Enduring Heaven

The chains pressed against my wrists, their bite a constant reminder of my confinement. With my hands tightly bound behind my back by the cold, unforgiving handcuffs, I felt the weight of captivity settling upon me like a heavy shroud. The metallic clinks reverberated through the stale air of the jail cell, each sound a stark reminder of the walls closing in around me.

Surrounded by a dozen guards, their imposing figures casting long shadows in the dimly lit room, I could feel their watchful eyes boring into me with unwavering vigilance. Their presence loomed large, a formidable barrier standing between me and any hope of freedom. Each movement I made was met with a sharp gaze, every breath hissed, scrutinized with suspicion.

I stood my ground, refusing to give her the satisfaction of seeing me falter. Despite the fear churning in my gut, I maintained a facade of calm resolve. As she leaned in, her eyes glinting with a mix of curiosity and malice, I diverted my gaze to the circuit breaker, its dim outline taunting me with the promise of a potential escape route.

With a playful demeanor, she reiterated her demand for answers, her voice laced with a hint of amusement. Ignoring her taunts, I offered a dismissive smile, masking the turmoil brewing within.

"I don't know anything about anything, ma'am," I quipped, the words dripping with defiance.

Her gaze sharpened, a glimmer of satisfaction dancing in her eyes. It was as if she had uncovered a hidden gem amidst the chaos. Running her hand down my spine, she exuded an unsettling sense of control. Then, with a sudden and brutal motion, she seized a handful of my hair, yanking it upwards with such force that a jolt of pain shot through my skull.

Despite the agony coursing through me, I refused to betray any sign of weakness. With gritted teeth, I cast a look of utter disgust her way, the turmoil inside me threatening to overflow. Behind a mask of mockery, I concealed the storm raging within. Every fiber of my being recoiled from her presence, yet I refused to let her see the depths of my revulsion. A wry smile crept onto my lips, a bitter acknowledgment of the absurdity surrounding me.

"You don't know who I am, boy, do you?" she hissed, her voice dripping with venom as she emphasized each word with a sharp squeeze, causing a wave of pain to shoot through my scalp. Her eyes bore into mine, burning with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. 

"Well, I don't," I retorted, a smirk dancing on my lips despite the tightening grip on my hair. I held her gaze steadily, refusing to cower under her pressure.

She jerked my head closer to hers with a sudden force, our faces mere inches apart. "Look closely then," she hissed, her breath hot against my skin, her eyes flashing dangerously.

"I smirked, "Not a pretty sight," I quipped, my voice laced with mockery. With a deliberate motion, I closed my eyes shut with a deliberate sneer playing on my lips. She breathed heavily, her grip tightening as she shook my head slightly.

"Where is Aiden Rarneer?"( youngest son of The Mafia King) she demanded, her voice edged with urgency. With my eyes still closed, I remained silent, refusing to give her the satisfaction of a response. Instead, I continued to sneer in a malicious manner, my defiance palpable even in the darkness behind my eyelids.

"Where is Aiden Rarneer?" she hissed once more, as she tightened her grip relentlessly. I remained silent.

With a gradual easing of her grip, she let go of my hair, her touch lingering as if to emphasize her point. Leaning in close, she whispered into my ear, her voice soft yet laced with an unmistakable edge, "I know how to make people talk." A smirk played upon her lips, the glint of amusement in her eyes betraying the sinister intent behind her words.

"Honestly, I'd have tortured you from the beginning, but..." she trailed off, her tone dripping with menace before her demeanor shifted. With a sudden gentleness, she caressed my ear, her touch unsettlingly tender. "There are compensations for handsome men you know," she murmured, her voice taking on a sinister undertone despite the apparent sweetness of her words.

I gritted my teeth and locked y eyes with her

"Do what you wanna do, woman," I growled, my voice laced with a simmering fury, "but you ain't getting any info outta me."

A flicker of frustration danced across her features, swiftly replaced by a mask of cold determination. She bit her lip, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features, before she inhaled heavily. Then, unexpectedly, she smiled, her lips parting to reveal pearly whites. It was as if I had unwittingly given her exactly what she had been waiting for all along. The sudden shift in her demeanor sent a shiver down my spine, a silent warning of the depths of her cunningness

"You asked for it," she hissed, her words dripping with menace. Then, turning to one of the boys, she commanded, "Boys, you know what to do." Her voice trembled with a twisted excitement while I held my breath, a knot of fear tightening in my chest

The guard's rough hands tore at the chains, the metal links biting into my flesh without mercy. Ignoring my pained gasps, he yanked them open with a brutal force, heedless of the damage inflicted. I fought against the agony, my muscles straining as I tried to resist, but his strength was overwhelming. With a grunt of exertion, he seized me by the scruff of my neck, his fingers digging into my skin like talons, and propelled me forward.

My heart pounded in my chest as I stumbled, struggling to maintain my balance under his relentless grip. Each step felt like a battle against gravity itself, my limbs heavy with exhaustion and fear. The guard's steely gaze bore into mine, devoid of any hint of mercy, as he dragged me towards a covered table with purposeful strides..

Beside me, the woman watched with a predatory gleam in her eyes, her lips curled into a cruel smile. She had orchestrated this macabre scene with chilling precision, relishing the prospect of what was to come. I could feel her gaze boring into my soul, stripping away any semblance of hope or defiance.

With a final, merciless shove, the guard thrust me forward, sending me stumbling towards the table's edge, my heart pounding in my ears, my eyes fell upon its surface, rusted and stained with splatters of blood, a grim testament to the horrors that had unfolded here before.

With a sickening thud, my hand collided with the cold metal, the rough texture of the table biting into my skin. The sight of the hammer and pliers, their surfaces dulled with age and tarnished with the remnants of past atrocities, sent a shiver down my spine. I could almost feel the weight of their malevolence pressing down on me, a tangible presence in the air.

I knew this feeling all too well, the unsettling familiarity of being thrust into the role of prey. Funny how the tables had turned, how swiftly the hunter became the hunted. There had been instances before, moments where I had been subjected to torture, where pain had been inflicted upon me but - still, the pain, it still hurt. No matter how many times one endured torture, it remained an excruciating ordeal, each torment cutting deep into the soul. You don't get used to torture; you don't become numb to its brutality. It hurts, every time, as if it were the first, leaving behind scars that went far beyond the physical realm.

Of course, I had been on the other side of the coin, inflicting torture upon weaklings Now, as I reflected on my own predicament, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of self-disgust. The way I had been kidnapped seemed way too pathetic for a member of NIGHT INFERNOS 

As my hand edged closer to the ominous tools, I struggled relentlessly against the iron grip of the guard, each movement met with fierce resistance. Yet, despite my desperate attempts to break free, it seemed that every ounce of effort was in vain. I had to get out of there, but how?