chapter 5

The covid 19 drained many students intelligence mist parents couldn't afford to buy phones or leave their phone with their children, so the government decided to give the students each phone,that could browse,we then attend lectures and we write attendance, then the students went to the principal office to steal some phones,luckily anng saw them,that day all students were back at school for a week,then the principal called assembly and told all the students to kneel down,he called lecturers from outside the school to come and punish the students, they begin to flog the students, but aang confessed he told the principal he saw the students he then named them,aang saved everyone that day the the if was punished, since then the theif said they will punish aang too,so aftertheat day people begin to talk to aang,and people Gave him what's app numbers, then the students resumed their home lessons,for rocky he as being reading for his exams and the school calledthenm to come and write their WAEC exam's, my brother wrote it then he passed His exams alongside neco,the tutor general failed some of the students, when aang wrote is mock exam,people repeated people like Olga and some of my guys,aang brother pass out secondary school,then after somemonths aang did his WAEC and he passed,and had a A in mathematics,peoe were surprise that he had A,because he did not know much about calculation, he told them he was very dedicated to his exams that why he did,after the WAEC Linda got married to another man and they weded,that begin a new life for the children,the new husband name was Olak,he used his tricks on aang and rocky but they did it,because they never know what's right to wrong and they wasn't expose,few months later,they got an admission to higher level which was a scholarship, then they travelled there to start a new life

What will happen to this kids what danger or good thing await them find out next on life after sorrow chapter 6