
"Kacchan? Please?" I could hear his voice and the way he was slurring was shameful but I'm not any better.

"Deku, let's have some fun?" I stumble over my words. I can barely see straight but I know what I want. And I want him. Now.

"Okay, let's go~!" His giggles filled my ears making me pull on him harder. We found our way to his room because it was so much closer than mine. Deku fumbled with the lock a little in his rush and I leaned over and licked up his neck getting a cute squeak just before the door opened.

Deku grabbed me roughly and pulled me inside, I tripped and fell on his bed giggling before I pulled my shirt off. I had already unbuttoned my pants but movement in front of me caught my attention.

The way his well defined muscles seemed to ripple and strain against his own skin, just damn. He was standing in front of me his shirt already off and hanging loosely from his hands.

"You're mine tonight," he bit his lower lip and his pants fell down showing me exactly where that V led.

"All yours," I answered almost whimpering as I do.


I woke up to everything hurting; my head, my back, fuck even my ass hurt like hell. Although I also felt warm and fuzzy everywhere. I don't want to get up, maybe I can just sleep in for once? I snuggled deeper into the covers and a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around me.


I turn around and even with my throbbing head I opened my eyes to see Deku. FUCKING DEKU? I looked down and hold up the covers and find us completely naked. Oh my All Might. No. No. No. NO!


I'm panicking, okay deep breaths. He is still asleep. After several deep breaths I check again. Yeah, we are naked. But that doesn't mean anything happened. Right?

I try to search my memories and I vaguely remember Deku telling me I was his. I could feel the blood rushing to my face. HOW THE FUCK!?!

I don't drink and I checked every bottle I picked up and they all said non-alcoholic so how in the literal fuck did I-

"Kacchan? I love you so much," Deku mumbled in his sleep derailing my thoughts. Wait he loves me? After everything I've done? To him?

"Then wake up and show me," my voice was raw but low and I watched as he opened his eyes and smiled up at me.

"Okay, try not pass out this time though," he giggled before reaching up and pulling me into a kiss. What am I doing? I shouldn't be- One of his hands slid down to my ass stopping all my unwanted thoughts. I hissed from the tender soreness and surprise pleasure.

Deku took his chance and his tongue was in my mouth, when he pulled away I was gasping for air but at the same time pulling him back again. His sweet innocent sounding giggles filled the air until he did what I wanted and he kissed me again.

He crawled on top of me, spreading my legs gently, I could feel him. The way he gently guided me this way and that but my focus was on his mouth. How is he doing that? I should want to breathe but I would much rather not if I can kiss him instead.

He pulled away and I groaned in frustration. His soft giggles soothed away my anger. "Kacchan I'm going in now," his voice was so sweet and then he kissed his way down my chest.

Wait he is above me, and between my legs? He stopped kissing and looked up at me with what I can only describe as hungry eyes before he lifted my hips a little. He pushed in slowly but he must have put some lube on when I was distracted because he slid in with little resistance.

I was gripping the pillow behind my head so tightly that I'm a little surprised it didn't rip. He pushed himself all the way in before stopping and I could hear his shaky breathing. Good, I'm not the only one at my limit. We stayed where we were for a few more seconds before my body started flexing and moving almost on it's own.

"Let's go slow. I want to be able to do this again later," Deku muttered but he has my full attention. He was already making plans for later?

He pulled out slowly before pushing back in again. Stars, that's all I seem to be able to see. I clawed at his back trying to pull him in closer. I'm in heaven.

I was feeling things I had only ever dreamed about but here I am doing them with the one person I never expected would be willing. And he is mine. All mine.

"Izu-!" I cried out, I can't keep going. It's too much! Two of his fingers found my mouth and suddenly I can't do more than moan as they kept my tongue occupied. His lips and teeth however found one of my nipples. Fuck!

I came. I came hard and I can hear him growl in approval before he started slamming himself in and out until he pulled out and came on top of me, mixing our fluids together as if it were natural.

