Vampire's Bride

So Bakugo was hit with a quirk and no we don't know what it does yet," Aizawa Sensei announced standing next to Kacchan with a bored look on his face. I guess I can't blame him, we get hit with a lot of quirks. "And yes I am aware that Midoriya was hit with a quirk as well but it just enhances his sense of smell, so keep strong odors and perfumes away from him and he will be just fine. Now go to bed," Aizawa Sensei groaned and he sounded completely exhausted.

"Sensei, it's only five in the afternoon?" Iida raised his hand and by now you would think he would understand that anytime is nap thirty, but somehow, no.

"Iida, one day you will understand the importance of sleeping when you can," Aizawa Sensei rolled his eyes and turned to leave before thinking of something else and stopping again.

"If anyone figures out what the quirk does, contact Midnight and Recovery Girl immediately and send me a text message. Unless you figure it out in the next twenty minutes I'll be on patrol after that," this time he really did turn around and walk out leaving us in the dorm common area.

Everyone started chatting amongst themselves but no one seemed to actually take our teacher seriously so I turned to the kitchen to find something to eat before someone starts cooking and frankly runs me out with their burnt food smells. They aren't as bad as our first year but since my sense of smell is so much stronger I think I can expect it to be just as bad if not worse as back then.

I'm not all that hungry but I found a bag of mini raisin cinnamon bagels and of course cream cheese and fruit jams. I quickly took a few, slicing them in half and putting them in the toaster oven. This is hardly a filling dinner but who actually cares? Some cream cheese and strawberry jam later and my mouth is watering from the strong smells coming from my food.

I pick one up and sink my teeth into it and the richness of the smell and taste is almost overpowering with the cinnamon and strawberry together but the cream cheese and honey that I drizzled at the end mellowed it out perfectly. Thank God I didn't try to eat something stronger.

A hand reaches in front of me and picks up one of the bagels and when I turned to see who it was, Kacchan was looking at the food curiously. I know he has had this hundreds if not thousands of times in the past, my mom used to make them for after school snacks. But the way he is looking at it now you would think he had never seen them before in his life.

He took a bite, not bothering to ask and I just hummed letting him know that I already knew. When the mini bagel was done he licked his fingers and I offered the plate to him, already knowing that I made far too many and he sat down next to me and we finished eating the childhood snack for dinner.

It didn't take long before someone came into the kitchen, Kaminari, he is banned from actually cooking anything at all but that doesn't stop him from looking for leftovers in the fridge.

"Midoriya, so this is where you ran off to," he laughed and then noticed Kacchan. "Bakugo?" Kacchan barely glanced at him before picking up another bagel and biting into it, no longer paying him any attention. Kami however didn't seem to actually care and turned his attention back to me.

"Did you make all of these? They smell pretty good," he reached over and before I could react Kacchan swatted his hand away.

"Make your own," he grumbled and I relaxed, taking another bite of mine. Kami looked like a puppy that had just been kicked for no reason though.

"Dude! You didn't make them either!" He complained and Kacchan held up the tub of whipped cream cheese that I had used and turned it, showing his name written on the container and I didn't say anything. It's not the first time I've dipped into his personal food items but to be fair he does the same to mine and we try to restock them too so it's not like we are actually stealing or anything.

Kaminari started asking questions but Kacchan set off an explosion instead of answering anything and I just kept eating. Maybe I didn't make enough? I'm still hungry and looking at Kacchan he probably is too. I get up and slice more mini bagels and back into the toaster oven they go but I'm out of strawberry jam so I hold up the red pepper jelly for Kacchan and he nods. So this time I slather on plenty of the red pepper jelly and forgo the honey altogether. End result? Amazing.

"Damn, you two must have been hungry, you're not even fighting," Kami watched almost in awe and now I kind of want to slap him. Why did he have to go and jinx us?

"Look at the names on all of these? Would we be able to eat them like this if we were fighting?" Kacched rolled his eyes at our friend and I just looked away chewing on a mouthful of the sweet and creamy, hot doughy goodness. I see nothing, I hear nothing. I didn't ask to use his cream cheese but I did technically ask about the red pepper jelly! He also didn't ask about my bagels, honey and strawberry jam. So I mean, it's kind of even. I think.

