Who is Four Again?

"So who is going to tell me why there are two babies in the dorm common area?" Aizawa Sensei sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Oi! Old man! We are 4! Not babies!" The blond child yelled and Aizawa eyed the child while having a sinking feeling he was going to either hate or love this.

"I see. Then could you please introduce yourself? I am the pro hero Eraserhead, but if you prefer you can call me Aizawa Sensei the rest of the problem children do," he introduced himself squatting down to his level. It was only now that he got a good look at the children, the blond had bright ruby red eyes and the other child had been hiding behind him until he claimed to be a hero. Now the little greenette was hugging the blond and staring with bright green, starstruck eyes.

"Do you know All Might? Have you ever worked with him before? Wait your name is Eraserhead? I don't know you but your name suggest that you erase something? Hmm..." The child continued to mutter and the blond was starting to get aggravated.

"Deku! Of course he knows of All Might! He is only the best hero ever, well until I grow up that is, then I will be even better!" The blond had puffed out his chest and Aizawa Sensei went very pale.

"But Kacchan! Just because they know of him doesn't mean they know him! I mean what if he actually thinks All Might's favorite color is blue? He would be wrong!" Deku defended himself.

"Deku," Kacchan was now the one rubbing the bridge of his nose, he had seen the old hag do it several times and it kind of feels nice so he kept doing it. "We were named All Might's biggest fans this year. You and me, there is no way in hell that this nobody hero could know more than either of us."

"I guess you're right Kacchan, I didn't think about that." Deku smiled happily at the blond. "You're so amazing Kacchan! I'm glad you're my best friend!"

"Tsk," the blond puffed but the pink tint on his ears gave away the fact that he was happy. Deku started yawning and rubbing at his eyes which caught Kacchan's attention.

"Deku! Did you try to skip nap time again? Sleep is a good thing! We can't grow up right if we don't sleep enough!" Kacchan scolded Deku who nodded apologising again and again. "Look there is a couch and some blankets let's lie down for a little while and then we can get up and this nobody hero and take us back to Aunty and the old hag."

Class A watched the whole thing and even having seen the quirk that hit them and actually saw the two boys shrink in front of their eyes it was still hard to believe. The third year UA students Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo were turned into children. The villain was caught and taken away but his quirk would remain active for a full week. All the students looked at Aizawa Sensei.

Kacchan had already demanded the couch and it was only 2 in the afternoon so a nap wouldn't really hurt them...

"Yes I think everyone could use a nap, mostly me." Aizawa Sensei agreed with the angry blond child but the child just rolled his eyes.

"Then take a nap! No one is stopping you. There is another couch right over there," he pointed at the couch on the other side of the room. The two boys snuggled together on the couch and pulled a cover over themselves, but what caught everyone's attention was the fact that the two boys were holding each other close, actually snuggling together. It didn't take long for the two boys to fall asleep.

"They actually get along?" Uraraka was shell shocked and couldn't get over how adorable they were.

"Kero, Midoriya did say they were childhood friends," Tsu rubbed her chin thinking.

"Even as a child Bakugo has vulgar language," Iida sighed fixing his glasses, he was just too shocked to say anything before now.

"Bakubro is so manly taking care of Midobro like that!" Kirishima got a little too excited and Sero taped his mouth shut before he woke the boys up.

"Dude but if they got along when they were this little then what happened?" Kaminari asked confused. The room went silent at his question. What happened to make these two adorable best friends fight?

"We have them for a week like this? Just, why me?" Aizawa Sensei groaned finally sitting on the couch the blond child pointed out. Plans were made and parents called. It was determined that it would be a bad idea for either of them to see their parents because it could scare them if they saw them older than before. But considering Mrs. Bakugo's quirk it was decided that she would bring some clothes and things for them.


"Oi! Brat wake the fuck up you lazy shit! The day is passing you by!" Mrs. Bakugo came in screaming carrying a box with clothes and a few toys for them.

"Go crawl under a rock and die Old Hag!" Bakugo whined whole pulling a pillow over, not only his but Midoriya's head.

"Of course you would have the inside. You know I won't dump Izuku out of bed but you forgot something didn't you?" Mrs. Bakugo smirked already dropping the box on the floor and the students of class A see that she is holding a water gun. With ice in it?

She pointed and grinned before pulling the trigger getting not only Bakugo but Midoriya as well. Bakugo was screaming and cursing and threatening his very mother's soul while Deku cried.

"Aunty! Why?" Midoriya cried and Bakugo finally stopped screaming and turned his attention back to Midoriya. Mrs. Bakugo just watched a smile still on her face as she saw what she already knew was going to happen.

"Oi, Deku it's alright. Look. See? It's just water," Bakugo comforted the little greenette.

"But it's so cold! Kacchan you already have your quirk and it hurts you when when..." He hiccuped still crying and Bakugo kept patting him on the back.

"Hey! Who do you think I am? I am the best you know. A little cold water can't hurt me!" He grinned at the greenette. "See?"

