"Get back here you flying piece of shit!" I screamed at the villain I had been fighting. He has literally been avoiding my attacks and throwing a bunch of smoke and powder bombs at me. I'm not an idiot, I'm not setting off my explosions with that shit in the air everywhere. No fucking thank you!
"Now why would I do a thing like that?" The villain laughed and I heard Deku growl. He was stuck too, the green energy he gives off when he uses his quirk would ignite the powder just as easily as my explosions, we have past experiences thanks to Kaminari asking his dumbass questions, but I guess at the moment, knowing is actually helping because that shit would fucking hurt.
"I don't need my quirk to beat the living shit out of a second rate villain like you. When I'm done with you, your own mother won't recognize you," I hissed because he has yet again managed to slip out of reach.
"I find it funny that I still haven't used my quirk on you and you are having so much trouble. Are you two really considered the best UA has to offer?" That's it I'm going to fucking kill this bastard! I saw Deku jerk and run to the right and I decided fuck it I'll go along with it. I went left.
"Splitting up? I hope you don't think that is actually going to help you?" The bastard taunted but I could hear a change in his voice, it was minimal but it was still there. So Deku was actually onto something, huh?
I smirked and jumped high into the air and I managed to actually escape the fucking powder and get some fucking fresh air. Now I see why I couldn't catch the villain before, he is using mirrors to make it look like he is somewhere he isn't. He himself is nowhere near the powder but on top of a car not too far away.
It was a fucking set up.
I took a couple deep breaths and I saw something green running towards the villain, Deku found the fucker, but like hell I'll let him beat me to the punch. This bastard deserves the beating he is about to get. I jumped and ran straight for the fucker and it wasn't long before I was right next to Deku. He must have figured it out but he didn't actually see him. That gives me a one up.
"Jump!" I yelled and Deku and I went into the air clearing the powder and just before our punches could land in his face he used his quirk, it was fucking weird as hell. It looked like white rings were coming out of his mouth and when they hit us they disappeared again. What the fuck ever, I could easily hear his ribs crumbling from the impact of not only my punch but Izuku's as well.
We managed to put erasure cuffs on him and Izuku used his quirk to jump, carrying his ass, to the patrol cars and where the rest of our class was waiting. Like fucking hell I'm walking through that cloud of powder again if I don't have to, I jumped as far as I could before using my explosions to propel me through the air, using cars and different odds and ends to kick off until I was clear of the fucking mine field. When powder, baby powder, is ignited it explodes so considering how much of the air is saturated with the shit it was basically a minefield that Izuku and I were at an extreme disadvantage.
"This is bullshit, I was told you two don't get along at all. So how were you able to work together and beat my genius powder bombs? Then my quirk does nothing to you?" The villain is wheezing, probably from the cracked or broken ribs we gave him, but he is still spitting mad.
"Like fucking hell Katsuki and I would fall for such a shitty plan like that. What is your quirk even? Cause those white rings didn't do shit," Izuku started ranting and I saw our classmates eyes go wide, what's their fucking problem?
"Izuku! What the fucking hell is the matter with you? Some kind of fucking warning would have been fucking nice! If I was anyone of these fucking extras this mission would have fucking failed and it would have been your fucking fault!" I fumed while I was basically stomping my way over to him.
He turned my way and smirked, "And yet you're not an extra so it worked flawlessly. Katsuki I don't see why you get so fucking mad about everything even when you win. Especially when you win? Why not cheer or smile or I don't know, celebrate like a normal human being?"
"That's it, get your fucking ass over here so that I can destroy it!" I hissed and ran a few steps before taking a swing. Izuku smirked, blocking my attack before throwing me over his shoulder and used his quirk to slam me into the ground. "Fucking bastard," I coughed a little blood up before sending an explosion at him and I saw his eyes go wide when I pulled the pin.
"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR QUIRK?" I heard Aizawa Sensei scream at the villain while Izuku and I assaulted each other. One of his hits actually almost threw me back into the powder minefield.
"No fucking way!" I yelled before I sent an explosion at it while we were safely out of reach and the area was free of anyone who could get hurt. The resulting explosions did a lot of damage, not that the area didn't already need to be completely repaired anyway but that didn't stop the shocked and horrified looks of our classmates when they saw the reason why we were fighting as if we had a huge handicap, and that was because we were.
"Katsuki~?" I heard Izuku sing childishly, making me spin around and set off an explosion to dodge the blunt of the attack Izuku very nearly killed me with. There was no fucking way I would have survived that, no fucking way in hell. As is I was thrown into the air and coughing up more blood than fucking All Might on a bad day while trying to aim my other gauntlet at the fucker.
"I see someone wants to fucking play," I spit a mouthful of blood on the ground before smiling at my so called childhood friend.
"My quirk is called Polarize, when it hits two people at the same time it will polarize them, their personality, their mental state, their feelings..." I ignored everything else he was saying, not that I had much choice. Izuku decided to sprint at me and instead of dodging I could only smile and sprint at him, I pulled the pin in my remaining gauntlet.