"Fine I understand why Midoirya is eating this instead of cooking, I mean cooking would probably be torture for him right now but why are you?" Kami rolled his eyes and Kirishima walked in, his interest showing the moment he heard Kami's question.

"It smelled good, why else?" Kacchan shrugged before popping the last bite into his mouth and helped me put away our ingredients.

"The smell of cinnamon in the kitchen is amazing, I wonder if Sato will bake cinnamon rolls?" Kiri's eyes lit up in excitement and I couldn't help chuckling at their banter, distracted now while they left the kitchen.

"Thanks, my stomach has been queasy since the fight," Kacchan mumbled and I smiled as big as I could. I know I've been queasy since getting hit with the quirk so I totally get it.

"You know the villains were twins, so it stands to reason that their quirks would be similar. I've been feeling sick ever since I was hit with the quirk and now that I've eaten I feel so much better," I answered knowing that he hates when I draw attention to any 'weakness' he might have no matter how short it is. He thought about it, actually listening to me and even inhaled through his nose but shrugged.

"Cinnamon tends to overpower all the other smells," he answered and I nodded in agreement.

"True, it's one of the reasons I picked it, I don't know how much more I can stand around Mineta. I don't know what the smell is but I would rather not think about it," I shivered at the memory of the strange smell and then I remembered that our rooms are right next door to each other. "And my room is right next to his," I groaned, making Kacchan chuckle.

"I have some cinnamon scented spray, come get it," he was still chuckling, telling me he was in a good mood and I nodded happily and practically bouncing behind him to the elevator just as everyone, including Mineta entered the kitchen and Kacchan and I both made a face before hurrying out.

"That gross fuck," Kacchan grumbled coughing at the odor. I was not expecting Kacchan to be nearly as sensitive to the smell as I was but it's a relief to know I wasn't being overdramatic. Once we were in the elevator I watched him pull out his phone and send a text to Aizawa Sensei about the discovery and when our teacher responded he actually sent a thumbs up. Shocking to see but then I saw that, that was almost all he ever sent Kacchan. I guess it makes sense.

Alone in the elevator with him, I smell the light sweet smell of salted caramel and spicy peppers. "You smell so good though," I smiled, closing my eyes and inhaling the sweet and spicy aroma.

"That didn't sound creepy at all," Kacchan teased before I heard him take a deep breath too and hum in surprise. "You smell like chocolate and coffee, how?" I looked at him in surprise and tried to smell myself but I couldn't.

"I don't know," I shrugged and then thought I should describe him too. "You smell like salted caramel and spicy peppers, just the right amount of each."

The elevator stopped on the fourth floor and I followed him out and to his room. He unlocked his door and once I was inside he closed and locked it again, the fact I wasn't going to be staying didn't matter. I followed him inside and I sat on his bed while he went to his bathroom to find the spray but his whole room smells like him. Salted Caramel and what kind of pepper is that? Maybe a chili? No, hotter. So maybe a Carolina reaper? No, that's too hot. What is that?

"Don't know but you could just shut up and enjoy it," Kacchan came back and I blushed at the fact that I was muttering my thoughts again. "You smell good too. Like rich creamy dark chocolate and freshly made coffee." He put the spray down on the bedside table before leaning toward me wafting the scent of sweet caramel and peppers into my nose.

I reached up and pulled him closer, my nose sniffing at his neck but for some reason I don't feel embarrassed at the moment. It took several minutes for me to realize that Kacchan was doing the same thing that I was. His hot breath on my neck sent tingles down my back, his scent clouded my mind and his gentle touches encouraged me. I pulled him down next to me, his smell got stronger by his shirt collar so I started unbuttoning it. Wanting to find out for myself just how amazing the smell could be. I could vaguely feel his fingers doing the same, and once his shirt was open I pressed myself against him, inhaling where his neck met his shoulders. He smells so good.

I licked him. His slightly salty taste was just enough not to be overpowered by either the caramel or the peppers, so I licked his neck again. Searching for where his smell was most pure until I couldn't hold myself back anymore, I opened my mouth and bit him.

He moaned out, his voice music to my ears but his taste was far better than even that. I felt something wet on my neck, something hot and soothing all at once. I sucked, a low growl coming from him sent my blood rushing through me, my heart skipping a beat. I feel all warm and fuzzy, light headed yet focused. I let him go, licking up the sweetness that dared to try and escape me, until nothing else came out. It wasn't until Kacchan stopped licking me that I pulled away a little, my pants far too tight and my shirt in the way.

