Unexpected Visitors

The Next Day.

Sakutarō and Kotoba were making their way into the village center. As part of their training, they were given specific days and times to be on duty; learning what it feels like to have responsibility for the lives of those around them.

The morning sun rained down its glow on the path ahead, as if leading them to their destination.

"I'm getting closer to cutting a tree," Sakutarō said with excitement.

Kotoba nodded in response, his eyes scanning the surroundings as they walked.

"Three strikes is my record so far. Once I get it down to two, I'm sure doing it in one will come shortly after."

Kotoba nodded again, his face a mask of quiet contemplation.

"You're getting closer as well, brother. What's your record again? Four?" Sakutarō glanced at Kotoba, who held up three fingers, correcting him.

"Three?! Wow, we are on the same number. I guess our strength is quite even," Sakutarō remarked, a hint of competition in his voice.

Kotoba shrugged his shoulders, a slight smile playing on his lips.

"I really wish I could have seen Hōkai when he was younger. For him to have trained Makoto and Daisuke, he must have been really good." Sakutarō's eyes gleamed with admiration at the thought.

Kotoba nodded with conviction, even giving a thumbs up, his silent enthusiasm reflecting Sakutarō's sentiments.

"Imagine seeing Hōkai, Makoto, and Daisuke fighting each other. All in their primes," Sakutarō mused, his imagination running wild with the thought of such a battle.

Kotoba stopped in his tracks, looking at Sakutarō with an unimpressed expression.

"Okay, fine. Obviously, Daisuke would most likely win. But, Hōkai and Makoto, now that would be good," Sakutarō conceded with a laugh, noting Kotoba's expression.

Kotoba smiled and shook his head, continuing to walk, his silent laughter mirroring Sakutarō's light-hearted mood.

As they arrived at the village center, they were greeted by the locals that were working, their faces lighting up at the sight of the two young warriors. The village buzzed with activity, the sounds of chatter and work filling the air.

They strolled around, having light conversation. Occasionally, Kotoba would write something down in response. Usually, it would be Sakutarō talking while Kotoba nodded, his attention divided between listening and observing their surroundings.

As weird as it may seem, they both enjoyed it. Sakutarō used these moments to get things off his chest, allowing himself to rant or clear his head. His words flowed easily, a stream of consciousness that Kotoba followed with quiet patience.

On the other hand, Kotoba enjoyed listening to Sakutarō speak. The more he listened, the more he learned about him. Hearing about Sakutarō's interests, hardships, and struggles allowed Kotoba to understand Sakutarō's motives. He wanted to find ways to push Sakutarō in training, searching for what would drive him further and beyond.

The village center was bustling, with vendors setting up their stalls and children running about. The scent of fresh produce mingled with the earthy aroma of the ground, creating a comforting ambiance.

Kotoba noticed an elderly woman struggling with a basket and quickly stepped in to help, his silent gesture earning him a grateful smile.

Sakutarō watched with admiration as Kotoba interacted with the villagers, his silent strength and compassion evident in his actions.

"You're really good with people, you know that?" Sakutarō said as he smiled, showing his respect.

Kotoba shrugged modestly, his expression softening.

"You don't give yourself enough credit," Sakutarō continued, clapping Kotoba on the back.

"It's not just about cutting trees or fighting. It's about being a part of this community. Protecting them, helping them. You're a big part of that, actions speak louder than words."

Kotoba nodded, a quiet pride swelling in his chest. As they continued their rounds, the two young warriors walked in a comfortable silence, each drawing strength and understanding from the other.

As they stopped for a break, Kotoba rubbed his stomach, indicating his growing hunger.

"You're hungry?" Sakutarō asked, noticing Kotoba's discomfort.

Kotoba nodded.

"Yeah, I am too. Should we get Miso soup?" Sakutarō suggested, looking around for a suitable place to eat.

Kotoba shrugged his shoulders, contemplating for a moment before nodding in agreement, making his decision.

As they went and sat down, deciding if they wanted anything else, they noticed two strangers that were eating at the same place. Their clothes and demeanor seemed out of place, not matching the other villagers.

Sakutarō glanced at Kotoba, who returned his look with a puzzled expression. Taking the initiative, Sakutarō decided to go and introduce himself as curiosity got the better of him.

"Excuse me. I don't mean to bother you. I just haven't seen you here before? Are you passing through?" Sakutarō politely asked.

"Sort of. We are traders," one of the strangers responded, his voice steady.

"Oh, nice. What do you trade?" Sakutarō asked with curiosity, hoping to learn more about these unfamiliar faces.

"Weapons," the second stranger replied, his eyes narrowing slightly as he studied Sakutarō.

"That's interesting. How do you manage to make enough money to live? Can't people get weapons from anywhere? Must make it hard to sell and trade unless you make yourselves stand out," Sakutarō said, genuinely intrigued by their business.

Captivated by Sakutarō's questions, the first stranger replied, "We have one other associate. He is always in search of new materials that can be used to make weapons unique. That is our stand-out attribute."

"Do you mind if I ask for your names?"

"My name is Chikyu. He's Fuji."

"It's an honour. My name is Sakutarō," Sakutarō said, placing his hand on his chest out of respect.

Both Chikyu and Fuji looked immediately at Sakutarō, their expressions shifting to one of surprise.

"Sakutarō?" Chikyu repeated, his eyes widening.

"Yes," Sakutarō confirmed, confused by the sudden tension.

"Sakutarō, son of Tōsō?" Fuji asked, his tone suddenly sharper, more aggressive.

"Wait, you... you knew my father?" Sakutarō's heart began to race, his mind flooded with questions.

Fuji spat the food in his mouth onto the floor, his face contorted with anger. He rose from the chair, about to draw his sword, his eyes locked onto Sakutarō with deadly intent.

Before he could withdraw, Chikyu placed his hand on Fuji's chest, pulling him back down to his seat.

"These people are under Raidon and Fuka's control. Not ours. We are leaving once we've eaten," Chikyu said calmly.

"Yes, but Raidon and Fuka are not here right now. Are they?" Fuji commented sarcastically, his eyes still burning with hatred.

"You know Raidon?" Sakutarō, in shock, turned around to find Kotoba. However, Kotoba was gone. Panic set in as he scanned the area, searching for his brother.

Sakutarō turned back around, looking at Chikyu and Fuji as his heart pounded. As he started walking away backwards, Fuji stood up again, his face twisted with malicious intent.

"Raidon and Fuka can kill them. But, I at least want a limb now that I'm here," Fuji growled, his hand inching towards his sword.

Sakutarō's mind raced, trying to figure out what to do. He knew he had to get back to Kotoba, but Fuji's threat loomed large.

"I don't want any trouble," Sakutarō said, his voice shaking slightly as he knew that these two were beyond his capabilities.

Chikyu looked at Sakutarō, his eyes wide with excitement, "You might want to run, boy. This isn't a fight you want to have."