"Fuck, that hurt," I groaned, holding my head now that all the excitement was over. Some fucker literally hit me in the head with a 2x4. Who actually does that? I found my supervisor and double checked before leaving but I was given the all clear to go home, they don't need me present to go over camera footage and I have already been working all day as it is.
Finally! I could kiss someone, I mean I am utterly exhausted and there isn't anything keeping me from my bed now, well except for a quick shower but that is debatable at the moment. I am almost 25 now and you would think that things would have gotten easier by now but no. The after effects of the League of Villains are still a pain in my ass and even now I kind of wish I could bring All-For-One back from the dead just so I could bitch slap him and put him back in his nonexistent grave.
Hey I can dream!
I walked home, the bus that usually goes by my place was totaled in the fight today I know because when the villain crushed it I was pissed as hell and lost my temper. Not that that is new or anything. I yawned, stretched and I looked up to see the trees and I'm a little surprised. The leaves have almost all turned colors for the year.
Where did the time go? It feels like just yesterday that Shitty Hair dragged me into being his best man at his wedding and he said I do to Icyhot. I looked at my phone, has it really been three years now? And I'm stuck here, not even able to get a date thanks to my stubborn ass not being able to apologize properly to save my life.
I let out a groan. Can today just be over? I walk the rest of the way to my building and when I finally get inside the lobby I get stopped by the doorman.
"Rough day?" He asked, looking me over and I couldn't help laughing at the absurdity of it all.
"Yeah, rough," I ran a hand through my hair and he handed me my mail.
"Pro Hero Deku came by, said he would come back after you came back," he smiled brightly at me. Is there anyone in this world who isn't a fan of Deku? Probably not, at least not if they are even halfway decent at it.
"Wonder what he wants?" I grumbled to myself, trying to think of what today was. It's not either of our birthdays, or our parents. We don't have a class reunion this year. "Aunty must have sent him then," I decided after thinking about it for a minute.
"Did you really grow up with Deku?" The doorman asked excitedly and now I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes.
"Diapers and all," I flipped through my mail to see a letter from Aunty. "A letter?" I quickly opened it to see her pretty handwriting;
Katsuki dear,
Izuku should be coming over soon and I have to trouble you to take care of him for a week, maybe two. I would have called but I think you broke the phone with the last number I have for you.
I'm sorry to put you in this situation but I'm staying with your mother and father while our place is being repaired. Actually if he could just live with you all the time that would be great, your parents have offered so many times for me to just stay with them, at least until I have grandbabies but Izuku doesn't seem to be willing to give me any. Or at least, he hasn't thought about it at all.
Anyway this old woman will stop rambling. I miss you dear, please take care and maybe after the repairs you could come visit me? Please?
Aunty Inko.
I couldn't help the smile on my face, Aunty really is far too sweet. Did I break a phone recently? I need to call her and give her my new number.
"Oh, Deku will be staying with me for a few weeks. Looks like his place needed repairs. So try not to let a bunch of extras in," I looked back at the doorman who got super excited before agreeing. Of course he wouldn't let just anyone into the building but Deku is Deku.
I turn to the elevator and pull out my phone before dialing Aunty's number.
"Hello Aunty," I smiled as I entered the elevator, surprising the few that got on with me. She chatted happily for a while and I answered her questions quickly and just listened to her gush.
"I can finally hear your voice again! I was so worried and after everything on the news today I was so-" she prattled on and I could only hum in agreement and listen as she did. When I got to my floor everyone in the elevator started whispering the moment I stepped off, asking who I was talking so nicely to but I didn't bother to respond. It's none of their damned business.
"Has Izuku gotten there yet?" Aunty asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Sorry Aunty, the doorman said he came by earlier but I was still working. He also said he would come back later," I answered as I unlocked my door. "I got your letter so I told the doorman to let him up when he got here so don't worry too much. I haven't eaten him yet," I laughed, joking and I heard her hum gently.
"Sometimes I wish you two were gay. Then you could adopt a grandbaby for me and I wouldn't have to worry about either of you being alone," I had just gotten a drink from the kitchen and spit it out after hearing that.
"Aunty!" I whined, still spitting and sputtering but she just giggled at her little daydream. She is perfectly aware that I am, in fact, gay. The issue is that Deku has had a girlfriend for the last two years and the breakup was nasty. Like TV reporters still trying to figure out how Deku took so long to see how terrible she really was kind of nasty. During the whole two years he was dating her there wasn't a single person in the public or even our coworkers that thought they were a good match. Not once.
