Superhero Lyric Prank

Class A Group Chat Saturday 7:01 pm


Chargezuma: I'm telling you Mina. A bunch of guys from the other classes have a crush on you!

Pinky: So there are guys with an actual brain!

Cellophane: I'm right here! ๐Ÿ˜ซ

Pinky: Well you are the acceptation. ๐Ÿ˜˜

Cellophane: Love you too babe. ๐Ÿ‘‰โœจ

Can't Stop Twinkling: โœจOui?โœจ

Cellophane: Sigh... Not you Aoyama. Just because someone uses sparkles doesn't mea-

Can't Stop Twinkling: โœจOuiโœจ

Cellophane: Nevermind.

Chargezuma: Hey tge gc is really quiet today isn't it? It's just us.

Chargezuma: the*

Red Riot: I think they are all busy. Bakubro is working on something in his room.

Red Riot: By the way he said that he would kill anyone who bugged him. So... Not manly. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

Deku: Kacchan is busy?

Chargezuma: Midoriya! I didn't know you were online! ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Deku: Hello Kaminari. Yeah I've been on for a while I just didn't think I needed to say anything about Minna and boys. Sorry. ๐Ÿ˜…

Pinky: But you give the BEST dating advise!

Chargezuma: Wait Midoriya gives dating advise?

Red Riot: Have you ever gone on a date before Midobro?

Deku: ๐Ÿ˜ถ


Red Riot: Who knew Midobro was so MANLY? ๐Ÿ’ช

Deku: Please stop. It's not like that. ๐Ÿ˜“

Cellophane: Where is the Dek-

Pinky: Did someone hurt my little cinnamon bun?

Deku: Cinnamon bun?

Cellophane: ๐Ÿ˜ถ

Chargezuma: NNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Red Riot: Too late. He has released her. ๐Ÿ˜ฐ

Deku: Wha-


Pinky: @ everyone !!!!

Deku: What is happening? Ashido why did you at everyone?

*Everyone is online*

Ingenium: What is going on? Is there an emergency?

Pinky: YES! But we have to wait until everyone is here.

Deku: Wait Iida don't!

Ingenium: Very well. @ everyone

Deku: ...

Red Riot: Midobro. Kamibro and I will pray for your safe return.

Ingenium: Midoriya! Are you unsafe? Don't worry as class representative I will make sure you get the appropriate help!

Deku: Wait! No!

Uravity: Deku is in trouble? Where are you? We'll come get you!

Deku: No I'm fine!

Pinky: No your not! But you will be! Is everyone here yet?

*Everyone but Bakugo answers*

Red Riot: Wait! Mina no. I already warned you. Don't-

Pinky: @ Dynamight We are on a mission and we need you!

Red Riot: ... I tried. I really did...

Dynamight: Mission? Who would put you in charge of a mission? YOU BETTER NOT BE LYING TO ME!

Ingenium: Midoriya is in trouble! We need to all stay calm and-


Dynamight: The shitty nerd never raises his voice. Not even in text so either he was kidnapped or his phone was stolen.

Chargezuma: Bro... Midoriya didn't say anything about being kidnapped!

Deku: ...

Deku: Kacchan? Your friends are... Something else.

Dynamight: ... Wait it might be the nerd. Anyone else would have just called the fuckers stupid.

Cellophane: Hey!

Pinky: Bakubabe!

Chargezuma: Sigh... I know. ๐Ÿ˜ž

Red Riot: Bro even though I agree. It's still not manly...

Pinky: So no one hurt my cinnamon bun?

Deku: ...

Deku: Kacchan I give up. They are so dumb...

Dynamight: I...

Uravity: Deku would never call anyone dumb. No matter how stupid they are!

Dynamight: ... Okay so Deku's friends don't know him. AT ALL. Go figure. ๐Ÿ™„

Deku: Kacchan none of MY friends brought a toaster into the bathtub with them because they wanted frozen waffles in the bath.

Dynamight: Dunce Face? Tell me he is joking!

Chargezuma: I was really hungry! Besides it wasn't plugged in!

Cellophane: The fact he knew who...

Red Riot: Without even asking...

Deku: Kaminari you actually tried to use your quirk to turn it on...

Pinky: Kami please tell me you didn't!

Ingenium: I'm back! I was able to get a hold of Aizawa Sensei!

Ingenium added Eraserhead, Midnight and Present Mic to the chat.

Eraserhead added Nezu to the chat.

Eraserhead: If I have to deal with the problem children on a Saturday night so do you.

Nezu: Fair enough.

Nezu added All Might to the chat.

Nezu: Now that should keep everyone in the know. What's going on?

Eraserhead: Apparently Midoriya was kidnapped today.

Nezu: ...

Deku: No I was not! Nezu I-

Nezu: Hush we need to determin the best way to check if this is indeed the real Midoriya. Further more where he is at and if he is safe.

Deku: I...

Deku: You know what? I give up. When this is all over remember I told you all I was fine.

Chargezuma: Give us back our friend you villain!

Red Riot: For the record I had no part of this... Not manly. And bro really???

Dynamight: DEKU!

Deku: What Kacchan? I'm tired of this and I'm about to eat.

