Aizawa Sensei is droning on about ethics, the irony I know, and he was assigning homework when my phone went off surprising not only everyone in class but me too. I pulled it out and after reading the message my face drained of all color and I spun around to Deku.
"WHAT IN THE HELL DID YOU TELL UNCLE?" I demanded, but he looked at me confused. I showed him my phone with his message.
Uncle: You have five days left before I come and get you.
Deku's eyes widened too, "What did you do?"
"That's what I'm asking you dumbass! What did you tell him that I did? Why does it sound like he is going to murder me?" I demanded and he held up his hands in defense.
"There's no way he would kill you though, he loves you," he quickly tried to reassure me.
"Does this," I held up my phone again for him, "sound like he loves me to you? What the hell did you tell him?"
"Kacchan, I'm sure-"
"The hell Deku? I am not suicidal and this sounds a hell of a lot like Uncle being homicidal. What did you tell him?" I was starting to lose my shit and grabbed him by his shoulders, shaking him a bit to try and get my point across.
"I, uh, no. I haven't talked to him at all this week and the last time I did was Saturday after…" I let him go and we both stared as panic started rising in my chest.
"Deku, you didn't. Did you?" The words came out as barely a breath but the whole class heard them.
"No! Why would I-? We decided that we… No!" Deku was starting and stopping abruptly and it was pretty clear he did.
"Deku, think carefully. Were you muttering at all when you were on the phone with him?" It was easy to see that he wanted to say no but there was no way he could confidently do that. Last Friday we had a fight and instead of throwing a punch at each other like usual, we kissed. Neither of us were prepared for it and we sure as fuck were not ready for it. Nor anything that happened after the fact. My back still hurts and I would do it again if I thought for even a moment that he wanted to. As for why it happened at all was beyond us but we have been awkward with each other ever since.
"I'm going to die," I groaned, slumping back into my seat. The fact that Uncle actually knew exactly what all I did to Deku back in middle school and he still hasn't killed me yet was a miracle that I chalked up to the fact that as Deku said, the man loved me.
"No! I mean Dad is still in America it's not like he gets to come back home all that often because of the company as it is and it's a big deal when he does," Deku was raising his voice but it was easy to hear him panicking. "It's not like he could just leave and come here."
"Deku, five days. He said five fucking days. Where in the fuck do you think he wants to take me? Huh?" I yelled at him but then his phone rang and we both froze at the familiar ringtone.
He picked the phone up with shaking hands and answered nervously, "Hey Dad. I'm still at school, is everything alright?" There was a long ass pause and the fact Deku was getting paler as time went didn't bode well for me. He silently handed me the phone and I took it.
"Katsuki! Great news, I'll be coming to get you both tomorrow instead. I had so many canceled appointments you just wouldn't believe!" His evil cackling had the hair on the back of my neck standing on end.
"Uncle, where exactly are you planning on taking me?" I asked politely and all the curious stares turned to shock as they all watched me closely while I tried not to make any sounds that I shouldn't.
"Don't you worry about that, I just got off the phone with your parents and they are THRILLED!" He chatted some more before hanging up. I dropped the phone and it clattered onto Deku's desk.
"He's going to kill me," Deku and I said at the same time.
"Ah! Midoriya and Bakugo!" We nearly jumped out of our skin when Nezu came in calling out our names. "Both of your mothers called and they will be here to pick you both up shortly. You need to return to the dorms and get ready to leave, you'll be gone for at least a week but then it's summer break so make sure to get your assignments before you leave," our principal announced happily as if he were giving us amazing news.
I thumped my head on my desk. I'm going to die. Uncle is one of the best analysts in the world, playing second to no one and I'm pretty sure that Nezu and he have some kind of agreement not to fight or they would literally destroy the world. That man cleared his schedule just to come and get us. He didn't send someone else, hell he didn't even just have us come to him. No. HE IS COMING TO PICK US UP HIMSELF!
Is this really because Deku and I had sex? I mean we are both 18 and as confused as our dumbasses were we were both willing. So why is Uncle hunting me down?
"Kacchan, for once I really don't want to see Dad," Deku whined and I just sat there. I sure as fuck don't want to go either.
"Wait, so All Might really isn't your dad Midoriya?" Icyhot asked, reminding us that we were still in class.
"For the love of- No! All Might isn't my dad! How many times do I have to say it?" Deku yelled back at him, letting everyone know that this has been an actual discussion up until now.