"Well I'll let you go, if you only just got my letter and got home you probably need to clean up and change. I love you Katsuki, try not to let my baby run wild while he is with you and don't just give him everything. As much as I hated Rose," I really meant no one liked this girl. I don't know how Deku didn't realize something was off when Aunty declared she didn't like her. "I still didn't want him to get hurt like that."
"I understand Aunty," I smiled softly thinking of the woman who made growing up so much more child friendly for me. Don't get me wrong the hag has her good points but there were so many times she would throw her hands in the air and Aunty would come to get me. Even when I was a little shit to her son, although she didn't find out how bad it was until we were in highschool but thanks to Deku never giving up on me growing the fuck up, Aunty forgave me. After she spiked my spicy curry with coconut, it made my usual favorite taste almost like sweet hell…
For a year.
I had to come over every week for dinner.
Like I said, sweet hell. To make it worse? I was actually starting to like it by the end?
We hung up and I was finally able to get that shower I needed and once I was done I ordered a pizza because if it wasn't for Deku coming over, I would have just skipped dinner and went straight to bed. I walked into my kitchen and poured myself a glass of chilled wine, taking the bottle with me to the living room before turning on the news. I was probably sitting there for almost an hour before I heard a knock on the door, setting my glass on the coffee table. I answered the door, stumbling a bit.
"Fuck, did I really drink that much already?" I muttered to myself before trying to shake the dizziness from my head and opened the door, not finding the delivery guy but Deku holding a pizza.
"Did you order a pizza Kacchan?" He asked, smiling at me and I nodded chuckling before holding the door open for him which seemed to surprise him.
"I called Aunty after I opened her letter," I answered his unspoken question and he nodded before coming inside and I closed and locked the door.
"Uh, Kacchan?" I looked up to see him looking at the living room coffee table and saw the almost empty bottle of wine and empty glass.
"Want a glass? I was just about to open another bottle anyway," I nodded to myself before going back into the kitchen and getting him a glass at the same time before returning.
"Did something happen to make you drink?" Deku asked cautiously and I looked up at him confused before it dawned on me.
"You've never seen me drink before have you?" I tilted my head and watched him shake his head no. "I'm off tomorrow and I've been working since before dawn. With that kind of combination I usually drink a bottle of wine and go to sleep. I usually don't eat dinner either but," I shrugged at this point, "You were coming over and I still wasn't cooking. Besides, it feels like a good night for pizza."
I plopped down on the couch and patted the cushion next to me and after Deku stood there blinking at me for a minute he finally sat down next to me and put the pizza on the table.
"I don't think I've ever heard of pizza and wine pairing well together before," I heard him mutter opening the pizza box and we both grabbed a slice.
"Live a little," I answered before taking a big bite of the ooey gooey cheese and pepperoni goodness. By the end of our meal I had grabbed a third bottle of wine and we were both giggling and talking about only God knows what, cause I sure as fuck didn't. Then Deku started crying and I started panicking.
"Everyone hated Rose so much but no one could see how much it hurt her!" He sobbed and I am so very confused. Just how much did he like her?
"Uh-?" I froze for a second before I decided to be brutally honest because that is just who I am. "You do realize she was sleeping around and was high almost the whole time. Right?"
"So? I was her sponsor! I was supposed to HELP her," he cried and now I am very confused.
"Sponsor? Weren't you dating her for the last two years?" I raised an eyebrow at him and the look of horror and disgust was so vivid on his face that my jaw dropped.
"Hell no, I am gay!" Deku defended himself as if he were insulted and honestly, same. I remember the last time someone thought Pinky was my girlfriend, my saving grace was the her girlfriend was there and blew a fucking bubble fit over it. (I like the girl and she is good to Pinky. So… Cool.)
"Dumb Deku, no one would have cared about her if they knew that," I rolled my eyes and he looked at me confused and I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes again. "Deku, even Aunty thought you were dating her. Wait, sponsor? I thought only those that had similar problems could sponsor in like AA meetings and crap. What kind of sponsor were you?"
"Uh…" He froze before downing his glass and I poured him another one and he fiddled with it for a moment before letting out a sigh and putting it down again. "So a few years ago I was in an accident," he started and I nodded showing I was listening. "It was a drug bust, cocaine, and for the most part everything was fine. It wasn't until a few weeks later that we found out the drugs were laced with a quirk and… I relapsed."
