Made for You

"Kacchan?" I heard from somewhere nearby but I can't see shit and it's so dark I doubt I would be able to anyway. I can't even tell where here is and with everything going on I wouldn't even be able to guess either. Hell for all I know we might not even be in Japan anymore but I seriously doubt that. So all I really knew was that Deku was asking for me. I hit the emergency tracker on my suit and I started hearing the soft, faint beeping that came with it.

"What?" I snapped but groaned right afterwards, I feel like I've been hit by a train. Again. Was that really only last week? It feels like months ago.

"I'm scared," I heard his voice getting even more raspy, probably from all the dust in the air but there isn't shit we can do about that. I could hear explosions that had nothing to do with my quirk far away from us. I could almost guess who it was, not that it matters anymore. Nothing I can do about it now.

"Deku, do you ever regret it?" I asked, finally giving in to my curiosity. It's not like we are going anywhere any time soon. And it is getting harder and harder to focus on anything at all.

"No," his answer was strong and there wasn't any room for argument.

"Dumbass, you don't even know what I'm talking about do you?" I grumbled, rolling my eyes even though I know that he can't see me any better than I could see him. I don't even know if we are facing each other or not.

"Fine. I don't regret getting OFA, I don't regret not jumping the day All Might left me on the roof and I don't regret running in to save you from the sludge villain. I don't regret becoming a hero. Am I missing anything?" He wheezed and now I'm coughing too, damn dust.

BOOM! That was much closer than before but even if it was right in front of me I still wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Dirt, dust, bits of rock or plaster maybe, fell down making us both cough more. It's getting so hard to breathe.

"I'm not talking about any of that," I groaned. A long time passed and I know that he is waiting for me to continue. I guess at this point it doesn't matter if he knows or not. "Us. Do you regret the way we are?" I heard a gasp of pain probably from him moving when he shouldn't have but I stayed quiet waiting to hear him catch his breath.

"That I regret," his voice was small and it hurt just to hear but I still needed to hear it. It could be my last chance to. "Never telling you that I loved you." My head jerked up but that still didn't help me to see him at all. How far away is he?

"Me too," I finally answered and I heard him chuckle sadly.

"Does this mean we are going to die? Since we are talking about regrets?" Deku asked and I tried to straighten up but pain shot through me from my left side. I feel so cold but right there it is so very hot and wet.

"I don't know but I wish I could at least kiss you first," I know I sound sappy but this last fight was harsh. There was a new villain, one that had a quirk a lot like mine only instead of sweating a chemical like I do. It looked like he could set people's shadows on fire, with enough force to feel like a small explosion and depending on how dark it was it only seemed to get stronger. I didn't have very long to figure out how he did it though. I'm pretty sure the reason for the pain in my side is because I was impaled by something. But I couldn't actually see if that was true or not. He had set someone else's shadow on fire right beforehand and I just happened to be falling through it at the time. I'm pretty sure that even if I survive, if I don't get emergency treatment, I'll probably be blind for the rest of my life.

"A kiss would be nice," I heard him chuckle a bit, his voice wheezing as he did. I don't know if it is lucky or not but there was enough fighting going on around us that the villains couldn't finish us off but there also weren't enough heroes to help us either. War fucking sucks.

"Kacchan, I think I might be a bit of a pervert," he started talking after a long pause and I snorted at the ridiculousness of it.

"How in the fuck did you come up with that?" Seriously?

"I want so much more than just a kiss from you," he answered and that shut me up. Memories of long nights, home alone with nothing but thoughts of him to keep me company…

"It's not perverted if it's only one person," I coughed trying to cover up my embarrassment only to hear him giggle a little.

"Oh good, I'm safe then," he giggled a little more before I heard him spitting and sputtering and I can guess what kind of condition he is in at the moment.

"Deku?" I called out after he was quiet for far too long. I have no idea how long we have been trapped here and the rhythmic beeping from the emergency tracker was starting to get louder.

"Hmm?" He sounds exhausted and I can only guess how hard he is trying to stay awake.

