"KACCHAN!" I turned, hearing the panic in Deku's voice, I was in the dorm hallway outside of mine and Kiri's rooms. We were just about to go to our own rooms when Deku came running up panting, still in his hero suit.
"What th-" I started but Deku grabbed me and started shaking me.
"Thank All Might I found you! Hurry I was hit with a quirk and I need you to burn me," Deku was crying and Kiri and I stood there shocked. "Please Kacchan, just burn me like that day with my notebook. I know you remember. Please I'm begging you," He was basically sobbing.
"What the hell?" I demanded and set off a few explosions until I saw Deku actually reaching out towards them. "What the fuck is the matter with you? You know better than anyone what my explosions can do!" I jerked my arm away from him only for him to cling onto me.
"Please Kacchan, I'm begging you. I'll do anything, just please burn me!" He latched onto me, hugging me tight so that I couldn't get away.
"Get the fuck off me and explain yourself!" I demanded and instead he just held me tighter. I could hear him sobbing out please over and over again.
"Midobro what are you talking about? How will Bakubro burning you help?" Kiri asked, hopefully his approach works better than mine because I can't budge and Deku has a death grip on me.
"I was hit with a quirk, if Kacchan doesn't burn me then I will disappear! My past will be unwritten, that day will never happen. That was the day I met All Might for the first time. The sludge villain attacks. Please Kacchan, I'm begging you. Burn me." Deku looked up, his eyes big and watery.
"How will burning you stop it from happening?" I asked curious, wait, if that was the day he met All Might then that is probably the day All Might decided to give him his quirk!
I didn't wait for an answer and I put my hand on his shoulder but he stopped me before I could start. "You have to say the words. I know it's cruel, hate me all that you want. I'll do anything."
"When you say the words?" I asked, my eyes wide open as I pulled my hand back.
"That day you burned me. You have to say the words again, you have to say it just like you did that day. I even found my notebook. It has to be the same!" He was crying before he even pulled out the already burned notebook. I shoved him away.
"Deku do you even realize what you are asking me to do? Huh?" I could feel my rage building up but I couldn't help it, seeing that notebook brought back so many ugly memories.
"I know Kacchan. I know, but Kirishima is here and he can witness it so you won't get into any trouble. Please. I don't want to disappear," his tears were running down his face. I unlock my door and open it.
"Get the fuck inside! I'm not doing shit out here in the hall!" I fumed and when they were both in my room I closed and locked the door. "Explain! Properly this time, from the beginning."
I listened to Deku talk about the patrol he was on and how he was hit with the quirk Repeat. It takes the day that changes everything for the victim and deletes it unless the starting act is repeated. And for Deku it was the day of the sludge attack and it was me bullying him.
Kiri listened silently, disbelief written all over his face but he stayed quiet. He was probably waiting for me to deny it, deny that it ever happened at all.
"Deku, if I do this it will hurt. I'm stronger than before. It could actually kill you," I tried to warn him, ignoring the look of shock and straight up betrayal on Kiri's face. I couldn't look at him, not about this. Not now.
"I trust you Kacchan. Even if I do die I could never blame you and it's still better than just disappearing. To have never existed? To forget all the times we've worked together? Grown together? I would rather die."
"Fucking Deku! What about me? I could kill you! Have you thought about what that would do to me?" I demanded, slamming a first on my desk.
"But if you don't then you will be killing me anyway. I was attacked by that same sludge villain. I almost died that day in middle school. I saw what happens if we don't repeat and it's so much worse. The villain will use my body to attack you and you set off an explosion to protect yourself but it blows my head off. I had to watch what happens even after I die and the fact that you never become a hero because of me? Is so much worse than anything else in the world!" Deku was crying those huge ass tears again.
Of course, Deku isn't afraid of disappearing. He is afraid of what happens to me if he disappears and apparently he already knows exactly what happens.
"Damn it Deku! Can't you just be honest for once in you fucking life?" I started pulling at my hair, considering I don't trust Deku around my explosions at the moment. "Is it really so hard to say that you don't want to die?" I feel so defeated. Even with the threat of Deku dying, he is only thinking about me? How does that even make any fucking sense? To make it even worse he is picking between two very painful ways of dying!