"They look nothing alike, Icyhot. Why do you think All Might is Deku's dad?" I grumbled, happy with any excuse not to get up and go at this point.
"I mean it's pretty obvious that Midoriya is All Might's favorite," Icyhot shrugged and I rolled my eyes.
"And it's really obvious that the insomniac is Aizawa Sensei's favorite and they at least look alike but they aren't related at all," I huffed but Icyhot looked even more serious.
"So I'm not the only one that noticed, good to know but I'll keep the secret love child as an open possibility. Icyhot nodded before pulling out a green notebook that looked worse than one of Deku's with how worn out it was.
"Say what now?" Aizawa Sensei looked at us like we were crazy and I looked back at Icyhot.
"Sensei isn't old enough to even be Eyebag's dad. Just drop it," I rolled my eyes. The fact that Deku was pulling at his hair right now would have been funny if not for the part about Uncle.
"Numbers can be forged," Icyhot stated with a straight face and I rolled my eyes at him.
"Boys, as interesting as this conversation is, your mothers are on their way here to pick you up regardless of if you are ready," Nezu reminded us and I swear the rat was laughing at us.
"I can't, I just remembered I have internships today and tomorrow! So I'll just call Mom and-"
"Think about who Uncle is, do you really think that will work?" I grumbled, already resigned to my fate of being pummeled by the most likely enraged man.
Silence. Deku knows the answer just as well as I do. Nothing was going to happen that Uncle doesn't want to happen and since Uncle wants to pick us up that is exactly what is going to happen.
"But why?" Deku cried and I heard a thump behind me letting me know that he too, put his head down. Hard.
At least I'm not dying a virgin.
I drag myself up, resigning to my fate before quickly putting my things away and standing up. I saw Deku standing at the same time and neither of us looked thrilled like apparently my parents were.
"I'm going to fucking die," I grumbled, walking past Aizawa Sensei and Nezu with Deku close behind me and we both let out a sigh as we left the building. Should we try to pack everything in our room in boxes or should we only pack a week's worth of clothes? I doubt we are coming back but I can hope right?
I had just zipped up my suitcase when my phone rang and the Hag let me know they were waiting at the gate. I really don't want to die today.
Deku and I were at my house and just fuck it. If we were going to die anyway we might as well have everything out in the open before we go, which led to me silently screaming out his name in bliss last night while his tongue and teeth teased at my flesh and he thrusted deep inside of me again and again. If I really do die today then fine. At least Deku is standing next to me to hold my hand before I go.
"Maybe he doesn't know and just wanted us to join him for a trip or something?" Deku sighed already knowing that wasn't likely.
"Well whatever," I held his hand in mine, gently squeezing it. "I don't regret this." I whispered and the way he smiled at me just made the whole world a brighter place.
"Me neither," he smiled up at me while we waited for Uncle. Aunty and my parents were inside still running around with last minute preparations leaving us alone with just the one suitcase each that we packed from school yesterday sitting by our feet when a black limo pulled up because Uncle is like that and more.
I'm not dense, I am well aware that we weren't actually alone, most if not all of our class was watching from a good distance away and if it weren't for the grape fucker I doubt we would have noticed them at all but they were all staying silent. At least for now. That didn't stop us from telling them all to leave before Uncle got here but they ignored our text altogether. They did this to themselves.
The driver got out and walked all the way around to open the back door, showing us Uncle who quickly jumped out hugging us tight enough to make it difficult to breathe.
"Uncle!" I gasped, trying to get the big man's attention but he still held on for a few more seconds before letting us go so we could breathe again.
"Boys! I saw you just last Christmas but look at how much you've both grown! You both did amazing during the sports festival this year too and Izuku you finally won!" Uncle bellowed and the door to the house opened and Aunty came running out and hugged him. The fact they divorced years ago be damned. They only divorced because of stupid paperwork between the United States and Japanese government.
"Hisashi!" She squealed like a little girl, giggling when he quickly hugged her in his arms and kissed her, making Deku and I look away. The way they started flirting and sweet talking to each other was really gross to hear and Deku and I tried to slip away only for Uncle to grab us by the back of our collars, keeping us here to listen to their mush.
"We have to hurry, I have all the papers ready!" My hag came running out with Dad and Deku and I just exchanged looks before Uncle dragged us back to the car and threw us inside and we all piled in while the driver packed our bags. Aunty was practically sitting in Uncle's lap and I couldn't help asking anymore.