"Is the beeping getting louder?" I can't trust myself at the moment but I know I can trust him.

"Yeah, but I can't see the flashing light anymore," Damn, looks like we are both going to be blind then. I wonder if they are getting closer or not? Will they find us in time? Do we even have a chance to live even if they do find us?

"Deku?" I heard him hum but it is getting quieter than before. "I love you. I always have," I whispered and his answer put a small smile on my face.

"I love you, Kacchan. No one else can ever take that away."


I could hear people in the distance, their voices sounded so far away but it didn't take long for them to get closer even if I can't make out what they are saying I need to get their attention.

"Save- Deku!" I tried to get as loud as I could but it was barely a whisper. There was a break in what they were saying and I tried again this time setting off the largest explosion I could, it was roughly the size of a sparkler and barely made a pop but they got much louder. Good, I got their attention.

"Save Deku!" I tried again and again trying to point towards the last place I heard his voice from before passing out. It's probably too late for me but if he makes it then maybe just maybe…

"Deku," I whispered one last time before the darkness seemed to take over again.


"Kacchan?" I barely heard his voice but I still did. It feels like I'm being dragged under the ocean but I fought the pull, pushing towards his voice. "Kacchan?"

I opened my eyes only to see nothing at all. I reached up and found bandages covering my face, that had to be a good sign. If I have bandages on, someone must have rescued us, villain or hero, we'll be able to make it back now.

"De-ku?" I rasped, my voice breaking and I started coughing violently from the effort. I must be alive still, somehow. I felt a hand in mine and turned towards it, even with my eyes closed I already knew that it's him.

"So are we going to live?" I asked, smirking a little and I heard him giggle a little.

"Yeah, we're going to live," his voice sounds happy. I like it.

"So what's the damage? Permanent? How long before we get to go home?" I asked just enjoying having him so close by.

"Well-" he paused but seemed to think better of it. "Your eyes are going to take a long time to heal, it's not permanent though. You had rebar impaling you and it hit one of your kidneys so badly they had to remove it." I nodded, listening to his explanations and relaxed. The hospital we were at had a doctor who could replace organs with instantly grown cloned ones once he saw them so they already took care of that. "It will be at least three months before you can work again and then it will probably be part time or light duty for a while."

"What about you?" I asked, he sounds a hell of a lot better and the fact that he is close by only makes me think he is in much better condition.

"It will probably be longer for me. A broken leg and torn and shredded ligaments and muscles. I'm mostly healed but there is little to no strength to them now. The doctor isn't like Recovery Girl used to be." I nodded at his words but smiled anyway.

"Too bad, I would really like to see you right now," I heard him giggle and smiled in his direction.

"I would rather you didn't, I look pretty bad right now," he giggled some more. "I'm stuck in a wheelchair or in bed," I could hear the pout in his voice but I couldn't help chuckling still.

"I wanted to see your face after I kissed you," I teased him but when I tried to sit up a bit I ended up hissing at the pain that radiates through me from my side. Guess the doctor isn't nearly as good as Recovery Girl used to be.

"You can't sit up and I can't get up to you. The most we can do is kiss each other's hands," Deku sighed and as if he couldn't resist anymore I felt and heard him kiss the back of my hand making me smile. If it wasn't for the needles in that arm I would have kissed him too.

"You're on the wrong side for me to do that," I groaned but again I smiled in his direction. We talked for a long time, it wasn't until a doctor came in that Deku noticed how long he had been here.

"Have I really been here for four hours? But no one came in to ask Kacchan what he wanted for dinner!" I laughed at his silliness and pointed out that as far as I know he was the only one that knew I was awake.

"If we knew you were awake you would have already been examined to see if you were healthy enough to eat a regular meal or not," I heard a woman's voice and for some reason it made my ears itch.

"Sorry Kacchan. Looks like it's my fault," Deku's voice sighed and I frowned.

"Like hell it is. The nurses and staff are supposed to check on patients and the fact that no one has bothered to look in on me for four hours is THEIR fault!" I hissed and frowned in the direction the doctor's voice had come from. "Isn't that right?"

