Heaven becomes Hell

The guard's grip on my hand tightened, his fingers digging into my flesh like vices, as I desperately tried to wrench it away from the bloodied table. But his hold was unyielding, relentless in its determination to keep me restrained. With every ounce of strength I could muster, I strained against his grasp, my muscles protesting with futile resistance.

Beside me, the woman's cold gaze bore into mine, her expression devoid of mercy as she raised the hammer with chilling precision. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. And then, with a sickening thud, the hammer came crashing down, its unforgiving force flattening my hand against the unforgiving surface of the table.

A strangled moan escaped my lips, the agony radiating through every nerve ending, as I fought to suppress a scream of pain. My eyes squeezed shut, the world blurring into a haze of torment, I was trapped, grimacing against the searing sensation coursing through my hand. 

. All I could do was endure, my body trembling with the effort to withstand the onslaught of pain. And as the hammer fell once more, each blow echoing like a death knell in the confines of my mind, I knew that I was powerless to stop the torment inflicted upon me. 

With each merciless blow of the hammer, the woman's smile widened, her eyes alight with a twisted satisfaction that sent shivers down my spine. Three times she struck, each impact driving a fresh wave of agony through my shattered hand. Her taunting grin mocked my suffering.

 As the hammer fell for the third time, a strangled cry tore from my throat, the agony too much to bear. My vision swam with tears, my body trembling with the effort to remain conscious

Her laughter echoed through the room, a chilling symphony of cruelty that reverberated in my ears. With a triumphant tilt of her head, she held the hammer aloft between her index finger and thumb, savoring the moment . The sound of her laughter cut through the air like a knife, a stark contrast to the agony that wracked my body.

For a brief moment, her eyes met mine, gleaming with a sadistic delight that sent a shiver down my spine. It was as if she relished the sight of my suffering, feeding off the pain and fear that radiated from every fiber of my being.

And then, with a contemptuous flick of her wrist, she let the hammer drop to the floor with a resounding thud. The sound echoed in the silence that followed, a stark reminder of the brutality that had just unfolded in that small, dimly lit room.

As the echoes faded away, leaving only the ringing in my ears, I felt a sense of numbness wash over me. The pain still pulsed through my hand,

"You're one of the four security guards keeping an eye on the youngest son," she said, her voice dripping with a mix of menace and mockery. "So, I'll give you another chance. Tell me, where will we find him?"

Her grip tightened on my arm as she pulled me closer, her breath hot against my ear. I could feel the prickling sensation of fear coursing through me, mingling with the faint scent of her cologne that filled the air, my eyes tightly shut.

Slowly, I opened my eyes, meeting hers with a defiant glare. "I told you, didn't I?" I said, my voice low and steady, a hint of defiance lacing each word. As I pressed myself against her, our lips mere centimeters apart, a smirk danced across my face. "Do what you wanna do," I whispered, the sneer evident in my tone. Her expression shifted, turning as cold and unyielding as marble, betraying none of the emotions that flickered beneath the surface. 

As I stood there, locked in a silent battle of wills, I couldn't help but marvel at the irony of the situation. While my insides churned with pain and fear, on the outside, I wore a mocking smile, a facade of defiance masking the turmoil raging within .A laugh escaped from my lips, a bitter sound tinged with defiance.

Her sudden action caught me off guard, her warm hand pressing against my injured one with unexpected gentleness. Despite my instinct to pull away, I found myself immobilized by a surge of pain that shot through me like a bolt of lightning. "Ah, damn!" I gasped, the words escaping through clenched teeth as I struggled to endure the agony that flared anew. The touch of her hand, though gentle, only served to amplify the ache that pulsed beneath the surface

Her whispered words sent a shiver down my spine, her breath warm against my lips as she leaned in closer. "Then shall we begin," she murmured, the words dripping with a chilling blend of anticipation and malice. For in that moment, as our lips hovered mere inches apart. but then she pulled away abruptly 

She pulled away, the distance between us a stark reminder of the power dynamics at play. "Where is Aiden Rarneer?" she repeated, her voice edged with frustration and determination.

I met her gaze with a smirk "No idea, ask him," I jeered, my tone dripping with sarcasm and disdain.

Her voice rose with a chilling edge, a smile twisting her features into a cruel mask of satisfaction. "You asked for it, boy," she taunted, the anticipation gleaming in her eyes as she reached for the pliers resting on the table, stained with blood and rust, resting on the table.