I removed them quickly and finished just in time to see Kacchan kicking off his pants. His muscles stretched and flexed without anything at all to hide them from me. I bent down and kissed just below his navel, startling him enough to focus on me so I did it again. He watched me explore for a while before he reached for his bedside table and took out some lube from the bottom drawer and a couple condoms. I looked at them curiously for a moment before it hit me as to why. I looked down at myself and sure enough I am large and hard and then I looked at Kacchan who was standing out in the cool air of the night.

He must be cold, right? An idea hit me and I used my hand to wrap around him and slowly moved to create a bit of heat. His abs flexed at the motion and I leaned forward to kiss them again, enjoying how he responded to my touch, then another idea hit me.

I pulled away, going further down, my hand now in front of my face, moving in gentle up and down motions, I licked the tip of the head by my thumb and Kacchan's whole body shuttered. Oh I really like that. I lick him again and again before I suck his head into my mouth and his back arches off of the bed. I swirl my tongue around rubbing and massaging him as I went, I started bobbing my head.

"FUCK!" He hissed and I looked up to see his glazed over eyes and the bottle of forgotten lube and condoms. Right. I should use those. I reached up taking the lube not letting him fall out of my mouth while I did it. I poured some on my hand before pressing against his entrance, a moan letting me know that he was liking exactly what I was doing. I slid the slippery substance all around his entrance before pushing a couple fingers in, his body jolting from the intrusion but he just feels so warm and soft I don't want to pull away.

I slowly thrusted my fingers in and out, spreading them and teasing his hole with a third finger but I don't push it in. My tongue was still sliding up and down his length while I sucked but my teeth just seem to be in the way. I know canines are a tad longer than the others but they seem so much larger right now.

"Ah! Careful!" He jumped and flinched out of the way, I adjusted a little and he was moaning out my name in no time. "Izuku, Izu ah yes Izu," not stopping and the way my name sounded from his lips made me want to hear it more. My tongue sliding around him while I sucked, his breath hitched, his back arched high and then suddenly something even sweeter was in my mouth. I swallowed and his body jerked again, with each suck and swallow my name rang out of him and I am loving it.

I pull away remembering the condoms and put one on him before putting one on me with a little more lube to help. His breathy whispers demanding more, his body stretching out, pulling me in. I kissed up his body until I was level with his mouth and he tried to attack my mouth with his. Our tongues instantly sliding and rubbing against each other the moment our lips open for the other.

While my hands massaged his thighs and butt before tilting his hips just so, opening him up for me I pushed myself against him stopping at just his entrance. Should I keep going? Should I stop? Should I say anything at all?

Kacchan saw my face and turned back to me, his lips slowly caressing my own, he pulled me toward him without saying anything but the message was clear. It's okay.

I pushed in, His body shuddering with each movement and he never once tried to pull away.

"Fuck yes," he hissed by my ear and I pulled out just so I could do it again and again. His hot body pulled me in, his insides sliding on me only irritating the condom a bit when suddenly I started feeling a lot more. I pulled out and found the condom broken and swore but Kacchan just told me to throw it away and come back inside.

"I can't get pregnant anyway," he added before gently tugging on my body and I really want to.

"Are you sure?" I asked, barely thinking at all now but he feels so good already.

"Yes, don't stop now," he whimpered and I added a bit of lube to myself before pushing back inside and it really does feel so much better. His hot body squeezing me as I pushed in, like it was trying to grab a hold of me and never let me go.

I pulled out again and thrusted back in, setting a rhythm that had us both moaning in pleasure. His legs wrapped up and around my hips, his arms around my neck pulling me in for a dangerous kiss, the kind that I couldn't pull away from. I experimented to find what he liked and didn't like and when his body spasmed under me I knew that it was where I wanted to keep hitting him.

His back arched, his head thrown back, his moans in my ear. I licked up the sweetness on his neck before sinking my teeth back into place and both of our bodies reacted. I came, filling him with my release but even after I knew I was done I couldn't stop myself. The gutteral sounds escaping him only drove me wild and the fact he was doing it right in my ear only made it worse. The sweetness filling my mouth urged me on and even though I know he has cum more than once neither of us gave it a second thought as our bodies kept taking more and more from each other and giving even more.


