Go the fuck away PLEASE!" I was yet again about to lose my fucking shit, I mean fuck it, I'm about to pull out my fucking hair at this point. Why?
"Bakubro, just ask him. It's so unmanly that all you do is yell at him every time you have a gay panic. Which guess what? You can't even be in the room with him without having one." Kiri was rolling his fucking eyes at me. Where in the fuck does he get off rolling his FUCKING eyes at me?
"If it's so fucking easy then why don't YOU ask the half and half?" I try to turn it back on him. We have this fight all the fucking time and it ALWAYS ends after I say that because Kiri is just as much of a fucking chicken shit as I am on the subject.
"Fine!" Kiri took a deep breath and pulled out his phone. There is no fucking way, right? I looked over his shoulder and watched as he pulled up Icyhot's contact info and texted him.
Red Riot: Todobro? Would you be able to talk sometime today? I understand if you are too busy!
I waited and Kiri took another deep breath and hit send. He actually hit send! It felt like forever but in reality it was maybe fifteen seconds before his phone dinged showing his response.
Shoto: I can talk now. I'll be busy later though. I was just waiting for the elevator. Should I meet you at your room?
Kiri started fucking squealing but I'm still in fucking shock that he sent the text to begin with.
Red Riot: Now is good! I'll meet you there.
He jumped up and tried to fix his hair a little but eventually gave up and walked out of my room, leaving it cracked open as he did. It wasn't long before I heard the elevator ding and I heard Kiri call out to him nervously. Is he actually going to fucking do it?
Icyhot was the first one to say anything, "Is everything okay? You don't normally talk to me all that much."
"Um, yeah. Actually I wanted to ask you something, I've been wanting to ask for a while now but it just seems to get harder as time goes on," Kiri was starting to ramble but if nothing else he seemed to have Icyhot's attention.
"Please be my guess, what is your question?" At this point I am biting into a clean rag that I neglected to put away earlier because Kiri decided to come over, unannounced. Why am I doing that? So I don't fucking scream from the second hand embarrassment!
"So, um, the thing is I think you are really cool and manly and I was just wondering if maybe you would be interested in going on a... A date with me this weekend?" Even with Kiri freezing up in the middle he didn't do too badly. Hell, if Icyhot says yes it wouldn't matter how badly he botched this up considering he actually managed to do it.
"I was unaware that you felt that way," Icyhot responded but he didn't sound upset, hell he didn't sound emotionless either. If I didn't know the emotionally void extra, I would think he sounded happy. "I would be delighted to spend more time with you, as your boyfriend, that is."
The way they were talking, dancing around each other like at any second the other would disappear was just fucking cringe and I hate it but fuck it all. He said yes. Guess I'll have to start calling the fucker by his actual name now, so long as he is good to Kiri that is.
I quietly closed my door while they made their date plans and looked back at my phone. I had left it on my desk and when I picked it up I saw the background picture; Deku was covered in his lightning and I don't remember the fucking extra paparazzi I bought the picture from but it was hella expensive. Our agreement was that he couldn't use the photo anymore, I had full rights to it, it can't be used by anyone but me. Like I said, hella expensive.
It was dark but his quirk had lit up perfectly to outline him and fuck, let him look at me like that. Please! Wait...
If Kiri can do it, I can. Right?
I swallowed my spit but I pulled up his number and opened a new chat.
Dynamight: Come to my room.
That shouldn't be too bad right? I mean if I'm too nice he'll think that my phone was stolen again. Fucking Dunce Face and Tape Dispensor couldn't get enough, I found them rolling around in Kiri's room after they sent a message saying that I had a thing for Icyhot in the class group chat, breaking Kiri's heart in the process. I almost killed them. Aizawa Sensei had to separate us and unfortunately he was right behind me when I found them. So I didn't actually get a chance to relieve their bodies of the souls haunting them.
Deku: ? Okay?
I quickly get up and clean up the rest of my shit and just as I'm putting away the last pile of clothes I hear a polite knock on the door. Well, I sure as fuck know that isn't any of my fucking idiots. I open the door to find Deku looking down the hall with his head tilted confused but at the same time smiling. I followed his eyes to see that Kiri left his door open and we could see him and Icyhot talking inside, holding hands.