"NO!" I heard Aizawa Sensei scream but it was too late. Izuku and I landed our attacks and sent each other flying backwards. I landed hard on the pavement and I can't lie it really fucking hurt but when I finally came to a stop I took a couple deep breaths before I started laughing.
I could hear Izuku's laughter from a long way off but I couldn't help it. I just kept laughing. After a couple minutes I was able to calm down and drag myself back to my feet and I saw Izuku doing the same and we made our way, very slowly, back to what is now a crater and where we used to be standing. I limped and dragged myself, every now and again a chuckle and laugh would escape me making me wheeze but I couldn't help it.
"Izuku you damn bastard, you've been holding out on me!" I yelled when I was sure I was in hearing distance, still smirking before letting more giggles escape me and hissing at the pain.
"You're one to talk Katsuki! What the fucking hell? All these years and you have never once come anywhere near that, I've been fucking cheated." Izuku gasped at the pain, he was badly burned, the entire top half of his suit was burned away leaving only his face mask behind and the only reason his pants were up was because of the utility belt he wears.
We were finally within reach of each other and he leaned on my shoulder and I grunted at the pain in my ribs but I took it, while wrapping an arm around his back, I heard him hiss at the pain of the burn I was touching but he didn't complain at all. We used each other to hold ourselves up before we allowed our laughter to ring out again.
It was only now that our classmates were able to stand up again, fucking weak. They were only knocked back by the blast not the explosion itself but the villain was staring horrified at us as if he just saw the gates of hell and was now trying to find peace there instead of being here. Yet here I am just laughing with my best friend.
"Fuck, that brings back memories!" Izuku laughed and I snorted in disbelief.
"What memories exactly? When I told you to take a swan dive?" I looked at him curiously.
"Nah, way before then. Back at the creak when you fell. All the other kids laughed while we were drenched." Izuku sighed and we started limping our way back to school. Not like we can catch a ride or anything, we will just have to walk.
"I remember that," I nodded at the memory, it was the day nothing really made sense anymore. Why would a quirkless nobody try to help someone with a powerful quirk? It was ridiculous. "I guess I can see what you mean." It was true as crazy as it was, our fight made zero sense to anyone, not even us. Yet it changed so much of our lives.
"Are you actually letting them become heroes? Are you fucking shitting me?" The villain was starting to hyperventilate but I just rolled my eyes. He'll get medical attention while in custody. We kept walking; hissing, groaning and bitching as we went but we were fucking walking. Not going to get any better until we see Recovery Girl after all.
"How long is your quirk going to last?" I heard Aizawa Sensei demand from behind but we kept walking.
"A month."
"You're telling me I have to deal with this shit for a fucking month?" I heard him scream like a little fucking teenage girl which only made Izuku and I laugh more.
"Unless they hit the line of no return, yes. If they even have a line at all. Did you not see that fight just now? I could have died. DIED!" The villain kept ranting, he was getting on my fucking nerves.
"Oi fucker?" I yelled, turning my head to see the bastard when Izuku and I stopped, both of us glaring at him.
He froze and looked up before Izuku finished for me, "Unless you want to turn that could into a did shut the fuck up. You're giving me a fucking headache." his jaw snapped shut and it was like all the blood in his face drained away in seconds. I also saw his bright yellow pants get a lot darker from where he pissed himself.
"Fucking bastard doesn't know when to shut the fuck up," I grumbled as Izuku and I started making our way back to school again.
It wasn't until we were standing in front of Recovery Girl that we noticed that our class had followed at all, they kept so far back it was kind of funny. Izuku and I had been talking and laughing about old times and how fucking stupid we were at the time.
Recovery Girl however couldn't see why we were laughing when we were, as she put it, barely alive.
"Because we are still alive," we answered at the same time which made us laugh and wince in pain but we kept laughing anyway. She sent us to take cold showers for our burns and it wasn't until now that I looked down and saw Izuku wasn't the only one that got burned. Fuck, if anything I was in just as bad of shape as he was.
We took our showers and came back with our shirts in our hands, the halls were empty anyway, other than our class, and Recovery Girl still needed to treat our injuries anyway. We walked in and a few of our friends flinched back, earning them the what the fuck looks we were giving them, but whatever. We hopped up on one of the cots, hissing at the pain the movement alone caused us but we didn't utter a single complaint.
"Izuku, we should call Mom and Aunty and let them know we are alright," I grumbled, already dreading the interaction altogether.
"Mom and the Hag will be pissy if we don't," Izuku groaned and we pulled out our phones and just sat there staring at them.
"I REALLY don't want to," I groaned, still looking at the dark screen, I haven't even unlocked it yet. I looked at Izuku who was taking deep breaths before he actually unlocked his phone and hit the call button and put it on speakerphone. "Ass," I grumbled before my Mom answered Aunty's phone.
"Izuku? Oh my God! Inko and I just saw everything on the news! They keep replaying how you two went from working together to attacking each other! We all saw the villain hit you with his quirk but the authorities are refusing to answer any questions. Are you alright? What about my brat? Did you kill him? I swear I will only blame the villain," Damn my mom is long winded.