Midoriya stopped crying and smiled back, "Kacchan is so amazing! One day I'll marry you and then we can always be together!" Midoriya laughed and the room went so quiet that you couldn't hear anyone but the two children.

"We've talked about this," Mrs. Bakugo's voice was dangerously low but it caught both boys attention and it was Deku who stood blocking the woman from the other boy.

"I won't change my mind Aunty!" Deku held both arms out protecting the blond boy behind him who flinched away.

"I think that's all. Thank you for dropping off the clothes and toys for them. I will make sure that they are well taken care of," Aizawa Sensei tried to guide the woman out again.

"Izuku?" The little green haired boy looked up and she went on. "If you're serious then okay. But you can't cry. Do you understand?" Everyone froze and watched as the both boys looked up in shock at the woman.

"Really Aunty? No more lectures or anything?" Deku asked his eyes still wide. The woman nodded and Deku turned around and hugged the still shocked blond child. "Kacchan! Did you hear that? Everything's okay now!"

The blond stared at the woman who finally nodded and mouthed, 'Don't you dare hurt him.' Which broke him out of his trance like state.

"Thanks Mom!" He smiled so big that the other students in the room blinked several times before realizing that, as blinding as Midoriya's smiles were they were nothing when both Midoriya and Bakugo were smiling. Aizawa Sensei finally escorted the woman out of the dorms.

"What was that?" He asked her both concerned and confused.

"Just me righting a mistake from a long time ago. I was a little too harsh about the cruelty of the world and they seemed to take it to heart back then. They were never really the same," she shrugged before grinning. "Now what happens after the quirk wears off will be very interesting to see!" She laughed before getting into the car with Mr. Bakugo and Mrs. Midoriya and they all drove away.

Aizawa Sensei walked back inside the common area to find the two boys still smiling happily while playing with All Might action figures and just in time to see them give each other a small kiss on the lips.

"There, now you're mine forever. No one else can have you or I'll Detroit Smash them to the moon!" Deku laughed blushing while Kacchan's face turned a bright red.

"Deku! Why did you have to say it like that?" The blond child covered his face with his hands but everyone could easily see how red he was.

"Because it's true! Besides now Aunty is on our side now. Do you see anyone making her mad?" Both boys shivered and eyes the water gun she left behind before Deku stood up and picked it up. "We don't need this anymore! Smash!" He squeezed his hand and the toy exploded ice and water going everywhere from the crushed toy. But the two boys froze in place staring.

"Deku? Did that just?" Kacchan asked his eyes huge.

"I have a quirk?" Deku asked before he started hyperventilating. "I have a quirk! Kacchan the doctor was wrong! I have a quirk! I really have a quirk!"

"Come on Deku let's find something else for you to smash! I told you that doctor didn't know what he was talking about!" The two boys ran off while the rest of class A just stood there.

"Wait doctors told Midoriya he didn't have a quirk? But he-" Sero stopped talking not sure what to say or how to say it.

"Midoriya did tell me once that he was a late bloomer but I don't see how that would have changed from him being turned into a child again?" Todoroki mused out loud.

"Hello everyone, what's going on?" All Might walked in still in his tiny form.

"No!" Aizawa Sensei jumped up and covered the hero's mouth with his hand, but it was too late.

"ALL MIGHT!" The two boys came running in stars in both of their eyes while they looked around.

"I know I heard him!" Deku pouted while Kacchan started searching for him and Deku ended up searching too. The small blond man was almost ignored except that Deku wanted to meet him, after all he was standing with a hero.

He looked at the man who was now silent and studied him when it hit him. He tapped on Kacchan's shoulder hard and fast getting his attention.

"Fuck that hurts! What?" Kacchan hissed before looking up and Deku pointed at the blond man. Kacchan stared for about as long as Deku did before smiling and they both nodded.

"All Might!" They yelled before tackling the man to the floor.

"So your quirk is a transforming one? That makes so much sense! There have never been any sightings of you shopping or just walking around so it was a theory but most people just waved it off saying you probably had someone else do it because you're working all the time!" The two boys kept talking asking questions finishing each other's sentences and adding more. All Might himself didn't actually get to answer any because as soon as the boys asked a question they were able to work out the answer themselves.

Everyone stared in awe as two four year olds asked and answered questions that the rest of them either never thought to ask or would never be able to answer themselves.

"So All Might," Aizawa Sensei was finally able to cut in getting the hero's attention. "What's your favorite color, exactly? I hear it's not blue," the tired man couldn't stop grinning at the ridiculousness of the whole situation.

"Aquamarine," All Might and both children answered in sync with each other which only causes the two children to giggle.

There was a tummy growl coming from two very pink faced boys and it was decided that they were ordering pizza and the two children were given a sliced up cucumber and apple while they waited. They however refused to let go of their hero who was more than happy to indulge them.

"All Might the table is too high, can we sit in your lap? Please!" Deku asked his eyes big and Kacchan joined him as they said please together holding hands.

"When you two grow up the villain's won't know what hit them," All Might answered while nodding and the two boys cheered.