They were surprised and I found out that there was more than just one doctor in the room, it looks like they were going to use me as a teaching aid. Like hell they are doing shit without my fucking consent.

"Who the hell are you to bring so many fucking people in here? WHO gave you permission to try and use me as a fucking lab rat? It sure as fuck wasn't my old man or hag and I KNOW Deku wouldn't suggest something so fucking stupid," I ranted some more before turning my attention back to Deku.

"Is there a phone nearby? I think that our parents would be more than happy if we came home, instead of dealing with this bullshit."

"There isn't a phone but they already called Mom and Aunty was with her. They said they would be here tonight but I don't know when," he answered and I sighed in relief but the doctors were still fucking around in my room and I had to fight them all to get the fuckers to leave.


It's been three weeks and Aunty came once to check on me but otherwise she stayed in Deku's room. Leaving me to deal with my hag, my old man however kept going back and forth between the rooms.

"When can I go home?" I demanded getting more and more irritated as time went on. The doctors threw themselves a little bitch fit to my parents only to find out just whose side they were on about the whole no consent thing. Aunty already has the paperwork for the pending lawsuit drawn up and the doctors changed their tune real quick when they found out that Aunty specialized in medical malpractice lawsuits.

Too bad for them, Aunty is also known for winning her cases. There is a reason why she was able to raise Deku so well by herself.

"I want to go home," I groaned but I guess my parents already left the room, probably when I dozed off earlier.

"Sorry Kacchan, Mom has kept me in bed all day so I couldn't visit," Deku's voice sounded like music to my ears and I smiled in his direction.

"I'm just glad I'm not alone. I have no idea what time it is or even what day for that matter." Finally someone worth talking to.


It's been weeks, maybe even 2 months? Possibly? Regardless, the bandages covering my eyes are about to disappear whether they want them to or not. I'm sick and tired of being left in the dark, literally. No one will tell me anything except for Deku, fuck it feels like they are hiding something from me and it is driving me crazy!

"Deku?" I asked, hoping it was late enough for him to actually be in my room, ever since our parents arrived they keep us separated and my parents don't say a fucking word about Deku. I mean fuck it's almost like they are refusing to. Did they have a fight with Aunty? No that doesn't make any sense, otherwise why would dad go check on her several times a day?

The only reason I haven't so far is…

"Kacchan? Are you awake?" Deku called softly and I sighed out in relief hearing his voice again.

"Yeah, our parents really know how to get on my last nerve, well mine do. I haven't seen Aunty in forever," I answered and it wasn't long before I felt the bed sink next to me, making me smile.

"Now can I have that kiss?" I asked, teasing him only slightly but I wasn't expecting to hear him giggle, it made my heart flutter just hearing him.

"Sure Kacchan," I felt the mattress sink next to me as he laid down close, his grunts of effort muffled while he tried to be quiet so the nurses wouldn't find him in my room. "Are you ready?" He asked and I could feel his breath on my face. I didn't bother to answer, instead I leaned forward and clumsily found his face, kissing the tip of his nose instead of his lips. He giggled but caressed me anyway before I felt his lips against mine and suddenly, everything didn't seem so bad.


It's been 7 months since the accident, our parents' are still acting weird as hell but we have both stopped paying them any attention and now Deku is able to sneak into my room during the day sometimes.

"Kacchan?" I heard Deku whisper and I chuckled at his slyness.

"Get over here ya Nerd," I couldn't stop the chuckle in my voice but at the same time I don't want to. Deku likes when I laugh, and no one else was anywhere nearby anyway.

"I hate being blindfolded! They said there were complications and that I needed to keep it on for even longer," I groaned, irritated by my earlier exam.

"I overheard them tell Mom that there was a chance I would never walk again and even if I could I'll never be able to run. My days as a hero are over," Deku sighed and I scoffed, catching him off guard.