"I'm right here Mother, sorry to disappoint you," I groaned while Izuku was laughing and wincing at the pain it caused only to keep laughing anyway. "Tell Aunty that Izu will be fine too, I didn't kill him either." I rolled my eyes and it was now that Recovery girl poured some alcohol on my burns and I yelped at the pain. Deku didn't get time to dodge before he was quickly doused in the burning substance as well and we were both calling for Hades and Persephone to bitch slap the villain not even caring that hardly anyone even knew who they were anymore. I'll apologize to their memory fucking later, don't spite me before I can.
"What was that?" Aunty asked worried and in tears if her voice was anything to go by.
"We are currently getting our injuries tended to," I hissed, my skin still burning until I felt like the most wonderful cream in the world being applied. Burn cream, it's fucking heaven on a burn, the way it cools and soothes the frayed and raw flesh was a god send. "You're on speaker so if you need to ask Recovery Girl something it's whatever," I added before the woman moved on to Izuku and his sighs of relief filled the air.
Recovery Girl sighed but dutifully gave our parents a report on our medical condition, "I'm sorry it's going to take several days for their burns to heal even with my quirk and the fact is that they managed to break several ribs as well, but on the bright side they don't have any actual internal injuries which is surprising considering how they were coughing up blood when they arrived."
I yawned already tired but then Recovery Girl kissed my hand and it took everything I had to keep my eyes open. Well fuck, then I saw her do Izuku and when he started laying back it was like he pulled me with him and we started panting, exhausted but trying to stay awake at the same time. Neither of us were succeeding.
I went to blink but my eyelids just refused to open again and in the next second... Nothing.
I woke up still next to Izuku and we saw trays of cold food sitting on either side of the cot we were still sharing. "Eat, you'll need the energy if my quirk is going to help at all." Recovery Girl directed, not even bothering to turn away from her computer screen. Izuku and I struggled to sit up and we ate what we could without getting sick and she came over and changed our bandages and I could see the still angry, red and blistered flesh, I hissed when she cleaned off the old cream and I let out a sigh when she applied fresh burn cream. When the new bandages were on I managed a couple more bites while she worked on Izuku. She seems angry but she is keeping her thoughts to herself so instead of unleashing her unpleasant attitude on myself I decided to chat with Izuku.
"Remember that time we caught an older kid with the stinging quirk bullying the girl in our class?" I asked, grinning at the memory.
"That kid was easily three years older than us and you didn't even have your quirk yet and we still tackled him. Ha! We used to be such a great team," I heard the drop in his tone and I couldn't help the frown on my own face.
"Instead of being praised for protecting her we were scolded for interfering because we didn't have quirks yet. Sometimes I think life would have been easier if no one had them. I mean there was another time that a girl with acid spit was torturing a kid in our class because his quirk gave him wings and it pissed her off," I let out a sigh, thinking about all the bullshit I've seen and then thinking back on us and our past. Izuku just hummed but he didn't really agree, but then again he knows exactly what it's like to be quirkless.
"I didn't mean it like that," I groaned, rubbing a hand over my face at my own stupidity.
"I know Katsuki, I know." He sighed but then he laid down next to me anyway. Recovery girl used her quirk on us and it wasn't long before we passed out again.
This time when I woke up I could move fairly easily. I sat up and stretched, testing my range of motion and although it was still limited it was much better than before. I smiled at Recovery Girl and thanked her which only made her drop her pen. Odd.
I looked behind me to see Izuku going through much the same test I just did and when we were both done we stood up and started stretching our legs too. "Damn that is tender," I hissed at the pain, I nearly fell over from it but I could see Izuku holding onto the cot we were just on for balance.
Recovery Girl seemed to snap out of whatever daze she was in and told us to go to the gym and use the shower to clean off so that we can get our bandages changed again. We did as we were told and when we were done we changed into our gym uniforms, opting to carry our shirts because our burns were still far too sensitive to put them on.
We walked back to her office in easy silence but it was the middle of the school day so we passed several students from different classes including class B. Fuck we walked right by the Copy Cat Bastard and he jumped out of the way his mouth clamped shut. What the fuck is his actual problem?
We walked into the office only to find All Might smiling at us like he won the lottery with Kirishima and Icyhot standing next to him who once we walked in looked down at the floor. I rolled my eyes, what the hell is that matter with everyone?
"All Might!" Izuku called out and our hero stood up holding his arms out and I couldn't not run into his arms, ignoring the pain of my burns altogether. He held us tight before letting us go again and we winced at the pain of our burns as he released us. Again Recovery Girl dropped her pen and just stared at me, what is with everyone today?
"Boys! I'm so glad you're doing well enough to walk already, I've been worried sick." All Might wiped a tear away and I couldn't help the smile on my face but fucking Izuku was smirking like he was some kind of badass.
"We would never let a second rate villain nobody keep us down, how could we call ourselves heroes if we did?" Izuku shrugged and I laughed out loud.