"You hear that Kacchan? All Might thinks we'll be heroes too! We'll be the Wonder Duo for sure now!" Deku laughed.

"Oh? Midoriya my boy, why wouldn't-" he was cut off by Todoroki.

"I knew it! Midoriya is your secret love child!"

"Secret love child?" The two kids looked at the fire and ice user for the first time waiting for him to explain.

It was Iida who jumped in to answer, "What he means is that he thinks All Might is Midoriya's father." He smiled thinking he handled that very well but was not expecting to hear sniffles.

Everyone looked at the greenette, "Daddy went away. Mommy said that he was going to do business in America but," Deku sniffled some more before rubbing at his eyes. "I can't cry! Aunty said I can't if Kacchan and were together but I miss my Daddy!" Deku sniffed again and Kacchan patted him on the back.

"Forget him, Uncle is a villain. No matter what anyone else says he will only ever be a villain. I'll blow the fucker up the next time I see his sorry ass," Kacchan continued to curse some much more colorful life threatening, manhood ending, soul crushing things which eventually had Deku laughing.

"Kacchan! We can't be heroes if we hurt people to be mean," he gently scolded the other boy.

"It's worth it to see you smile again," Kacchan hugged Deku and they stayed in their hero's arms, safe from the world.

All Might looked at Aizawa Sensei before mouthing, 'what?'

Aizawa Sensei just laughed and directed his attention to the two young boys, "Boys could you tell All Might who you're going to marry when you grow up? I promise that he would love to know," the two boys looked up at their hero who nodded still smiling and completely confused as to what that could have to do with anything.

"I'm going to marry Kacchan!"

"And I'm marrying Deku!"

"And together we will be the Wonder Duo!" They cheered together before they went back and forth starting and finishing each other's sentences again, while All Might just went white. The same thing going through both teachers heads;

What's going to happen when they go back to normal?


The week went by without too many incidents and the children laughed and played together. The rest of the class couldn't really wrap their heads around the fact that these two are the same Midoriya and Bakugo that they have spent more than two years with now.

Deku hasn't cried once, not even when he accidently broke his arm while using his quirk. It was obvious how much pain he was in and when Kacchan kissed it to make the pain go away he actually laughed and smiled even while Recovery Girl lectured him about his quirk.

That did not stop the two boys from playing with their quirks and playing heroes when no one was watching. It was the morning that the quirk was supposed to wear off and everyone was watching the children extra close.

"Kacchan you're it!" Deku ran away and out the front door only for Kacchan to run after him. Deku had learned how to jump with his quirk and Kacchan had followed the same idea so now the two were practically airborne as they chased each other around.

It wasn't until the two were tumbling around on the ground, Kacchan now on top of Deku that he told Deku he loved him and gave him a small kiss on the lips.

The class watched as the two finally grew up again and the two boys sat there in the stretchy clothes that Momo had made just for this. Then the two just fell over passing out.

Iida ran and carried Recovery Girl back to the dorms and when they returned the boys were already waking up.

"What the fuck?" Bakugo asked looking around still sitting on Midoriya.

"My head," Midoriya cradled his head. "Kacchan why are you on top of me?"

"The fuck if I know, last thing I knew there was villain attacking us and- WHAT THE FUCK AM I WEARING?!?!" The blond looked down and saw the stretchy fabric that hugged his skin and saw Deku in the same thing. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE WEARING?" He stood up and grabbed Deku before they ran inside.

Everyone stood still and as if time froze; it stayed that way until the two boys came back out, now in real clothes.

"So who in the fuck is going to answer me? And what happened to the clothes we were wearing?" Bakugo snapped everyone from their trance.

"Kacchan, they might be just as confused as we are." Deku sighed as if he was used to his outburst. Which he was but this was different from usual.

"Hey Bakubro are you dating anyone?" Kirishima asked and all eyes turned to the now red faced explosive teen.

"Why are you asking that now! AND WHY ISN'T ANYONE ANSWERING ME?" Bakugo's face was turning a bright red and Deku just giggled.

"Kacchan?" Deku asked smiling at the blond.

"What? NOW you're okay with it? What changed?" Bakugo huffed still angry no one was answering him and that Midoriya wasn't taking his side.

"Don't know, but I don't care." Deku smiled and the already red faced teen tried to turn away. "Come on? Please?" He asked nicely.

"FINE! SHITTY HAIR! I am not dating anyone I'm engaged. Are you happy now?" Bakugo fumed.

Midoriya smiled before gently pulling him closer humming softly as he does. "Almost," he whispered and when Bakugo turned to yell at him he gave the blond a short yank and closed the distance between them with a kiss.

When Midoriya let Bakugo go the blond decided to pull him closer instead of pulling away. When they finally broke the kiss Midoriya whispered, "NOW I'm happy."

Bakugo released several explosions as well as a string of curses only for Deku to giggle in response.

All Might turned to Aizawa Sensei and whispered, "So were they engaged before this? Or..."

"The hell if I know but if it means they stop fighting all the time in class I say mazel tov," Aizawa answered, throwing his hands in the air.