"Bakubro! Did you see the new Red Crimson Movie? It was so manly!" Kirishima was still bouncing with excitement but I just rolled my eyes. He has been going on and on about the movie since he saw it on Saturday, it's Wednesday now.
"Get off of me," I huffed, shrugging him off but that didn't make him smile any less when he started talking about the big fight scene towards the end, again. I just lean back and let him talk though, it's not hurting anything and I've been stuck in my own head for a while now. I woke up in a cold sweat early this morning and I haven't been able to shake this bad feeling that I've had ever since.
"Kirishima? Do you mind being a little quieter, I'm having trouble concentrating," Deku's voice comes from behind me and I turn in my seat to see what he is working on. He has a notebook out and he was currently working on a diagram of his own hero suit and it looks like he was trying to work in some upgrades.
"Sorry Midobro, I'll try not to be so loud. I'm just so excited," Kirishima chuckled but his voice was noticeably lower now.
"Thank you!" Deku smiled up at him before turning his attention back to his notebook. Kirishima commented on how focused Deku was and of course how manly he is but all I can think about was how my bad feeling is getting worse as time goes on. The bell rings and Kiri goes back to his seat and Present Mic is lecturing about a classic English novel that we will have to write a report on when the door slammed open and when I looked up my blood froze.
"Mom?" Deku asked, confused, probably wondering why she is here but all I care to notice is the fact that her quirk is going crazy and that there is a bunch of stuff floating around her reminding me of my bad feeling.
"Izuku, Katsuki can I please talk to you out in the hall?" Aunty choked on a sob.
"Aunty?" I asked hesitating a moment but standing up regardless.
"Ma'am? We are in the middle of class so unless it's an emergency..." Present Mic trailed off only just now taking in her disheveled appearance and the fact that she has been crying a lot recently was not hidden from anyone that looked at her.
"It's an emergency," she tried to clear her throat but by now I couldn't take it anymore and I was next to her, trying to comfort her, Deku on the other side of her.
"Mom? What's wrong? Let's find somewhere for you to sit down, you look like... Let's find somewhere for you to sit," He couldn't finish that thought and I don't blame him. Nothing good could come from finishing that thought, nothing good at all.
"Aunty, we can go to the cafeteria or there is a bench outside. Where do you want to go?" I asked her, keeping my voice soft for her and if nothing else that seemed to snap our English teacher's mouth shut. I respect a few different heroes but absolutely none of them could ever get me to treat them like how I treat Aunty. None of them deserve it, well maybe All Might but that's it.
"Katsuki, you have my permission to use any part of your quirk," Aunty looked up at me not answering either of us and suddenly my bad feeling was 1000 times worse and so were her tears. "Izuku, your father..." She tried to look Deku in the eyes but he only seemed more confused when she choked.
"It's okay Mom, I talked to Dad last night on the phone. He said he was planning a trip to come see me this weekend. Don't worry about Dad," Deku tried to coax her but it only made it worse. She started hiccuping and her tears were practically blinding her but when he tried to hug her she pushed him away, and tried to wipe away the tears at the same time.
"No, Izuku, your father died this morning!" She tried again and I helped her down to the floor before I turned my attention to Deku who's quirk was going off, crackling around him.
"What? No, but Dad said-," he tried talking, tried to argue but he couldn't seem to finish a single thought and Aunty wasn't done yet.
"He died in America, he was being questioned about his contacts here in Japan and they didn't believe him when he said we were here, they-" Aunty sobbed and the fact that she divorced the man years ago meant nothing and now I understand why Aunty gave me permission to use my quirk.
"They what?" Deku was shaking, his quirk was getting stronger the more lost in his emotions he got.
"Izuku, your father died this morning," Aunty didn't answer him but that only confirmed what we both thought. They tortured him and when he didn't confess they kept at it until he died.