"Relapsed?" I prodded, now even more confused. I thought only druggies could relapse.
"The quirk was called something like Heaven's Treasure I think? Anyway, once you are exposed you can't get rid of it. I-I- I," he choked and suddenly I realized what he meant.
"You became addicted," I finished for him and he nodded. "Does Aunty know? Does anyone?"
He shook his head no, "Just you. Well and All Might. No one else asked and if it wasn't for All Might I don't think anyone would have noticed until it was too late." That's a lot to take in.
"How long did you have to deal with it alone?" I asked, careful with my wording.
"5 months, I know it wasn't long and I really shouldn't make a big deal-" I put my hand over his mouth stopping the stupid from being spoken.
"Deku, addiction is scary. It hurts. And whether it's for a day or a lifetime, it IS a big deal," I glared at him and he just looked back at me for a few seconds before his eyes filled with those big watery tears and he started crying and the moment I put my hand down he hugged me, crying into my chest. Damn, tonight's wine must be extra good because I didn't even think about it. I just hugged him, no internal panic, no second guessing, no anything. I just hugged him, letting him cry while he ruined my shirt but who cares if it's all stretched out from him gripping handfuls of it? I only wear it to bed anyway.
Several minutes passed and when he finally started hiccuping, his tears exhausted, I refilled our glasses and cleaned up from our dinner. Deku was too in his head to realize what I was doing. Once the bottles were disposed of and the remaining pizza put away I went to the bathroom and grabbed a pack of wet wipes from under the sink. I don't care who you are, these things are heaven when trying to get Pinky's makeup off of me, because of course she somehow gets it all over me, so I will forever have them in my home, before returning to Deku with the pack and a box of tissues that I had to hunt down in the closet. He smiled, thanking me before cleaning his face and I managed to get a couple large glasses of water before sitting down again.
Deku gratefully took the glass and drank it all making me laugh before handing him mine as well before I got up and just brought the pitcher of filtered water in with me.
"Thank you," Deku whispered in a small voice, making me do a double take.
"Why are you thanking me?" I asked him. I don't think I did anything weird. Did I? Unexpected even?
"I think you're the first person I've told all of this to. I haven't even told All Might that I was gay and you just… You didn't even freeze up, you just accepted it. Does that make sense?" Deku started fidgeting with his hands before he started chuckling dryly and I just shook my head at his silliness.
"I would be one hell of a hypocrite if I didn't. I am gay and everyone knows it. Even Aunty," I motioned towards my phone and he jumped looking at me in surprise. "Why am I not surprised that you didn't?" I laughed leaning back on my couch after picking up my phone and pulling up my hero profile for him.
"No! I have the link to your hero profile saved on my phone and-" he stopped talking and pulled out his phone and when I looked over his shoulder I saw that it was the condensed profile and I reached over and expanded it so it showed everything and Deku started fussing about all the new information popping up.
"I'm such an idiot," he slumped back in his chair, groaning.
"Nah, just busy. It's easy to miss," I smirked at him but he didn't look at me. Ah fuck it, I've had enough to drink to get away with a few things. Haven't I? It's called liquid courage for a reason I'm sure.
I turned and lay down on the couch, my head directly in Deku's lap and the way he jolted, freezing up at what I'm sure was the fear of knocking me over, he just looked at me.
"Boo," I smirked at him and Deku barked a laugh, making me giggle. Thanks to the silliness after a little while we were able to calm down but I was still in his lap smirking up at him. I reached up and twirled a finger in his bouncy curls, the smirk never leaving my face as I played with the curl much to Deku's amazement.
"How much did you drink before I got here?" He finally asked and I was giggling again.
"You saw all three of the bottles I opened. I'm not even buzzed, I'm just exhausted. I was home for less than an hour before you got here and I wasn't kidding about when my shift started," I grumbled a little but I was still highly amused just playing with his hair.
"But our shift should never last that long!" Deku almost shouted but I just hummed in agreement.
"They wouldn't let me go thanks to my quirk and the villains involved. They had someone with a shield quirk and no one could break it and I had to find out that my explosions actually did work but somehow grenades did not and just blah. I don't want to talk about work, that's why I was drinking," I pouted at him and his wide eyes smiled down at me.