"Kacchan, if there is even a small chance that I could save you? My life means nothing to me," I blinked at Deku's words but he just stood there looking up at me. He wouldn't back down, not even a little bit.
"I DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE, DUMBASS!" I screamed before I grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him in for a kiss. He didn't even hesitate, he opened for me and wrapped his arms around me, deepening the kiss.
We didn't separate for a long while and when we did both of us were panting, we stood there just looking at each other. "I know Kacchan. I love you too. It's why I can't live without you," he looked up into my eyes and I couldn't stay away. I pulled him in for another kiss, much gentler this time and I just melted; my arms dropping to his waist and as I held him against me, his arms around my neck, his fingers tangled in my hair. This time when we pulled away it was slow and neither of us wanted to let the other go.
"Why didn't you say anything before? I've been hating myself for so long," I whispered, I could feel my tears gathering. I know that I have to do it. I have to say the words that I regret so much.
"Because Kacchan, you hate when I try to save you and I'll never deserve you." He answered while still playing with my hair.
"I really don't want to say those words again," I whispered, my heart was breaking and I knew that he saw it.
"I can't let you blame yourself for my death, I trust you Kacchan. Burn me, take the notebook and toss it to the side. I'll pass out and we can maybe talk about us after? If you want?" The sad look in his eyes as he begged me...
I let him go and wiped at my eyes before taking a deep breath and nod. I put my left hand on his right shoulder, I said the words, letting my hand smoke as I did trying so very hard to not actually explode. I took the notebook and let it explode before tossing the ashes towards the waste bin in my room.
Deku smiled before mouthing thank you and his eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed right there in front of me, unconscious.
I did manage to catch him before he hit the floor though, I laid him on my bed and sat down to wait. "Please don't leave Kiri, I don't trust myself right now." My words were barely audible but I said them. Kiri had watched it all in shocked silence, his mouth gaping open but even now he only snapped his mouth closed and sat down on the chair in front of my desk.
Neither of us said anything, waiting for Deku to wake up. The seconds ticked by turning into minutes and it wasn't until the second hour had passed that Deku started groaning again. Finally showing signs of fucking life!
But I just sat there and waited. I don't know what all the quirk details are and for all I know he won't remember any of it and I don't want to freak him out. Knowing my luck? He won't remember a thing.
He sat up rubbing at his head and when he finally looked around to see where he was and saw Kiri and I just watching him. "Uh, Kacchan? Why am I in your room?" My heart shattered, so much for us talking.
"You were hit with a quirk, if you feel better just leave." I told him, moving so that he could easily get off my bed. But before he was all the way to the door I added, "If you remember, come back and talk. I'll wait."
Deku turned around confused but Kiri just stared at me and finally Deku just nodded and finally he left my room, closing the door behind him. I don't know how long I sat there or even when the tears started spilling out but Kiri's arms were around my shoulders awkwardly before he climbed onto my bed and he managed to wrap them tight around me.
"Bro, I never knew." Kiri whispered and all I could do was cry.
"I'll never deserve him, not after everything I've done." My voice was raw but Kiri just held me closer.
"Maybe not but," he tightened his hold on me. "Doesn't Midobro deserve to be happy?"
"Of course, he deserves the world." I answered without even thinking.
"He only wants you bro, so give him you." Kiri stated it like it was the most obvious thing in the world and all I could do was cry.
If Deku would have me, then there is nothing that will keep me away. I will treat him like the prince that he is, but only if he gives me the chance.
I looked up to see the time, two in the morning. Of fucking course. I shrugged Kiri off and pointed at the clock.
"Alright bro, I'm right next door. If you need company come on in. I'll leave your door unlocked too. Okay?" Kirishima asked, holding me tight and I could barely nod. Thank All Might it's Friday so at least I don't have to get up early. Kiri left and I stripped for bed, I washed my face and climbed into bed in nothing but my boxers.
Maybe Deku will come back in the morning? I can hope right?
I woke up to something hot and wet on me and I couldn't not moan out as the pressure tightened. I looked down to see bright green eyes looking up at me. The light from my window showed me Deku sucking on me and I swear he sucked harder making me moan louder.
"Fuck Deku, don't stop." I begged my back arching, my head thrown back while his tongue explored me. I tried to warn him when I was about to cum but he just sucked harder and when I couldn't take it anymore he was swallowing while I came down his throat. It took a little while but when he was done cleaning me off I'm still just laying there panting.