"What the hell?" I woke up groggy, dizzy and lightheaded. Who did I hear? Why are they confused? What is going on?

"There's so much blood. Shota, I don't know if I'll be able to do anything," a woman talked, her voice was low and if I had to guess I would say it was Recovery Girl, if not for how surprised she sounded anyway.

"We need to get them to the hospital, now," Aizawa Sensei's voice seemed to get stronger but that didn't last long.

"Shota, this is more complicated than blood loss," I felt a cool rush of air on me and I flinched at the temperature. "We need to contact Hound Dog and have him on standby once they are awake again. No one will be able to question them before then."

"Let's get them covered up and out of here."

Why isn't anyone making sense? I am so confused right now but I am so tired, so much more than I have ever felt in my life.



This time I woke up to hospital equipment surrounding me and even with how groggy I feel I tried to force myself awake. I don't remember getting hurt so why would I be in a hospital? I shake my head trying to focus, my eyes fighting me to stay closed when I want them open.

"Shh, it's okay Midoriya, you're not alone," I heard a familiar voice and I turned to face them. I found Hound Dog sitting nearby and even though I'm confused as to why he is here I feel a lot better.

"Whaaaaaaaattttttt'sssssss gooooooooing ooooon?" I asked, surprised at how my voice slurred. "Whyyy am I heeeeeere?" I tried again but that long slur didn't go away.

"The quirk you were hit with had some unknown side effects," he answered with what I assumed was a smile. I relaxed back in bed but something was nagging at my mind.

"Whaaaat about Kaaaaacccccchan? Weren't weee hit with simmmilarrrrr quirrrrrrksssss?" I asked, the slur was getting on my nerves but there isn't really anything I can do to stop it.

"He's right here, still sleeping. Like you should be," I tried to look over but I couldn't get myself to sit up so I just settled for knowing that Hound Dog wouldn't lie to me. I faced the direction he told me he was in though, I wish we were closer.

"I can help you sit up for a moment if it will help you to relax, you need to rest more," Hound Dog spoke up, making me jump. I must have been muttering again.

"Yesssss pleeeeease. Sssssorrrrrry," he helped me up and I saw Kacchan out cold in his bed and the relief flooding me made it difficult to stay awake. "Tttttthank youuuu," I whispered, my eyes closing before Hound Dog could even help me back down.


"Are you aware of what happened before now?" I heard Hound Dog ask, and I opened my eyes confused why anyone would wake someone up with that kind of question but Hound Dog was turned away from me.

"I was hit with a quirk, we went back to the dorms, I remember eating with Deku but then it gets fuzzy," Kacchan's voice croaked and I immediately felt better. I remember those things too but it feels like a dream, a sweet dream.

"Why don't you tell me what you ate? Maybe it will help you remember what happened next," Our school counselor suggested and I closed my eyes, focusing too, listening as Kacchan described the sweet dinner and explained how my mom used to make them as after school snacks.

"You and Midoriya have known each other a long time," I smile at the thought, our past wasn't exactly pretty but I'm glad we have it. The thought of even a single day without Kacchan in it hurts beyond belief.

"Our whole lives," Kacchan agreed and I swear I heard the smirk in his voice.

"It's hard to imagine knowing someone that long and intimately at that without certain thoughts coming to mind," I frowned at that. What does Hound Dog mean? What thoughts?

"Don't try and force me to say something I don't want to say," Kacchan sounded pissed and I don't blame him, I mean how does that comment make any sense at all?

"Of course not, I only want to hear what you want to say," I opened my eyes to see Hound Dog writing some notes but his face still seemed peaceful.

"Deku is mine," Kacchan growled and that shocked Hound Dog if the way he froze was anything to go off of.

"What do you mean by that? He is his own person," Hound Dog spoke calmly but he didn't finish whatever he had been writing.

"It means what it means. He is mine, stay the fuck away from him," Everything feels so much lighter than before. I don't feel nearly so tired and well, I feel kind of warm inside.

"I see," Hound Dog paused, writing a few things down before going on, "And is he aware that he is yours? Has he agreed to it?"

"How the fuck else would he be mine if he didn't agree to it?" Kacchan scoffed but then coughed, probably irritating his throat. I hope he is okay.

