I said WAKE UP!

Angst warning!

No it can't be true. It can't be. I ran to him, my own pain forgotten when I saw his blond hair matted with blood, a small puddle of what looked like blood by his waist. No. No. NO.

"KACCHAN!" His name ripped out of my throat as I ran to him. There was a large cut on his side. I hit the emergency button on my belt so that a homing signal could be sent to rescuers. I couldn't get us out without the building collapsing on us so we will just have to wait for them here, or find a way out ourselves.

I ripped my hood off and used it to apply pressure to his side only for him to wince and slowly blink his bright red eyes up at me.

"I'm here Kacchan, is there a villain nearby?" I'm looking around while I keep pressure on him. I won't lose him, I refuse.

"Deku? What the fuck are you doing here?" Kacchan slurred, dear All Might no. How much blood has he actually lost? The blood in his hair, did he hit his head?

"Kacchan? Do you know where we are? How old are you?" I asked, now turning my attention back to him.

"Fuck, we were at the mall, there was an earthquake and we were rescuing survivors. I'm 29 years old. Why are you asking that?" He was still slurring but he was getting angrier, good it should help him focus.

"You have blood in your hair, it looks like you hit your head pretty hard," I answered, keeping the pressure on his side when he tried to smack me away.

"Did we get everyone out?" He asked looking up at me, I don't know how to describe the way he was looking at me. It was almost like fear but not really. It was so much more than that and anger. So much anger.

"Yeah, when you didn't come back out I came looking for you but there was another tremor and the entrance caved in. We'll have to find another way out." I removed the blood drenched fabric even though I know better, there was a large cut, maybe from the ruble? Maybe even a piece of rebar? Maybe the tremor caught him off guard?

I looked back at his face to see him smiling at me and I did a double take. "Kacchan?" I asked quietly.

"Just happy I get to see my angel again before I die. Don't worry about it," he waved me off but his eyes never left mine. I applied more pressure to his side.

"What are you talking about? Angel? I'll get us out of here. Who else can be number 1 if it's not you?" I choked on my own laughter. I could feel tears gathering but I couldn't cry in front of Kacchan.

Never again.

He reached up and his hand landed on the side of my face while he kept smiling up at me. "You are my angel. You're the only one that has stood by me all these years. You are the only one that deserves my love, but I don't deserve you. I'll never deserve you."

It felt like my heart was beating out of my chest at his words. Is he really confessing to me now? No. He can't. He can't ever-! No. Please no.

"Well too bad for me, I've loved you for as long as I can remember. You are just so amazing Kacchan." I smiled at him, I could feel myself losing the fight with my tears. No, please no.

"Tell you what?" Kacchan chuckled softly in my arms, getting my focus again. "If we manage to get out of this. Then fuck me," I nearly barked my laughter at his crudeness. Of course only Kacchan could make a joke now.

"How about if we make it out of this I'll marry you? Then no one else can ever touch us again?" I offered, only half joking. I would be lying if I said I hadn't dreamed about it since we were little. Of us being together forever, fighting together, of living together, of being happy together but it was all it ever was. A dream.

"Guess that works, either way I'm getting laid." He smirked at me and we both ended up laughing together.

"Well if we are getting married, does that mean I can have a kiss?" I teased him and he smiled up at me.

"About fucking time, what were you waiting for the wedding party?" He scoffed and I couldn't help giggling before I leaned down and gave him a small kiss. It's probably wrong to do this, I don't know how hard he hit his head, or how much blood he has lost.

"Come on Kacchan, we'll find an exit together, we have a wedding to plan," he laughed again and I can't help smiling at the beautiful noise. He doesn't laugh nearly enough. It was like listening to angels speak, the way he captured my heart so long ago was while we were laughing, together.

"Guess we should go on at least one date before we get married, but not at the fucking hospital. We spend way too much time there," he groaned and now standing up we make our way through the remains of the broken building.

"Where would you like to go? The aquarium? Zoo? Or the amusement park?" I kept teasing. I could feel my heart breaking with each step, Kacchan is taking so long to answer and he keeps getting slower and slower at it. His voice was getting weaker, I need to hurry.

