chapter 10

Entering Yabatech was good they enjoyed it but they were babysitted,they come hone every day they cannot be free they are being scolded,life then turn out to be a good lesson for them,they faced many problems with linda and their step father, aang met a cool girl there and forgot of her girlfriend, he begin to talk to her she accepted, they begin to grow, then aang was used as the math course rep,aang was very brilliant in mathematics persay,he loves studying but Since he met the new girl he have really relented, his friends call his attention but they won't listen he later discovered when he had a low mark in economics test people mock him including his friends he remembered that Ade will try to make him happy if he fail he begin to miss his friends, the girlfriend never learnt anything from him,but aang learnt one or two from her,later he met ifeoluwa when it about to start our exams,him and ifeoluwa vibes that the girlfriend became jealous, that they were dating,but it wasn't like that the girlfriend begin some behaviors, that was very radical,telling aang to leave ifeoluwa,two friends became to fight,but later the new girlfriend which name was patient broke up with aang,it a bad experience for him,he didn't know what to do people begin to mock and do all sort of things,aang boss badru told aang did he want bohsy,he said yes it was very painful that aang was tricked by his own friend and boss,finally aang confronted his boss and tell him how he feel about what he did,badru begged him though aang was not happy about it he agreed because badru has money and is also his boss,things was wild ifeoluwa gist me we talkpatients is always angry that she didn't use to talk to sang and Ife again, she begin to tell people that she just us aang to pass time it was very touchy,those who loved aang defended aang but she said bad thing about aang,this is very bad for her to do,after the exams they vacated entered back 3 weeks later,I discovered patient had a co in my course it terrifying and stupid,people begin to say I gave her co because she broke up with me,aang didn't answer and was up with his life life,after then aang saw fia and they begin to come together find out what happen in part 11