"Could you tell me when and how? I understand if that's too personal," Hound Dog asked but I could probably sit up now and he wouldn't notice at all with how he was looking at Kacchan.

"It was before I got my quirk, we were playing like brats do and promising to make a hero agency together when we grow up," I relaxed at the memory playing through my mind. "We were in the sandbox when some girl ran up and asked Deku if he would marry her when we grew up. Pissed me the fuck off but Deku was a adorable brat, anyone would have to be heartless not to love him," I heard Kacchan say that last part under his breath and I highly doubt Hound Dog missed it either. "But Deku just smiled and told her sorry. It drove me nuts and it wasn't until just before we were leaving the park that he finally told me why." Oh! This is so embarrassing!

"Oh? And why was that?" Hound Dog sounded interested and it wasn't helping my embarrassment.

"He said he was going to be with me so how could he be with anyone else?" Can this conversation end please? Pretty please? "So Deku is mine, and I am his."

I can't take this anymore so I clear my throat letting them know I was awake but it sounded like I was just waking up which is NOT what I was going for.

"Oi Deku, how long are you going to sleep?" Kacchan called out, his voice still gruff but lighter than when he was just talking to Hound Dog.

"Sorry Kacchan, but why are we here? I don't remember getting hurt," I tried to sit up but Hound Dog came over and helped adjust the bed until I was sitting up comfortably.

"The hell if I know. What do you remember?" He asked and I told him about us eating the cinnamon bagels together and how he had snapped at Kaminari.

"Oh yeah, I swear he will eat everything in sight if you don't stop him," he grumbled and I chuckled agreeing. Kacchan seems so relaxed right now I really want to hug him.

"Is that so?" Hound Dog hummed and I looked at him confused.

"Nerd, you just said you wanted to hug me," Kacchan groaned and I felt the blood rushing to my face.

"Sorry!" I quickly apologized and Kacchan frowned, making me do it again.

"Oi, can he come over here?" Kacchan asked, directing his question to Hound Dog who looked even more interested.

"I can do that, they took your IV's out this morning so other than his heart monitor…" he trailed off before standing up and he was lifting me out of bed making me yelp in surprise before he laid me next to Kacchan and adjusted a few wires before sitting down again.

I looked up to see Kacchan glaring at me before wrapping his arms around me and suddenly the world doesn't feel so scary anymore. I cuddled into his arms and once I was comfortable I hummed lightly, enjoying his warmth.

"If you want something you need to learn to speak up. You know I hate the mumbling," Kacchan grumbled, not letting me go and even though I know hugs don't do much for him I also know that he is well aware as to how much they mean to me.

"Sorry Kacchan," I hummed, cuddling into the side of his neck. For some reason one side was covered in bandages and now that I think about it so was mine but one side was free and I was able to inhale his sweet salted caramel scent and relax. "You smell like salted caramel and spice already," I hummed, relaxing even more, closing my eyes while I did.

"Like that's a surprise? The real question is how do you smell like chocolate and coffee?" Kacchan probably rolled his eyes while asking but his body stayed relaxed so I didn't think too much about it, just shrugging in answer because I really don't know.

"Has anything happened between you two recently? Last I knew you didn't get along very well at all," Hound Dog asked, reminding us that he was here.

"Just how much of this are you going to be telling everyone?" Kacchan asked and I flinched at how all of his muscles flexed at that.

"Nothing, this is all private information and unless you plan to harm yourself or others absolutely nothing you say can be divulged to anyone without your permission," Hound Dog answered and Kacchan's body relaxed back again. I reached up and started playing with his hair making him flinch at the contact at first before he laid back and just let me.

"I don't mind if Deku doesn't," he mumbled and I grinned at how he was letting his softness show. The side of him that usually only I get to see and considering how Hound Dog was writing in his notebook I would say he didn't miss that detail either.

"We've been dating for a few months now," I answered, smiling now that Kacchan was letting me hold him the way I liked best. "We just haven't told our friends yet," I added sheepishly.

"Is there a reason to hide your relationship?" He looked interested but he stopped writing.

"Our friends are a bit much. I went on a date with Uraraka without knowing it was a date and I was surrounded and questioned for two weeks until I admitted that I was gay and she ended up crying for another month. I thought we were just hanging out, I didn't want to make my friend cry," I pouted and Kacchan started cursing her for not making herself clear in the first place.