"I have a cocaine addiction, should I worry about you and alcohol?" He asked seriously and I laughed out loud again while shaking my head no.
"I really don't drink that much and when I do it's in a controlled setting. At home, and if I'm alone I don't drink more than one bottle but if someone else is here then…" I trailed off looking up at him grinning. "Well Shitty Hair and Dunce Face won't come over anymore when I'm relaxing. Something about me becoming clingy? Like they have any fucking room to talk, I swear I get drunk once and all hell breaks loose. So now I don't open more than three bottles, regardless of if anyone else is drinking or not," I shrugged up at him before reaching up again to play with his hair. It's far more relaxing than I ever thought it would be. "And I don't drink anything hard, just wine," I added as an afterthought.
"Am I bothering you?" I asked after several minutes passed with us just laying like this and he was just looking at me, watching what all I would do.
"Not at all, I love it. But-," he cut himself off but I wasn't having that so I sat up a bit and knocked him over so that I was laying on his torso, pinning him down. Well, as pinned as Deku can be anyway.
"But what?" I prompted, now hovering over him and it's only when Deku's eyes widen that I realize why. I had him pinned, my hands trapping his wrists, my torso on his and with my hips pressing down on his. My face was only a couple inches from his and while I was staring in his eyes I had been moving closer.
"Shit, sorry," I shook some sense into my head, pulling away as I did. "I didn't mean…" How in the fuck do I tell him that I didn't mean to sexually harrass him? Because that is what that was. I was touching him without his permission and even though, thankfully, I wasn't trying to touch anywhere inappropriate. I mean my hands were on his wrists not his hips or anything. But we were in a very revealing position and it wasn't right to start with, even if that wasn't my intention.
I pulled myself off of him, even offering him a hand to help him back up and he took it. That had to be a good sign right? Like maybe I didn't just destroy the last six years of anger management I've been working so hard on? Ever since I graduated, I dragged my ass to get help. Somewhere far away from our friends and the public eye and it was damned hard work but I finally have a sense of myself and I can't even imagine how I would blow it all up if I did something to Deku.
"It's okay, you just surprised me is all," he chuckled a little embarrassed and the wave of relief flooded over me.
"That's all I was going for. Not… That," I vaguely motioned to his lap, still embarrassed that I put him in that situation at all. He is hard. Not just firm or anything. Like, let me get on my knees, kind of hard.
I looked away even more embarrassed than before from my thoughts.
"No, you're right. You probably already have a boyfriend. You seem so relaxed and just happy in general. I wasn't trying to put you in an uncomfortable situation," the hell kind of nonsense is he talking about right now?
"Deku?" He resisted but he did look at me. "You DIDN'T do anything wrong. I pushed you down, I pinned you down, and I pressed myself against you after not only drinking a large amount of alcohol but also giving you more than I probably should have. It was MY fault. NOT yours," I pointed out everything so there wasn't a single thing that he could somehow claim responsibility over.
"And for the record, no. I don't have a boyfriend. The guy I like is an angel and I was too much of a fucking asshole to him growing up to even begin thinking I could deserve him," the way he whipped his head around to stare at me when I said that was almost comical but I didn't laugh. Instead I laid my head on his shoulder and did what I should have done years ago.
"I am sorry. I don't deserve to be forgiven but you deserve an apology. I was everything I hated and I did it all to you. You never did anything to deserve it. I am so sorry," I closed my eyes not wanting to let the tears out but they came anyway. Fucking damnit! I was really trying to be sincere so why in the fuck am I crying?
"Oh Kacchan," his soft voice whispered in my ears and in the next instant his arms were around me and just everything broke inside of me. Not just one little thing, no, everything. I ended up sobbing in his arms and well I guess it had to happen eventually. I grew up with him AND Aunty after all, I don't know how I managed to escape the tears this long.
I don't know how long I cried, it could have been just a couple minutes or a few hours but my tears were gone but he still held me. As amazing as it feels to just stay here I know that I can't. It's not right, I would be taking advantage of his kindness and I can't do that to him. I just can't. And then he yawned.
"Come on, you should go to bed. I'll show you where the bathroom is so you can take a bath or shower, I stood up still wobbling. Yeah, I'm not going to bed. I really didn't think I drank that much, usually I could easily drink three bottles and be just fine so I don't know what is going on. Did I maybe buy a higher proof than usual? "Well I'm sleeping on the couch, I'm not puking in my bed," I grumbled to myself and tried to shake the dizziness from my head but of course that didn't work. I pulled Deku by his wrist and showed him where the bathroom was and the bedrooms.
