Where the fuck am I?
I am standing in the middle of what kind of looks like a room, but that is not quite right. Everything seemed somehow rounded and shiny and when I reached out and touched a lamp it actually popped like a bubble.
After looking around for a while I figured out that I was stuck in what looked and felt like a bubble, like a soap bubble. I face palm, just how? How did I get into this mess? Last thing I remember is that I was going to bed, I looked down at myself and for the first time I noticed that yep, I'm still only in my boxers. I look at the bed, would it pop if I touch it?
I've been up for a solid three days now, between working a ridiculous amount of overtime to finally coming home to crash. I am done. Sure I should be raging, setting off explosions and getting myself free. But I'm just exhausted, it's been a little over two years since I graduated from U.A. Currently it's June and I am 20 years old. I was only put on leave today after my quirk sputtered out in the middle of a fight. My supervisor actually tried to reprimand me for not taking care of myself and was going to try and make me take the leave without pay until I pulled up all the denied vacation slips and doctor's note attachments supporting the medical need for me to take a break.
Fucking asshole! If it wasn't for the fact that HR had been called in for the disciplinary "meeting" I would have had to try to repeal the damn thing. Which is near impossible once it's processed. But thankfully I'm known as the hero with the worst attitude and HR is always required to be present if I get called into a meeting for anything.
You know what, it's just a room made up of soap. So long as the bed will support my weight and not pop, I'll just sleep here. It's not like I have anything important to do other than rest anyway.
I walked over to the bed and put a hand down on it and it gave under the pressure but didn't pop at all. I let out a sigh before sitting down and looking at the bedside table I saw a bowl-like cup. I pick it up and smell the contents but I only smell water, hell even the soap 'cup' doesn't seem to have a smell at all. I shrug and drink it before putting it back down and laying down, rolling over and getting comfortable.
"Still a blanket would have been nice," I let out a sigh and I heard a loud POP and opened my eyes to see a thick bubble blanket drifting down. It landed on top of me. I let out a sigh and grabbed the blanket, happy it didn't pop from the calluses on my hands. Screw it, I have absolutely no issues with spending my two weeks of leave here. It's nice and cool, soft and breezy where at home it's been under a heat advisory for the past month and with my quirk? Well it's been a nightmare.
I relax into what has to be the world softest bed and close my eyes. I'll worry about going home after my leave is over.
There doesn't seem to be a way to measure time here. No clock and my watch hasn't moved a second since I've arrived. Maybe time is frozen here? It would be nice to not only rest but heal while I am here. I've gotten so many wounds over the last few years and they just keep reopening again and again. I would be surprised if they are even capable of healing anymore. By now they are most likely scars, if I'm honest with myself. I mean fuck, several of them still hurt like a bitch.
"It would be nice to be able to take a hot bath," I sighed after inspecting myself, yeah I'm covered. There was another loud POP and I turned around to see a door. I shrug the thought away and open the door to find a fully functioning bathroom with what I can only describe as an olympic size bath tub. I turn the handle and perfectly hot water starts filling the tub, making me sigh again. I look around and see all kinds of soaps, oils and gentle fragrances filling the cabinets.
I pulled out a few candles and used my quirk to light their wicks with a small pop between my fingers and it wasn't long before the room smelled heavily of cinnamon and mint. I added what I wanted to the water smiling as it started to fill with rich fragrant bubbles before I took off my boxers and stepped into the searing hot water that I couldn't stop the moan from coming out as I relaxed into the water, the faucets now turned off as I laid back just to forget everything that has been stressing me out for so long.
I have no idea how long I slept but waking up to take such a hot bath feels amazing. I could feel my temperature rising, my blood pumping, sliding a hand down cupping myself, slowly rubbing as I thought of the only man to ever make me yield, the one who makes my heart ache in my chest just by walking into the room. I finished masterbating moaning out loud but never actually saying who it was I was wanting, letting the water out before rinsing myself off again.
I looked around and still only saw towels made of the same bubble-like material, I just shrugged before picking it up. It actually worked really well, it was like anywhere the towel touched soaked up the water immediately including my hair. It's kind of nice not having to go over and over myself just to get dry. It was also nice to find clothes in what I now have deemed the bedroom.