"Fuck that's not what I meant by talk but I'm sure as fuck am not complaining," I whispered as he crawled up my body, placing small kisses as he did.
"Do you want me to keep going?" He asked his voice dangerously low, and I swear I was still hard.
"Yes," I answered before his lips were on mine. I tangled my fingers in his hair and his tongue was in my mouth almost as soon as I opened for him. My bitter taste was strong but the feel of his body against mine had me needing more. "I love you," I whispered and his answers had me smiling as our kisses deepened.
"Lube?" He asked and I blinked a few times before I pointed at the bedside table and he reached over and pulled out the petroleum jelly opening it as he did. It wasn't but a moment before the cold substance was being rubbed on me and I hissed at the shock only for him to pull me back in his mouth having me gasping at the sudden heat. My hands still tangled in his hair pulling him down, he hummed before he went all the way down and my hands released him only for my whole body to arch into his touch, my hands now tearing at the pillow behind my head.
"So good for me, Kacchan~" Deku cooed after I came into his mouth again. I was laying there panting but even after cumming twice why am I still so fucking frustrated?
I felt his fingers rubbing against me and the once cold lube was heating up quickly and when he let a finger actually enter me I moaned. That's what I want, fuck what did he do to me?
"You like that? Kacchan, how much can you take?" He asked and I felt him slip a second finger in making me jump but the moans he was dragging out of me were erotic even to my ears.
"Oh I like that, let me hear you? Please? Can you purr for me?" He asked all while twisting and stretching me, making me gasp and moan out loud.
"Don't stop," I begged and I heard him chuckling from above me.
"Can you purr for me?" He asked his erotic giggles filling the air around us. Fuck it, I'm purring.
"Yes, I like that a lot," I swear his voice deepened making every one of my nerve endings stand on end. He pulled his hand away slightly making me whimper and before I knew what was happening he was back with more of the gel and this time he was using three fingers. "Can you cum again? Feed me," he demanded before his mouth was on me again.
It didn't take long at all and I was crying out my release, his swallowing making my moans louder.
"Such a good boy, Kacchan. Are you ready for me now?" He asked, his voice was low and dark and all I could do was nod before I pulled him back and his lips met mine in a heart stopping kiss.
He pulled away, chuckling darkly, "Someone's eager."
"I love you," I whispered and I could see his eyes light up at my words. "I love you so much," I started trailing kisses anywhere I could reach only to hear him hum in approval.
"I'm going in now," he whispered and I nodded but instead of getting another kiss he pulled away and I watched him coat himself in the lube rubbing gently on his extremely sensitive member only to let out a slow moan as it heated up. It was so erotic just watching him lightly jack off I almost forgot that he was going to put it in me.
He looked down and saw me staring and he smiled. "Like what you see?" I couldn't do anything but nod as I watched him, he bit his lower lip and I reached out taking his length in my hand and he flinched moaning at the contact. I started out light, gently rubbing him just so I could watch the way his face changed as I got harder and more demanding but at no point was I disappointed.
It wasn't until he grabbed my wrist stopping my movements that I noticed just how close he had gotten. He was panting and his cock was throbbing in my hand. He stayed still for several moments before he gently pulled my hand off of him.
"As good as that feels, I want to cum in you," he looked into my eyes and I swear the amount of lust I saw there was unbelievable.
"Then cum inside," I whispered and in a flash his lips were on mine stealing the very breath from my lungs. I could feel him pushing against me but at this point I was aching to feel him, I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer and I tilted my hips a little letting him push just inside of my entrance.
I couldn't hold the moan in and I felt his hands on my hips before he slowly pushed in. After a few inches he started to pull out again and I couldn't help trying to pull him back to me, my nails scratching up his back as I did.
"Don't stop," I begged only to hear him panting in my ear before he started pushing in again, this time all the way in. My legs wrapped around his waist holding him there for several moments while we both caught our breath.
"I want more," he moaned and I released my tight grip on him.
"Take it," I answered and in the next breath he was pulling out again only to push in. It was slow, agonizingly so but it felt so good, I just couldn't let him go. He started picking up the pace and my room was filled with our moans, dancing in the air around us the faint slap of skin on skin only enhancing the sound of our somehow quiet love making.