"Damn it! That's not where I wanted you!" I hissed scowling at him.

"Then I guess we're going to have to do it again," Deku slurred, I look up confused only to see his eyes slightly glazed over and then movement caught my eye. I looked down and saw him pumping himself. "Good thing I'm not done," I swallowed what little spit I could.

"Yeah, good thing." He cut me off with a kiss before pushing in again. I could get used to this.



I cradle my throbbing head at the sudden noise only to find Deku passed out on top of me. Memories from the last several hours flashed across my mind.

"GO THE FUCK AWAY!" I yelled without thinking, only for Deku to jump. "Not you," I whispered and see him blush as his thoughts straightened themselves out in his mind.

"Oh my All Might!" He whispered shocked as he realized that not only were we naked but what the dry flaky stuff on our chest was.

"You are not allowed to freak out, you topped." I groaned before stretching, arching my back. I didn't even let him get off of me.

"Kacchan, I'm-"

"Don't you dare fucking apologize unless you don't want to do it again," I relaxed and looked down at the bright red face of my lover. "I'll take that as a yes then," I chuckled when he nodded his head so fast his hair basically whipped him in his face.

He slowly raised himself, stretching his muscles out seeing exactly what kind of shape he was in and I propped myself up a little on my elbows to watch. At first he didn't really notice that I was studying him, he rolled his joints gently to see if anything ached but to me it really kind of seemed like he was showing off. I bit my lower lip as I watched him come to terms with his body.

He smiled as he realized that of course he was okay but then he seemed to notice that I was watching him and he squeaked.


I slumped back in the bed groaning, "Don't they know what go the fuck away means?" Then it hit me. I'm not in my room... Shit, I basically told whoever the fuck is out there that I'm in here.

I look back down at the smiling man on top of me before rolling over making him squeak again. "Let's do this right shall we?" I ask and see him nod, all flustered again. "Good morning beautiful, how was your night?" I can't help smiling at the chessy line and the fact that Deku's face went red again. When it didn't look like he was going to answer I added, "Hmm?"

"Amazing," he whispered almost in shock.

"Good," I dipped my head down and kissed him on the lips. It was slow and sweet, I don't want to scare him off but if last night was anything to go off of then I really didn't need to worry all that much. Fuck my back is killing me. I gave him gentle kiss after gentle kiss and he was returning each one but not starting any.

Hmm. I held still but well within his reach and I waited. My eyes barely open as I watched him lick his lips and nibble on them. He made a few faces before closing those last few centimeters and kissing me, I smiled into the kiss, returning it, letting him lead how it would go. It was nice, like I was finally home after being gone for way too long. Then it ended far too quickly.


"Fuck I already yelled at them to leave me the fuck alone," I grumbled from above my green hair lover. Then he started giggling, it wasn't until he saw me just watching him just listening to him that he finally explained.

"Kacchan, my dorm is soundproof. We can hear them knock but they can't hear us. At least not while it's locked, if it's unlocked it doesn't work." He decided too explain further because I was honestly thinking how the hell do I get signed up for that shit? It must have been written on my face. "A friend of mine kind of helped me out because I kept waking Aoyama up while training and Mineta kept asking which of the girls kept coming over. It was getting weird. And I don't feel comfortable telling him I'm gay." That caught my attention.

"You don't want anyone to know?" I felt like my blood froze in my veins, that actually fucking hurt.

"Not really but at the same time," I looked up confused why he stopped talking. "I would want the world to know you're mine. I mean if you were okay with- No I mean if you were willing to that is- Why is everything I say terrible?" He finally gave up while covering his face. It was really cute.

"So is that your way of asking me out?" I asked smirking at him, yeah I like watching him squirm. Even more while he is under me.

The shocked look on his face was just too much and I started laughing while I'm still laying on top of him.

