chapter 4

It time to leave it very Terrifying then our juniors sang for us,too late too late too late too late too late ohhhhhhhhhhhh,oh our senior we love you oh our senior, we need you oh our seniors to late, theylove each other,and since then aang haven't seen his friends then he entered a public school though rocky entered school before him,he didn't go to his college he choose another school,in Rocky's school he met Jesus, ID,Sonia,Az and many other friend,these friend help himeducationally, together they created a new football team which rocky became a keeper,they played cups and they win thrice in Rocky's regime,let's talk about aang life atschools to,aang couldn't find a friend,to play with he always,walk alone and do things on his own until he met matic,magic was a good friend bit also covetous, aang accepted him that way,then after matic and anng joined with Olga to play together,without friend aang couldn't play for his school, they consider him as a wicked player,though in all inter house ports, he is always a marcher,the next inter house ports was on the way aang wanted to run 100 meters race but his mom won't let him run,he stayed on his marching line,though they came second in the march past,they still came first in over all,aang was happy and mocked Olga who came third,despite aang was considered just a kid to the class,he wasn't very intelligent in math,but always try to get C in the course,few months later covid 19 attacked and we were unable to do our lectures, unlike rocky who have only exams to finish,we begin to do online lectures and we attend CBT classes

What will happen will covid 19 destroy everything will the students be able to do and pass their exams find out next on life after sorrow