"So when are you two going to get remarried?" Everyone in the car looked at me like I was crazy, Deku included.
"Kacchan, they remarried two years ago," Deku tried to whisper but the car was too quiet and it just made things more awkward.
"What and I wasn't invited?" I can't believe that Uncle and Aunty didn't throw a huge wedding, I just can't.
"Katsuki, we just signed papers. We do plan to exchange vows again soon though," Aunty beamed at us, clutching at Uncle who looked like he won the lottery. Seriously how do they go so long without each other when they are this crazy for each other? I must have been really lost in thought because it felt like seconds before we were pulling up to the court house by the airport and I had to wonder who Uncle tried to strangle, for us to be here.
"Quickly! We have to have the paperwork signed before the plane can leave!" Dad opened the door, not waiting on the driver and Uncle grabbed Deku and I and basically dragged us inside. I am getting really tired of all of this and at this rate my clothes are going to tear.
Once Uncle came inside everyone froze and there was a frenzy of activity and we were escorted into a private room and papers put in front of Deku and I.
"Sign here and here," Uncle pointed out, leaving us no choice but to do as he says until I saw the word matrimony.
"Matrimony?" I froze, not signing the next line he was pointing to. "Who-?"
"Friday," he warned me and Deku and I both shut our mouths and signed everything he told us too.
"On this one you need to sign as Midoriya, Katsuki," Uncle pointed before adding. "And for everything else we give you to." I opened my mouth to ask but the way he quirked his eyebrow had me snap my mouth shut and do as he said.
"When all the papers were done they took Deku and I into another room and took our pictures a few times and came running out presenting some papers to Uncle who sorted through everything smiling. Pictures… Well now I understand why the hag and Aunty put us in suits. But not why we were getting our pictures taken.
"All done!" He announced and this time the hag and Aunty were squealing and hugging us making us both wonder what in the hell just happened.
"Dad? So now that that is all over, can you tell us what just happened?" Deku asked, tilting his head and the staff's eyes widened as if he couldn't believe that we didn't already know.
"You two just got married but don't worry, you can still have an actual ceremony after you graduate," Uncle answered and both of our jaws dropped.
"We are still in highschool!" Deku and I shouted, no longer afraid of whatever dirt Uncle had on us. because now is not the time.
"Exactly!" He beamed at us and our mothers dragged us out and towards the now empty limo gushing about how happy they were, of course Aunty had tears in her eyes and my hag was cursing up a storm but both were smiling so much I'm sure their faces had to hurt. In what felt like a blur of movement we were all processed and loaded onto Uncle's plane and cleared for take off.
"What?" Deku asked, looking at me while our parents were ignoring us and seated much farther away from us.
"You don't think they did all this just because of Friday do you?" I asked looking at him but we were both just too shocked to have a real answer.
"Wait a fucking minute. He had me sign my name as Midoriya, Katsuki! Why did I have to change my name?" I yelled but they pretended not to hear me at all and Deku tried to comfort me but it wasn't really working. Isn't getting married supposed to be a big deal? Why did they have everything done so fast as if it weren't?
I picked up the folder that uncle handed us and when I opened it I found my new hero license with Midoriya written on it as well as one copy of all of our paperwork showing that we were now actually legally married.
The rest of the flight was mostly used to catch up on sleep, thanks to Deku and I staying up last night but it was nice. We had lifted the arm rest between us and were cuddled into each other when I woke up. My arms were around him and my hag was holding a camera making me snap at her and wake Deku up. Our plane landed and we were rushed through security again and another limo picked us up before we stopped in front of a house that I have never seen before.
"Okay! You both have your honeymoon now, I know it's not anything exotic but what does that matter when you have everything you need? The fridge is stocked and there is plenty of money on the card I left on the counter so you can go out on dates or just order in. Have fun and as much as I want grandbabies I promise I can wait a few more years so there are condoms in the bedside table," Uncle recited as if he had been practicing it a lot and in the next moment we were both tossed out of the car, the door shut and the car drove away.
"Did he really just say fuck responsibily?" I asked, looking after the car.
"Babies?" Deku was speechless, we stood there for a few minutes before walking inside. Knowing Uncle, this is probably his property.
"I can't believe we just got married," I shook my head as I sat down on the couch in the living room.