My nails dug into his shoulders and his moans would get a little louder, making me dig them in harder. He slipped a little and my whole body arched as my cries rang out. He must have liked it because he hit it several more times.
"Fuck, I'm going to cum!" I gasped trying to hold myself together but I just couldn't.
"Good," he answered and his lips came crashing into mine and after only a few more thrust he I was spasming, my orgasm taking hold as he abused my sensitive insides, my cum splattered on his chest. After a few more thrust he froze, holding himself as deep as he could, his body trembling above mine while he filled me.
Several minutes passed us while we stayed frozen like that and I pushed his hair out of his face, surprising him, as I pulled him in for a kiss. "I love you. Never leave," I whispered and I felt him pull out making me gasp again before he laid himself against me.
"I love you too Kacchan," he whispered, kissing me back and we laid there gently kissing each other until my eyelids grew heavy and I fell asleep in his arms.
I woke up groaning from the soreness to find Deku still asleep next to me. Memories of last night filled my mind and I could feel the heat climbing my neck and onto my cheeks as I wondered if Kiri heard any of that next door. Shouldn't our rooms be soundproof? At least mine because of my explosions? How do I find out without actually telling him what I did?
Deku started fidgeting and I noticed the sun from my window was in his face. I turned slightly to try and block it only for him to hold me tighter, trapping me against him and exactly where I wanted to be.
I started playing with his hair chuckling at his silliness before saying, "Morning beautiful."
I watched his eyes snap open and he jumped back but I was already holding him in my arms so he didn't get very far.
"Don't be shy now, not after last night," I rolled my eyes before kissing his lips. "Do you want to hear me purr again?" I asked, teasing him and I got to see his face turn bright red and my light chuckles filled the air again.
"Don't tell me you forgot, the way you kissed me and held me. Or how I told you I loved you?" I teased some more and I could see his blush darkening but I just pulled him close again, snuggling into his sweet neck, kissing gently as I did. "I love you," I whispered and I felt his arms wrap around me again and I couldn't help smiling at his affection.
He finally looked up, a little teary asking if he hurt me and even now I couldn't be angry. "Never," I answered and I leaned down to give him light feather-like kisses. In moments he was responding and our arms were sliding up and down each other's bodies.
"Again?" I heard him ask nervously and I chuckled nodding and his eyes widened before he rolled me onto my back and in moments I was moaning out his name again before we both relaxed into each other's arms again.
"We need a shower," I laughed while trailing kisses down his drool worthy body.
"I'll start the water," he smiled before kissing me and running to the bathroom.
I stood up, hissing at the tenderness of my body but I managed to strip my bed and open my window. I pulled out fresh sheets and blankets and made the bed before dumping the old, now soiled bedding into my hamper. Good thing I usually do my laundry on Saturday anyway.
Deku decided now was a good time to sneak up on me and wrap his arms around my waist and rest his head on my shoulder after kissing my neck.
"Bath is ready," he whispered and I hummed just enjoying his touch. He led me to the bathroom and we quickly washed off before sinking into the hot water to soak and relax in each other's arms again.
"Mine," I whispered, kissing on his chest right over his heart and when I looked up he was blushing again making me chuckle.
"So what happened? When you left last night, you didn't seem to remember our conversation at all. But even if you did remember I can't think of how it would jump to all that," I trailed my fingers along his chest and arms as I talked.
"I think it was a side effect of the quirk yesterday. Just all of a sudden I couldn't stay away from you, I needed you and it felt like I was on fire." He answered and I could still see his cute blush.
"I need to thank whatever extra that was." I kissed his shoulders and up his neck to his lips. "Good thing we are both 18. Could you imagine what our friends would say if we weren't?"
I saw him pale, "I'm afraid not all of our friends are going to be happy with this."
I thought about what he said for a moment. "Ah Glasses?" I watched him nod. "Well it's not like they have to know we had sex or anything but I would like for them all to know that you are mine." I kissed him softly before adding, "And that I am yours."
I watched him smile in answer and we cuddled for a short while before getting out and dressed. When we left my room I was carrying my laundry basket and I blew him a kiss before making my way to the machines and he went his way to most likely change in his room.