"I call bullshit, they also said you were quirkless when we were four," I grumbled but I heard him take a breath in to stop me but I interrupted him. "What I mean is that things change. You might have to stop for a while but you'll never actually stop being a hero, besides you'll always be mine," I could feel the blush warming my cheeks but I pretended that I couldn't. Deku wrapped his arms around me before kissing me and now I regret my choices even less.

"My hero," I murmured, cuddling him in my arms. We spend a lot of our time chatting and I can't help laughing out loud. I reached up and played with his soft curls now having more than enough practice to not poke him in the eye.

"Kacchan, I want to go home!" Deku whined and I sighed agreeing. There was a thump in the doorway, letting us know someone was there and we both focused there but he never said anything and I didn't hear anything.

"Bastards can't even walk down the hall without disturbing people," I grumbled but it wasn't long before Deku had me giggling at his sweet affection, his ticklish kisses kept my days happy.

"Deku, I'm blind but I can walk just fine, can't they let us go together? I can just carry you and you can be my eyes, the hag is starting to talk like Aiko is now her cat and I'm ready to blow her the fuck up if she even fucking tries," I grumbled more.

"Sorry Kacchan, you already know they won't. Not unless our parents have us come home and it looks like mom is already packing up my apartment," he sighed again, the amusement disappearing from his voice.

"Dad's doing that for me now. Well whatever, we'll need to get a new place by then anyway, so less for us to do," I cuddled into him, enjoying how his arms surrounded me. "Fuck I love you, I want us to go on a date not sneak around and get a few stolen moments between everyone going fucking bat shit crazy every time we ask a question. You know I tried to ask the hag about you today and instead of answering she cried. She fucking cried! If you were really that bad off, you wouldn't be able to sneak in here everyday!" I was fuming and I know it but they really are driving me crazy. I vaguely heard something at the door again but I ignored it since the sound was the same as last time.

"Right? Mom won't even look at me and it's almost like her and All Might can't even see me!" Deku whined and now I'm concerned.

"They act like they can't see you? How does that even make sense?" I asked curiously.

"They never answer my questions, they don't respond when I'm talking and all they seem to do is cry," now Deku was the one grumbling.

"That's bullshit. Why wouldn't they answer your questions? They always have before?" I was shocked, they adore Deku and are always giving him anything they could including answering bizarre questions.

"Exactly! It's driving me crazy!" He whined some more and I had to take several deep breaths and now that I'm thinking about it everyone was acting weird around me too. Most of the time they acted like I didn't say anything at all and the times that they did acknowledge that I said anything at all, it was as if they couldn't make it out well. You would think I was talking with my mouth full of cotton or something.

"What if a quirk is involved?" I asked suddenly and Deku jumped at the thought.

"We were injured in a large battle, what if everyone thinks that we are worse off than we actually are?" Deku exclaimed and suddenly things were making sense again.

"Now we just need to figure out how to get their fucking attention so we can break free of it," I smirked, knowing Deku loved it so much.

"Wait, exactly what did they say about your eyes today? Maybe I could unwrap your head and you'll see fine?" Deku suggested and I recited how they said there was fogging on the lens of my eye and if there is too much light I will be permanently blinded.

"That sounds suspicious, they told Mom and Dad that I wouldn't be able to walk at all without support but I can already get around with only a cane," Deku laid next to me and I was able to wrap my arms around him.

"Maybe you should use your quirk on me?" I suggested letting my tone drop to be suggestive rather than brainstorming. Fuck it, I've basically been stuck here for months and I haven't even been able to jack off thanks to everyone walking in anytime I go to the bathroom. I'm more than a little pent up.

"My quirk?" He sounded surprised but then he seemed to understand what exactly I meant had nothing to do with OFA. "Let me lock the door and close the curtains," he quickly got up leaving my bed empty, to my surprise. I was not expecting him to be so eager. In only moments he was back and I was able to feel his hands explore my body, making me feel wanted.

"Damn Deku, you should have spoken up if you were this interested." I chuckled before I could find his lips for a kiss, our tongues meeting half way and silencing us both. It wasn't long before we heard a commotion outside but neither of us cared, enjoying the bliss the other provided. It wasn't until we heard Aunty crying that we jerked away from each other confused, our make out session coming to an abrupt stop.