"There are a lot of things I can't believe," Deku nodded sitting next to me before he sat up really straight and then jumped up and left the room. After a minute I joined him and we both explored the house, once we found the kitchen, easy, the bathroom, the door was open and was pretty easy too. Then there was the bedroom. There was only one. At least only one with a bed in it.
Deku looked at me before slowly walking over to the bedside table and pulling the top drawer open, two boxes of condoms. He pulled the bottom drawer open, three bottles of lube, one of which was strawberry flavored. He looked up at me again and I was already taking my shirt off, I mean it is our wedding night now isn't it?
Uncle sent us home with my parents, Aunty chose to stay behind for a while and neither of us could look at her while she was smiling at him like that. My hag and dad were just happy to be home and the fact that Uncle called Nezu and the two of them "talked" left Deku and I in an odd situation to say the least.
We are currently in his office now.
"So I want to know just how much Aizawa is actually paying attention to you two. Bakugo I want you to keep signing your name as Bakugo and not Midoriya until he figures out that your name changed on the roster. Oh and Bakugo your room was combined with the empty one next to it so you two need to move everything around the way you like it. You have a full size bed now instead of a twin. Keep in mind that I do not want you to announce that you are married at all, don't even tell your friends," he really is long winded and he keeps cackling as if he can already see our teacher having a meltdown now.
"Oh and considering that you are legally married you are technically allowed to get physical with each other but I don't recommend doing so on school nights, just because it could affect your movements but it is your choice after all and Midoriya your father called and he wanted me to tell you that he would be extremely happy with grandbabies at any time. You don't have to wait, although personally I think you two should wait at least until after you graduate but again. Oh and please feel free to talk to me about anything at all, I never knew Shiro, Hisashi was your father. I would have been only too happy to play chess with you two before and now I am especially excited," he rambled on and it wasn't until there was a knock at the door, and speak of the fucking devil, Aizawa Sensei was there that we were finally released from the torture.
"Remember what all I said and I hope that you two can come by to play a game before classes start again!" He called out after us, damn, we didn't escape in time.
It only took us a day to arrange the room the way that we liked it and we did go and play the game of chess after we were done. Might as well get it over with before bed, or he would probably try and keep us all day tomorrow. We had just walked back into the dorms and collapsed on the couch, groaning when Aizawa Sensei appeared out of fucking nowhere.
"Stop," I held up a hand, keeping the man from speaking. "We just came back from Nezu's office and the devil is pissed that he lost so for the love of God can it wait until tomorrow?" I groaned before opening my eyes to see our shocked teacher staring at me.
"He lost?" He repeated and I nodded. "Nezu, lost at chess, to you two?" He tried again but this time Deku answered.
"He acted like he had never lost before. I mean how is that even possible? The only way to keep learning is by finding someone that you can lose to," Deku grumbled and I nodded in agreement.
"To be fair most people don't have Uncle hammering the basics into them at the age of three though," I pointed out and Deku grunted in acknowledgement.
"Still, for him to keep demanding a rematch like a five year old was a bit much," Deku huffed and this time I agreed with him.
"Then when he lost two games in a row… Let's not play him again, I just might have nightmares tonight," I looked at Deku who nodded and we both felt a chill run down our backs. "Let's go to bed, we are still dealing with jetlag anyway." Again he nodded and we took the elevator up to our room on the fourth floor.
"It will take some getting used to not being on the second floor," Deku yawned and I nodded understanding what he meant, I mean all of this is going to take some getting used to.
It's been three weeks, and my idiots still won't stop asking questions about Uncle but they aren't nearly as bad as Icyhot who was moping around from finding out that he really was wrong and how long is he going to be like this? Really?
"Todoroki? Are you okay?" Deku asked hesitatingly but when I looked up Icyhot was still pouting and not really responding.
"What else am I wrong about? Are you going to say that you're not dating Bakugo either?" Todoroki asked and Deku had to look up at me, not sure how to respond.
"What makes you think we were dating?" I asked instead he looked up only half surprised to see me here.
"You two have been taking off and hiding a lot since our first year and I could believe that you weren't at first but after the fight you two had that put you on house arrest you started acting so differently. I was sure you two kissed or something," he explained, still in a monotone like voice.
"We didn't start dating then, we just came to an understanding," I shrugged and he slapped his face with his hands and all but screamed at that.
"But how is he All Might's favorite then?!" He was having a melt down and I can't take this anymore.