"Kacchan?" I looked up at his face still smiling while I waited for whatever he was going to say. "Please be my boyfriend? I'll treat you well. I promise," he looked so sincere and determined I let out a content sigh and nodded only for him to roll us over and attack me with kisses.

"I can get used to this, but we really need a shower." He blushed but nodded before jumping out of bed, I stopped him from running to the bathroom long enough to strip and clean the bed. I grabbed clothes that looked like they would fit okay while Deku ran to his bathroom and it wasn't long before I heard the water running. He came running back and even with me standing up already he decided he needed to carry me to the shower.

"Oh no you don't!" I grab him before he could run out again. "I'm going to need help cleaning myself out. If you know what I mean?" I raise an eyebrow and watched as he connected the dots and smiled back. He got into the shower and I really like showers now. When we were done we sat in the tub and soaked a little in the hot water in much the same way as when we woke up. With him laying on top of me and between my legs.


I almost screamed for them to stop fucking banging on the door but then I realized that it came from the bathroom door, not the bedroom door. I looked down at Deku whose eyes were wide but he motioned for me to keep quiet.

"I'm in the bath, is everything alright?" He called out.

"That's one problem child," fuck it's Aizawa Sensei. "It seems that the juice for the party last night was bad we already verified with the store that they had been recalled and we are trying to do a head count. Do you know where Bakugo is?" Thank All Might that he didn't come in.

He looked at me and shrugged, we had both quietly put a towel around our waist before he finished talking so if anything it would look like we were just washing each other's backs.

"So that explains why Kacchan is so quiet this morning! And he let me help him into the tub!" Deku yelled while I rolled my eyes.

"Wait he's in there with you?" The shock from our teacher was laughable but thanks to Deku I now had a roll to play.

"Can you all stop fucking yelling? My head is killing me," I grumbled loud enough to be heard but Deku couldn't stop smiling.

"Kacchan I'm almost finished, I promise. Just let me get your back first." I grumble something that sounded like a whatever and Deku rewashed my back for me before helping me to rinse off. I bet our teacher is still out there but thankfully we brought our clothes in with us.

I was still drying my hair when I opened the door yawning only to see Aizawa Sensei standing on the other fucking side like a fucking statue. I jumped so fucking high that I slipped on the still damp floor and fell backwards. If not for Deku I probably would have hit my head on something.

"WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM! ARE YOU TRYING TO GIVE ME A FUCKING HEART ATTACK?" I screamed a few other choice curses but Aizawa Sensei only sighed in relief. Like what the actual fuck?

"And there is my last problem child, go to the common area there is medicine for your hangover there," he responded ignoring my outburst altogether.

"Or I can sleep it off," I flopped back onto Deku's bed and used his pillow to cover my head and block out the light. "Deku?" I mumbled and I heard him sigh.

"You should really take the medicine," he tried to encourage me but then he started rubbing my shoulders and I melted under his touch.

"Fine," I grumbled but I sure as fuck wasn't going anywhere if it meant him stopping. I let out a hiss and then a moan when he found a particularly bad knot.

"I'll see you downstairs in no more than five minutes," Aizawa Sensei actually sounded serious.

"Noooo," I whined grabbing another pillow and putting it over my head too.

"Come on Kacchan, is not like the headaches we got when we were little. I made sure we took medicine last night and that we drank a large glass of water with it. So I know it's not that bad." Deku's hand slid down my back and there was an audible crack as he popped my joints and I just melted under his touch.

"Only if you restart this when we get back," I grumble, I know I'm acting spoiled but Deku's hands are like magic and worth every second.

"Deal, now come on. The sooner we go the sooner we get back, I get up and find Aizawa Sensei still at the door but I ignored him as I just leaned on Deku's shoulders and he laughed walking out of his room, pulling me along as he did.

"I'm not seeing this shit. Nope I'm still in bed this is not really happening," I heard Aizawa Sensei muttering to himself, I really had to hide my smile but eventually we made it to the common room and he directed us to take a seat with everyone else. There was only the loveseat left empty and Deku led me there and I buried my head using the couch pillows and Deku's lap.