"Deku," I tried to get his attention but nothing was helping. "Deku?" I tried again but nada. "Izuchan?" I tried a different approach and he finally looked up. "I need you to take my quirk now, yours isn't helping right now." I could hear the confusion of our classmates from the open door but my back was to it so I couldn't see what was going on.
"They- My Dad? Why? They-," he started muttering, going faster and faster and at this point Aunty can't even look up from her seat on the floor and Deku... No, this isn't good.
I took a step closer and very carefully poured my quirk into my left hand's fingertips and stuck them in his mouth making him jump at the shock. Thankfully my timing was right and my index finger and middle finger were under his tongue and I tried to release as much of my quirk as I safely could.
Well, safe for Deku anyway.
He pushed me and unfortunately for me his quirk is still activated and I was sent flying back into the classroom and into Aizawa Sensei's desk.
"Fuck," I groaned, pushing myself back up but my right arm gave out. I found a large chunk of wood lodged in my shoulder but I don't have time to deal with that right now.
"Katsuki, I said you could use your quirk," Aunty yelled, panicking from the doorway.
"If I give him anymore I'll end up killing him!" I called back and whatever trance he was in finally seemed to break. He looked around and he must have seen his quirk crackling around him, filling the hall with his energy and the fact that Aunty was trapped on the floor away from him because of it.
"Deku snap out of it!" I yelled at him going right back into the hall where he was freaking out. "Remember what Uncle always tells us? Never believe what you don't see yourself and then question even that!" I tried again, trying to hold him and maybe drag him to Recovery Girl's office because I just might have given him too much nitroglycerin and as much as I used to tell him to die I sure as fuck don't actually want him to and I sure as duck don't want to be the reason he dies either.
I should be thanking my lucky stars that he isn't fighting me, at the moment he is just freaking out, crying and trying to deny what he's been told but he isn't fighting me. I dragged him to Recovery Girl's office and the girl, who was currently getting looked at, eyes widened in fear when she saw me bloody and Deku, well Deku.
"What-?" Recovery Girl looks just as shocked to see us but I don't have time to deal with that right now. I hit Deku in a pressure point and he dropped, leaving me to catch him and drag him the rest of the way to a cot.
"He has a massive amount of nitroglycerin in his system but otherwise there isn't anything physically wrong with him. Be right back," I grunted before returning to where I left Aunty and helped her up again. How long has the poor woman been crying for her to feel so weak?
My knees almost buckled picking her up but I just grunted and forced myself to walk back to Recovery Girl's office anyway. I set her at the foot of the cot Deku was now on before collapsing in a chair by the door.
"Aunty? Next time you want me to use my quirk like that, maybe have me do it before you tell us," I groaned, leaning my head back against the wall.
"I'm sorry Katsuki, I shouldn't rely on you so much. You're still just as much my baby as Izuku and-" she couldn't finish, she was crying too hard but I grunted in understanding anyway. The woman had the uncanny ability of dropping my defenses regardless of whatever else was going on.
"Wake me up when it's time to leave," I muttered and closed my eyes. When Deku wakes up the three of us will have to pack up and leave for America. There isn't a soul alive that could understand Uncle's bookkeeping like Deku and I honestly kind of doubt even Nezu could thanks to the code Uncle uses to keep everything in order. If Uncle really did die then we will be stuck doing paperwork in America for a long ass time.
I woke up to Deku crying, his arms wrapped around his legs while he cried into his knees, he looks like such a little kid sometimes. Aunty had cleaned up and booked our flight by the time we woke up so we just needed to go and pack for the trip.
"We'll meet you at your house. The flight isn't for a few hours yet, right?" I asked her and she just nodded. Her red rimmed eyes didn't hide how she was feeling at all. I walked her to the school gates with the nearly zombified Deku next to me. I practically dragged him back to class to get our things and we left. Icyhot had tried to say something fucking stupid about who Deku's dad was and All Might who was at the front of the class nearly choked at the accusation that he was Deku's dad.