Dynamight: Say something only the nerd would say!

Deku: ... I already said I give up. What else do you want from me? You've only been demanding that since we were 4.

Dynamight: Deku would never give up. I have been pushing the fucker away since we were 4 and his dumbass STILL won't go away.

Deku: ... Fair enough... Still...

Shoto: I don't know it sounds an awful lot like Midoriya to me.

Deku: Thanks Todoroki. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Shoto: Or does he?

Deku: ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ž

Shoto: Midoriya stutters a lot and you haven't stumbled once!

Chargezuma: And you all say I'm dumb...

Earphone Jack: You are don't worry.

Chargezuma: Ouch ๐Ÿค•

Uravity: Oh I know let's all ask Deku questions that only he could know the answer to!

Nezu: That is a good idea. But who knows Young Midoriya the best?

Ingenium: That would be those of us in the Deku Squad.

Dynamight: ... You've been listening to Raccoon Eyes haven't you?

Ingenium: Ashido is the one who may have mentioned it...

Red Riot: BRO! That means there is a Bakusquad and a Dekusquad!


Deku: Kacchan. This is our third year of UA. If they haven't yet they arn't going to.

Tailman: If this is a villain then they know a lot about us.

Invisible Girl: I know! I've been watching and I just can't tell!

Deku: ... Why do I try so hard?

All Might: Finally I Am Here!

Eraserhead: Nezu? Why? Just why?

Nezu: Shh.

Eraserhead: The other students in the class think that Midoriya was kidnapped. And Go.

Midnight: 3

Present Mic: 2

Nezu: 1


All Might: AFO release Young Midoriya this instant!

All Might: Don't worry Young Midoriya we will save you! Stay strong I promise I will be there.

Deku: I...

Deku: ๐Ÿ˜ฅ but I'm fine...

Dynamight: Damn Deku not even All Might believes it's really you.

Grape Juice: The villains really messed up taking All Might's favorite student like that.

Shoto: Secret-

Deku: NO! Do not finish that Todoroki!

Shoto: ๐Ÿ‘€ It's him. Maybe...

Dynamight: BAHAHAHAHA No one believes you!

Deku: And you do? ๐Ÿ˜’

Dynamight: ๐Ÿ™„ Whatever I can prove that it really is you nerd. Or not. Whatever.

Deku: Really!?! ๐Ÿ˜ญ Please!

Nezu: Interesting. Do go on young man.

All Might: Careful Young Bakugo AFO is a mastermind of deceit and villainy!

Deku: ...

Dynamight: Raccoon Eyes? When this is over I'm going to blow you up for all this bullshit.

Pinky: What did I do!?!

Deku: Everything!

Dynamight: EVERYTHING!!!

Eraserhead: ...

Present Mic: ...

Midnight: ...

Nezu: ๐Ÿต

Eraserhead: Ashido if this is a wild goose chase you have detention everyday for a month.

*Mockingjay is offline*

Chargezuma: Why would we chase a goose?

Deku: I have given up. Kacchan your friends are very dumb.

Dynamight: Just wait before this is all over you will be saying they are stupid.

Deku: ... ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜“

Nezu: Okay Young Bakugo let's see how you intend to prove if this is the real Midoriya?

Dynamight: Fine...

Dynamight: Superman, will never save you

Deku: Why would I wait on an American hero? All Might is the greatest hero on earth and he right here in Japan!

Dynamight: Spiderman, will never catch you

Deku: Huh? But he is an American Hero too!

Dynamight: The Flash, will never run to you

Deku: Now your just being mean. ๐Ÿ˜ž But he is also in America so... Yeah.

Dynamight: Dammit...

Deku: ???

Dynamight: Like I would, when I was with you

Deku: ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Deku: But you said-


Dynamight: You know, you've reaped what you have sown

Deku: But wait! Go back you just said-

Dynamight: You know, you're the reason you're alone

Deku: And back to being mean... ๐Ÿ˜ž

Nezu: Very interesting. Don't stop now. ๐Ÿต

Dynamight: ...

Dynamight: You said, I was your supehero

Deku: Kacchan! You still are. Right next to All Might!

Deku: Not that you actually care or anything. ๐Ÿ˜ž

Dynamight: ...

Dynamight: But sometimes superheroes cannot save everyone.

Ingenium: BAKUGO! It is our job as-

Eraserhead: Iida shut up. I see what is happening and I approve.

Ingenium: I... Okay sir?

Present Mic: I'm so proud!

Midnight: Damn...

Nezu: Shh. Continue please Dynamight. ๐Ÿต๐Ÿต๐Ÿต

Dynamight: ... And you are our teachers? Tch, fine.

Deku: ???

Dynamight: Iron man, will never heal you

Deku: That's ridiculous Iron man can't heal people? He is a man who-

Dynamight: The Hulk, will never hold you

Deku: I REALLY really wouldn't want him too honestly. ๐Ÿ˜…

Dynamight: Another man, will never love you

Deku: I... How did you..? But...

Dynamight: Like I did, like I still do.

*The whole class*


Deku: Kacchan! ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Dynamight: You know, you've reaped what you have sown

Deku: ...