"Was this before or after you two started dating?" Hound Dog asked curiously and Kacchan grumbled some more.

"It was after, we were planning on telling them after I came back from hanging out but I didn't get the chance and as it was Kacchan had to save me from their questions during those two weeks. Every now and again I will still get asked if I'm sure that I'm gay and I just don't want to talk to them about it after all of that," I sulked, Kacchan still cursing our friends while I held him and he cuddled into my chest when I started getting too consumed by own thoughts again, probably mumbling.

"That wasn't a good experience that's for sure," Hound Dog nodded, sympathizing with me when a question seemed to hit him. He hesitated before asking though and that only made me want to know what his question was more.

"Remember that you do not have to answer any of these questions. You can simply talk about anything you want to," Hound Dog reminded us and Kacchan's muscles flexed in defense again.

"That means you're about to ask something that isn't your fucking business," he hissed at him and I ran my fingers through his hair again until he calmed down and then I started twirling the silky soft strands between my fingers.

"That's true. Like I said you don't have to answer and if you do choose to answer remember I can't tell anyone what your answer is," now I'm getting nervous but I nod for him to continue anyway. "Are you two sexually active?"

I jumped, I was NOT expecting that kind of question at all and Kacchan was cursing his very soul to the depths of hell.

"Why would you ask that!" I practically screamed instead of asking but now it's Kacchan's turn to soothe me.

"You both seem to be very intimate after only dating a few months. I'm not here to judge you," he reminded us kindly but I still feel uncomfortable. 

"We were hit with a quirk shortly after we started dating and things escalated but we haven't done anything since!" Kacchan defended us ready for a fight.

"Bakugo, I told you. I'm not here to judge you and you certainly don't have to answer any of these questions. The only reason we are here now is because you were hit with a quirk and everyone was worried about how you would take it. That's all," his voice was soft but he had set his notebook to the side. I never thought there would be a day that I would feel better about someone not writing notes.

"The quirk that enhanced my sense of smell from the twin villains yesterday?" I tried not to focus on anything else.

"It turned out to do a bit more than that but yes that's the quirk I'm talking about," he relaxed back in his seat, picking up his notebook again. Kacchan took a deep breath and damn, I thought I was tense. It was like his whole body melted the way he relaxed after that but I kind of understand why. We didn't choose to give up our virginity and it hadn't been easy to accept when we woke up in such a compromising way.

I'm glad it was Kacchan, that wasn't the problem in the least. I just wish we could have talked a bit more about it, maybe waited a little longer. This weekend we had talked about trying to get physical again but looks like things still didn't work out the way we planned.

I kissed Kacchan's forehead, something I've started doing when I don't really know where my thoughts were going and a habit Kacchan had already picked up on.

"So nothing we say will leave the room?" He asked again and Hound Dog just nodded, confirming it. Kacchan turned back to me and nudged my chin up pulling me out of my hyper focused thoughts.

"Tell him, I know it bothers you just as much as it bothers me," he whispered softly but that didn't stop Hound Dog from hearing him but he didn't interrupt.

"I'm fin-"

"The hell you are," Kacchan cut me off and I let out a sigh. I know he's right. "You're not okay with it and neither am I. I suck at talking but if you tell him it might help us both actually be fine."

I could feel the tears threatening to spill and it's so hard sometimes to understand how Kacchan feels and right now it feels like he is begging me to tell Hound Dog just so he doesn't have to. So I did. I told him how we were hit with a quirk and what all happened, how we couldn't control anything that we did and how it made me feel. I also told him how relieved I was that it was Kacchan with me and not someone else. Hound Dog had put his notebook down again and was just listening carefully, sometimes asking questions on what parts we had been the most upset over and how we would have changed it if we could.

I actually feel a lot better now and the fact that Kacchan had talked a lot too helped the most. It was like the wall that was between us was finally broken down after far too long and by the end we started laughing about how silly we were.

"There isn't anything silly about what you experienced. You were violated and you have every right to be upset by it, there is nothing silly about that. It's great that you both feel so relieved about it now but that doesn't change your right to feel the way you do. Either now or before," Hound Dog gave us a gentle lecture but I shrugged smiling, holding Kacchan close.