"The fucker didn't know what hit him did he?" I leaned against Izuku not expecting the jolt of pain to course through me and we both hissed before separating, very slowly to prevent more.
"Bakubro? Midobro? I am so confused right now it kind of hurts," I looked at Kirishima, confused by his words.
"What Shitty Hair?" Izuku asked, tilting his head at the same time I did.
"Kiri, you're going to have to ask actual questions if you expect to understand something," I groaned, rubbing at the bridge of my nose. Recovery Girl had just picked up her pen when she dropped it again, this time however Icyhot picked it up for her and placed it on her desk. Good call on his part because she keeps dropping the damned thing.
"Bakugo, Midoriya? Are you two feeling alright? Did you maybe hit your head while you were fighting?" Icyhot asked and I thought back to the mission but I don't remember hitting my head at all.
"I think I'm alright, at least as far as that goes. Thanks for asking Todoroki," I smiled at him and he nodded very slowly, I then watched him pinch himself. I looked at Izuku and we shrugged at each other.
"Icyhot, what are you trying to get at exactly?" Izuku asked and we both waited for an answer but he didn't answer, just rubbed at the spot that he pinched himself at.
Recovery Girl coughed, clearing her throat before handing us each a jar of the burn cream and we applied it to each other. It wasn't long before we were laughing about my mother's terrible cooking.
"I wonder if Mom would bring us spicy curry tonight if you asked her?" Izuku asked, he turned his head just enough so that he was looking up at me with wide hopeful eyes.
"Aunty is YOUR Mom, she would bring us a feast if you asked her." I huffed, already jealous but I couldn't help rubbing at my stomach, spicy curry sounds amazing. "But her cooking is amazing, I would kill someone for some of her katsudon right now, but she still refuses to give me the recipe."
We had finally managed to wrap the bandages on each other properly and had put our shirts back on and Recovery Girl used her quirk on us again. I was already starting to nod off and I wasn't even sitting down yet! I climbed up onto the cot and Izuku crawled up next to me and the moment my head hit the pillow I was gone.
"Okay, you two can go back to the dorms today, your classmates are here to make sure you actually make it to your beds instead of passing out on the way," I woke up to Recovery Girl snapping at us. What the fuck did we do to get her so angry at us?
I blinked several times to see a peanut butter sandwich was shoved in my face and I couldn't help the face I made at the strong smell. I sat up and this time when she shoved it in my face again I bent over the side and hurled, thankful there was a trash can there.
"Urg, get that shit out of my face!" Izuku bitched and I saw her try to push it into his face again only for him to react the same way I had, hurling over a trash can, his was considerably closer to him though and he didn't get any on the floor like I had.
"How can people actually eat that shit?" I groaned and my stomach gurgled in protest when I looked up and saw the sandwich on the table next to me, fuck I think I'm going to hurl again. As if the thought alone was enough, that is exactly what I did. "Get that nasty shit away," I cursed some more groaning over the trashcan in case anything else came up.
"I was unaware that you two had any food allergies," Recovery Girl looked even more pissed.
"We don't, peanut butter is just that disgusting." Izuku snapped and I saw Icyhot take the plate with the sandwich on it away but not before I hurled again.
"Nasty shit," I grumbled, I couldn't bring myself to sit back up though so I just laid there hanging over the edge of the cot, my back pressed against Izuku's while he hung over the other side, I heard him grumbling his agreement before pulling out my phone and texting Aunty. I turned my head to look at Izuku and grumbled for him to look at me before handing him my phone.
Katsuki: Aunty, Izu and I just got sick. Could you bring us some of your amazing cooking? Please?
Aunty: Of course Katsuki dear! I'll make both of your favorites with extra peppers!
Katsuki: You are an angel Aunty.
"Mom really is amazing," Izuku handed me my phone back and I got another whiff of that overpowering peanut butter smell and we both quickly turned back to our trash cans and this time dry heaved. Guess we don't have anything else to throw up.
I closed my eyes, just trying to ease the nausea and it wasn't long before I was asleep again.
I woke up to the heavenly smell of ghost peppers and Carolina reapers and my stomach was growling. "Aunty?" I asked, my voice was so hoarse I barely heard it, but that didn't stop her from hearing me.
"Katsuki dear! Your teachers just told me how you got sick, poor things. I know I put on both of your paperwork that you were not to have peanut butter, Mitsuki was going to leave it out but I insisted!" Aunty hovered over me putting the back of her cool hand on my forehead, I couldn't help the sigh of relief at the cool sensation. Aunty really is the best.
She insisted on helping us up and even I know better than to argue with her when she is worried like this, so I just smiled while she helped Izuku and I to the sink to wash our faces and thanks to her having a mini bottle of mouthwash we were able to get the terrible taste of bile out of our mouths before she pushed us along back to the cot before handing us the still piping hot food.
"Katsudon for now, spicy curry would be too much on an empty stomach," she smiled at us warmly before taking our spoons from us and stuffing a large bite into our mouths, and making us laugh and almost choke.