"Nah, that shit is for extras. I know the perfect place. I've only taken one person there in my life and I plan to keep it that way," Kacchan panted making me confused.

"Oh? And where is this magical place?" My question kept his mind occupied but I saw some light up ahead and I couldn't help picking up the pace, picking Kacchan up so that I could carry him faster to medical.

"Our old club house at the park, I've kept it clean all these years. Just for you," he mumbled and I ran out to find the flashing lights of the emergency vehicles before I used my quirk to get us to medical.

They took his nearly limp body from me but Kacchan wouldn't let my hand go, even after he went unconscious so I rode with him to the hospital. They cleaned him up and healed him the best that they could before they pried his fingers off of me and took him into surgery. 

I stood at the door waiting. I couldn't bring myself to sit, I couldn't even pace in front of the door. All I could do was stare at the place I last saw him and wait. Hours went by, people came and went, nurses, doctors, heroes, but I couldn't look away.

All Might came but all he did was put a hand on my shoulder and stand next to me. He didn't say anything but I knew it was him. Ever since mom died last year due to health issues he has been my only family. Thankfully they had gotten married shortly after I graduated highschool so legally he is my dad and we waited there for Kacchan to come out.

The halls were anything but silent but yet... It was like I was in a fog, the voices around me meant nothing. I remember someone trying to move me out of the way but Dad shooed them away and we waited some more.

Thirteen hours later and I can only stare at the door with the words operating room painted on the door. The doors were a lavender purple while the words were kind of white, no Kacchan would say it was off white, not eggshell or any of that shit. Off white, that is what it is. The paint was smudged in a few different places but otherwise it was fine. Everything was fine.

Everything is fine, any minute now Kacchan will come out snarling curses at some extra doctor that pissed him off because they didn't take his quirk into consideration when they gave him the painkillers. Any minute I will hear Kacchan's explosions ringing through the air and a few pissy doctors would stomp out as if they actually matter somehow compared to Kacchan.

The door opened, "Katsuki Bakugo's family?" A woman in a white lab coat came out and I snapped out of it and rushed forward, All Might next to me with Aunty and Uncle. When did they get here? Never mind that it isn't important.

"How is he?" I demanded, my voice rasped from not being used in so very long. The staff made sure that his parents were actually here before she would tell us anything.

"He is going to be fine, but. Well it's going to take some time. He will need to be in a wheelchair for several months, and after physical therapy he will eventually walk again. He was really lucky, if that cut would have stayed open for even a little longer he would have bled out. Whoever found him kept good tight pressure on the wound and it's the only reason he is alive. Not to mention the cut almost hit his spinal nerves, he is a very lucky man. Who was it that found him and brought him in?"

"I did," my words sounded hollow to my ears. Kacchan almost died, he could have died just because we were... Talking.

"Well good job young man, the fact you were able to keep him awake until he was going into the operating room is probably the only reason he is still alive. You're the Pro Hero Deku right? The current number 1 hero? I can see that you deserve the title that's for sure. Isn't Dynamight number 2 and considered your rival?" The doctor kept talking but I couldn't focus on her words, the world was swirling around me. It felt like I was swimming in a fog. Kacchan.

"Where is Kacchan?" I interrupted her fan girling and honestly I think she was trying to ask me out on a date but I don't really care. I never will care.

"Oh, Mr. Dynamight was wheeled out through the exit doors, he was taken to room 5106 on the fifth floor." I spun around and started walking towards the nearest elevator. I could hear Aunty and Uncle apologizing for me and thanking the doctor but I couldn't bring myself to care. I took another step only to fall down, no I was so close. I can't stop now!

"Izuku!" I heard several people yelling but I could only try to get back up again, failing and falling again. I looked down and for the first time I saw fresh blood on me. When did I get hurt?

"Oh my God! He is hurt! Get the operating room ready!" I heard the woman scream and I couldn't feel the ground under me anymore.

"Kacchan," I called out but my voice was so quiet even my ears couldn't make out the words. The room was going fuzzy and the next thing I know... Nothing.



