Serpent in the Eagle's Shadow

"In there." Raidon pointed at a house in front of them. "I won't stay, so you don't have to worry. This is a private matter between you and your mother."

Daisuke nodded as he stared blankly at the house.

"I'll see you in a couple days. To get my swords back." Raidon stated.

"It's fine," replied Daisuke as he threw the swords at him, "just take them. If you killed me now, I'd deserve it for following you like a fool."

Raidon smirked. He released his Summon and sent it into the skies above until it could no longer be seen by eye.

Raidon opened his mouth to say something to Daisuke, but stopped. He closed his mouth and left.

Daisuke took a deep breath in, and as he exhaled he got off the horse.

"Hmm... this could still be some sort of trap but... I don't give a damn."

He paced over to the door, considering whether to kick it open or knock. As he stood there for a few seconds, he eventually knocked on the door. There was no answer. He looked around before knocking again.

"Not today!" A voice from inside shouted. It was a woman's voice.

Daisuke knocked again.

This time, as the voice called out again, it was too low and muffled for Daisuke to understand.

Daisuke looked around one more time, checking to see if anyone was watching. He was sure no one was watching, so he proceeded to open the door.

As walked inside slowly, he noticed how messy the house was. It looked as if no one had taken care of it for weeks.

He looked through a shoji screen [Japanese paper wall] he saw the shadow of a person lying on the floor. He walked over and slid open the room divider.

It was an old woman. She was ill. Sweating through her clothes so much it looked as though she took a bath in them.

"Are you okay?" Daisuke asked, hesitantly.

"Water..." the old woman whispered. "Please, water."

Daisuke scanned the room but couldn't find any water.

"Hold on. I'll bring you some water."

Daisuke hurried around the house but still couldn't find any. He decided to go out into the village to get some, as well as some medication and food to prepare for her.

After twenty minutes or so he returned to the house. The woman was asleep. Daisuke placed his hand on her head to feel her temperature.

"You're burning." He said concerned. He took a flannel and dampened it with cool water, placing one on her head and one behind her neck.

As she remained sleeping, he prepared some food from what he bought and waited.

After some time, she started to move, removing the flannel from her head.

"I apologise." Daisuke said, "I tried to cool you down a bit. I thought it would make it easier for you to eat."

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm a Samurai."

"Is this what Samurai's do now? Help old hags that have a fever."

"You can remove the flannel from behind your neck too. It isn't actually good to cool someone down who has a fever. The body gets hot because the immune system is fighting the infection. Once you eat you should feel somewhat better but you'll most likely start breaking out in sweats again."

"I don't mean to be a pain but... could you help me eat? I'm too weak to sit up."

"Yes... okay."

Daisuke was nervous as he did not know if this old woman was his mother. He didn't want to just ask, so he thought of ways of getting the information out of her gradually.

He sat behind her, gently lifting her and resting her back against his chest as she lay between his legs. His arms were stretched around each side of her, as he started to feed her.

"So... what is it that you do?" Daisuke asked.

"I used to be a mistress. When I was young and beautiful."

"Oh... erm... what do you do now?"

"The same, only here and there. Whenever I need money."

"At your age? No offence but... I don't think you should be involved in that business anymore."

"I don't have anything else. I never did. The one thing I did have that was precious to me I had to give away."

Daisuke's arm paused in the air as he was feeding her.

"And what was that?" Daisuke asked in persuit of the answer.

"My son."

"You had a son?"

"Yeah. My firstborn was... something special. When he grew a bit older, he was given the opportunity to become a Samurai. I accepted but it wasn't about the money. I just didn't want him growing up like me... with nothing."

"Have you heard from him?"

"No. No, no, no. His father and I agreed that he would be told I was dead. So that he wouldn't come looking for me."

"My father..."


"I mean... his father! His father, sorry. So, his father allowed the Samurai to take him?"

"His father was the Samurai."

Daisuke's heart was punching her in the back. He felt as if his stomach was going to crawl out of his mouth.

"What... what is his father's name?"

"Makoto. One of the Deadly Seven."

"Oh my god..."

"I know. He was an incredible man."

Daisuke stood up in disbelief.

"Are you okay?" The old woman asked.

"I erm... I know him."

"What? Makoto? Are you sure?"

"Yes I... I'm a Samurai at his village."

The old woman slowly glanced over at Daisuke. Her eyes intrigued yet melancholy.

"Young man... you never told me your name." Her eyes seemed to prepare an onslaught of tears.

Daisuke knelt down in front of her, and she placed her hands over his face. He closed his eyes and she searched his aesthetics, dusting away her past memories.

"It's me, mother. It's Daisuke."