"What?" We asked at the same time, our breathing coming out in gasps thanks to our earlier excitement. We quickly got up and Deku helped me find my own cane so I wouldn't walk into anything and we opened the door to figure out why Aunty was wailing like the world ended.

"MY BABY!" She cried and I could feel my heart sink.

"Aunty? What's wrong? Deku is right here," I stumbled my way to her but when I found her she was just a weeping mess. "Aunty?" I tried to get her attention and Deku wasn't getting any better results.

"MOM!" He couldn't get her attention at all and neither could I. I heard some gurgles like what you would hear from a water cooler and prayed that Aunty wouldn't be too mad at me for this. I found the cooler and once I found the cups I filled one with the water and made my way to Aunty and poured it on her head.

"AUNTY! Deku is fine! He is right here, what is wrong?" I was practically screaming but the silence that rang out after I poured the water on her was deafening.

"Katsuki? No one's told you yet?" I could hear her crying even now but true to Aunty's character she wasn't even remotely made about having water dumped on her. "Izuku is in a coma."

"WHAT? They told you WHAT?" Deku was practically screeching at that and I can't blame him.

"Aunty, I need you to listen very carefully," I could feel her shoulders in my hands and she hugged me tightly not really paying attention but listening regardless. "Aunty there is a quirk involved," I felt her flinch before pulling away and I can guess that she is looking at me.

"Deku is fine, he can walk and talk just fine. No!" I stopped her before she could argue when I heard the hitch in her voice. "I am sure. I need you to trust me. Deku is going to be okay. Right now he is screaming about how dumb the doctors are to not even test for a quirk being in effect," I tell her and I could feel her body suddenly give out, all the tension in her body releasing all at once.

"Promise?" She asked, her voice so soft that I could barely hear it.

"I promise, he is the one that taught me to get around with the cane and he has been talking to me practically everyday since we've been here, ever since I woke up. I swear," I answered and now her cries were silent as he buried her face in my chest and I held her.

A few more weeks went by and now Deku stays in my room all the time, not bothering to return because apparently they think he is there even when he isn't. I would be lying though if I said his grumbling wasn't cute.

"They really can't hear or see me at all!" He fumed next to me and instead of answering I leaned in and kissed him, surprising him enough that when he kissed back I could smile into the sweetness.

"We'll figure out what's going on soon," I promised him and I heard him hum in agreement before he kissed me again. Now that neither of us are tethered by IV's or sensors we were able to explore each other much more freely.

"Oh my!" We both jerked at the voice and I could only groan.

"Deku you forgot to lock the door," I groaned and I heard him apologize but that hardly mattered.

"My Izuku is in here?" Aunty asked and even blind I could hear how confused and relieved she was all at once.

"We sort of started dating a while ago," I muttered trying to both answer her and not at the same time. I mean she just walked in on us while we were making out. What would that have looked like since she can't see Deku? So I asked her.

"Well, um, it kind of looked like you were having a very interesting dream," the blush reached her voice so I can imagine how she must look at the moment.

"We were only making out a little! Nothing extra," I tried to defend myself but the way she coughed told me that it didn't work at all. "Deku?" I whined a little but he just nervously giggled and that didn't help any.

"I just came to say that I overheard the doctors telling Mitsuki that they were planning to take your bandages off today," Aunty tried to ignore what happened before and I am grateful.

"Hear that Izu? I'll be able to see your smiling face soon," I smirked in his direction and this time he tackled me and I grunted at the impact. "Don't fucking tackle me like that! I can't see what's behind me," I scolded him and he just giggled some more.

"He really is here," Aunty whispered tearfully and well I guess I can understand that. The way he tackled me would have been nearly impossible to do by myself and the fact that she saw it herself must have really helped ease her mind. I'm pretty sure on some level she either thought I was talking out of my ass or that I was hallucinating my conversations with Deku.

"Great, Nerd I hope you remember what I want to see the moment I open my eyes," I teased trying to ignore Aunty at the moment.