"Mom! We can feed ourselves," Izuku whined and she relented, giving us our spoons back. My stomach rumbling at the smell of spice, thick in the air. We quickly ate our food and when we were done, Aunty went about checking us over again.
Her cool hand was on my forehead again and I couldn't help leaning against it. I don't know how but in the next instant my head was on her shoulder and I could only smell the sweet spice of the peppers she had spent who knew how long cooking with. I relaxed against her, only barely registering that Izuku was on her other shoulder and she just laughed softly before I felt her gentle fingers combing through my hair and she started singing an old lullaby, her sweet voice lulling me into a deep sleep. There is nowhere safer than with Aunty. Nowhere at all.
"Hmm? Aunty?" I grumbled only to hear another woman scoff and when I opened my eyes I saw my mother tapping her fingers angrily. "Mother," I grumbled and she walked over and put her hand on my forehead and I rolled my eyes. But I still wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her close, ignoring her angry outburst asking what the fuck was the matter with me. The fuck if I know, I just want to hug her, that's all but I didn't say anything and it wasn't long before I heard Izuku grumbling about the noise and I felt him turn over and drape arm around me so that he could reach her too.
"Boys, where is that villain you fought the other day? I just want to talk, really." I heard her ask and Izuku and I both laughed before we started dozing off again. Like hell my mother just wants to talk, more like she wants to beat him into an early grave before burying him alive with scorpions. Yes, that was much more likely.
When we woke up this time I was now curled up in Izuku's arms but the light was shining in my face and I was trying to avoid it.
"Stop moving around so fucking much or I'll push you out of the bed," Izuku grumbled and I blinked several times before I could focus on him.
"Want to go another round? We'll see who pushes who off," I grumbled before snuggling back into his chest and hiding from the evil that was the light. We went back and forth a few times before I heard Aunty giggling at us and we both sat up and opened our eyes to see her and my mother smiling at us.
They cooed about how cute we were, until we finally actually got up grumbling, not that either of them cared.
"Izuku, you've gotten so big. No wonder you were able to beat my brat," My mother smirked while she talked which of course only started an argument between us until she was close enough and I just wrapped her in a hug and sighed ignoring the shit coming out of her mouth.
"Seriously, what the fuck kind of quirk were you hit with?" My mother ranted some more and I heard Aizawa Sensei answer her, fuck I didn't even know he was in the room.
"Wait polarized? Not opposite?" I heard Aunty ask and I just grunted holding my mother closer.
"Mommy, I don't feel good." I heard Izuku whine which was followed by Aunty making promises of more food to bring to us.
"I love you mother," snuggled into my mothers arms and she actually wrapped her own around me.
"Come on brat, let's get you two back to your actual rooms." My mother shook me lightly and I grumbled but stood up anyway leaning heavily on her. I opened my eyes to see where I'm actually going but I could only see my teacher and classmates' horrified faces as we made our way through the school. Fuck all of them, I feel like shit. Like I was run over by a steamroller and somehow survived.
"You know, you two should probably spend as much time together as possible," I looked up at Aunty's voice confused.
"Why is that Mom?" Izuku asked, just as confused as I was.
"Well, it would make getting better easier and you could apply the burn cream to each other after your showers. Recovery Girl did say she was done doing it for you," I groaned, I couldn't help it. She is the school nurse, isn't it her actual fucking job to do exactly that?
"I'll do whatever you say Aunty," I sighed out and I felt my mother flinch at my words. Normally I would say something like I would think about it and then avoid it completely so I wouldn't hurt her feelings. So yeah, this quirk is doing a fucking number on me and I can't help it.
It didn't take long to get to my room, Aunty ended up picking my room for us to stay in because Izuku's room was so cluttered. Our classmates didn't say anything, they just silently stayed out of the way while we made our way to my room and Aunty took Izuku's dorm key so she could pack some of his things to bring up here.
"I'll heat up the spicy curry Inko made, you two get some rest. I'm sure your stomachs are still turning from the peanut butter incident earlier." My mother let out a sigh when I collapsed on my bed and she was no longer supporting me. I mumbled a thank you and I barely registered the fact that Izuku climbed up and cuddled into my arms again before letting the sweet abyss of sleep take me.
I woke up to the most heavenly smell of peppers imaginable. Now I'm completely awake and I found Izuku just as excited as I was. My room was empty but we didn't hesitate to run out of it and down the stairs just to find the source of the heavenly smell. I saw my mother roll her eyes in the dorm kitchen but she dished us each an extra large plate and we devoured it.
Not bothering to slow down until our plates were empty and that was when she handed us each a large glass of water before taking our plates. I had only taken a drink or two when she turned around with more moderately portioned plates and this time we ate like normal fucking people.
"I'm stuffed," Izuku sighed after we finished the last of the food. I hummed in agreement and slowly stood up stretching, testing what all was still sore and what wasn't. My ribs might take a few more days and the burns felt a lot better but they were still covered so it's not like I could just look at them, at least not yet.