Fuck everyone else, he is my boyfriend now and I sure as fuck am not hiding it. The fact that we had sex on school grounds? Yeah, that I'm hiding.

"Bakubro? Are you okay?" Shitty Hair asked and I grumbled and cursed but didn't either look at him or answer him.

"Bakubabe?" Raccoon Eyes decided to try and I gave her the same treatment.

"Dude? How much juice did you have last night?" Dunce Face asked and this time I lifted a pillow and cursed him out before burying myself again.

"Sorry, ever since we were little Kacchan would get really bad migraines and well, this happens. I guess hangovers are about the same," Deku explained for me. Which honestly it was true but thanks to his earlier attention he has more than made up for it. I feel like a million bucks, that doesn't mean they get to benefit from his work though. I plan to thank him once we get back to his room.

"Be that as it may he should still sit up while being spoken-"

"Shut up!" Deku's voice was low but everyone froze hearing it. I relaxed, his arms now around me and I turn around so I'm facing his sinful abs and he holds me close. Finally some fucking silence!

"Iida you don't know what your talking about. So do not say anything else about his medical problems," I wrap my arms around Deku's stomach and breathe in the scent of sweet cinnamon. I could feel myself nodding off and the only thing keeping me awake is when I would let out quiet snores which would startle me awake again.

"Shh, I'll carry you back to bed when we're done. Go to sleep," Deku whispered and I nodded before falling into that near half sleep state. I could still hear what was happening around me but I just didn't seem to be able to react to it. The fact that Deku told Glasses of all people to shut the fuck up, or at least his version of it, should have had me laughing hard enough to fucking cry, but I'm so tired.

"Medical problems?" Aizawa Sensei asked.

"Have you ever looked up the side effects of nitroglycerine on the human body?" There was a short silence following my lover's question. "Don't worry about it, it's taken care of. He isn't supposed to drink alcohol when he gets older because of it. It's super dangerous to mix nitroglycerine and alcohol, more so if he was on any antibiotics or something." I grumble while cuddling him, trying to let him know to stop talking. He seemed to understand and no matter what questions or even who asked them he wouldn't answer.

It didn't take long before Aizawa Sensei finished his lecture on the dangers of alcohol and how it was very fortunate that no one was hurt and blah blah blah and he told us we could go.

Deku adjusted my body so that I was now on his back my face buried in his neck as he walked, hopefully back to his room.

"Midobro, I never knew all that. But why is he clinging onto you like that? I thought he hated you?" I heard Shitty Hair question Deku, there were several others agreeing and even though I knew Deku was standing still I felt my stomach drop, so we are on the elevator. Good to know.

"We grew up together Kirishima. It would be weird if I didn't know, besides it's not really safe for anyone else to try and take care of him when he is like this," I felt Deku shrug his shoulders like it wasn't a big deal. "They could literally overdose and end up in the hospital if they tried."

There was a lot of questions after that and Deku had to tell them how he had a stupid high tolerance to my drug because I nearly killed him on accident a few dozen times before we were five... I'm going to hate those questions later.

"Izuchan?" I whimpered my head was really feeling like it was going to split open now. "You promised!" I am not above begging my boyfriend to touch me. Nope, not at all.

"I know, I know. Kirishima? Could you help me unlock my door? I know it's not your floor but?"

"Uhh yeah, sure thing Midobro." Did I actually hear jealousy in Shitty Hair's voice?

I heard the lock click open and decided to push my luck. "I love you Izuchan. You'll always be my best friend." It did not shock me to hear Deku giggling in response.

"I know, I love you too Kacchan." Something in his voice made me shiver and he definitely felt it. "Let's get you back to bed, you're freezing." I nodded sleepily and I could hear Iida behind me.

"Did he just say?" But he stopped there.