It wasn't long before I made my way to the elevator, still smiling when I saw Kiri and I waved. I actually fucking waved! Dear All Might, if the extras don't figure it out I should worry about their IQ.
"Bro? How are you holding up? You never came over and when I went to check on you, your door was locked," Kiri asked, already looking relieved that I was in such a good mood.
"Are the dorms soundproof?" I asked instead of answering.
"I don't really know, but now that I think about it I've never heard your explosions when you're in your room. Do you not set them off in there?"
"Oh I do, a lot." I smiled and Kiri froze for a second.
"Bro, why are you in such a good mood?" Kiri's eyes seemed to light up excitedly as the elevator door closed behind us.
"Deku came back over last night, we are going to give it a try. Us," I smiled and Kiri jumped on me wrapping an arm around my neck messing up my hair. "Damn it Shitty Hair!" I fumed just as the elevator doors opened showing Deku about to get on.
"Midobro!" Kiri let me go and grabbed my lover pulling him in before giving him the same treatment. "You two are dating?" He looked so hopeful, should I be worried? How bad was I that he is THIS excited?
I saw Deku smile before looking at me and grabbing my hand. "For as long as he'll have me," he answered smiling before he kissed the back of my hand. Oh fuck it! I yanked him against me and kissed him.
"Forever," I answered, before letting him go again and we got to hear Kiri cheer for us. The doors opened and I went to the kitchen to start making the two of us brunch, eggs and pancakes, while he went to hang out in the common area with his friends. Kiri followed me to the kitchen asking me how it happened and after I made sure there wasn't anyone in the kitchen with us I told him a very rough idea of what happened without telling him we had sex.
"He woke you up and you started making out? Seriously? I would have never thought he would be that manly!" He smiled some more and I handed him an extra plate while chuckling to myself. If he knew just how manly Deku was I'm pretty sure all of UA would have heard him.
I quickly finished mine and Deku's plates adding the sweet honey to the pancakes before carrying both to the common area and sitting next to my lover, all while completely ignoring the silence that swept through the room as I handed the plate to Deku.
"Thanks Kacchan!" Deku practically sang and I chuckled at his silliness and we both turned our attention to the news that was playing while we ate. We made comments to each other about how the heroes should have handled the situation and several times agreed on how narrow minded they were not to think of the bigger picture.
"But then again in the heat of the moment," Deku sighed, having already finished his plate and I stood up and he joined me walking to the kitchen as we then started talking about how they probably got their asses chewed when everything was said and done.
"If it was Aizawa Sensei I would have detention and a report on how to better utilize my quirk by the end of it," Deku groaned and I chuckled.
"If it was me he would have had me 'volunteering' at the children's center nearby again. That or the pet shelter," I laughed and I saw Deku's eyes light up.
"Can we volunteer at the pet shelter?" He sounded so hopeful.
"Yeah, I have their contact in my phone, they always need help and I'm sure they would be happy for a couple extra hands?" I offered and he jumped up cheering, his hands now empty of our now clean dishes that were on the rack to dry. I laughed before first texting the shelter, who agreed immediately and then texting Aizawa Sensei with a screenshot of the message to the shelter.
Eraserhead: You are actually volunteering?
Dynamight: Yep, Deku really wants to go. So I'm showing him the ropes.
Eraserhead: You're volunteering to be with Midoriya?
Dynamight: Yes.
Eraserhead: ... Who hit you?
Dynamight: No one. Do we have permission or not?
Eraserhead: If you get into one fight I will expel you both.
Dynamight: Yeah whatever, it's already late and Saturday so we'll only be gone a few hours anyway.
Eraserhead: Very well.
I finally got the approval and sent the message to the shelter and Deku and I made our way to the bus and away from all the shocked looks of our classmates. Thankfully I told Kiri not to tell anyone yet. I want Deku to open up about us, but he is my best friend and the way he cried about us being so manly was really sappy and getting on my nerves.
"So lemon ice cream?" I offered only to see him smile. We had stopped and eaten on the way back to the dorms and we were still on that first date high.
"You have some?" He was already getting excited and I couldn't help laughing.
"Yeah, come to the kitchen and I'll get us each a cone." I was still laughing and I almost didn't notice Aizawa Sensei and All Might standing in the middle of the common area. Of course they would have only heard us laughing and not about what.