As she gripped the tool in her hand, a cold shiver ran down my spine, a silent warning of the horrors

Agony seared through me as she positioned the pliers beneath the nail of my index finger, the metallic jaws biting into the tender flesh. With a sudden, brutal motion, she ripped the nail free, sending waves of excruciating pain radiating through my hand. Every nerve screamed in protest as my body convulsed with the intensity of the torment.

A guttural moan tore from my lips, the sound a raw expression of the anguish coursing through me. My vision blurred with tears, my senses overwhelmed by the relentless assault on my senses.

Her voice dripped with amusement as she posed the question, a twisted smile playing upon her lips. "Tell me, boy, how does it feel?" she taunted, relishing in my torment as she gazed upon the agony etched across my face. The words escaped my lips in a hoarse whisper, punctuated by the ragged rhythm of my panting breaths. "Damn you, bitch," I spat out, each syllable laden with a mix of fury and agony. Her smile, though radiant, held a darkness beneath its surface, a glint of malice lurking in the depths of her gaze. For a fleeting moment, a sense of familiarity washed over me, as if I had glimpsed that smile somewhere before, but the memory remained just out of reach, obscured by the fog of pain and confusion. I had seen that smile somewhere. 

Agony surged through my veins like wildfire as she repeated the process. The metallic jaws of the pliers bit into my flesh, their grip unyielding as they threatened to tear me apart from the inside out. 

Each labored breath was a struggle, the weight of agony bearing down on me with relentless force. My chest heaved with the effort, each inhale a painful. Beads of sweat gathered on my brow, mingling with the furrow of my grim expression.

The pliers were poised ominously above my thumb, ready to inflict yet another wave of excruciating pain. But just as she was about to carry out her merciless act, a guard approached and whispered something into her ear.

I watched with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity as her expression shifted, her features morphing into a mask of seriousness. With a decisive nod, she placed the pliers back onto the table.

As her gaze fell upon the guard binding me, a flicker of impatience crossed her features, mingled with a sense of disdain at the interruption. With a curt gesture, she directed her command at him, her voice carrying an undeniable authority that brooked no disobedience.

"Chain him up again," she ordered, her tone laced with a cold determination that left no room for negotiation. "I'll deal with him later."

The guard nodded in silent acknowledgment, his expression stoic as he followed her instructions with practiced efficiency. Without a word, he approached my hands , his movements deliberate as he retrieved the chains once more.

Once the guard had begun she waved at me and left without another word

With a surge of desperation coursing through my veins, I seized the opportunity presented by the momentary distraction. With all the strength I could muster, I lurched my head backward, sinking my teeth into the exposed flesh of the guard's neck.

A gasp escaped the guard's lips as pain shot through his body, his grip on me momentarily faltering. Sensing an opening, I attempted to break free, but my efforts were quickly thwarted as another guard rushed to his aid, supporting him while the other swiftly moved to chain me up again.

The three of us grappled in a chaotic tangle of limbs, the struggle intensifying with each passing moment. I fought against them with all my might, but their combined strength proved overwhelming. Despite my best efforts to resist, they twisted my arms behind my back, immobilizing me once more.

Frustration and fear surged within me as I realized my escape attempt had failed. Bound and helpless, I could do nothing. I was helpless. As the cold metal of the handcuffs closed around my wrists once more, a wave of searing pain shot through me, causing me to gasp involuntarily. The pressure of the restraints pressing against my already bruised and battered skin intensified the agony, each click of the locks echoing in the confines of the dimly lit room.

As their piercing gazes bore into me one final time, a sense of foreboding settled over me like a suffocating shroud. With a silent nod exchanged between them, the guards turned on their heels and exited the room, leaving me alone in the suffocating silence.

The sound of their footsteps faded into the distance, swallowed up by the oppressive atmosphere of the cell. Alone in the dimly lit chamber, I felt the weight of my isolation press down upon me, a heavy burden that threatened to crush my spirit.

With a heavy sigh, I surveyed my surroundings, the stark walls closing in around me like silent sentinels. The air hung heavy with the stench of fear and despair, a constant reminder of the grim reality of my situation.

My eyes scanned the room frantically, searching for any glimmer of hope, any possible avenue of escape. But the walls around me stood tall and unyielding, devoid of any windows or vents. There was no sign of daylight, no hint of fresh air to be found. I was trapped, confined within these suffocating confines with no means of escape. I was holed up there for good- or for worse, besides, once my utility is exhausted, they will dispose of me in the cruelest manner imaginable.

I bowed my head, whispering to myself, "What should I do?" what exactly could I do? It is impossible to escape a place surrounded by guards and surveillance cameras, I had no chance, but even so there had to be a way.