"Goodnight everyone, see you at dinner, probably." Then there was a loud click and I opened my eyes to see the door closed. I reached out and flipped the lock.

"So soundproof?" I asked making sure to keep my voice down just in case.

"You could set off as many of your explosions as you want. No one will hear them," I nodded before climbing down from his back.

"So before you keep your promise, yes I very much want you too," I cut him off when he looked surprised but he smiled letting me go on. "I want to do a little something for you?" I pulled him over to the bed and slowly unbuttoned his pants but he just smiled up at me letting me do what I wanted.

When I finally stripped him of his pants and boxers I sank down to my knees. "Stop me if you don't like it," I look him in the eyes before sucking him into my mouth. It didn't take long to get a feel for what I was doing and the fact that Deku had his hands in my hair "helping" told me that he liked exactly what I was doing. I heard him gasp right before he came, but I swallowed it happy enough. As bitter as it was, it was also fucking spicy. He must have been eating a lot of peppers recently but I didn't let go.

I remember last night quite well or at least the second half of the night. He came at least four times before he was actually done. I can probably take that? Maybe. No gag reflex, so when Deku pulled me down during his second climax I just let him and swallowed. The third time didn't take nearly so long but my whole jaw was starting to go numb. So that was when I pulled away but I made sure to lick and suck him clean.

I slid my pants off and when I finally pulled off of his very hard and already throbbing again cock he was begging me not to stop.

"Don't you want to cum anywhere else?" I asked him only to see his once dazed expression sharpen as he looked down at me. I stood up kicking off the material and I pulled on his nightstand drawer to find exactly what I'm looking for; lube.

He pushed me down eagerly before popping the top and before the fluid was on more than his tip he froze.

"Did you want to top?" He hesitated asking.

"Maybe eventually. Not right now though," I see him relax before he finished what he was doing putting plenty on me too before he lined himself up again. He pushed in and the rest of the world didn't matter anymore.


I woke up to Deku's magic fingers sliding over my skin. He kept his promise but not without stopping every ten minutes or so to fuck me in the ass until I came. I mean fuck who even knew massages were such a fucking turn on? I mean I know my quirk is probably the reason why I'm able to get so hard so often and the fact that Deku is basically rubbing himself down in it easily explains how he is but damn it all. Why didn't we do this sooner? It won't be long before be graduate, less than a month and I'll be 19 soon after that.

Another shower later Deku basically had to carry me down to the kitchen. Apparently Ponytail ordered pizza for everyone because carbs are good for hangovers? Whatever, no one cooks so I don't have to worry about being poisoned, enough said.

After eating way too much pizza I laid my head on Deku's shoulder cuddling into his neck not giving a rat's ass about what anyone would think except Deku. And he said he wanted the world to know so...

"Love you Izuchan," I sighed before wrapping my arms around him and just holding him close. Silence, damn these extras are dramatic.

I heard Deku's sweet giggles, "I love you too Kacchan."

"What just happened?" The monkey asked.

Icyhot answered, "Bakugo just told Midoriya that he loved him using a nice nickname before Midoriya then answered him."

"I'm pretty sure that's not what he meant Icyhot," I rolled my eyes while opening them.

"You're awake Bakubro?" Shitty Hair asked, I mean how fucking stupid does he have to be? Come on!

"Deku," I warned closing my eyes trying not to explode. Today has been nice, I really don't want it to be ruined.

I hear him giggle making me open my eyes and smile only for him to pull me into a kiss on front of everyone. "That's one way to tell them," I smile before pulling him back into a kiss. "I like it."

Aizawa Sensei walked in, saw us and turned around, "No. Not today a Satan!" Then he walked right back out.

"Drama queen," I grumble before Deku pulled me back into a very heated kiss before letting me go again. I pull him against me before giving the bird to everyone staring. Deku put my finger down but all I did was roll my eyes before cuddling into him and closing my eyes again.

They'll either get over it or they won't. I don't really fucking care.