"Fuck, I'm hungry," I groaned when my stomach growled. How long has it been since my last real meal? I think I had a protein bar sometime in the middle of my shift two days ago? Maybe? I don't fucking remember.
POP I looked up to the noise to see another doorway. This has to be a dream right? Or did I die and this is my reward for dealing with stupid people for so long without losing my shit? Once I'm through the door I see a nice little kitchen with bright colorful fruit and vegetables sitting at the ready and a fridge that when I opened it I saw even more ingredients. I looked around and found that the microwave had what looked like reheated rice inside it while the oven had freshly cooked katsudon.
"Too bad Deku's not here," I grinned at the thought of him smiling at dinner and muttering over the fact that EVERYTHING was made of bubbles except for things like food and of course the clothes thankfully before pulling out the still piping hot food and froze when there was another loud POP. No way, there is just no way. Right?
"Where-?" I heard the familiar voice from the bedroom and when I turned and leaned through the doorway only to see the nerd was actually standing in the middle of the room looking around curiously.
"How-?" I started to ask and he turned around and when he saw me he dropped the books in his hands. I let out a groan, "Forget it. However you got here isn't important. I'm about to eat, you can join me if you want." I turned back to the kitchen grumbling to myself, this really isn't fair. I was finally enjoying some peace and quiet for what is probably the first time in years, I was actually feeling myself calm down from the stresses of hero work and people in general let alone the public.
I put the food on the table and find the bubble like dishes, I can get far too used to this. I might not ever want to leave. Deku of course was asking a million questions a minute but I just ignored them. I made my plate and generally enjoyed how the bubble fork in my hand felt and worked because I found it hilarious. The bubble chopsticks would slip if I'm not paying attention which I also found comical.
Deku watched for a while eyeing me weirdly as I basically played with my food. "Kacchan? Are you okay?" I looked up at my name still grinning and just chuckled.
"You'll understand after you look around for a while," I answered him finally before finishing my food and putting what Deku didn't add to his plate into the fridge. Dishes were all done before Deku could even try to help, he was very confused until he started washing his own dishes and found the bubble plates clean and spotless with almost no effort at all. I mean can I take these with me? When I have to- I mean when I get to go home?
I just feel like soaking in the tub now though, but I just took a bath before eating. Then again would it really be so terrible to relax in the steamy hot water again? I ended up shrugging my shoulders and making my way to the bath again. Fuck it, I'm going to enjoy this for as long as I can. When the tub was ready again, the candles lit, bubbles surrounding me, I relaxed into the steamy room, my head and neck relaxed on the edge while I just closed my eyes.
"Kacchan?" Deku asked, slowly walking into the now dark room that was only lit with candles.
"What Deku?" I sighed, refusing to open my eyes. For fucks sake, I just want to relax is that actually a problem?
"Where are we? How did we get here?" He sat down awkwardly next to the tub, when I looked up at him he was kind of red but also looking away at the same time.
"Have you looked around?" I asked and watched him nod his head. "Have you said you wanted or needed anything that wasn't already here yet?" Again he nodded, his eyes wide as his blush deepened. "My guess? I was working and was hit with a time delayed quirk. I just happened to mention you when I saw the katsudon in the oven so I think it's fair to assume that's how you got here." I yawned, closing my eyes again. "I'm on leave for a couple weeks so just let me relax here for a little while and then we can figure out how to leave but I want to stay, I haven't slept that well in years."
"Oh, then it must have been a victim or kid that you saved and not a villain attack," Deku's voice was all excited again and when I peeked at him he looked relieved. I honestly don't have a fucking clue who's quirk it is, if it was on purpose or accident and I don't fucking care. This place is a dream come true.
There was silence for a while but I know Deku didn't actually leave, if anything he made it obvious that he was still here because it was so quiet. I opened my eyes again just to see him leaning on the tub but he was breathing softly and his eyes were closed. How exhausted is he that the moment he realizes there isn't any immediate danger he all but passes out? Fuck, I thought I had it bad.
