chapter 9

After they got to school they discovered it was becoming a scam, but we didn't believe those students then,again how aang left things with the new girl change and the new girl is attending to another person tan,I was angry about this everyone talked to tan about this but he didn't resist,then aang asked the girl why she was doing that she then pretend she didn't know,rocky went to ask her why she want to be dating two roommates, she then told him the he and aang was just friends and nothing more,this became very disappointing for me, that aang left to Vicky house to sleep,it very stressful for him to think that off his head,he began to feel disturbed in his heart,he remembered that he was the one who broke up with Sonia ,if not that both of them will still be together, it was pretty very disappointing for him at the moment, then there is aang time do your exams,one day aang saw sonia and he went to meet her Sonia shunned him,though Sonia was sick,after the exams aang went to Sonia house she was outside and took good care of Sonia, he stayed for a while and left, but Sonia never understand that he didn't do it occasionally or intentionally, after they did exams in the school, they were about to enter second semester,then problem arouse for them, they begin to pay bills they are not suppose to pay,later they opened that the lautechians should come to there school,the school they were, begin problem they don't know what to do,then they were told to reopen new portal,to start a new life at Lautech,they all did but some go through the school to open to lautech, later the school never open portal for them,they then report to the station with all these things they did, some collected their money while some were not able to,we reopen this case but their Money and bribe superseded theirs and it time to make a tough call to go home back,those who open Lautech portal went to start new life,those who open with the school for Lautech they left to their houses months later they saw admission to Yaba tech and they were admitted

What is going to happen now find out in chapter 9