Conquering Inner Demons

Early the next morning, Makoto sent his Serpent Summon to inform Daisuke that he wished to meet at Hōkai's house.

He did not mention anything about Raidon, only that he wanted to train. The serpent slithered swiftly through the morning mist, a silent messenger with scales that glistened in the early light.

As Makoto waited outside Hōkai's house, he assumed the full lotus position and began to meditate. Despite the difficulty of the position for most, his focus was not on the physical challenge. It was on cultivating patience.

The full lotus is very stable and grants a symmetrical aesthetic, aiding the connection between one's mind and body. Makoto's breathing slowed, becoming deep and rhythmic, each inhale and exhale a step towards inner peace.

In recent years, Makoto had struggled internally. The underlying threat to the Samurai weighed heavily on his mind, a constant shadow of impending conflict.

Yet, even more pressing was the worry of losing his son, Daisuke. The fear gnawed at him, day and night, a persistent ache that he could not shake.

However, now that his secret was known, there was nothing left to hide. The burden of deception had been lifted from his shoulders. For the first time in years, he could let his mind be free, reaching true relaxation and calmness.

The morning air was crisp, the kind that hinted at the warmth to come with the rising sun. Birds sang their dawn chorus, the melodies a soothing backdrop to Makoto's meditation. The gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze seemed to sync with his breaths, nature itself becoming part of his tranquil state.

Memories of Daisuke as a child flickered through Makoto's mind. He remembered teaching him the basics of swordplay, the way his small hands had struggled to grip the wooden practice sword.

The determination in Daisuke's eyes had always been fierce, a trait Makoto admired and feared. He had wanted to protect that fire, to mold it into something that could withstand the world's harshness. Yet, he had also kept his distance, hiding the truth of their relationship in the name of that very protection.

The revelation of his paternity had been a storm, but in its wake, Makoto found a strange peace. The deception was over, and while it had shattered many things, it also offered a chance to rebuild. Makoto hoped that today's meeting could be a step towards that reconstruction. Training together, as father and son, could forge a new bond, tempered by honesty and mutual respect.

The sound of approaching footsteps broke Makoto's reverie. He opened his eyes slowly, allowing the world to come back into focus. Daisuke emerged from the mist, his silhouette becoming clearer with each step. There was a determination in his stride, but also a hint of the same inner turmoil that had plagued Makoto.

As Daisuke drew closer, Makoto rose from his meditative pose, his movements smooth and deliberate. The full lotus position had granted him stability and clarity, both of which he would need for the conversation and training ahead.

"Daisuke," Makoto greeted, his voice calm but carrying the weight of their unspoken history.

"Makoto," Daisuke replied, the word now strange on his tongue after knowing the real familial bond between them. There was an awkwardness between them, a gap that neither training nor battle had ever been able to bridge.

Makoto gestured towards the training area behind Hōkai's house. "Shall we begin? There's much to cover."

Daisuke nodded, his eyes betraying a flicker of curiosity and apprehension. "What kind of training did you have in mind?"

Makoto allowed a small smile. "A blend of old and new. Techniques you've mastered, and challenges I've yet to face. Today is not just about skill, but about understanding and trust."

They moved to the training area, their steps measured and purposeful. The space was serene, the morning light casting long shadows across the ground. As they began their warm-up routines, the silence between them was heavy but not uncomfortable. It was the silence of two warriors preparing for battle, both external and within themselves.

Makoto watched Daisuke closely, noting the precision in his movements, the strength in his form. Pride swelled in his chest, mingled with regret. "You've become a fine warrior, Daisuke. Your mother would be proud."

Daisuke paused, his expression softening at the mention of his mother. "And you? Are you proud?"

Makoto met his gaze, his eyes filled with sincerity. "More than words can express."

With that, they began their training, each move a step towards healing the wounds of the past. The path ahead was uncertain, but for the first time, it felt navigable.

"What's my weakness, Daisuke?" Makoto asked.

"As blunt as that?"

"I don't have time to waste. I want to improve fast. There only way is for you to be honest with me. Before, when you said you're a better than me now, you were right. So, what is it that makes you say that?"

"Don't take anything I say personally. You've aged, Makoto. Your body no wields the same strength it once did. You rely a lot on speed and stealth, which can only take you so far. Someone with a good defence, with more power, would hold out and eventually defeat you."

Makoto looked down at the ground as he listened to what Daisuke was saying. He couldn't fault it. Daisuke was right. As the years had gone by, he was no longer the warrior he once was.

"Father, I.."

As Daisuke misspoke, they both looked at each other within a split second.

"Erm... Makoto. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that."

"It's fine, Daisuke. There's no need to feel awkward. I really appreciate what you said. It's true."

"We can work on some power if you want?" Daisuke suggested.

"I don't think I have the time."

"Makoto, what is this for?"

"I just feel inspired by everyone, that's all."

"Makoto, I'm happy to help. But, you need to tell me what it's for. There's something going on. I can see it in your eyes. You've kept enough secrets from me. You need to tell me what's going on."