I let out a sigh and woke him up, "If you're going to stay then just get in. The water is still hot and the tub is huge, it's not like it's the first time anyway." I rolled my eyes and averted my gaze when he nodded, allowing him to get undressed and into the tub to hide in the deep fluff of bubbles before relaxing again.
"I've never smelled anything so nice before. What is with the cinnamon?" Deku sighed, and I answered easily enough. At this point he started asking questions that I could actually answer and it wasn't long before we were both basically whispering, starting to nod off in the somehow still hot water.
At some point I woke up to find myself still in the tub and when I looked around I saw that Deku was sleeping leaned against the side too. I wonder if he has been just as busy as I have been? I can't exactly say that sleeping in the bath is the smartest thing I have ever done and after I leave I probably won't do it again but this is just heaven. I let myself stretch out, surprised at how hot the water still is and the fact that I'm not even slightly wrinkled from being in the water for so long.
The water however splashed at the movement and Deku jumped looking around only to find me stretching and arching my back, which would normally be just fine except I just woke up. I settled back in the water before dunking my head under the surface and resurfacing. Damn, the water IS actually still hot.
I sit up and wipe the bubbles and water from my face before leaning back again. "I should really go to bed," I mumbled to myself as I let myself relax into the hot water again. I heard a noise and bolted up real quick only to see Deku grinning at me.
"We shouldn't stay here, I didn't mean to fall asleep anyway," he was explaining calmly but his face showed a very different story. I scooted over and reached over him, plugging the tub back up again as I leaned over him. I could easily see his own morning wood as I did but I pretended that I didn't.
"If you want out then get out. I for one am sick and tired of feeling like someone else's punching bag on a good day. I'm going to enjoy this for as long as I can," I leaned forward more and whispered in his ear. "I sure as fuck won't force you stay or anything, but I won't kick you out either." I felt his breathing hitch before his whole body shuddered, giving me explicit ideas.
"Kacchan, you're so close," he whined while trying to scoot away. "Too bad we're not a couple. It would be nice time to-" he quickly shut and covered his mouth and I rolled my eyes at him. I have more than a fair idea as to what he was thinking and it's not like I wasn't masterbating while thinking of him before he got here. I wonder if he could actually make the faces from my fantasies, would he show me?
I let myself drift closer until I could straddle him, one knee on each side of his hips, relaxing as I leaned closer. "Do you want to leave?" I asked but he was frozen solid and the only sign he knew what situation we were in was the fact that his breathing was turning erratic and heavy. I leaned forward and whispered in his ear letting my lips gently brush the outer edges of his ear as I spoke softly, "Do you want me to leave?"
This time he snapped out of it and shook his head no very quickly. I smirked before letting myself actually sit in his lap, his boner behind me but otherwise ignored, my arms now up on his shoulders I let my chest rest against his before I let my head rest on his neck. His sweet scent, drawing me in as I relaxed more and more.
I know full well that he isn't relaxed at all, he is stiff all over every muscle that I made contact with was straining under me as if he was fighting the urge to move them. His boner on the other hand I could feel behind me, throbbing in excitement. Not that I could say much, my own was in very much the same state.
"Kacchan?" His voice was a whisper but still panicked as if he was about to do something very wrong.
I sleepily lifted my head up enough to see what could have made him so sensitive at the moment but I don't see anything other than me that could be causing it.
"What's wrong Nerd?" I yawned, waiting for him to answer. He looked so cute, his face was bright red, his eyes wide as he looked up at me and then there was his body, I mean damn. Talk about a knockout, every single muscle was distinctly defined, leaving nothing to the imagination, the scars now faded looked so badass now that they weren't red and angry and then let's not talk about his adorable innocent face turned heartbreaker. His baby fat long since gone left him looking sharp and dangerous. I have no idea who dragged him to a hair stylist and gave him an undercut but maybe they should be my hero? Because Deku looked fine as hell, the fact that he is now under me biting a lip as he tried and failed to keep his eyes on my face did nothing to make me soft again. The fact I could feel his excitement throbbing behind me left nothing for me to guess at.
"Kacchan,-" his eyes drifted down again, tracing my lean, muscular body as they went. The way they were scorching with desire was clear on his face.