"I didn't see you bring a bag, feel free to raid my closet, I motioned towards my room again, knowing full well that if I tried to actually get clothes for him I was going to hurl. "I'm going to lie down with a bucket," I make my way to the kitchen to get said bucket before putting it by the couch and plopping down and laying down again.
It wasn't long before I heard the water start running and I'm just glad that I didn't make him too uncomfortable. I close my eyes and try to forget my already pounding headache.
I woke up to my phone blaring and grumbling before grabbing it and answering it, already irritated that my caller ID showed that it was headquarters.
"I was drinking last night, I am not coming in while under the influence," I stated the moment the call connected.
"Dear God, are there any heroes around you? That live near you?" Eraserhead groaned out his questions and I am very confused as to why he is at headquarters. Isn't he the new U.A. principle? Nezu retired last year, or at least I thought he did.
"Why the fuck are you calling from headquarters? I asked, sitting up while groaning. My head is still spinning but I don't feel nearly as nauseous now, I mean I still feel it but not so much as before.
"Bakugo, focus. How much did you have to drink?" Eraserhead snapped at me, well fine, be an ass then.
"I opened three bottles of wine and Deku helped with two of them," I answered but I heard several surprised sputterings on the other end of the line telling me that he had me on speakerphone.
"Let me talk to Midoriya," Eraserhead demanded and I grunted something along the lines of give me a minute. I didn't bother to put the call on hold or mute it before knocking on the guest room door.
"Oi, Deku?" I called out, knocking harder but there wasn't an answer. I opened the door a crack. "I'm coming in, Deku?" I called out again and it wasn't until after I turned the light on that I found out the room was empty. Where the hell did he go? Maybe the bathroom? I walked my tired ass down the hall and knocked on the bathroom door and it swung open, showing it was empty too. "Where the hell are you Deku?" I had pulled the phone away from my ear, not caring to hear anything that they were bitching about while I searched for the green eyed beauty. I opened my door to find my bed with the covers all messed up and Deku under them, bunched up. Of course he is sleeping in my bed. Why would I ever expect him to sleep in the guest room?
I chuckle at the thought before walking over to him calling out his name as I came in so that I wouldn't surprise him.
"Deku? Eraserhead is calling for you," I tell him once he is rubbing his eyes, trying to wake up properly.
"Eraserhead?" He asked even more confused. I shrugged and handed him the phone which he looked at for about two seconds before hitting the speakerphone button. Probably a smart call on his part, that is if his head hurts nearly as much as mine does.
"Hello?" he asked, yawning and I heard more spitting and sputtering on the line, knowing it wasn't coming from our old homeroom teacher.
"You are at Bakugo's house?" Eraserhead stated as if it were a question, Deku nodded still not all the way awake yet before he realized that Eraserhead couldn't see him.
"Yeah, mine is having repairs done from a villain attack," he yawned again and I swear I heard Eraserhead sigh, "of course it is." Under his breath but he cleared his throat leaving me to wonder if I actually heard anything at all.
"Bakugo was hit with a quirk yesterday, has he been acting more aggressive than usual?"
"Um, Eraserhead? I haven't seen Kacchan since graduation until I showed up last night, unannounced," Deku answered and this time I know for a fact that I heard panicked whispers on the other end of the line.
"Midoriya, you know Bakugo better than anyone. Is he worse?" Eraserhead sighed and I rolled my eyes, turning away to go back to the couch. I don't remember being hit with any quirks yesterday.
"Not at all Sens- Eraserhead. Kacchan was super nice and we laughed a lot while we were catching up. I think the most mad I've seen him since I've been here is just now when he rolled his eyes at you," Deku answered, his voice getting all bubbly and I can't help smiling a little at it while I kept going to the couch. If I was hit by a quirk and if all it does is make me more aggressive then I feel a lot better about all those anger management classes right now. I've gotten really good at handling my own dumbass.
I laid back on the couch, not worrying about Deku having my phone at all. I already told him that I was in love with him, albeit in a roundabout way. I already apologized and even if he got nosy and looked through it (which I seriously doubt) the most he would find is that I have notifications set up for anytime his hero name comes up and he might come across the few dozen saved documents where I tried to write out my apologies but always failed to express what I wanted. So if he really wants he is welcome to it. I curl up under the blanket that I don't remember having on the couch, probably thanks to Deku, and close my eyes again.
