A/N Trigger warnings! Sensitive subjects discussed including suicidal thoughts. ⚠️
"Pray for a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive," Kacchan laughed, leaving me behind. My chest tightened and I sprang up in bed clutching at my chest, tears streaming down my face.
I can't do this. I can't do this anymore.
I pick up my phone and dial the number of the only person who can give me the permission that I need.
"Midoriya? My boy, what's wrong?" All Might asked, his voice all groggy and filled with sleep. For just a moment I thought about apologizing and hanging up but the fact that my face was completely wet and so were my hands stopped me. No, I need to do this.
"All Might, I need help. I'm sorry, I can't do this," I cried and that seemed to wake up my hero.
"What's wrong? Where are you? I'll come pick you up now," I could hear him groan probably from sitting up too fast but I can't take this anymore.
"I'm sorry, I'm so weak. I can't. I just can't," I cried, my whole body shaking. I tried to hug my legs to help hold me still and in one piece but it wasn't helping.
"Midoriya, where are you?" He asked again and it took a moment for me to realize that I hadn't told him already.
"I'm at the dorms, in my room. I didn't go anywhere," I quickly explained and I heard an audible sigh of relief over the phone.
"Tell me my boy, what do you need help with? I'll do everything that I can," his steady voice helped to soothe away the raw pain but what I'm about to say isn't going to go over well.
"Sometimes I just want to die," I whispered and I heard a crash on the other end of the phone.
"I'm on my way now, stay on the phone with me," he demanded, or should I say begged? "Can you talk to me about it now? Or do you need to wait until I get there?" I heard some taps telling me that he was either messaging someone or looking something up but the fact that he was taking me seriously helped so much more than I could have ever guessed.
"I had a nightmare, from before I met you. The day I met you actually," I started to explain what all happened, both in the past and in my nightmare. Several minutes passed before he told me that he was downstairs.
"Would it be okay if I take you somewhere?" He asked and I nodded before remembering he was still just over the phone.
"Yes, I just need to get some clothes first," I quickly got up and started berating myself for not thinking that far ahead but All Might just let me, listening to everything and once I cleaned my face and put on my shoes I opened the door to find him standing there. He disconnected the phone and held out his hand for me to take and without a question I took it. He led me out of the dorms and towards the school, his hand now on my shoulders he led me through the halls, and parts of the school that I was unfamiliar with but I followed him in silence anyway.
"All Might, you're finally here," I looked up to see Hound Dog and I could feel myself slowing down but All Might just smiled.
"I just want to talk to Young Midoriya for a minute first, we'll be right back," my hero answered and I'm confused on what exactly is going on here but Hound Dog nodded, giving me a friendly smile as All Might led the way up more stairs and I found that we were now on the UA roof, predawn stars still shining in the sky.
"I wanted to show you the place I almost died as a student," I jumped at his words, not expecting anything like them to ever come out of his mouth. "Suicide," he sat down on a bench that I hadn't seen and gestured for me to join him, so I did. We looked out, seeing the city that I have called home for my entire life. "It's something so many turn to when they don't want to try anymore. It hits you when life is at its worst and once it settles in your mind it never really leaves. Even now, I wonder if the world was actually better off without me."
"NO! You're the All Might! You have saved so many people and given hope to so many more, even me!" I nearly shouted and I was instantly angry but he just looked at me with a sad smile.
"My boy, that's how I feel about you. You have already saved so many people even as just a student, you gave ME hope in the future of heroes and I know that the world will always be better with you in it than not. Even if I couldn't give you my quirk," He ruffled my hair. His sad smile faltered but he didn't take his eyes off of me, making me uncomfortable.
"I failed you," he held up a hand waving off my arguments before going on. "If I was doing any good as a mentor the thought of ending your own life wouldn't have happened."
"NO! It's because I'm weak-" he put a hand over my mouth muffling me.
"My boy, you are anything but weak. Your will is outstanding, your determination is unquestionable and your heart is pure. You. Are. Not. Weak," He kept his gaze steady, not leaving me and again I'm feeling uncomfortable. "I put far too much on your still far too small shoulders and I didn't give you nearly enough of the tools you needed to deal with it all. Even if there are only a few months left before school ends, please let me at least try."
I blinked, I don't understand. What tools? What have I not done that I should have? Am I worse than I thought I was? Should I actually just-
"My boy, no. Let me show you what I mean," he stood up and held out his hand again and again, I took it without question. "You see," he started talking again while we walked back inside. "I can't give you what you need. I've interrupted you so many times just this morning and the reason is because I don't know how to handle it."