"So, I think now would be a great time to discuss the wedding!" Aunty cheered and Izuku and I both spit out the water we had been drinking. I was choking and trying very hard to breathe again.
"Not this shit again!" I grumbled before getting up and getting a towel to clean up the mess that we had made.
"Mom, I thought we talked about this?" Izuku whined, and I heard a few of our brave classmates asking questions.
"What wedding?" It was Iida who asked and I just wanted to groan.
"None of your fucking business Glasses! Stay out of it!" Izuku hissed and I watched as all of our classmates' eyes widened and they all stood there in silence.
"We have told you a million times, no. Why are you bringing it up now?" I demanded turning my attention back to my mother.
"Because you both already know that it is happening. Regardless, you can make this a lot easier if you agree and then who knows you might even enjoy it." I rolled my eyes at my mother.
"Katsuki is not interested in marrying me, can't we just nullify the contract? Why would you even sign such a contract in the first place?" Izuku groaned and just ouch, I mean I knew he wasn't interested but that hurt. A lot.
"As you can see Izuku doesn't want to marry me so why do you two keep pushing it?" I grumbled and I could hear our classmates' shocked comments and I started setting off mini explosions in my hand in warning.
"That is enough from both of you. Either before or now you have both only claimed that the other doesn't want you but neither of you have ever said that you didn't want the other," Aunty snapped and I couldn't help flinching back, she is down right scary when she is pissed. I don't care what anyone else says.
"If you can seriously look each other in the eyes and say 'I don't love you' we will consider canceling the arranged marriage. BUT not a minute before, not even a second before then." I groaned, burying my face in my hands before I had an idea.
I gently nudged Izuku's leg before I forced some pressure behind my eyes before sniffling and looking up above my hand just a little bit and showing my now teary eyes to both of our mothers who flinched back at the sight.
"Why are you picking on us so much? Haven't we been good? Haven't we done everything you've asked us to since we've entered highschool?" I asked and a tear slid down and I heard Izuku hiccup next to me and I knew his face had to be covered by now considering his eyes were basically faucets.
"NO!" My mother very nearly screamed which only helped the waterworks if I'm honest.
"This right here is why we will not cancel. You work together far too well and you will give us beautiful grandbabies." Aunty sighed and I looked up at her to see her covering her face so she couldn't see us but it was too late already. The sobs were starting to shake my body and anyone could hear Izuku crying and how his voice shook with his tears.
"I'm not doing this, you are both on your own. Bye, brat!" My mother hissed, dragging Aunty out the door with her and after about twenty seconds the waterworks finally stopped.
"Fuck why does crying have to actually hurt like that? I thought crying was supposed to relieve you or some shit?" I grumbled before going to the sink and cleaning my face off.
"It wouldn't hurt so much if you would let yourself cry when you actually need to, Katsuki it wouldn't hurt to let yourself relax sometimes." Izuku went into lecture mode and I rolled my eyes.
"Want me to give you a reason to cry?" I asked glaring at him and he smirked back at me.
"If we don't find a way to break off this engagement then I see you crying a lot in the future," he mocked me and I wrapped an arm around his neck, smiling.
"Want to say that again?" I asked my voice so flat it was sounded fucking insane even to me.
He grumbled and we ignored our classmates' outburst of questions while we made our way back to my room to shower and put on fresh bandages again before going back to sleep.
I woke up to the sweet smell of strawberries and mocha with just a hint of spice. Fuck that smells good, I just want to eat it up. I opened my mouth to find the soft flesh of the fruit and nibbled on it. It didn't taste how I expected but still sweet, the smell driving me to get closer, my hands pulling the hot firm fruit closer.
Wait... What?
I opened my eyes to see the green curls of my childhood crush as I kissed and sucked on his neck. Oh shit, I should stop. I should stop right now. I start to pull away only for him to pull me back, his moans ringing in my ear.
"Don't stop," he gasped, his voice shuddering while he begged me, which went straight to my morning wood. Fuck it, he asked for it so why not?
I gently bit into his neck while my hands explored his sinfully delicious body. We had gone to bed with only our boxers and bandages on and I am not complaining at the moment. I bit a little harder and his body jerked forward and I got to feel his hard on, brush against mine. Fuck it.
"Fuck, I need you. I need you now," I hissed pressing myself against him so that there was zero question as to what I could mean by that. "Let me have you?" I begged before I started kissing his neck and it didn't escape my notice that I was starting to leave a hickey. I need to stop. I need to pull away.
"Yes, please. Take me," he moaned and I felt him dig his nails into my back and I couldn't think anymore. I climbed on top of him and he ripped his boxers off while I found something to use for lube because fuck. Just fuck.
I pressed against him and stopped, wait, I still have a choice in this. "Izuku, do you love me?" I asked, feeling him squirm under me but I refused to just follow my lust blindly.
"More than the world, Katsuki. I have always loved you," he pulled me in for a real kiss and I let myself fall into it. I pushed inside gently, well aware that I didn't prep him nearly enough but instead of pain I could only hear him moan out his pleasure which was making it increasingly harder to move slowly.