"Kacchan?" I heard Deku ask and when I opened my eyes I found him standing next to me with a wet washcloth. The hell?
"What's wrong? Did you make a mess?" I sat up and the whole world tilted again. I wave off his concern knowing I must really look like shit at the moment from my hangover but that's besides the point. "I'll get it, it's fine. You're a guest," I took the rag from him but he just shook his head before taking it back again.
"Kacchan, you have a fever. Eraserhead said it was most likely because of the quirk you were hit with, they are still trying to figure out the effects. How do you feel?" He wiped at my forehead and I relaxed, smiling at him before laying back down.
"I'm a lot better now that you're here," I winked at him and his whole face flushed at the tease, making me snicker a bit. I mean that was far too cute.
"Kacchan! Wait until you are better so I know it's you talking and not alcohol or the fever talking," he pouted and dear God has he always been so cute?
"I'll prove that it's me then," I smiled up at him but he looked at me interested and I told him to grab a certain black book from my closet and when he came running back with it I flipped it open and handed it to him. He looked at me confused for a minute before taking the journal and silently reading it. It didn't take long before his jaw dropped, his eyes widened and then he looked straight at me.
"Really?" He whispered, like he was afraid that he was going to be overheard by someone. Instead of answering I pointed to the top corner where I knew the date was clearly printed and he was tearing up.
"Take your time, feel free to read any of these black books if you like," I smiled at him before a thought hit me. "Oh there are a bunch of documents on my phone too, where I tried to type out apologies, speeches or other things to you. I've spent a lot of time trying, but I just couldn't find the right way though. The words kept failing me," I shrugged but my eyes were drooping now. Damn what kind of quirk was I hit with and when?
I wake up and I feel great but hot. I look around to see that I am now in my bed. Deku probably carried me and now there is a large glass of water and even a banana on my bedside table. Actually kind of smart, this way I could just eat the fruit when I wake up without it browning or being difficult.
Ugh, why am I so hot? I downed the water and ate the banana while I got up and walked out of my room to find Deku standing in my kitchen at my stove and I paused for a minute just to watch. A moment to just pretend that this is perfectly normal.
"Deku why is it so hot?" I asked, once I figured I couldn't just pretend I wasn't standing there anymore. He looked up confused.
"Kacchan, it's freezing in here," he looked at me shocked and it's only now that I see him in a sweater and sweatpants and I looked out to see snow out my window. I know I've been a bit lost on how time passes lately but weren't the leaves still orange, yellow and red and still IN the trees yesterday? That also doesn't stop the fact that I am sweating so much and feel like I'm dying from the heat.
Deku rushed over and put his hand on my head and suddenly all the heat disappeared and I was perfectly comfortable again. Deku jumped as if he were shocked and once he wasn't touching me anymore the strange heat came back. I whined, leaning forward and Deku let me press his hand against my face again and he watched with wide eyes as I relaxed.
"I feel so much better now," I whispered and for more than one reason. I mean yeah the feeling of being baked alive in my own skin was miserable but the fact Deku was still willing to do such an intimate gesture with me? Yeah, THAT feels great.
"I feel warm," he breathed out the words and I opened my eyes, which I didn't even realize were closed to start with, and he still looks amazed.
"Then maybe we should cuddle?" I asked teasing him a little but only a little. If he was willing I really would pull him back to bed with me just to sleep in his big comforting arms. I could hear Deku muttering to himself in disbelief but at the same time he was also muttering about how he was so happy at the offer and a host of other things that I'm pretty sure he didn't want me to hear until I was "all better".
I gently guided him back to the stove and turned off the burner before then pulling the still muttering sweetheart behind me to my room. He didn't snap out of it until I picked him up and laid him down, still dressed, on the bed before I curled into him. I'm just happy he hasn't tried to run away at all. When I laid my head on his chest he unfroze and wrapped his arms around me before we started chatting about absolutely nothing important at all. Then we started gossiping about our friends and we were really laughing at the crazy things they did on a regular basis.
"Kiri didn't say anything about you changing so much," Deku sighed. "Well, you didn't really change? You are still you just, I don't know. Calmer?" He tried again, frowning, making me laugh.