I drooped a bit at that. If All Might doesn't know how to help then who does? Am I actually a waste of space? Of effort? Do I really mean anything at all to anyone?
"My boy, you mean the world to me. You are my hope and you will never be a waste of time or effort. I thank God everyday that you came into my life," I looked up already crying and he gave me a gentle hug before I looked around to figure out where we were.
"In order to make sure you have the tools you need I need to make sure you have the people you need also. Hound Dog is a good hero and friend. I should have thought of this long before now, but you can tell him anything and everything," I looked up shocked and the words came out before I could catch them.
"Even OFA?" I could feel how my face flushed and covered my mouth as best as I could but it was too late.
"Especially OFA, talk to him. Talk to me, talk to young Bakugo too, anything at all that will help you, do it," he gave me another smile and raised his hand and knocked on the door. Hound Dog opened the door smiling what had to be his professional smile because it's so early in the day there is no way he would usually be here now but all the same he was.
"I understand that you need to speak with me? I just made some tea but if you prefer coffee I have that too," he offered motioning the way inside and when I stepped forward it felt like a huge weight was lifted off of me and I can't even begin to describe how or why.
"Just to be safe, anything Young Midoriya says about his quirk is true. No matter how crazy it sounds," All Might spoke up and my eyes widened more and I spun around.
"He doesn't already know?" I started to panic but he just gave me another reassuring smile.
"No, but he will so that's okay," my hero's smile helped to relax me a little and Hound Dog tilted his head a little but nodded in agreement, seemingly understanding there was much more to what was going on then what he knew about.
The door closed and I sat down, Hound Dog poured me some tea and held up some different snacks, mostly breakfast things like muffins and egg bites and my stomach growled. Did I even eat dinner last night? He chuckled a little and handed me a small plate after putting several things on it.
"Please eat up, I have found that all things are better with a full stomach," he chuckled a little and the longer he chatted the easier it was to relax. We talked about so many things it was crazy that I never got bored or uncomfortable. He even answered questions about his quirk for me.
He was pouring me what had to be my third cup of tea and I am really feeling at ease now but also guilty. He must only be awake right now because All Might contacted him for me and instead of fixing me he is just entertaining me.
"I know that look," I looked up at his amused laughter but he just sipped his tea before going on. "I am here for you and if all that means is for us to chat about nothing at all then that is exactly what I am here for."
I frowned, "but it was so early in the morning, it still is."
"It doesn't matter, I was already getting ready for the day anyway. I have someone that comes in early because they are not comfortable around others, it's far more common than you would think," he shrugged it away and I felt myself relax again.
"So I should tell you now?" I looked up, trying to steel myself for whatever backlash I end up getting for this.
"Only if you want to, as I said. I'm here for you and that means for whatever it is that you want to talk about or don't want to talk about. You don't have to say anything you don't want to," He nudged my cup towards me again while I processed what he was saying.
"Sometimes I want to die, I want it all to just go away. The pain, the hurt, responsibilities, all of it but at the same time I don't. Sometimes it's all so overwhelming I just don't know what to do," I gave in, I called asking for help and All Might's reaction was to bring me to Hound Dog. He must have a reason for it.
"Is that what you told All Might?" He asked softly and I nodded before stopping and shaking my head no.
"Not all of it. Just the 'Sometimes I just want to die' part," he nodded at my answer and he asked a few more questions but instead of looking for answers or giving me one he just kept having me talk and talk. He had me tell him about my nightmare when I mentioned it and somehow throughout all the talking I was holding a pencil and sketchbook drawing a picture of Kacchan... How?
I looked around confused and he chuckled before explaining. "Sometimes it's easier to talk about our thoughts, our hurt when our hands are busy. You are very good by the way. Young Bakugo could probably hang the picture with how well you did." I felt my face flush bright red at the thought, embarrassment overtaking me but he just chuckled a little more.
"Do I have to talk about it?" I slumped in my seat ready for the questions that I didn't want to answer.
"Only if you want to, if not we can talk about something else; like how Mount Lady did in her fight yesterday?" He suggested and I felt my neck snap up and I stared at him confused.
"I don't have to talk about Kacchan?" I asked, trying to make sure I heard him right but he just smiled and nodded his head. "What if I want to?" I breathed the question out but he just motioned for me to go ahead.
"You're not disgusted by it?" I asked him and again he shook his head no.
"Young man, I think you are vastly underestimating your teachers if you think something like this could disgust any of us," he kept his voice light and I couldn't hear any judgment at all in his voice.
"But we are both boys..." I trailed off hearing myself and I slouched back into my seat. We are both boys.