I heard him whispering to Shinso but not really what he said. I could however guess, which only had me rolling my eyes at them. We walked to the kitchen and I pulled out a couple cones and the tub of ice cream and when I had two large cones made I put the rest away before we sat down and chatted about the cats at the shelter.
"But really, who couldn't like Mightyena? She was basically a doll." I huffed, still mad that someone had abandoned the one eyed feline.
"Right! She was such a sweet baby once you got past the teeth," Deku agreed eagerly, to be fair she did have a habit of biting but it was the cute playful kind not the I'm going to fucking eat you kind. It didn't even hurt.
"Too bad we can't adopt her, she was so perfect," Deku added dreamily, while licking at his cone.
"Why don't we? The hag will agree the moment she finds out you want her and I doubt Aunty will say no." I offered. Okay maybe I was taking us a little fast but to be fair Deku did fuck me without even asking me out first. But this would be a commitment and not a small one either.
"You want to get a pet together? But would they let us keep her in the dorms? Our rooms are so far apart," he whined and I couldn't help chuckling.
"Well there is an empty room next to mine, I'm sure it can't be that hard to transfer rooms and I also doubt Aizawa Sensei would say no to a cat. He would probably even let us bring her to classes." I shrugged and we both started laughing.
"No but seriously that would be nice. Mightyena was so sweet and she had such a beautiful mix of cream and green coloring, and her one eye was a beautiful bright red," Deku sighed and I pulled out my phone.
"One way to find out," I offered and I sent a text to our teacher, ignoring the fact that he was trying to hide in the doorway to spy on us.
Dynamight: Oi what do we have to do to get permission to adopt a cat and keep her here at the dorms with us?
Eraserhead: Your parents would have to agree to the animal and all vet appointments checkups, spayed/neutered, shots would have to be done on time and a record left with Recovery Girl.
Dynamight: So we don't actually need your permission?
Eraserhead: It's a cat? A house cat?
Dynamight: Yes, female, domestic shorthair green and cream coloring, red eye color and at the shelter all shots and spaying already done.
Eraserhead: Permission granted so long as you take care of her.
Dynamight: Deku wants her too. Can he move to the empty room next to mine?
Eraserhead: You're willing to take care of her together? Without fighting?
Dynamight: Yes. She is fucking badass.
Eraserhead: ...
Eraserhead: Both of you will need to get a check up from Recovery Girl first and so long as neither of you are under the influence of a quirk then yes. Midoriya may switch rooms.
I showed my phone to Deku who started cheering and we quickly finished our ice creams and we both got permission from our parents to get the feline and once our cones were gone. We met Recovery Girl at her office. Why was she there on a Saturday night? Not a clue but she kept double checking every measurement she had taken before she finally gave us the all clear.
I messaged the shelter and we were told that we could pick Mightyena up first thing in the morning and Deku and I made our way back to the dorms.
"Kacchan, this is so amazing! We should have talked way sooner," Deku giggled as we walked back into the dorms.
"Yeah, I think so too." I smiled and Deku grabbed my hand before jumping up and down.
"Want to help me pack my things? I can't wait for Mightyena to see her new home!" I laughed and we made our way to his room and we quickly packed everything and I texted Aizawa about getting the key for Deku's new room.
Eraserhead: I'm in the common area HE can come get the key when he is ready for it.
I rolled my eyes but showed the message to Deku who jumped up and ran out the door leaving me to keep packing his things. I was extra careful with his All Might collectables and we had been fan boying over some of the ones he had managed to collect.
Months have gone by and I'm more than sure that I want to spend the rest of my life with my green eyed angel but...
"Deku, let's tell our parents about us. they'll only get pissed when they find out later," I try to beg him again. It was a Saturday morning and we were naked curled up in his bed. Mightyena was currently roaming the house somewhere. We were at Deku's house and Aunty went out grocery shopping so we decided to have a little us time.
"Kacchan, we've been over this before. Mom isn't going to be okay with us and I can't give you up, not now, not ever." I smirked at his words before cuddling him closer and kissing him on the lips. The door came open but I didn't see anyone so it must have been Mightyena coming in.
"Deku, there is no way Aunty would be angry that you're happy. What about the future? Who am I supposed to ask permission from to marry you?" I trailed light kisses along his neck, only to be rewarded with his angelic giggles.