"Shitty Hair doesn't know either. I've been going on solo missions almost exclusively since highschool. I needed to get away and it's not like I changed how I text or talk or anything," I played with his hair while I talked and I saw him frown.
"You've been alone all this time?" His eyes looked far too concerned for my liking but I can't help that.
"I couldn't bring myself to admit to anyone else that I needed help. It was hard enough admitting it to myself," I sighed and damn it those eyes of his are fucking puppy killers. "Don't get me wrong, the fuckers still come over and drag my ass out to do things all the time. I haven't been that alone," I chuckled at the thought that my friends would ever actually leave me alone. "It's just harder to be calm when they jump out of nowhere and kidnap me."
"I could see them doing that," Deku laughed, smiling again but his eyes were still sad.
"So what about you? If the news and tabloids are anything to go off of then all you do is work and follow 'Rose' everywhere," I nudged my nose into his neck but he just giggles and, just fuck. Cuddles feel like heaven.
"I like being a hero but sometimes I get lost in my head, ya know?" He tries to shrug but that is difficult while we are laying on our sides looking at each other like this.
"Hmm, you do that a lot," I smirked at him but I pulled away when he didn't smile. "What made you afraid of your own mind?" He looked at me in surprise at first but then he gave me a sad smile.
"What if, I know there is no going back, it's just hard sometimes," he sighed and I couldn't help joining him. I know that feeling all too well. What if instead of trying to push Deku away, I took his hand instead? All those years ago, what if I had been his hero?
"There isn't anything I can say that will help with the past," I say slowly, hesitating a moment before I look back into his deep green eyes again. "But, what if we are friends again?"
He looked shocked for a moment but he smiled so brightly that I felt a little better and went on. "What if I want to be more than just friends?" he looks a little confused but then hopeful so again I feel a little better.
"What if I wanted you to kiss me?" I whispered, and watched as he was again smiling brightly, good signs for my future.
"What if," Deku whispered, scooting closer but not actually touching me. "I wanted to be more than friends?" I smile and now he wraps his arms around my shoulders pulling me closer. "What if I want to kiss you?" He added in barely a whisper and then right when I think he is about to kiss me he whispers just a breath away from my lips, "What if I never let you go again?"
"Yes," I whispered and our lips pressed together, and the fact that his hands were actively stripping me of my clothes only made me open up to him more. When he pushed inside all I could think was that I never want to let him go again.
"What?" I woke up to hear Deku nearly panicking while talking on the phone. I reached out and wrapped an arm around him making him jump but when he calmed down he let me pull him back into my arms so I could snuggle him and he decided to put the call on speakerphone.
"The quirk Bakugo was hit with, it's called Birthright. When it's used on a woman she is more likely to get pregnant and when used on a man he is more likely to get a woman pregnant," Eraserhead's voice groaned even over the phone line.
"So what does it do to gay men?" Deku asked nervously and I can't blame him. Either it will do nothing really, thanks to me being a man or I will be the one pregnant and considering how we just spent the night? Well, there isn't exactly a plan b for men when men don't usually get pregnant.
"Depends on if he is the top, then nothing but as the receiver… There is a possibility, not a high one but still," he didn't finish and we didn't need him to.
"How long does the quirk last?" I asked and my voice was all gravily from sleep and I think that shocked him, that I was here at all. I mean fuck, they are using my phone for all of this for Chirst sake!
He cleared his throat before answering, "if you're not pregnant then about a week. If you are, well then. You know," he cleared his throat again.
"Are you hoping that I'm pregnant now?" I asked, acting confused but Deku was the one to get all flustered and he hung up before Eraserhead could answer.
"You!" He shouted but when I hugged him he relaxed immediately.
"It's okay, we just have to wait a week and if last night actually took then I guess we will be Dads," I kissed his neck, enjoying how he giggled at my touches. "Either way, I'm not letting you go ever again."
His giggles were getting louder thanks to my persistent kisses and general cuddling before he finally gave in and pulled me in for a real kiss.
"I'm not letting you go either," he whispered, making me grin again. Then an idea seemed to hit him and he whispered, "Then should we be trying to have a baby? Men usually can't. It's so hard to find a doctor willing to help men ever since-." He started muttering to himself and frankly it was gibberish at this point but that didn't stop me from laughing.
"I mean it's not our smartest idea, but it's also far from our worst," I shrugged before we were kissing again and you know what? The thought of being a Dad isn't all that bad, even if I'm the Mom.