Dynamight: You know, you're the reason you're alone

Deku: I know. I really do know. Kacchan I'm so sor-

Dynamight: You said, I was your superhero

Deku: ...

Deku: ? But sometimes superheroes cannot save everyone?

Dynamight: I had to let go and watch you fall

Ingenium: Bak-

Eraserhead: Finish that thought Iida and you will be next to Ashido in detention!

Ingenium: ...

Dynamight: And I could've saved you but you didn't want me to

Deku: But you could have gotten hurt!

Dynamight: So I let you go and I watched you fall

Dynamight: And I could've saved you but you didn't want me to

Deku: I...

Dynamight: So I let you go and I watched you fall

Deku: I understand.

Dynamight: And I could've saved you but you didn't want me to

Deku: Kacchan... I think I'm ready now.

*The whole class* ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฆ๐Ÿ˜ง๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฏ๐Ÿ˜ถ-

Dynamight: Tch, nerd. About time.

Deku: I know, I've reaped what I have sown

Dynamight: You know, you're the reason you're alone

Deku: I said, You were my supehero

Dynamight: But sometimes superheroes cannot save everyone...

Dynamight: It's the nerd now leave me alone!

*Dynamight is offline*

Deku: Kacchan wait!

Cellophane: What

Red Riot: Just

Chargezuma: Happened???

Pinky: ๐Ÿ˜ง ๐Ÿ˜ต

Ingenium: For once I agree with them...

*Deku is offline*

Uravity: I can hear Deku screaming Kacchan in the hallway. I'm pretty sure this means that it was the real Deku.

Shoto: So what exactly just happened?

Sugarman: I don't know but I can hear Midoriya screaming that he was right that they are all stupid and to please let him in. There is also a lot of banging too. I think he is knocking on his door...

Chargezuma: Dang it. Midoriya was the only one that didn't say it...

Eraserhead: Are you really telling me that he was in the dorms the whole time?

Earphone Jack: Sigh. It's not entirely your fault... Just ask before doing something you think is a great idea Denki.

Chargezuma: ๐Ÿ˜ฒ Thank you sooooooo much!

Cellophane: Oh no. They didn't!

Red Riot: They did...


*Pinky is offline*

*Pinky is online*

Pinky: @ Eraserhead I will be at detention tomorrow don't worry!

*Pinky is offline*

Cellophane: They have awaken him!

*Cellophane is offline*

Eraserhead: What just?-

*Mockingjay is online*

Red Riot: Nope just nope.

*Red Riot is offline*

*Anima is offline*

Mockingjay: ...

*Can't stop Twinkling is offline*

*Invisible Girl is offline*

*Tailman is offline*

*Tentacole is offline*

Sugarman: I'm just going to bake cake... Now. Bye.

*Sugarman is offline*

Tsukuyami: They have unleashed the darkness. It is too dark even for me. Peace โœŒ

*Tsukuyami is offline*

Ingenium: ... Rest in peace...

*Ingenium is offline*

Creati: I turn my back for two seconds! I'm coming love!

Grape Juice: Why are all the girls either taken or gay?

Eraserhead: MIN-

*Grape Juice is offline*

Froppy: Run for your lives!

*Froppy is offline*

Eraserhead: ... Did he just ignore me?

Present Mic: What has all of your students running for their lives?

Eraserhead: I don't kn-

Uravity: I still remember when I made him smile by handing him a chocolate... It was Valentine's day... Tsu I'm coming over!

*Uravity is offline*

*Shoto is offline*

Nezu: Who exactly is left then?

Midnight: Just the teachers, Mockingjay, Creati, Chargezuma and Earphone Jack...

Present Mic: Everyone just yeeted themselves out as Mockingjay came online...

Present Mic: Wait...

Mockingjay: ...

Mockingjay: @ Earphone Jack I think we need to have a talk...

Earphone Jack: ... ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ซ

Creati: DO NOT ANSWER HIM! I can hear him outside your door I'm almost there!

Chargezuma: Babe! ๐Ÿ˜ฒ You missed SOOoo much! You should have seen it!

Mockingjay: Yes apparently.

Chargezuma: YEAH! Bakubro actually CONFESSED to MIDORIYA! I mean oh my All Might! And he did it with a SONG!

Mockingjay: Sigh... Not what I meant bab-

Mockingjay: ...

Mockingjay: Wait... You want to run that by me again?

Chargezuma: Right sorry. Bakugo confessed his feelings for Midoriya using a song.โœจ๐Ÿ˜โœจ

Chargezuma: It was amazing!

Mockingjay: ... I'm back reading this. @ Earphone Jack only warning don't do it again.

Earphone Jack: ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡

Creati: Thank All Might! I'm just around the corner babe!

Midnight: So how did you get a class with so many gay students Eraserhead? It's really not fair. ๐Ÿ˜ซ I want them.

Eraserhead: After all these years of none I get a class that's half full of them. I don't understand it either.

All might: So... Can we pretend this never happened?

Nezu: Oh I didn't forget. What's this about a favorite student?

*All Might is offline*

Nezu: This isn't the end. It never will be. ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿป๐Ÿถ