Once I was all the way in I held him to me letting him adjust to my size while at the same time pulling myself back together so I wouldn't cum too quickly. I kissed him, his moans filled the air while his tongue found mine and I started to slowly roll my hips, just enough for him to get used to the movement while my tongue played with his. I felt something in me snap but I don't care. I have the most beautiful man in my arms and he is willingly moaning my name.
"Kacchan, more please, faster." he panted when he managed to break away to get a few gulps of fresh air and I bit into the other side of his neck before I started thrusting into his hot body, he clung to me, meeting every thrust with his own. When the fuck did he find condoms? When did he manage to put one on himself? I mean I know I put one on when I was putting lube on him, I didn't want to hurt him. Fuck I still don't but I do want to make him scream.
"Deku, beg for me," I hissed in his ear before I licked along the edges of it and he moaned right in my ear. Fuck that sound is amazing!
"YES!" His voice broke and I fumbled a little only to hear him scream out again even louder. I thrusted again and he fucking screamed my name, "KACCHAN!" Making me go even faster, harder. I dug my fingers into his hips, pulling him so that he would meet my thrust at the exact angle that had him stuttering for air while screaming for me.
I'm about to cum but I need more, there is just something missing and I think I know exactly what. I pulled away enough to adjust the angle before I slammed back into him and with my mouth next to his ear I told him what I wanted and he scratched up my back until his hands were holding my face and he pulled me into a demanding kiss that seemed to swallow all of our screams. Until we couldn't breathe anymore and broke away gasping. "KATSUKI!" He screamed his body shuddering under me but I could hardly focus on that while my own release had blurred my vision and I bit into the side of his neck, hard. My cock pulsed far longer than it took for me to let his neck go and I kissed along the bite marks I left on him, still not able to pull out of him while my body hummed with the pleasure currently vibrating through me.
It took a long time of us just laying there, our bodies still tense before we could relax and I pulled out of him but I couldn't let him go. My arms held him tight, while my mind raced at what we just did. We just had mind blowing sex, he told me he loved me and I think the quirk wore off because I feel like myself again and I am panicking.
What if he doesn't actually want me? What if the only reason he did was because of the quirk? I don't want to let him go, I could feel my heart racing but at the same time my body seemed to move on it's own as I kissed Deku. Showering him with love and affection as my body was finally starting to calm down, ignoring my panicking mind while I kissed on every bit of him I could reach.
I heard his angelic giggles at being tickled and I couldn't help the grin on my face while I doubled down, refusing to let him go.
"Stop!" He giggled pushing me away and I froze. I saw him look up at me still wearing that playful grin and I could see that teasing light in his eyes. "I want a turn," he grinned and pulled me slowly, as if he were hesitating, into a slow kiss and I let him.
He rolled us over and it wasn't long before I was breathless again and he pulled away, taking the used condoms off of us and handing me a new one to put on. He put a much more generous amount of lube on me than I had him before he pushed inside and my back arched to meet him. By the time we were thrusting again it felt like time had stopped all around us as I met him with each one. Our moans and screams filled the air while we hungrily devoured each other. His tongue in my mouth while I scratched up his back trying to somehow pull him deeper than he already was.
"FUCK, IZUKU!" My body shook and shuddered under him while I came, my nails could have drawn blood and neither of us would have noticed. I was latching onto him so tight and his hands were grabbing my ass so hard I'm pretty sure I have bruises in the shape of his hands, but I could still feel his cock pulsing inside of me. I wonder how the fuck that works?
After what felt like forever we were finally able to let each other go, and I looked at my fingers just to be sure that I didn't break his skin and I can't help the relief flooding me when I saw no blood.
Deku leaned down and kissed me and I happily kissed him back. Letting my hands explore his body gently as we slowly kissed and Deku pulled out of me. We took off the condoms and threw them away.
"Fuck, I've wanted to do that for a long time." I was still panting from coming down from cloud nine and I don't even care. I want more.
"Really? I thought you hated me?" Deku sounded so happy I could only smile.
"I hated that I couldn't have you, not really anyway, but no I've never hated you." I smiled while wrapping him in my arms, I'm not letting him go anytime soon if I can help it.
"So does that mean you're okay with us getting married?" I looked down to see his hopeful eyes and I kissed him before answering him. We ended up talking for a long time over it, just relaxing in each other's arms as we did. We both want us, but we don't want a piece of paper to force either of us to do anything. We want marriage as the end goal but from love not a contract.
"I'm more than okay with it. I have wanted you so bad over the years, but I really don't deserve you."
"But I want you, I love you so much it hurts most days," Deku whispered in between light kisses.
"Then I'm never letting you go," I answered and his tongue met mine before we finally pulled apart and got up to shower. It was probably the middle of the day, not that that mattered since we were on bed rest for the week. We applied our medicine and put on some real clothes, careful to make sure that we covered the bite marks on Deku's neck before we took the trash out and the dirty laundry to the machines.
When we were done we cuddled up on the couch in the common area and fell asleep watching The Rise of All Might, our arms carefully wrapped around each other as we snuggled.
