Revelations and Reckonings

Daisuke's mother cradled his face with her hands.

"Mother I... thought you were dead this whole time."

"As you were meant to. It fills my heart with joy to see the man you have become. I always knew you'd make it as a Samurai. That's why I called you Daisuke."

"Great help..."

"Exactly. I'm so happy that you found me. How did you know I was here?"

"I was told by someone that you were alive, and they led me here."

"I guess when you return, you'll have quite a few things to discuss with your father."

"Makoto... I don't know if I'll ever be able to comprehend the fact he is my father."

"How does it make you feel?"

"I don't know, I... am still quite shocked. I'm not disappointed in the fact my father is Makoto but, he could have at least told me I was his son, whilst hiding who you were."

"He didn't want you having an attachment. Once your enemies know who it is that you love and hold dear to you, and easier target you become."

"I get that, but... I've grown up thinking my mother died, and that my father was a low life who got you pregnant and didn't even know about me. Before my lover was killed... I would always say to her that I'd want to be a good father because I never had one. I wanted to be there for my child and be his role model. This whole time, my father was with me."

Daisuke's eyes ran with tears, as he allowed his body to collapse forwards into his mother's lap. As he lay there, she ran her fingers through his hair and rubbed his back.

"It's okay, son. I am... truly sorry for what you've gone through. By the One true God above, I could die now and be satisfied with life."

Daisuke sat back up, wiping his face.

"Erm... this might be a weird question but, do I have any brothers or sisters?"

"Yes. You do. One younger brother."

"I have a younger brother..."

"Yes. Whilst he was still a baby, I had become ill and struggled to earn money. The illness was so bad, I thought I'd pass away. So, when offered by a Samurai to take my son away, like with you, I'd agreed."

"Who was the Samurai? How can I find him?"

"I don't remember his name, son. But I remember what I called your brother."

"What was it?"


Daisuke's shock was evident.

"Yes. Word." His mother stated once again.


"Exactly. Kotoba."

"My younger brother is Kotoba?!"

"Son, what's the matter?"

"I know him. I've been training him."

"Oh goodness! See, when things are meant to be, it always works out for the best. You're not as lonely as you thought you were, son."

"He erm... something happened to him. His tongue has been cut out."

"Oh no? What?" Daisuke's mother looked down in disbelief, "How could such a thing happen?"

"I don't know, I always felt too bad to ask."

"Daisuke... if it isn't too much trouble... do you think I'd be able to see Kotoba?"

"What do you mean? Of course you can. I just don't know how I'm going to tell him everything."

"How about you bring him over without telling him anything. Then, we can discuss it all when he arrives." Daisuke's mother began to cough aggressively, a speck of blood spraying onto her hand.

"Mother?! Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm fine. It's the fever, that's all."

"No, mother. This doesn't seem good. I'm going to get Kotoba now."

Having seen his mother cough blood, Daisuke feared that she may not have long left. He insisted on bringing Kotoba to see her as soon as possible.

"I'm going now. There is still food prepared for you and some more medication. I'll be as fast as possible."

As Daisuke stepped outside the door, his mother lowly called out, "I love you, son."

Daisuke paused mid-step. Without turning around, he responded, "I love you too."

As Daisuke rode back to his village, his heart was being crushed by emotions he couldn't quite name. The revelation that his mother was alive and that Kotoba, his loyal student turned friend, was in fact his younger brother, had left him reeling.

The horse's hooves pounded against the dirt road, mirroring the tumultuous thoughts racing through Daisuke's mind. Memories of his childhood flooded back to him, memories of longing for a family he thought he'd lost forever. He remembered the countless nights spent wishing for a father to guide him and siblings to share his joys and sorrows with. Little did he know, his father had been right there all along, watching over him.

As the wind whipped through his hair and the landscape blurred past him, Daisuke couldn't help but dwell on the irony of it all. How he had yearned for a family, only to discover that his family had been within arm's reach all this time.