"Say what you want or take it," I grinned at his shocked face as my words made themselves at home in his head. I meant every word to, I am only too willing to let him have me. The thought of his thick shoulders holding me up or even pushing me down was starting to make my heart race.
He stayed quiet and I just leaned forward again relaxing on top of him again before whispering, "if you change your mind that's still okay. I don't mind waking up to you exploring." I couldn't help the smirk on my face as I relaxed my head on his neck again, curling up in his lap while my hard on was pressed against his stomach.
"Kacchan? I want you in bed. Is that okay?" His voice was shaking but he didn't stutter, if anything it deepened, sending shrill shocks through my body.
"Hmm," I thought about it, on the one hand that would mean we have to get out, on the other we would be in the amazing bed. "Okay, but if we fall asleep don't worry about it. We can always continue where we left off when we wake up again."
I felt him sigh in relief before he picked me up and stood up, leaving the water as it was. Who knows, maybe it will be hot when I come back later? I pointed at the towels and showed him how to use them. The moisture was sucked into the towel leaving our skin soft and dry before I led the way to the bed and slipped under the covers. He was surprised that they didn't pop like some of the small things we have picked up around the place but once he was with me under the covers I could see the exhaustion pulling at him too.
"Let's sleep, we can do other things after we wake up," I smirked at him, not one for being shy. I cuddled up against him, my head on his broad strong chest. At first he stiffened but then he relaxed, pulling me closer while I enjoyed the feel of his skin on mine.
What has to have been days passed by, we cuddled and teased each other to hell and back but we never actually did anything and it looked like it wasn't only frustrating me either. Now that Deku knew I was interested he was exploring his limits; walking by me and grabbing my ass, stealing kisses when I least expected them, and even just all out tackling me onto the bed more than once. But they always ended in the oddest ways, the ones that landed us in that heavenly tub usually ended with us touching and exploring each other but never actually doing anything. Fucking seriously? How have my hands not touched more than his arms and chest? Just HOW?!?
Every time we landed in bed, exhaustion would take over and we would fall asleep, granted in each other's arms but STILL. There was once that all I did was look up at him, to be fair we had been teasing the hell out of each other all day (or however long we were usually up for) and Deku lost it.
He picked me up and my back hit the wall at about the same time my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms found their way around his neck. We managed to finally get a kiss this way, my fingers knotted in his hair pulling him closer, his hands gripping my thighs and ass. Our lips found each other, my mouth opened before I could think much less breathe and our tongues met for the first time making everything come to a screeching halt.
It was so sudden and unexpected that we both froze for several moments before we started slowly exploring the other, our once manic assault on each other now a soft exploration. His lips on mine drawing all of our attention to such a small part of us, everything else just disappeared. As soft as his mouth was, his hands were still gripping me tightly, holding me close before those too slid up and down until it was only my legs wrapped around him that were holding me up, his hands were now sliding under my shirt in slow firm movements.
"Deku~!" I moaned, gasping for air. He just kissed along my jaw before letting his attention slide down my neck, the sweet kisses interrupted only when he decided to nip at my neck with his teeth, causing more moans to spill out of me.
He managed to reach my collarbone before he started making his way back up, his sweet words drawing me in. "Ah, Kacchan! So amazing, so hot," only for him to sink his teeth into my neck strangling the noises from me. I like that, I liked that a lot.
"Harder," I gasped trying to hold myself together but then he bit into my neck again and I couldn't keep holding myself back. I unwrapped my legs and tried to pull him towards the bed only for him to pull me back and push me against the wall again.
"I swear the bed forces us to pass out, I don't want to let you go," his deep voice was sending shocks through my body.
"Tub?" I tried again and he hesitated but gave in, picking me up and carrying me to the blissful hot waters that are just heaven. He had to let me go to start the water but I went looking through the cabinets to find what I was looking for. I even muttered about, "Where are the fucking mood setting candles and stuff when you fucking need them?" When I heard a POP above me and when I looked up I saw a bundle of candles and oils on the counter that were very different from what we had been using.
Caramel and mocha aromas filled the room and Deku whispered something I couldn't hear only for there to be a POP and a small package of fruits, chocolates and different snacks appeared before he stepped out of his clothes. Snapping me out of it so I could follow his lead.