"Will you shut the fuck up already? Deku has already you a thousand times that his dad was in America and considering Aunty just told us he died this morning your fucking timing sucks ass!" I snapped at him after pushing the still unresponsive Deku out into the hall. "It's really fucked up that you won't give it a rest but here I'll send you a picture of Uncle so that you can shut the fuck up already." I sent the picture to the class chat so they would leave us the fuck alone and anyone who looked at that picture would have to be blind not to realize that Deku was related to the man holding the then four year old hero in training. Other than Auntie's green hair and eyes he looks just like Uncle. His white curls and soft eyes and his smile as he played with the two of us when we were little.
Yeah, you would have to be blind not to see the resemblance. The picture showed Deku and I playing with the man while Aunty was sitting close by watching with my hag. It was my dad who took the picture and the gasps from the girls in our class about how cute we were when we were little made me roll my eyes.
I picked up both of our bags and was almost to the door again when Aizawa asked, "When will you two be back?" At least he didn't say something insulting like asking why it was that I was going. I mean it should have been pretty obvious from the picture if nothing else.
"I don't know," I answered and he nodded understanding, "It depends on how long it takes for Deku and I to go through the books, and all the paperwork that comes with releasing his body to his family for burial. I just don't know." I feel drained thinking about it already but I straightened my back anyway and left the room. Deku is still standing there like a zombie.
This is going to be a long ass week. I grab him and guide him out and back to the dorms. I can't trust him to actually get anything done right now so I just brought him to my room while I packed my bag and then I went to his room and packed his bag too. He was literally no help at all.
We got on the plane with Aunty and I gave Deku and Aunty some melatonin so that we could at least sleep on the long ass flight to America.
We arrived a few hours after I woke up in the early morning and I felt drained. By the time we were done with lawyers and officers (who were shocked to find out that Uncle really did have a son attending U.A. in Japan) it was well past lunchtime and none of us have eaten since we arrived but we were finally given clearance to see Uncle's body and verify that it is him and none of us had the stomach to eat right now.
"Stop," I looked up in surprise to see All Might at the door and I wasn't the only one surprised.
"Toshinori? Why are you here?" Aunty asked and I feel the urge to gag right now. It wasn't a secret that they liked each other. Well, maybe a secret from each other but everyone else could easily see it.
"You shouldn't have to bear this by yourselves. I'm here for you if you need me," he brushed some of her hair out of her face and she immediately hugged him making him flustered on what to do next. I motioned for him to rub her back and he nodded before doing it, her soft sobs being soothed by the man she had fallen in love with. Deku turned to me, surprising me, and leaned his head on my shoulder but otherwise did nothing. I let out a sigh and rubbed his back too.
The guards who had been escorting us up until now were very skittish and kept exchanging nervous looks. I glared at them already guessing that they were involved with what torture there probably was.
"All Might?" Deku's voice was so low that I barely heard him and he was practically next to my ear.
"Yes, my boy?"
"Do you think- Is there a chance that it's not actually my dad?" Deku's voice broke in the middle but otherwise it was raspy from the lack of use. This is the first time he has said anything since Aunty told us at school.
"I don't know, but I'm here regardless," he answered gently, reaching over and patting him on the back. We regrouped and Deku was now holding my hand and I was losing feeling in my fingers but that's okay. He will let go soon enough anyway, we were led to the coroner's room and they pulled out a table with a man with white curly hair with only a sheet covering his body.
Aunty stared for a long time before she reached up and pushed some hair out of the way behind his ear.
"It's not Uncle," I stated out loud and Deku looked up to see the eerily similar man.
"He looks a lot like dad though," he came closer and there was a flash before the body disappeared but I felt my phone vibrate and judging from Deku's face he probably did too but I stopped him from pulling out his phone.
The guards started panicking and were calling their superiors and I don't think we would have been allowed to leave if All Might wasn't with us. As it was we were held in a 'waiting room' for someone to talk to us and it was hours later before they let us go. They were very concerned about the fact that we had claimed the man was not Midoriya Hisashi before his body disappeared. That took a lot of their attention.