"No! Fucking Deku! Wake the fuck up!" I heard Kacchan screaming from far away. Where is he? Why does he sound so far away?

"Mr. Dynamight! I'm sorry I have to call it!" Someone, a man, was also shouting but I heard Kacchan screaming at him that he was a fucking idiot and to get the fuck out of his way. God I love him,  I wonder if we can really get married? Will he remember?

"Deku! I said wake the fuck up!" Kacchan screamed much closer, I felt something, very faintly slamming against my chest. Ouch, why? I'm not hurting anyone.

"Mr. Dynamight! If you don't stop I will have to have you removed. Nurse, time if death is 17:17."

"Get the fuck away from me you fucking extra. Deku is still right here! Open your fucking eyes, Nerd!" Kacchan screamed again and another I felt something slam against me again, this time it felt like I was getting zapped. Dear God that hurts.

"Mr. Dynamight!"

"Fuck off!" Poor Kacchan his voice was breaking, he must be really mad. Don't worry, I'll help as soon as I can.

"Deku? Please, you said we would get married if we made it out. You can't break your promise like this," is Kacchan crying? No he can't cry! I can't ever make him cry!

"WAKE UP NOW!" Kacchan screamed and this time I felt the zap through my entire body magnify. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. Why can't I scream? It feels like I'm being burned from the inside out.

"DEKU!" Kacchan broke down crying and this time I can't stay away. The now almost numb tingling of the zap shooting through my body, the flashes of red and green I could see even with my eyes closed, they couldn't hurt me, not like Kacchan's tears. Right now, he is sobbing. I can't stay away.

I opened my eyes to see him being pulled away by nurses but he was fighting them. I reached out and I heard someone scream, a man somewhere behind me, but I don't care. I only care about one thing, one person.

"Kacchan?" I reached out for him and everyone froze and he managed to break free of them and grab onto my hand. His sobs were heartbreaking, his face was covered with tears and he pulled my outstretched hand to his face. He feels so warm, why am I so cold?

"Kacchan," I sighed out relieved, I used my other hand to wipe away his tears, which he ignored. "I'm so cold," I whispered before adding, "don't let go. Please."

"Never, I'm here. I'm here," he used a hand to tuck the hair out of my face, he then used it to hold my face. "I love you Nerd."

I smiled up at him and answered, the words couldn't be more true than at this very moment. I could feel my heart aching as the words came out, it was my one selfish wish, the one thing I wanted more than anything else, more than even being a hero.

"I love you too, Kacchan."

The doctors and nurses seemed to snap out of it and started working around us, they started poking and prodding at me but no one tried to pull Kacchan away. No one said anything at all, it was like they couldn't believe what they were seeing. Is it really that odd for two men to tell each other they love each other? I really didn't think so.

"I think someone promised me a date, somewhere special, before we get married?" I smiled up at him, lightly teasing him. He smiled happily, kissing the back of my hand as he did.

"Hmm, somewhere only you and I can go. I'm sure All Might will be happy to give you away to me, who do you want for the flower girl? Ring bearer?" Kacchan was still crying but he was holding onto me so tightly, his warmth seemed to be spreading through me, letting me breathe easier.

"I don't really know. I think Eri and Kota might be a little old for the job, but they might do it anyway if we ask?" I answered honestly, I don't really know any other kids and they are teenagers now. "What about flowers? Are hydrangeas still your favorite?"

"Yeah, and carnations. Who do you want for your best man? Or Maid of Honor? Whatever," He was starting to chuckle at the silliness of the concept.

"Shoto, of course, but then Shinso and Iida, what about you? Who do you want on your side?" I giggled and someone tried to pull Kacchan away and I broke down crying until his hand was back in mine again, my heart pounding as if it had just stopped and restarted again.

"Never again, so cold. So very cold," I muttered, pulling him closer. It felt like I was slipping back into the dark and I couldn't. I can't leave Kacchan, never again. I don't know the specifics but I'm pretty sure that I died. The only thing that I know for sure is that the longer I cling to Kacchan the longer that I can stay.