Soaking in the huge tub he started nibbling on the food and with what could only be described as an wicked grin he put a chocolate in my mouth before kissing me. Spicy chocolate paired with his sweet kisses had me almost out of my mind and definitely out of breath. I straddled his waist, sitting in his lap with him sitting back, only caring to enjoy ourselves as we touched, kissed and playfully fed each other.
I could feel myself getting light headed and Deku wasn't the only one getting giggly when I started sliding my hands down his body only to get hit with a wave of dizziness and exhaustion. I slumped forward landing on Deku's chest, I heard him cursing under his breath just before he yawned and I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.
We woke up even more tired and irritated than before, we were both groaning about this heavenly place being cursed. I mean why? Just fucking WHY can't we fuck? We are both more than willing and at this point it is torture to be so close and yet somehow forced to stay apart.
We quickly cleaned up and Deku blocked me from eating a leftover chocolate, "They are aphrodisiacs. I thought it might help us get around whatever is blocking us, somehow." He explained, letting out a sigh.
"I hope you know where we can get these when we get the hell out of here," I whispered in his ear before kissing just his earlobe. "That was exciting."
I watched him smile nodding as he did. He really looks so beautiful, the way his dark green hair seemed to draw me in, asking for me to run my fingers through it. Those eyes that make me want to drown in deep malachite pools of green whenever he would look me in the eye, his freckled skin that just begged to be noticed. I barely noticed how I froze but it wasn't until I was cupping his face that it dawned on me. I was just so lost while only looking at him.
"Maybe we should slow down?" I pulled him closer before just nudging the tip of his nose with mine. "Really slow?" I could feel my heart pounding in my chest already. There is literally nothing that could be telling me that we were going too fast, for that matter we still don't even know where in the fuck we are, but still.
I saw him nod, even confused I could see that he was excited. I pulled him to the bed and laid down under the covers pulling him against me, just kissing his forehead before wrapping my arms around him and he relaxed. For once I'm not hit with the cock blocking exhaustion we have been cursed with since he arrived.
And Deku noticed.
He started nuzzling into my neck, at first just snuggling into me, cuddling even, before he started leaving light sweet kisses. The kisses got longer, wetter, harder before he started nipping at me, his teeth grazing my skin making me gasp. We froze for a few seconds, more than a little worried that if we crossed some line we would be knocked out again. When nothing happened, I returned Deku's attention slowly nuzzling him, kissing him, biting him, returning every ounce of affection he had shown me and somehow it was easier to breathe than before. Even with our hearts skipping beats in our excitement, this time my quirk wasn't getting set off nor was Deku's green energy surrounding us in our hurry to reach the other.
I slid a hand down, exploring his sinfully mouth watering body as I did. He flexed into my touch, not at all shy about it before he leaned in kissing me on the lips. After a few moments, for as long as I could fucking stand it, we stayed that way until I opened my mouth and invited him in. His tongue gently explored every bit of me it could, sometimes going over it several times until I couldn't stop the moan from leaking out of me.
"Ha! Deku~!" I could feel him smile into the kiss, breaking us apart for only a second before he leaned forward again pinning me under him knocking the air out of me. I was fucking whimpering, please let us have this!
An unexpected upside to coming directly from the tub? We are already naked and the feel of our bodies pressed against each other; rubbing, sliding, pleasuring as we went is almost too much on its own. Deku let me go and is now kissing down my chest and abs and I just can't take it anymore.
"Too slow!" I whined and Deku came back up and kissed me.
"Tell me what you want," he waited, both of us panting barely containing ourselves as it was.
"You. Inside. Now." I stated, ready to tackle him if he hesitated any longer. Thankfully though he just smiled before he started propping himself up and I moved making room for him. He finally pushed inside with the help of the lube that had been sitting on the bedside table.
The way the world just stopped turning...
I couldn't get close enough, I couldn't be touched enough. I was losing the ability to breathe, only getting in gulps of air when Deku forced me to, his hands gliding across my skin. Each thrust only pushed it back out again. I couldn't hold on to him tight enough, each passing second I was clawing at his back trying to pull him back only to feel my whole body arching into his when he did.