I put a hand to my lips to tell him to stay silent, the movement alone was more than enough to make him jump and look at me. I stepped out of the way and let him in, he looked even more confused but he came in anyway. Once the door was closed and locked I found him sitting on my bed with his legs crossed. Hopefully this works.
"Two fucking years! He has been drooling over Icyhot for two fucking years and that's just what I know of. Who knows how long he was pining away for him before then," I sat in my desk chair facing him, slouching as I did.
"Wait, what?" Deku froze and then after maybe two seconds ran for my door, I managed to grab him and yank him back towards my bed, my chair rolling away and tipping over in the process.
"What the fuck is the matter with you?" I hissed at him, I am actually fucking shocked at the way Deku reacted. You would think he was dating the half and half and found out he was cheating.
Oh shit, were they dating?
Deku seemed to shake the shock off and grabbed me instead and the fact he was trembling did massive damage to my gay heart. "Who asked out who? What exactly did they say? Does Kirishima actually have feelings for Todoroki?" He was like a faucet that someone forgot to turn off, blasting through his questions and not really waiting for an answer. I finally got him to shut the fuck up, not caring about how red my face was, knowing that Deku would just assume that I was angry.
I answered his questions the best I could and he calmed down quite a bit. I sat back down after righting my chair, trying to hide just how broken hearted I was. How could I not know he was in love with the half and half? They were literally together all the time! I don't know how long I sat there letting my emotions run wild but eventually I did hear Deku mumbling under his breath.
"This is great! If this works out Todoroki will finally be able to let go of that piece of filth ex of his. Kirishima is a great friend too, so they should be able to-"
"Hold the fucking phone!" I nearly screamed, ignoring my own racing heart. "Ex? What Ex?" Does this mean Deku and Todoroki were never actually together? Do I even stand a chance?
"Some girl that Endeavor was trying to force Todoroki to marry. She was so cruel that it made his dad look like a saint! They broke up a couple months ago when her mother's business crashed but that didn't stop her from trying to force her way through anyway. She even tried to tell everyone that she was pregnant with his baby!" Deku was fuming and the fact that his voice kept getting louder in his anger only made it worse. "That was when Todoroki came out as gay and swore he never touched her, he has never had an interest in girls and he planned to keep it that way. And yeah, she was actually pregnant too. Didn't stop here mother from demanding a DNA test and everything. Filth, both of them!"
I listened for a while to Deku just blowing off steam, I mean fuck. He is so pissed his quirk keeps going off, coating him in his green energy, before he could calm down enough to remember where he was and who he was talking to.
"So what I'm hearing you say is that you want to follow them on their first date just to make sure the bitch doesn't fuck it up?" I tilted my head as if that was the most natural conclusion to be made from everything that he said, and by bitch I mean the hooker that is Icyhot's ex.
"Umm," Deku froze, his face going blank as he thought it over. "I guess so?"
"Fine, I'll take you to follow them on Saturday but if she shows up just tell me and I'll handle it. You are too much of "the good hero" to be caught fighting with anyone outside of school or work. Morally or not," I shrugged like it was no big deal but it is so hard to keep up this, I don't fucking care attitude, when thoughts of us riding those close romantic rides together came to mind or even sharing cotton candy. I don't even care that we will be tailing our friends, the fact remains I would be spending time with Deku on a date like setting, and very much alone. That has to be good for something, right?
He left in a kind of daze and I spent over an hour planning the outfit I was going to wear. No matter how many times I scolded myself, I just couldn't stop. I mean this is kind of like a date, right? No, no it's not, but it's probably the closest I'm going to get to one.
Time seemed to skip forward and it wasn't long before it was Saturday. I sent him a message telling him to meet at my room and to make sure he was dressed correctly.
Dynamight: Remember this is a popular place for dates. Don't come out in anything too casual or formal!
A few minutes went by and he sent me a message asking for help and a picture of two more than decent outfits sitting on his bed. At least he was talking this seriously but at the same time it kind of hurt that he wasn't thinking of this as an actual date before. Who am I fucking kidding? It's not exactly like I asked him out or anything, frankly I was kind of an ass about it.
I can't win for anything can I?