"Icyhot! All Night is asexual! He doesn't feel attracted to anyone. How can he be anyone's father?" I demanded, citing the information on his hero profile but he wasn't listening.
Okay that's enough of the crazy for one day. I gently pulled Deku away from his friend who was still having a meltdown and led him to our room.
"Kacchan, I'm worried about him," Deku sighed while getting ready for bed, making me look over at him while still topless and only in a pair of boxers.
"He has to learn that his theories are terrible. I mean, did we go on a single date before Uncle kidnapped us?" I gave him a look and he sighed again.
"No," he pouted before adding, "I wish we did though."
I smiled at that, he was sitting on the bed and not bothering to put on his sleepwear giving me ideas. I crawled onto the bed, making him look at me funny but when my legs were on either side of his hips I made myself comfortable before draping my arms over his shoulders.
"I wish we did too, it would have made our honeymoon less awkward," I smirked at him, the way his hands naturally went to my hips as if to keep me steady was gentle and just nice. I love how he responds to my touch, how quick he is to pick up my desires. I leaned forward and his lips were on mine far sooner than I was expecting. When I opened my eyes I found him leaning forward eagerly and his hands tightened their grip on me before I felt him lightly grinding into me through the thin layers of our clothes.
"Speaking of our honeymoon," he whispered. Damn it, Deku is already so hard and we have classes in the morning.
"You're doing this on purpose," I glared at him. Over the past couple months I have only become more and more needy and any time he gets me going it is impossible for me to go to sleep without him.
The feel of his hard cock filling me, rubbing, thrusting, rocking my body until all I can do is scream was addicting. How his hands always seemed to know exactly where to go and what to do next left me speechless but anything but silent as he teased and manipulated my body until we were both satisfied. Leaving me to beg for more if he didn't wring out every drop of energy in me in time before we end up going again and again. My body is so stiff and sore in the morning that it is just painful, but oh so worth it.
"Yeah, I've been good all day long," he whispered in my ear and just how in the fuck did he make that sound so fucking good? I lost. I attacked his lips, hungrily trying to devour what is mine and his moans were only making him more delectable the louder he was. He pulled down my boxers and after adding a little spit to his head he tried to guide me onto his shaft. I stopped that though, I need to be able to walk in the morning and I need lube for that. I put plenty on myself before adding more to him with the condom and once I felt comfortable I slowly slid down on him.
My body protested at the invasion but at the same time demanded more, "Hah!" I moaned out, my back arching, I like riding him. A lot. Deku also seemed to love how I reacted whenever I was on top of him, the way he looks at me makes me feel like he is about to eat me alive and somehow I can't bring myself to even try and pull away.
His hands pulling and pushing, helping me ride and for him to grind into me when he couldn't help himself anymore. Our tongues met in the middle sometimes even when we had to pull away for air, the way our bodies reacted to the fact he was sitting up with his back to the wall almost felt like he was somehow harder than usual and I don't think I could handle that everyday.
We came. Our breathing came out ragged and even with it so difficult to breathe I couldn't help noticing how his quirk was going off all around us, green energy crackling around us in his excitement and pleasure and I love it. I love how he loses all sense of control when he is with me, how he can't focus on anything at all but me once we close the bedroom door.
"Fuck," I moaned out trying to stretch but at the same time I didn't want to get off of him yet. "I love you, Deku." I grinned at him and he just smiled so brightly before he pulled me back in for a kiss.
"Bro? Have you seen Kamibro? I swear he-" Deku and I looked up frozen in place when Kirishima walks in without knocking and I'm cursing the fact that I didn't check my door before getting ready for bed. Deku is still inside of me and the fact I can't move easily is only making this worse.
"I swear I didn't see anything!" He spun around and left, slamming the door shut in the process. Leaving me to groan at having to deal with whatever fantasy he came up with in his head about what he did see.
"You better catch him before he gets too far. He looked pretty upset," Deku hummed, while rubbing my lower back and my groan turned into a moan for a moment.
"Do I have to?" I pout, I don't want to get up for two reasons. One; I'm exhausted, riding him takes a lot of energy and my legs are already shaking. The thought of walking let alone running isn't appealing in the least. Two; this means I have to talk to him about feelings, even if I don't tell him about us being married now, the fact that I love Deku is true and if nothing else I will be a loving and loyal husband for the rest of our lives and I refuse to let anyone bad mouth Deku just because of an arranged marriage.