"Sensei! They are asleep on the couch, did you even look up when you walked into the dorms?" I heard Shitty Hair scream making us both groan in irritation.
"Kiri, shh. Sleep isn't bad," Deku tried to bury his face in my neck and I grumbled about Shitty Hair not knowing what's good for him. The background music to the movie is still playing from the movie returning to the menu screen.
"What do you mean they-" I heard Aizawa Sensei ranting from the staircase until the point where he could probably see us and the thought of what we must look like hit me. Deku is on my lap, our arms wrapped securely around each other while we had been sleeping peacefully in each other's arms. Yeah, that's not telling at all.
"Go away," I hissed before snuggling into Deku's neck and I heard him hiss at what I'm sure was still very tender from me biting him. Who knew I would have a biting kink? I sure as fuck didn't but fuck, I really like it and if Deku's response is anything to go by, he loved it.
"SO!" I nearly jumped out of my skin hearing my hag yell right next to my fucking ear and Deku was whining at the noise too. "The wedding?" I could hear the smirk in her voice as if she knew exactly what we did just a few hours ago.
"Aunty!" Deku whined while I cursed and generally fought with my hag.
"Fucking old hag! What the fuck is your problem?" Being only the very tip of the iceberg of what all I said to her.
"Katsuki Bakugo!" My mouth snapped shut as I felt my ghost get ready to flee my body. Aunty sounded pissed.
"Aunty?" I asked quietly and Deku tightened his hold on me.
"Mom, stop that. You know what that does to him!" Deku defended me and I heard our classmates' confused questions at what he could possibly be talking about.
"Izuku, honey. I'm only saying his name," Aunty sighed as if this argument happened often.
"Mom, Dad almost died." Deku groaned because let's be honest, that was aome fucking scary ass shit.
"But he didn't," Aunty scowled. I have to wonder which one of these two women I'm actually related to sometimes.
"MOM!" Deku yelled before climbing out of my lap and I made a run for it. Yep, I'm not suicidal. Fuck that shit.
Only to be grabbed by Aizawa Sensei and jerked off my feet. "Fucking asshole, are you trying to get me fucking killed?" I set off a small explosion before running for the stairs only to stop as Aunty yelled my name again.
"Katsuki Bakugo!" My body froze up so fast at hearing her call for me I nearly fell over. This time however I didn't respond and instead I was looking for when she would look away so I could run. Yep, I'm running.
"MOM! Stop! Are you trying to be a villain now?" I winced at that but I remained exactly where I was.
"Izuku, how in the world did you ever come up with that?" Aunty demanded and she sounded heartbroken.
"Oh I don't know, you keep trying to force a contract marriage that neither of us want. You force us to listen to you or we have to risk you losing control of your quirk again. Look at you now, I can't even step away without you taking a step forward!" Deku yelled and I turned and used the step I was closest to push off of while I sprinted towards Deku.
"I DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND YOU ANYMORE!" Aunty screamed waving her hand around, I set off an explosion to get me the last few inches a little faster and Deku and I were turning while falling out of the way as green light shot out of her fingertips. We landed with a grunt and I looked up just in time to see Aunty pass out and we jumped only to dive to catch her in time.
"SON OF A FUCKING BITCH!" I cursed, mumbling much more under my breath when Deku managed to get Aunty off of me. "Every fucking time," I kept grumbling and Deku set her on the couch before she started moving around.
"Nope," we said at the same time and pointed at the ceiling above Aizawa Sensei before limping our way to the elevator and towards my room, ignoring my zoned out hag. The ceiling showed exactly the kind of damage we were nearly hit with and the fuck if I want my head any where other than above my shoulders, the shockwave was more than enough and as is, we are going to be sore for days.
No thanks, someone else can take care of Aunty while we go hide but of course my hag had to come to and start screaming about how the fuck we disappeared on them, again.
"We are NOT getting married just because of a piece of paper YOU signed when we were three! When I get married it will be because I want to and to who I want to!" I snapped at her and Deku and I stepped into the elevator and he hit the buttons for my floor and his. We were leaning heavily on the guard rails in the elevator, that blast really did a number on us.
Our classmates at this point we're just staring in shock at either us or the blast Aunty released by mistake. I don't think any of them have a clue as to what is going on but I also don't give a flying fuck. I'm tired.
"Sex in your room?" Deku asked, getting my attention.
"You have energy left after all that?" I responded, not refusing. I'm more than willing.
"I figure we are already going to be sore anyway, might as well enjoy it a little." He shrugged his shoulders looking at me and I bit my lip.
"Like I'm going to say fucking no? Not a chance in hell," I answered and he giggled as he put his foot in the doorway to his floor for ten seconds before coming back in. Oh, I see what he did there.
We went in and locked my door, being extra careful to put a chair in front of it as well just in case. I don't want to be interrupted and Deku didn't even ask if I wanted to top, I think the only reason I topped the first time was because of the quirk, not that I'm complaining, Deku's body was perfection and he is VERY attentive to mine.