I picked an outfit for him and told him to hurry the fuck up so I could tame his hair. It wasn't long before his polite knock was at the door and I took several deep breaths before opening it. Deku stepped inside and when I locked the door I turned to see that Deku had actually already done his hair, and it looked good, damned good. He must have gotten a haircut this morning because he was now sporting an undercut and was even wearing a little jewelry.
"Is it that bad?" He asked in a near whisper, I could easily see that whatever confidence he had managed to scrape up was starting to crumble.
"No, actually, you clean up nice," I looked away, trying not to get blinded by the way too bright smile now aimed at me but I'm about to fuck it up. I just know it.
"Kind of too bad this isn't a real date, it would have been nice," I cringe at my own words, did I know I was going to fuck it up? Yes. Did I mean to? Still no. It took a bit before I could look at Deku and then only because he was so silent.
He was frozen in place, shock and disappointment then excitement all filtering through his features. I coughed clearing my throat a bit before saying, "We should go if we don't want to lose them in the crowd. Kiri is taking him to an amusement park after dinner." I quickly turned away from my bedroom door and opened my window. "But we can't exactly leave after them," I motioned towards the window and he nodded, finally snapping out of whatever had overtaken his mind.
In the end we followed them. We went to dinner at a nice cafe, sitting in a booth that made it to where we could watch them although we couldn't actually hear them. We could tell that both Kiri and Icyhot were having fun, but we were starting to get glances from others so we had to turn away and actually talk like we were on a date as well. My explosive gay heart can't take this.
I learned a few things actually, how some of his tastes had changed and although he still loves katsudon the most, now he actually has quite the taste for spicy foods. Which is good considering how we were eating Tai.
We talked about the past a little and things got a little awkward but hell we've already been talking for over an hour so we managed to get a lot of things out in the open. One thing I learned that helped put me at ease, he is gay. Thank fucking God he is gay. Turns out he did go on a date with Round Face and it ended in smoke and flames, even their friendship is a bit awkward now but they are making it work.
Like I fucking care, the fact he is gay actually helps me, a lot. And I need all the help I can get. Thankfully we have already had our heart to heart about our past, long before now and the fact that I apologized still hurts. Not because of my pride or anything ridiculous like that but the fact that I hurt him so badly. Or the fact I hurt him at all. Fuck my pride, at this point if he asked or even told me to I would throw that shit away. Only for him though.
There was movement out of the corner of my eye and I saw that they were having dessert. How long are they actually planning to stay here? I mean really? I let out a sigh before asking the server to just bring us some fresh mixed fruit and yogurt after asking Deku.
"You know Kacchan, this is pretty nice," he winked at me, he fucking winked at me! "Maybe one day we can go on a real date?"
I think my fucking heart stopped, I know for a fact I stopped breathing. My heart though? I don't know. I tried to shake the thought from my head but Deku was leaning forward taking a bite of the yogurt and fruit mix between us, holding an expression I've never seen on him and would love to see forever. He is smirking at me but at the same time he is nibbling on his lower lip, slowly licking the teased flesh. I couldn't even hide what he was doing to me by looking anywhere else because the moment I tore my face away from his enticing mouth, I was drawn into his eyes. Deep, dark pools of endless possibilities, promises of greener tomorrows with infinite secrets...
I had to catch myself from gasping when I caught my breath and instead of Deku being upset or questioning himself, he looked fucking proud. I don't know if I have ever seen him this confident before, the way he twirled his spoon, almost carelessly yet never fumbling or dropping it. How he managed to keep eye contact for so long made my head spin or how the smirk seemed to suck the air from my lungs directly.
I'm fucked. My brain has shut down and unfortunately my fucking mouth opened.
"We could turn it into a real date, if you would let me?" My voice was barely fucking audible but with how Deku was studying every movement I was making at the moment, it was entirely clear that he heard every syllable.
"Hmm, I do like that idea," he flashed me a breathtaking smile, refusing to take his eyes off of me as he did. I'm going to die, yep, I'm going to fucking die. "If we don't go to the amusement park, where would we go?" He settled his chin on his wrists lightly, almost dainty but there was nothing dainty about how he was affecting me now.
I'm already going to die, I should have a little bit of a good time, shouldn't I?