When we were released we went to Uncle's apartment and after letting the police search the place (again) they finally left leaving an officer at our door. I'm serious, I don't think they would have let us leave if All Might wasn't with us. All Might ordered food and he was trying to get Deku to take a bite when the officer barged into the apartment, uninvited.
"That's it, I'm making a phone call," All Might snapped and the officer froze not saying whatever she was supposed to and All Might dialed a number and started complaining to whoever was on the other end of the line about the harassment we have been receiving since we arrived.
The woman officer didn't take it seriously though and proceeded to tell us that we were needed for more questioning at the precinct and when All Might was done with the phone he turned back to the woman.
"Bring a warrant, until then you can talk to MY personal lawyer. Treating anyone like this is uncalled for and for excellent heroes in training even more so. Leave," he walked to the door, the woman flustered, walking backwards tripped but All Might just opened the door for her and a man came running up and bowed deeply to All Might. Words were said but I couldn't hear them and the woman and the man outside left. All Might closed and locked the door behind them.
"Thank you Toshinori," Aunty sighed and he returned to sit next to her and encourage her to eat.
"You know Deku, we already verified that the dead man wasn't Uncle so there is a good chance that Uncle is still alive," I tried to comfort him and he looked up but his face was grim. We both know that wasn't how things usually worked for us.
"Thanks for trying Kacchan," he answered, before finally taking a bite of food. When we cleaned up after ourselves Deku and I slept in Uncle's bed while Aunty and All Might each took a couch. Why didn't they just start dating? It's almost like they are scared they will scare the other one away and it's annoying as hell.
Even though Uncle has not been confirmed dead he is still missing and it's only when Deku and I are in the quirk analysis/detective's office turning the computer on that I pulled out my phone and opened the message from yesterday.
"Boys, if you're getting this message then I'm either dead or nearly dead. Don't be too upset, I know that I wasn't the best father or uncle in the world and I'm sure that I deserve far worse than whatever it is that I got. As you know my attorney has a safe box with my will and I have already signed everything over to the two of you. I know that you're young and I know that you have less than a perfect past with each other," I flinched hearing that on the recording but Deku didn't look much better than I felt, so terrible.
There were a few other things said on the recording and we contacted the lawyer per his instructions and while he was pulling out the paperwork Deku and I worked on the files in the office. This will take days to go through.
It's been two weeks and Deku and I finally have everything sorted out and we had several forms filled out and turned into their respective agencies to transfer the company over to Japan. It was expensive but there was enough money put to the side just for this. Over half of the employees stayed on here in America, where we decided to have a branch office to minimize the taxes and fees on the American side of things.
Aunty and All Might had tried to help a few times but they ended up being in the way so I convinced All Might to take Aunty out and show her around the countryside to try and take her mind off of things, which Deku agreed to.
All Might is too naive, he actually took what I said at face value and didn't even consider what that would mean. Aunty however blushed when I talked about it but accepted anyway. All Might: zero, Aunty: 10.
But now everything is in order and we can go home. We had two people tasked, separately, to search for Uncle's body and another who was fluent in Japanese was promoted as an overseas secretary to help us keep everything running smoothly and we all boarded a plane and went home to finish the remaining paperwork, which took another week.
It's now our first day back in classes and we were handing in the last three weeks of homework when the bell rang letting everyone know that classes were starting. We went to classes like we were supposed to and the one period that was usually used for self study was used to make up tests instead and we had to work our internships everyday for three hours for the next two weeks to catch up on our hours but then we were using every spare minute to deal with the business or sleep.
I mean, how long can we keep this up?
We've been back in Japan for a month now and Deku and I were not only caught up but getting pretty used to handling the different odd things that popped up with the company.