"My face after you kiss me?" He asked only slightly confused.

"Good, you remember."


"Okay, you can open your eyes now," the doctor said but I didn't. "Um, did you hear me?"

"I can hear just fine, I just don't want you to be the first person I see," I scoffed, crossing my arms, the hag whacking me upside the head and cursing at me to do as I'm told but I refused. It wasn't until the doctor had left, my dad and hag with her that Deku spoke up.

"I'm still here," he sounded shy and nervous, my sweet nerd.

"Get your ass over here then," I smirked at him and it wasn't long before the bed gave under the weight of my boyfriend and I draped my arms over his shoulders, relaxing under him.

"Are you ready?" He asked and I nodded before his lips met mine, our bodies pressed flush against each other as we held each other close. When he pulled away I opened my eyes to see the starry eyed, greenette who has been chasing after me for so very long. I pressed my lips back to his again and we were both losing ourselves to the moment and it wasn't until someone screamed that we pulled away groaning again.

"Can you all please leave us the fuck alone already?" I groaned, looking up to see everyone's eyes on Deku and not so much on what we were doing.

"How did you get in here? You've been in a coma for months!" Someone I assume was the doctor that just unwrapped my eyes from her voice demanded but instead of dealing with all this shit I set off a small explosion getting all of their attention.

"Coma my ass, he has been spending almost everyday here with me. Get the fuck out already, you can examine us later," I snarled at her and several of the nurses ran out when it dawned on them that I am still the pro hero Dynamight and I don't give two shits about being nice for no fucking reason.

That however didn't stop Aunty from running in and the fact Deku was dragged off of me and he was being manhandled by her while she cried and laughed and cried some more.

"KACCHAN! Help me!" He begged and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"You know Aunty is the only person I won't fight," I answered and suddenly Aunty was dragging me out of bed and hugged me too. Well at least we are together, I think.

"You mean he really wasn't crazy?" My hag asked my dad and I looked up in time to see him laughing in relief and I snapped at them. They really thought I had lost my mind? Talking to myself all this time when it was actually Deku I was talking to.


The next day there was a picture of Deku and I getting hugged to death by Aunty on almost all the media networks and Deku and I then had to deal with the backlash of our relationship being made public a week after that when a new picture showed us while on a date holding hands. I didn't realize just how many fangirls we had and that just opened a whole new can of worms when the Boy Love fans popped up and they were so protective of us, we didn't really have to deal with too much of the backlash that normally comes with it. Turns out the Boy Love fans already shipped us together so much that they would get into actual fights with other fans. Have I mentioned that girls are scary? Fangirls and fanboys that is because damn.

It's thanks to them that when the Hero Association tried to reprimand us they got hit with so much backlash, thanks to a stalker that happened to be recording when Kirishima was bitching about not only us but him and Icyhot got into trouble for not keeping our relationships private. I swear they have never met that kind of public outcry in all the time I've had to deal with the public. Ever since our first year of U.A. they didn't even have that kind of hate.

Which turned it into a much broader issue of LGBTQ+ hero rights and it only skyrocketed from there. But that's not what's important right now.

"Kacchan?" I looked up to see my lover holding out his spoon of the yellow creamy dessert that we have been obsessed with ever since leaving the hospital almost a year ago.

"Mmm, lemon ice cream," I hummed and he fed it to me before leaning in for a kiss, trying to fight me for the sweet. By far our favorite way to eat it.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked when we separated and I hugged him close, enjoying our date at the park.

"I was just thinking about how much the Association must be cursing us and how much I love you," I answered, grinning at my starry eyed man.

"Serves them right. I didn't even know there was such blatant harassment of heroes before that video was aired," Deku huffed and I chuckled at his righteousness.

"I love you," I whispered in his ear before sucking his earlobe into my mouth and whatever he was going to say was replaced by a light moan. "Let me take you home and show you?"

His eyes lit up that electric green like anytime he was excited and he held my hand gently tugging me towards home. "Yes."

I swear I was made just for you, I think to myself smiling the whole way home.