The waiter takes the payment and I hold out my hand for Deku who is STILL looking at me with those eyes that pin me down so easily, smirking before he takes it. I lead him out and it feels like my heart is about to explode but Deku is just so calm. I think it's the only reason I haven't gone insane yet.
He didn't let go of my hand and I certainly didn't try to make him. I looked at my phone to make sure that tonight was the right night and led him to the lake a couple kilometers away. He didn't ask where we were going and instead we talked about home, our parents, school, laughing at dumb jokes that really didn't mean anything at all but seemed to mean everything right now.
The lake was surprisingly bare for what was planned but they didn't actually advertise it very well, hoping to grab people from the amusement park as they passed by. I had sent a message to the director asking him to make just one more firework. Once a week, I tend to sell my quirk for some extra cash, not to anyone suspicious but to people who put on firework displays. Sometimes more often, sometimes less, for obvious reasons like the tone of year and local events. I just hate asking the Hag for money so it's nice to make a little of my own.
I found the booth that we needed, the one selling blankets to sit on, drinks and snacks were close by so we picked what we liked before settling in. It wasn't until we sat down that my phone chimed and the director told me that it was done.
"Alright I've been patient, what are we doing here? Stargazing?" He giggled, his confidence was starting to crumble again and he was nervously fidgeting now.
"Not a bad idea but," I took a deep breath before adding, "they pale compared to you." Was that a bad pick up like? Please for the sake of my sanity do not let that be a pickup line!
But if nothing else he was blushing now and the smirk was replaced by a shy smile, his face was now showing his more innocent features as he lost his composure. Adorable, sweet and innocent, he makes me want to hold him and protect him more than anything when he is like this. Sweet as a marshmallow but when he is like earlier? It was more like he was the cinnamon spice cocoa instead, melting the sweetness only to melt me faster.
What the hell am I thinking right now? No! Stop it stupid brain! I should compliment him, right, now that we are comfortable we can lay back and relax. Tonight has been nice mostly because of how much we have been talking and no one has been, admittedly by accident, stirred shit that neither of us want to think about.
I lay back but prop myself in an elbow which Deku mirrors making me grin. The stars pale compared to him, but I've never seen them look so beautiful as I do now, in his eyes. "You are so beautiful, even the stars in your eyes are brilliant."
I didn't even realize I said it out loud. He was just looking up and the few shooting stars that passed mirrored in his eyes and I just couldn't look away. "Beautiful."
Soon enough the fireworks started making Deku jump at the first explosion only for his whole face to light up as we watched them shoot more and more into the sky, explosions of color that sparkled as they fluttered down. Soon the traditional flowers were coupled with images of heroes and silly cartoons making Deku giggle at the sight.
I couldn't take it anymore and my phone buzzed letting me know that mine was next. I leaned over and whispered in Deku's ear, "This one is just for you." He seemed surprised but I just turned his chin back up to the last firework, a trail of green light zipping through the sky before it finally went off; WILL YOU BE MINE?
He stared at it for a long time before it finally disappeared into the night sky. His eyes sparkled when he finally looked back at me, his confusion clear but his hope was seeping out. "Was that really just for me?"
I picked up my phone and handed it to him letting him see the messages and the time stamps on them for himself. I mean it's not like I really had time to prepare anything romantic when our date had started out as us stalking our friends. He put the phone down between us before looking back up onto my eyes.
"Yes," he whispered, his lips suddenly on mine. I have no idea when he grabbed me, pulling me to him, no idea at all. What I do know is that I was exactly where I wanted to be. I kissed him back using my free hand to cup his face, letting my fingers glide along his jawline. His eyes fluttered like butterfly wings, our only desire was to be with each other and for once there wasn't anyone in the way.
"BRO!" Kiri practically screamed from far too close by. Deku ignored him though, opting to pull me closer instead and when Kiri went to repeat himself I pulled my arm away and set off and flipped him off in warning. Fuck, take the fucking hint!
He must have because everything went silent before Deku and I pulled away, breathing in slowly as we came to terms with just how vastly our relationship changed in such a short time. Yet somehow it feels like we are still so far behind. The words seemed to escape us at the same time, surprising the both of us.
"I love you."