"Kacchan! Stop it," Deku giggled, squirming in my arms while he did. When I did finally stop, it was only for him to pin me down and give me a real kiss.
"You should ask me, not anyone else and besides," he paused long enough to apply pressure to very sensitive areas making me moan. "I'll be the one to ask you, not the other way around."
"Fuck Izu, my ass can't take another round but you have me needing it." I groaned, getting frustrated. There was a ding telling us Deku had a notification and he reached over to see what it was before grinning at me.
"Looks like Mom was held up. We have plenty of time. If you really want to?" He asked before yelping when I rolled us over.
"Oh I want and I have ideas," I moaned only for him to help me on top of him, letting me sink down on him.
"I like these ideas," he smirked and he helped me ride him. It wasn't very long, maybe half an hour before we were crying out our release.
"I love you Izu. Be mine?" I whimpered, still riding him gently, our soft moans filling the air.
"I'm already yours," Deku helped me off of him and laid me down before kissing on me, tenderly. "I love you, Kacchan."
"I love you too Izu," I yawned a little, hearing him giggle at me.
"I wish Mom wasn't a homophobe, if she wasn't I would have told her the day I took you as mine. Just wait until after we graduate, then we can tell them and if she kicks me out, oh well. I'll still have you." He hummed and I snuggled into his arms.
"Aunty loves you, she would never kick you out." I yawned again before laying my head against his chest.
"Hmm, Kacchan?" He asked after a while and I hummed to let him know that I was still listening. "Will you marry me? After we graduate?"
My head snapped back up and I kissed him with everything I was worth. "Fucking yes!" I managed to tell him between kisses and his giggles. "I love you," I said over and over again letting my kisses trail down and back up his neck again.
"Kacchan, I love you so much," I heard him hum before he joined in on the kisses. "Mmm, you're doing things to me," he warned me but I just deepened the kiss until he gently rolled us over and he rolled his hips sliding back where he belongs, inside of me.
"Ahhh!" I gasped before I could clamp a hand over my mouth and he started leaving hickeys on my chest and abs.
"I want-" We both froze when we heard the front door open and he silently pulled out before closing and locking the bedroom door and climbed back on top of me. "Stay quiet and I'll let you see heaven," he whispered and I bit down on his pillow when he slid back in and slowly rocked my world again, this time silently.
"Who else will walk you down the aisle? You should at least ask All Might," I huffed irritated with Deku for all the secrecy. I mean on one hand I understand. on the other...
"Ask me what?" Deku and I jumped, not expecting the man to be behind us.
"Uh..." Deku froze like a deer in headlights and I groaned again.
"I'm asking him for you," I tell him only for him to nod, unable to actually form words at the moment. I turn to our hero, "So you know that Deku's Dad hasn't been in the picture since he was like four right?" I waited and he nodded slowly, hesitating a little.
"So Deku is gay and when he gets married he was wanting to know if you would give him away?" I just went for it, I mean I didn't actually tell him that it was me he was getting married to or anything and let's face it, All Might is dense as fucking hell.
All Might froze for several seconds and it wasn't until I was waving a hand in front of his face that he snapped out of it. Loudly.
"Of course my boy!" All Might had basically shouted and we hushed him when several of our classmates turned their attention to us. The year is almost over and it won't be long before we graduate, just a couple months, and a lot of the students in other classes still give us weird looks when they see Deku and I just talking and not fighting. If I'm honest that kind of hurts my pride.
All Might was quick to quiet down but he was still beaming. "In exchange would you give my bride away at my wedding? I would also like to ask Young Bakugo to assist as well, as an usher if he would." Deku and I blinked but after a few times it was clear he was actually serious.
"Yes! I didn't even know you were dating anyone!" Deku started gushing and to be fair he wasn't the only one. It took a while but we finally got a name from him and we both stared in shock.
"Inko." How long has he been dating Aunty? HOW DIDN'T WE NOTICE?
"All Might, don't tell my mom I'm gay. I'm not ready for that yet," Deku's voice was hoarse just from his fear alone and mine? Fuck mine wasn't even working at all. Fuck, was on repeat in my head while I tried not to scream out loud.