"Kacchan?" I felt Deku tug on my sleeve from behind me and he just looks so broken, Uncle is still missing. I turn in my seat and he gets up just to sit in my lap, silent tears already trailing down his face before he could hide them in my neck. A sight that our class has gotten far too accustomed to seeing these days. At first there was a lot of shouting, several far too shocked to know what to say.
Several just kept quiet like Icyhot. The bastard, at first he was trying to talk to Deku about who his father was but I broke his nose before he could get more than a couple words out. I didn't even get into any trouble over it and the half and half bastard is now required to talk to Hound Dog once a week about what is appropriate and what isn't. This should have happened during our first year, not third but at least it is happening now.
"When will they find Dad?" Deku sniffed, bringing me back to the present and I could only sigh and rub his back a little. There isn't anything else I can do, just help him run the company and work together so that our grades don't fall and the company keeps going.
"Did I hear someone crying for me?" Deku and I flinched at the voice but looked up to see Uncle standing in the doorway, white curly hair, dark amber eyes, soft smile and all. Uncle is alive.
Deku's quirk set off, green energy crackling all around him and suddenly he wasn't in my lap anymore but hugging Uncle instead. I don't know when I got up, or walked or anything on how I got from my seat to the classroom doorway. All I knew was that I was standing next to them and Uncle pulled me in for a hug and my mind just kind of broke after that. There was just Uncle and Deku and I couldn't give a fuck less about anything else.
"Dad, where have you been?" Deku cried, nearly deafening me in the process.
"Sorry, I had to clear my name of the trumped up charges. They were trying to say I committed treason, helped plan a terror attack of all the things. Of course it was all lies but I had to prove my innocence. You two did great taking care of the company while I was gone," he talked and talked and honestly he could give Deku a run for his money with how much he could just go on and on but I needed to hear his voice just as much as Deku right now so I sure as fuck didn't say anything about it.
"Then take the fucking company back! We don't have time to deal with it and be heroes!" I snapped at him but the man just laughed and messed with my hair but I didn't say anything about it when he tugged me back into his hug.
"You two did great," he repeated. I'm so tired that I could fall asleep but then I heard him laughing loudly and my eyes snapped open and I tugged Deku with me when I jumped out of the way. Uncle was laughing really hard and fire was coming out of his mouth, he really can't control it when he is laughing hard like this. I could see Deku pouting so it wasn't anything he said.
I looked around and saw All Might smiling at the man and I can guess that it was him since no one else was all that close to him.
"Uncle!" I yelled but that only made him laugh harder and Deku and I sighed before giving in. It's not like we can really do anything anyway and at least Uncle is alive, banged up as he was. I eyed all the bandages on the man and I have a creeping feeling that the American government that had 'questioned' him to death had something to do with them.
Thoughts for another day though. Once Uncle could reign in his fire, Deku was hugging him again. I went back to my seat and put my head down.
I'm exhausted.
"Oh that's right. Boys, I am here to stay," Uncle announced and my head snapped up again.
"Just don't start any fucking drama with Aunty. I'll drag your fucking ass back to America if you make her cry again," I hissed at him and he held both hands up in defense and I saw Deku just as serious. That ship is NEVER sailing again.
"I won't interfere with Inko's relationship, I'm just tired of being so far away from my boys and thanks to you two doing all that paperwork I can stay. I swear the American government was looking for any reason to keep me there," he shrugged and I rolled my eyes. I'm not above thinking that he took advantage of his "death" to come back but what Uncle isn't over is CREATING conspiracy theories and they would hold up most of the time.
"By the way, how long has Inko been dating All Might?" He asked, trying to act innocent.
"Almost three years," Deku and I answered almost together but that didn't stop the man in question from choking on air. Like we didn't know? You're kidding right?
"Does he know that?" He pointed at the now terrified All Might.
"Looks like that's a no," I rolled my eyes before turning my attention back to him. "What are you up to now?" I glared at him but instead of answering he just chuckled, like that bodes well? Fat chance!