"Sadly, yes. But I'll keep the bed warm for you," he smiled at me, kissing on my neck while he talked. "If you hurry, maybe my mouth can be put to work," he smirked, his dangerous smirk at full power while he aimed it at me, making my already shaky legs go weak. "Haha, I'll help you off, for now," I'm going to die. Deku practically runs off of sex some days and I don't have a clue how, but he does. More often than not, I will pass out only to find him already awake when I get up in the morning. HOW CAN HE EVEN FUNCTION?
He helped me get dressed, sadly, and pushed me out the door and when I looked at the door I found my outside door knob crushed and the area by the bold lock at the top broken. So I did have the door locked, he just broke in without thinking. Of course. I let out a groan before going next door and opening the door, knowing that he wouldn't have locked it regardless of what he just saw.
"You are really too fucking much sometimes," I glared at him before closing the door behind me.
"I swear I didn't see anything at all!" He squeaked and I can't help looking at him like he is fucking stupid.
"You saw us having sex after breaking into my room, again, and interrupted us for only All Might knows what," I sat in his desk chair, wincing as I did but otherwise ignored the uncomfortable seat.
"How long have you and Midobro been… You know?" He got up the nerve to ask.
"Is that any of your business?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. Too much personal information, no thank you.
"RIght, no sorry," he looked down and was very uncomfortable.
I let out a sigh, leaning back in my seat, "About a week before Uncle came and dragged us to America. Before you ask, yes, our parents know and are crazy happy about it. Fucking creepers." I grumbled some more colorful language but Kiri didn't seem to notice or care.
"Wow! My Moms have been really pushing for me to bring home a girlfriend, they, uh, don't know that I have a thing for Todoroki," he rubbed at his neck nervously. "How did you tell your parents that you were gay?"
"I didn't," I answered flatly and he did a double take making me sigh again. "They kind of found out when we were busy, like now." I averted my eyes, of course that's only half true. Uncle had tapped our phones a long time ago and he overheard our fight that ended in us getting physical. But it's basically the same thing, they found out because we were having sex. And Deku and I had to put up a hell of a firewall to keep his nosey ass out of our phones after the fact.
"They didn't freak?" His eyes were wide at the thought of it all and I don't blame him. It is pretty twisted.
"Oh they freaked, it's the whole reason Uncle dragged us off to America. He wanted to show us off and it is the most fucked up thing in the world when your boyfriend's dad is having you sign paperwork without reading them all because he found out we were more than a little physical with each other. But I think a lot of that has to do with the arranged marriage they had set up for us when we were babies. They thought it would be nullified if we were straight so when they found out we weren't…" I trailed off and he nodded slowly as understanding hit him.
"You two were arranged to be married?"
"It was before they found out we were both male," I answered before he could think that out too far. "God, I don't need this drama!" I hissed, rubbing at my lower back. "You had to come in right at the best part, are you even human? Fucking cockblock," I grumbled some more but I doubt he was paying too much attention to me at the moment.
"So, are you hiding your relationship from everyone else?" He looked at me while talking slowly, testing what little patience I had left.
"Not so much hiding as just not telling and no. We really don't want you to tell anyone either, it feels wrong," I glared at him and he just tilted his head confused. "Look, we just don't want to make a big deal about it and thanks to Uncle we have already been in the spotlight from it. We don't want more."
"Oh!" He nodded finally understanding. "No worries, I won't tell anyone." I was finally able to leave but just standing up hurt like hell thanks to us not getting to the after care part of our intimacy and Kiri actually had to help me to his door, my pride wouldn't let him help me out of the room but mine was right next door so I will just have to manage.
"It's about time you came back, I was just starting to think I should go to sleep," Deku teased me when I walked in and the moment the door was shut he was next to me rubbing my lower back gently and I let out a low moan. "Mmm, I should finish a few things before I put my mouth to work," he whispered in my ear, stripping me of my clothes and helping me back into bed.
"I'll start with making you scream," he smiled and just fuck. How did I think that I was the needy one?
"Now as you all know hacking is considered bad in general but when taken into the context of hacking into a known villain organization-," Eraserhead was droning on in our ethics class when suddenly there was a giant hologram of a head in the middle of class. Uncle's to be precise.
"Fuck," I groaned not knowing what he could possibly be here for but already regretting it.
"Izuku! Katsuki! You weren't answering your phones so I called the rat and told him I was going to do this," Uncle smirked at us, making my skin crawl.
