment. Daisuke had noticed that his summon has returned to his sword, meaning that it encountered a higher threat level. This sudden lapse in concentration led to the Ninja kicking Daisuke cleanly in the stomach, following through with a sword down into Daisuke's foot.

As Sakutarō made a move towards the door, he was met with a second assailant, his path blocked by the imposing figure of another ninja. Panic surged within him as he realised the gravity of their situation, but before he could react, a dragon landed behind the second ninja, its presence imposing and ominous.

"Do we finish them off?" the second ninja questioned, his voice cold and calculating.

"No." Replied the ninja standing inside the house. As he replied, shock ran through Daisuke's body.

The Ninja pulled down his face covering. It was Raidon. He shook his head, his gaze unwavering as he assessed the situation. "Not yet," he replied, his tone filled with a chilling determination. "They are not ripe enough yet."

"The other boy has been taken care of. Should we take Tōsō's as well." The second Ninja asked.

With a final glance, Raidon nodded and took his leave, his departure leaving a lingering sense of dread in his wake. As the second ninja picked up Tōsō's body and followed suit, the dragon disappearing into thin air, Daisuke could only watch in stunned silence, his mind reeling with the revelation of Raidon's betrayal and the uncertain future that lay ahead.