"Ha! Kacchan, I'm going to cum!" Deku tried to warn me, what the hell has he been saying this whole time? Why can't I focus on anything but his touch? For fucks sake what the hell have I been saying? It sounds like gibberish and somehow not at the same time.
My whole body spasmed, sending me spiraling out of control as my release hit me hard, orgasming when Deku bit into my neck. It took a long time for me to come back to my senses and when I did Deku was still on top of me, panting and shaking.
Finally! I wrapped my arms around Deku making him jump in surprise before pulling him in for a kiss. "Mine," I hissed between kisses and Deku started giggling, returning my kisses. I'm exhausted but this time it feels natural, laying in my lover's arms while we just kissed and playfully teased each other. We finally decided to clean up in the tub and we just kept teasing each other. I mean what else are we supposed to do?
Has this whole thing just been a dream? A wonderful, heart wrenching, soul shattering dream that when I wake up will break me? Fuck that! If I wake up and this is all a dream I'll just make it reality!
"Oi, Deku," I catch his attention now that we are dressed in some sweats and a T-shirt each and climbing into bed. He looked up, holding the blankets open for me still smiling.
"When we get home say kiwi so I know this wasn't some fucking fever dream," I climbed into his arms, relaxing once I was where I should have always been.
"Kiwi?" He asked confused but then giggled and nodded. "Okay Kacchan, I'm not letting you go ever again. I won't chase after you anymore, you're mine," he started yawning and I smirked to myself in the now dark room. Mine.
I wake up to find myself in a room with the Hero associations board of directors, All Might, my supervisor and several other people I don't have a fucking clue about.
"What the actual fuck?" I demanded before trying to step away from some extra that was holding me upright but he didn't let me go and I quickly found out that I was in erasure cuffs when my quirk wouldn't go off.
"Who the hell are you? What the fuck is going on? Why in the fuck am I in cuffs and who's fucking idea is this bullshit?" I kept demanding answers when no one would answer me.
"I think we have all seen enough don't you?" Someone interrupted my ranting but I couldn't pinpoint who.
All Might stood up, he was next to my parents and Aunty but he wasn't looking at me. "This is absurd, young Bakugo was under the effects of a quirk you yourself proved that, how could he or anyone for that matter be punished for that?"
"Whoa, what the fuck is going on? What quirk? What the fuck did I do?" I demanded and it didn't escape me that Aunty and my parents weren't looking at me. But no one bothered to answer and they kept arguing over who was actually at fault, pushing me off in the process.
"Would someone please answer me fucking damnit!" I screamed and they all looked at me finally but I refused to look away or cower.
I saw All Might sigh before saying, "Young Bakugo you are suspected of kidnapping and murdering Young Midoriya." My whole world tilted and I fell over, I'm pretty sure my arm just got pulled out of socket by the goon holding me but I don't fucking care. Deku is...
"No," I whispered, memories of our time together; laughing, giggling, flirting, loving each other. It was all far too short, he can't be gone. He just can't. "No!" I looked up, fixing my glare on who I could only guess was the prosecutor, the accuser. I stood up straight, ignoring the sheer pain now in my shoulder as I did. "Deku is alive and none of you fuckers can convince me otherwise!" I spat. This time I see Aunty smiling at me, hope. I see hope in her eyes. What the hell happened that they could convince Aunty there wasn't any hope? How long has it been since I went on leave?
"What is today?" I looked up again and when no one answered I looked at Aunty to see her mouth July 15th, but she didn't speak up. "So today is the Nerd's birthday?" I smirked at her and she nodded, making me laugh.
"Did anyone check our old clubhouse from when we were brats?" I asked her and I saw her tilt her head confused. "100 to 1 he is there, probably sleeping like a fucking baby, waiting." I grinned before looking at the bastard still holding the arm that was out of socket. "Hold fucking still!" I grumbled and I slammed my shoulder into him feeling the world of pain that came with my shoulder being forced back into place. I hissed as I rotated my arm and shoulder around, thankfully I am wearing my hero suit so once that is over I grin at Aunty.