"I don't want to die again," I whispered, and suddenly Kacchan's arms were around me holding me tight. His warmth spread through me so much faster than before. "So cold."

"I'm never letting you go now, Nerd." Kacchan whispered, if I'm honest his hold on me kind of hurt but I couldn't bring myself to complain. It was like he was slowly returning me back to the land of the living. My anchor, my light, my life.

"Shh, I've got you now. I'm not even going to the bathroom without your ass. I've got you," Kacchan whispered, did I say any of that out loud?

I just cried in his arms, I could hear myself repeating but I couldn't help it. It was just so cold. Even the nurses and doctors around me were cold. I couldn't feel any of them, but I could feel Kacchan. His body brought me warmth, I could feel myself slowly going back to normal but not yet. I can't let go of him yet.

"Izuku!" The door slammed open and there stood All Might. Dad, he was in his hero form and it looked like he actually had to fight security or something just to get to the door. He was coughing up blood but he didn't hesitate running up to my bed.

"My boy?" He started breaking down, crying as he reached up and touched my face. "You're alive?" Once he was against my skin I could feel just a little bit of warmth, not nearly so much as Kacchan but it was there.

"Sorry I worried you Dad, I didn't mean to," I smiled back at him and his arms wrapped around not only me but Kacchan too, holding us together.

"My boys, why do you have to try and give me a heart attack? Huh? Just why?" His tears were still streaming down his face but now he is smiling. I relaxed in the arms of the two men that mean the world to me. I can't help missing mom. I really can't, I was so close to her that if it weren't for Kacchan I would have stayed with her. I know it.

"I saw Mom," I whispered and I felt both of them flinch. Dad let me go but kept a tight hold on my hand while Kacchan seemed to hold me tighter.

"She said, she couldn't be more proud. She misses us. She looks forward to seeing us again but she doesn't want us to come anytime soon," I smiled up at him, it wasn't until now that I noticed the tears streaming down my face. "She said to keep smiling, because we should know that she is." My voice broke and there was a whirlwind of activity as I was checked by several doctors and even a few specialists.

It was found out that, yes, the only reason I was awake, the only reason my heart was beating was because Kacchan was holding me. They found out that my heart would keep beating if Dad was holding my hand but that I would get very weak. Kacchan is now a part of my medicine.

Weeks have gone by and they decided to test it again, after all it's not like Kacchan can hold me forever. They found I was getting stronger but I still needed him. A couple months later they tested again and found my heart was working just fine. My body was weak but I only needed some light physical therapy, maybe a month or two and they would check on me again.

Kacchan stayed by my side through all of it. He never seemed to get upset or even annoyed about it either. We just made plans for our wedding, we grew stronger together and Dad, Aunty and Uncle were all so excited when they found out we wanted to get married. Our friends were shocked, I mean, we've never even been on a proper date before but none of them held it against us.

Everyone worked hard to get our wedding put together so that we could get married on the one day that mattered so very much to us.

July 4th, my mom's birthday, and the day that she died.

Kacchan took me to the park, our little clubhouse was far too small for us really but he had things hidden away in there. Scrapbooks, blankets, a picnic basket with a large bottle of wine and a couple glasses...

"I love you Deku," Kacchan whispered after refilling my glass as we looked up at the stars high above our heads.

"I love you so much Kacchan," I threaded my fingers through his and we leaned in for a kiss. His lips were soft and gentle as we slowly pressed against each other.

I felt a hand slide up the back of my shirt and my heart started hammering in my chest. "Kacchan, we're in a park," I whispered, surprised but nowhere near upset. We still haven't done it yet. We have been so busy between recovering and wedding planning that we just haven't yet. Hell this was technically our first date!

"I called in a favor, the park is empty and I may have a few friends guarding it so it stays that way," Kacchan grinned.

"Really?" I asked hopefully, I couldn't help looking down at his well defined figure.

"Yes," he uttered under his breath and I started fighting with my shirt trying to get it off but Kacchan stopped me and pulled me in for a kiss.

"Let me?" He asked and I nodded, enjoying his sweet and gentle touches.

Yeah this was long overdue.