With each passing mile, Daisuke's resolve strengthened. He was determined to bring Kotoba to their mother, to reunite the fractured pieces of their family and forge a new beginning together. But as he pondered on how to break the news to Kotoba, a wave of uncertainty washed over him. How would Kotoba react to the revelation that they were brothers? Would he be overjoyed, or would the news only serve to reopen old wounds?

Despite the doubts gnawing at his heart, Daisuke pushed forward, driven by a fierce determination to make things right. He knew that their journey ahead would be fraught with challenges and uncertainties, but he also knew that together, they could overcome anything.

As the village finally came into view, Daisuke's heart sank. He knew that their reunion would be bittersweet, tinged with both joy and sorrow. But as he dismounted his horse and made his way towards Hōkai's door, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope stirring within him.

For in that moment, surrounded by the quiet beauty of the village, Daisuke knew that no matter what lay ahead, they would face it together as a family. And as he approached the door, he whispered a silent prayer, hoping that their mother's love would be enough to heal the wounds of the past and pave the way for a brighter future.

Daisuke knocked gently, the sound disturbing the quiet afternoon air.

Hōkai opened the door, his eyes heavy as if he had no sleep. "Daisuke? What brings you here? Aren't you meant to be training?"

"I'm looking for Kotoba," Daisuke replied, his voice rustling with urgency. "Is he here? We need to leave right away."

Hōkai rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of his tiredness. "Yes, he's here. He stayed the night after our training session yesterday. Come in, I'll go wake him up."

Daisuke followed Hōkai inside, his limbs pouncing with impatience. He watched as Hōkai gently roused Kotoba from his slumber, the young man blinking groggily as he slowly came to his senses.

"Daisuke?" Sakutarō murmured, confusion clouding his features as he was woken up by the sound of footsteps.

"We need to go," Daisuke said urgently to Kotoba, reaching out to help Kotoba to his feet. "There's someone we need to see."

Kotoba nodded, trusting Daisuke implicitly as he allowed himself to be led outside. Daisuke quickly mounted his horse, pulling Kotoba up to sit in front of him. With a gentle nudge, the horse set off at a steady pace, carrying them towards their destination.

As they rode, Kotoba began to stir, the movement of the horse jostling him from his sleep-induced haze. He glanced around in confusion, his brow furrowing as he tried to make sense of their surroundings.

Kotoba looked at Daisuke in a confused manner. Not knowing what he was thinking, Daisuke spoke to him in the hopes that he would answer whatever questions Kotoba had in his head.

"We're going to visit someone special, in another village," Daisuke stated, his tone gentle yet firm.

Kotoba nodded, trusting Daisuke's judgment as they continued on their journey. But as they arrived at their destination, a sense of foreboding washed over Daisuke.

The old lady lay still on her floor, her chest barely rising and falling with each shallow breath as she slept.

Worried, Daisuke's heart clenched in his chest as he rushed to her side, his hands trembling as he checked her temperature.

But there was nothing. No pulse, no breath, no sign of movement. Panic surged through Daisuke's veins as he frantically searched for any sign of life, his mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

"She's not waking up," Daisuke whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "She's not breathing."

Kotoba watched in shock as Daisuke's panic escalated, his own heart pounding with fear and confusion. He reached out to touch Daisuke's shoulder.

But Daisuke couldn't feel him. He was lost in a whirlwind of emotions, his mind consumed by grief and despair. With a cry of anguish, he began to lash out, pounding his fists against the floor as tears streamed down his cheeks.

It was only when Kotoba pulled him back, his touch grounding and comforting, that Daisuke finally began to calm down. He turned to Kotoba, his eyes filled with tears.

"She's our mother, Kotoba," Daisuke choked out, his voice breaking with emotion. "And you... you're my brother."

Kotoba froze at the news, his mind reeling with shock and disbelief. Tears welled up in his eyes as the weight of Daisuke's words sank in, the realisation hitting him like a tidal wave.

"We're brothers." Daisuke reiterated in a whisper, his voice barely audible over the sound of his own sobs.

Kotoba nodded, his own tears mingling with Daisuke's as they clung to each other, the weight of their shared grief binding them together in their moment of sorrow. And as they knelt there, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that they would face whatever the future held, together as blood brothers.