"I'll be back with Deku in a bit," this time she really smiled at me and I hit my belt triggering the cuff release and I exploded out of the building, but at least I only broke a window.
I found him just where I thought he would be, curled up sleeping in the old clubhouse that neither of us actually fit. I sat down poking at his face until he woke up and he smiled up at me warmly, making me pause for just a second to soak it in.
"Kiwi," Deku yawned, wrapping his arms around me and cuddling into me as he did. I couldn't stop the full smile on my face so it wasn't just a dream. At least not all of it.
"Come here lover, someone is trying to frame me for murdering you," I pulled him out of the doorway when he looked up at me confused. "Yeah, I have no idea how any of this happened. I just woke up on fucking trail but," I paused for a moment to drink in his worried and confused look until disappointment replaced everything. Nope can't have that. "But when everything is said and done we need to go back to my place and practice a few things, maybe even eat some kiwi?"
His head jerked back up and his eyes flashed, showing not only his excitement but also his quirk barely being contained. He threw his arms around my shoulders and kissed me and I wasn't letting him go anytime soon. When he did let me go I noticed for the first time that he was wearing his hero suit as well, what the hell happened to us?
"By the way, Happy Birthday, Nerd." I smirked playing with his hair and he jerked away confused again.
"Kacchan, it's June 15th not July 15th," He looked so hurt that I could actually get it wrong. I grin at him and pull his phone out of his pocket to show him today's date.
"Like I said, Happy Birthday." He blinked at the phone and then back at me and then his phone again before he started freaking out.
"MOM IS GOING TO KILL ME!" He picked my ass up and we were covered in energy. I only had enough time to tell him where she was, the trial that I left behind, and he was practically flying through the air holding me until we landed through the window I broke less than an hour ago.
"Mom I can explain," Deku let me go and ran over to her while correcting that no he actually can't. "I have no idea what's happened in the past month, last thing I knew it was June 15th and we were making plans to take a small trip." I let him be before turning to the now extremely flabbergasted board, and (again my guess) the prosecutor.
"So, what was I being tried for again?" I smirked cause I know that someone fucked up and it wasn't me. "By the way, what the fuck quirk was I under? And what did it actually make me do?"
All Might walked up and showed me his phone and it only showed me sleeping and, dear God no. I was masterbating? In my sleep? Just why?
"How in the fuck did that get turned into me murdering him?" I practically shrieked, I could feel my face glowing hot and for fucks sake my arms were turning red. I'm fucked.
"Well..." All Might turned his phone over to show a psychiatrist evaluation that showed their thoughts about me having an unhealthy "love" of the dead.
"Who in the fuck is that quack!?!?!?!" I demanded. Turns out the person who put me out, was the same quack. His quirk was called gentle slumber and it makes the person under the effects never want to wake up because it was paradise. Deku walked over and overheard most of it but he took the phone from All Might and saw the video of me jacking off to him in my sleep and grinned back at me.
"So you dream of me?" Deku teased me and I could feel myself getting hot all over again.
"Deku, don't you fucking dare say that you didn't-" he yanked forward to kiss me and I could only react to his loving touches until he let me go. "like it," I finished now, barely whispering.
"Oh I do, but maybe just call next time?" Deku pulled me close. "That's kind of what lovers are for you know," I rolled my eyes at him, thumping him on the back of the head and making him pout. It was cute, too cute. I caressed him and pulled him in for a sweet kiss.
"Still to be accused of murdering you off of the words of a quack and THAT video? I mean fuck, there are countless video's they could have used that might have actually held some fucking water, how was THAT video any good?" I frowned while Deku started giggling hysterically. "I'm not fucking joking! How was that their case? I mean really?"
I grumbled before Deku pulled me towards the door calling back to Aunty that he would be at her house for dinner and she told him to bring me with him making him giggle even more. This cuteness is really too fucking much.
"Now I think it's time for some kiwis," Deku grinned, pulling me out the door and through the crowds of heros and reporters on the other side. It was only silent for a few seconds before all hell broke loose.
Well what did I actually expect? Nothing is ever easy.
Well, until tonight that is. I plan to have exactly what I want tonight and from the sounds of it so does Deku.