"Dad, we are in class, couldn't it wait until later?" Deku asked, looking just as defeated as I felt. It's never a good idea when Uncle is spontaneous. It's just not.
"Never!" he practically shouted and we both groaned, waiting for whatever shit show he was about to put on.
"So, I just wanted to tell you two that your mother and I talked about it and we changed our minds," we looked at him confused now but his smile only grew. "We want to have grandbabies as soon as possible!" I set off an explosion in surprise before Deku threw a book at the hologram and embedded it in the chalkboard not far from where Eraserhead is.
"WE ARE STILL IN HIGHSCHOOL YOU FIRE BREATHING LIZARD!" I screamed at him, I could feel my face heating up and I can only imagine how red it was but judging from how much Uncle was laughing, probably a lot.
"All the more reason to start now! When you're working as heroes-" Uncle started lecturing I set off another explosion.
"I REFUSE!" I screamed, more explosions popping off, stinging my hands.
"Dad, your jokes are going too far," Deku said in a deadly calm voice that sent a chill down my spine as dread filled me. I sat down immediately, not willing to give Deku any reason to look at me while using that voice. "It's time for you to leave now and make sure to pay the bill Nezu sends you."
"What bil-" There was a crunch behind me and several bits of what I think was a pencil went whizzing by my head and suddenly Uncle's face was gone. Deku had launched the small pieces at the cameras that were projecting Uncle's face and voice. Another chill shot through me, as much as I love him there is no way in hell that I am willing to piss him off.
"I swear the bastard tries to drive me insane," I groan, pulling at my hair but quickly stopping because smoke was starting to come off of my hands from my quirk fizzling.
"Don't worry Kacchan, Mom and Dad are still in America. We'll be fine," Deku smiled when I looked back at him.
"Boys!" I immediately groaned hearing Nezu's voice when he skittered into the room. Please, just please, no more.
"Considering everything I'm afraid that logically speaking it only makes sense to-"
"THE FUCK IT DOES! I REFUSE! NO WAY IN FUCKING HELL!" I screamed already on the defensive.
"I mean it's not like you're not already-" he tried again and just no. I stood up, stomped over to my principal and dragged him back to the door, ignoring Aizawa Sensei's shocked face when I took him off his shoulder and threw him down the hallway.
"NO MEANS NO!" I screamed before slamming the door and returning to my seat. The whole class was staring in shock most with their mouths open and staring wide eyed except for Deku of course.
"I'm not doing it!" I hissed when he opened his mouth to say something, not giving him the chance. "I refuse! This is my life, my future and the fact that he wants me to give it all up? For what? So he can see a baby that he is clearly several hours away by plane from and won't even see that often? No! He can have another baby with Aunty, I'm not doing it!" I fumed, my face so red but I couldn't calm down. I don't know at what point the door opened again but Nezu was back in class again.
"I applaud your aim, that was quite fun," he laughed but I am too angry to give a damn.
"I said no!" I glared at him while he climbed back onto Aizawa Sensei's shoulder.
"Yes, yes I understand. After all a male hero giving birth is unprecedented," he nodded before that dangerous gleam entered his eyes again.
"No, absolutely not! There is no way in fucking hell! I'm 18 but I'm NOT having a baby!" Another explosion went off, this time stinging my fingers from me making it too large and too close to me.
"Kacchan, it's okay. No one can force you to have a baby, relax. Even if Dad was here he couldn't force something like that," Deku tried to speak calmly but I know that all of our classmates were staring at us, and it was getting to him too.
"How would that even work? You're both guys," Kirishima asked and I threw a book at him hitting him in the head from here.
"I said no," I fumed at him, my voice going deadly quiet.
"What do you mean? They aren't even-" Round Face started defending us, something I never thought I would see from her but she was currently talking about how we weren't dating anyone and Nezu started cackling and just fucking damn it.
"No, they aren't dating anyone. That's for sure," he was cackling so fucking hard that he almost fell off of Aizawa Sensei, which started a whole new drama.
"I'm going to Recovery Girl's office," I hissed, glaring at Nezu.
"Sure, take Midoriya with you, you need to update your information anyway," Nezu was practically rolling.
"I'm never playing chess with you again, Uncle is right, you're a rat." I grumbled and now he stopped laughing trying to back track but it's too late for that shit now. I'm not doing it!