"Don't worry my boy, I won't tell her but I'm pretty sure she already knows. You can tell her at your own pace but if you're already hearing wedding bells in your future then I would say it's well past time you told her." When did All Might get a dad mode? When did he get a dad lecture mode? There for a moment it was almost like I was listening to MY dad when he was trying to help me understand why what I did was wrong while I was being hard headed.
"I'll think about it. What do you mean she already knows?" Deku asked, his voice nearly a whisper.
"Just that she gets all happy and sad when she sees you with Young Bakugo but then she seems to get a little angry when you are with any of your other friends. You haven't noticed?" All Might sounded confused. I for one didn't notice but I WILL be watching for it now. Does she like Deku with me? Really? I could feel my excitement rising and Deku had noticed. I've been begging for months now to tell our parents. I don't like hiding us. I don't like taking other's perceptions into account and I sure as fuck don't like it when Icyhot or pink cheeks hangs off of him.
Just then Mightyena came running up to us and she launched herself at my chest, forcing me to catch her. "Hey baby girl, what made you so excited?" I asked slightly confused until she turned and hissed, I followed her line of sight only to see the fucking grape bastard.
"HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE? SHE DOESN'T FUCKING LIKE YOU AND IF YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER I WILL REMOVE EACH FINGER THAT DARED TO!" Okay maybe I'm a little bit protective of my little fur baby. Who could blame me though? She is adorable and she uses her claws as a last resort, opting instead to find me or Deku. Keeping all three of us out of trouble for the most part. Aizawa has an unhealthy love of cats that allowed us to bring her with us to class and she had actually gotten really good at dodging our attacks and landing a few scratches on her opponents.
That's right, even All Might allows her to train with us but I think that has something to do with the fact that when Deku's friend from the support class, the one that sets off explosions all the time on accident, I don't believe that for a fucking second, she is able to correctly tell us which ones are going to explode. So much so that her teacher has shown her other substances for Mightyena to memorize. She is basically a drug cat, my little hero kitty. Her name just so happens to be awesome enough to be her hero name as well.
I cuddled my little Mightyena in my arms, cooing at how perfect she was and Deku and I gave her treats while she purred for us.
"Does no one know that you two are together?" All Might asked, making all the blood drain from my face. I looked up at him very slowly, my eyes wide. I could see Deku scanning the area around us and when he was sure no one could hear us he answered.
"What made you ask that question? And out of nowhere like that?" Deku tried to laugh it off, he really did but he is a terrible liar.
"Can we go to your office for this?" I asked barely audibly.
"Of course," he turned and raised his voice so that Aizawa Sensei could hear him telling him that he was taking us. I saw our teacher roll his eyes but wave us off. We were done with training for the day and we were just watching the others at this point.
We spent a long time in the office and when we were done Deku and I were very pale. "You seriously only told one person? Don't get me wrong, Kirishima is a very good friend and apparently reliable but no one else even knows you're gay?" All Might actually looked angry, very angry.
"Mom is a bit of a homophobe and if I can't tell her how can I tell anyone else?" Deku whispered and All Might literally scoffed.
"Young Midoriya my boy, you apparently don't know your mother very well. She is anything but a homophobe, she organizes events for pride when she goes with me for charity events. Saying they need representation in all things, even animal rescues." My mouth gaped open.
"No, fucking no. We both heard her say that "pride needed to roll over and play dead. We heard her." I started blinking several times. I mean I don't believe for a second that Aunty would disown Deku. She loves him so much that I could see her switching immediately to the other side and becoming an advocate, but she doesn't know. Does she?
"I do remember her saying that she used to be a bigot and she regrets it to this day but for as long as I've known her she has been holding the torch for the rainbow." All Might said slowly, eyeing us suspiciously. "Is that the reason you haven't told her? Because of one sentence that you overheard years ago?"
I turned to Deku who was crying large tears of relief and I pulled him into my arms and just hugged him. All Might was eyeing us but I didn't care, the fact that Deku needed me was enough and Mightyena must have agreed because she was in his lap purring while licking his face.
It took a long time but eventually Deku settled down just snuggling in my arms while I played with his hair. "Does this mean we can finally tell our parents?" I asked when he went silent and he started laughing, sweetly.
"Yeah Kacchan we can finally tell them. Dinner tonight?" He asked, looking up a bright smile on his face with his teary eyes.
"Fucking finally," I groaned, only to get more giggles from him.