"That's not what I mean. I mean, I feel silly that we didn't really talk about it after it happened and we ended up avoiding the conversation all around. We were talking about giving it a real shot soon but I don't think it would have really worked out well considering last time," I answered before giving Kacchan a quick kiss. It's a bit embarrassing to kiss him in front of one of our teachers but at the same time kind of empowering. Maybe we should talk to Hound Dog more in the future, together.

"I'm okay with that, Nerd," Kacchan smirked up at me and I could feel my face getting hot again. How much of that did I say out loud but he pretended not to notice and just teased me a bit instead.

Now that I feel better I really want to know about what happened that they thought we needed to talk to Hound Dog before anyone or anything else.

"So what kind of quirk were we actually hit with?" I finally asked and Kacchan turned his focus back to the man in the chair.

"The twin villains said that they called it Vampire's Bride, they actually did have the same quirk and what happens is that the victim will attack someone close to them and drink their blood with the help of their much larger canines," Hound Dog started and I reached up to press my thumb on one of my canines but it felt normal. "The quirk is over now but they had refused to give us any information at all until after their quirk had worn off. It makes the victims attack in more than one way I'm afraid. From what you've just told me it's about the same, only longer lasting." He trailed off and it took me a minute to understand what he meant.

"So we had sex again without actually meaning or wanting to?" I asked to be sure and he let out a sigh and nodded carefully watching us as we did.

"Damn it all!" Kacchan cursed for a while but my thoughts didn't stop at just shock or even anger.

"Why don't we remember?" Kacchan froze and I looked up too.

"That was a quirk used by a doctor here. They didn't want you two to freak out and attack each other in the process of digesting the news. They are waiting for me to let them know when it's okay to release the memory back to you, no they can't see the memory themselves. They basically just put a lock on your memories until it was safe for you to digest." He answered me calmly but also sadly. "When we found you, you were covered in each other's blood and yes, it is quite clear that you had sex. It's okay if you want to wait a little longer. No one would blame you."

Now I feel hollow inside, what if it's just like last time? What if I didn't actually have any control at all and I was just forced to watch as my body moved on its own?

"Nerd?" I flinched a little but Kacchan just brushed his fingers through my hair, caressing my face. "Teddybear?" He asked again this time softer while he wiped the tears from my eyes for me.

"What if it's the same as last time?" I choked on my sobs but he pulled me in and kissed me softly, surprising me.

"Teddybear, I'm not leaving you. I didn't then and I'll be damned if I do now," his angry words didn't match how sweet and soft his voice was or how his eyes made me want to drown in his gaze forever. I saw his mouth twitch for a moment but he just kept gently petting me, running his fingers through my hair until I calmed down again. I don't know how much time had passed but eventually I turned back to Hound Dog and told him I was ready and after he checked with Kacchan he stood up and walked to the door. We heard some voices but not what was said and after a few moments he came back and sat down again.

"They went to tell the doctor so it should just be a few moments now, drink some water first," he offered us some cups and neither of us could really slow down and just think so we downed the cups and handed them back to him. He seemed to understand though and just set them down. We were able to clean our faces and it is just awkward to wait for our memories to just return like this but there isn't much that we could do at the moment.

When I got a blinding headache though and images and memories in general flooded into my mind I calmed down a lot. The sweet wetness I remember was clearly blood and the fact that I was lapping it up was both crazy and scary at the same time but other than that one detail Kacchan and I were aware of what we were doing and we kept asking for permission and verifying before we did new things.

"It's not the same," I sighed out and Kacchan smirked up at me.

"Damn Nerd, trying to break me?" He teased and we started laughing together before he kissed me. "Next time no quirks though, the fact that it was so easy to bite into your neck like that is horrifying." He shivered and I didn't blame him, nodding quickly as I did. The fact that Hound Dog relaxed too helped a lot and we still chatted for several minutes and it was decided that Kacchan and I would see him once a week for the rest of the school year, longer if we wanted.

"We have many things to talk about and before I leave I should tell you one more thing," Hound Dog stood up and we pouted at the fact that I had to go back to my own bed since he was leaving, our safe time coming to an end. "All Might has told me about his quirk and yours Midoriya, so feel free to talk to me about anything at all in future sessions."

Now that I think about it, I probably should have talked to Hound Dog a long time ago.