There was a long silence before he cleared his throat and I looked at him again. "Are you aware that Eraserhead and Present Mic are both boys?"I looked at him like he was crazy. What does that have to do with anything but he just chuckled again while he waited for me to answer.
"Yes," I said slowly, waiting for whatever trick this was.
"They have been married to each other for about six years now," he chuckled again. "I remember when we first started working together and Midnight found out that two of her best friends were dating for the first time. She was so excited that she brought in a wedding catalog the next day, of course I also saw her sending pictures of different styles of wedding cakes that same day."
"Really? She wasn't mad? Wait, but there isn't anything on their hero profiles about it," I feel so confused and somehow betrayed. "Are these feelings normal?"
"Midoriya, tell me. How would you feel if your friend Uraraka and Iida were dating?" I tilted my head confused. Why would it even matter? But he only waited for me to answer so I had to say it out loud.
"Why would it matter if they were dating?" I finally gave up and asked.
He smiled at me and asked, "Why would it matter if you were dating another man?" I blinked several times and after a while I felt something wet hit my hands and when I looked down I saw big fat droplets, another drop fell on them and I reached up to find myself crying. Big, large teardrops that were so heavy it felt like the world was ending but at the same time relief was washing over me. I cried, I sat there and cried. Accepting tissues when he offered them but he didn't once try to stop me from crying or tell me it was normal or gross or anything at all.
When my tears were finally exhausted he pulled out wet wipes and handed me one to clean my face with and I just feel so much better. I don't know where to go from here.
"It won't be long before your classmates are getting ready for class, do you want to go back and get ready for school? You can come back anytime, later today if you feel like it or tomorrow. When would you like to come back? I can have more of the egg bites you like ready," Hound Dog chatted and I just nodded and smiled finally comfortable again.
"Can I come tomorrow at 4?" I asked and he opened his planner and smiled while writing.
"Tomorrow at 4 in the morning it is," he finished whatever he was writing and looked up before asking another question. "Before you go I would like to ask a question and it would help if you thought about it before you come to see me again." I sat up straight ready to answer whatever it is right now. "And that is; What do you want to gain from these sessions? Don't try and answer now, I want you to really think about it. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow." He handed me a mint chocolate and while standing at the door I paused.
"Can I- Sorry, see you tomorrow," I smiled and he put his hand on my shoulder stopping me from leaving.
"You don't have to ask, this room has heard many secrets and seen countless tears. When the time comes, know that you can," he patted me on the shoulder and I hesitated for just a moment before I turned back and hugged him.
"Thank you," I whispered before quickly letting him go and walking out. I didn't look around, I didn't wait to see how he would react. I just left, as fast as I could with a piece of paper rolled up in my hands, careful not to crease or otherwise ruin the drawing.
When I returned to the dorms I found that it was already 5:30 so I had to quickly take a shower and get ready for the day but not before I put the page inside of a book to make sure it would be flat later. I'll put it in my sketchbook after I'm sure it won't roll up and get damaged in the process.
I ran downstairs and found my friends eating breakfast and I just grabbed a piece of buttered toast. I already ate so much this morning but it's a long time before lunch.
It's lunch time, this morning has been difficult for a whole different reason and I only JUST sent my friends ahead of me to get their meals so I could talk to Aizawa Sensei without them overhearing what I had to say.
"Aizawa Sensei, can I ask you a question? A personal question," I corrected myself and he looked up at my voice but frowned.
"I will not answer any more questions about my quirk," he groaned and I shook my head, embarrassed that I had irritated him so much already. "Then go ahead and ask."
"Are you... Are you actually- No I mean You and- No that sounds terrible too. Are you happy with him?" I looked up after fidgeting for a while to find him studying me but not offended.
"I need to know who the "him" is to know what you are asking," he prompted me when he realized I wasn't trying to ask anymore. I feel so dumb of course he would need to know that.
"Present Mic?" I asked after clearing my throat and he didn't get angry or defensive, he just stood there studying me for a long time.
"I understand if you don't want to answer, I'm sorry. It was too personal," I tried to backpedal, I'm so stupid of course he wouldn't want to talk about it! I'm just an idiot, a stupid deku.
"My husband and I are very happy together," he answered slowly, making me jump when he did. "Would you like to join us for lunch?" I really jumped at that. I stared for a moment but he didn't say anything else so I just nodded, hoping that I wasn't just hearing things.
He pulled out his phone and after just a few messages he motioned for me to follow him. We walked all the way to Present Mic's classroom and he greeted us excitedly and I don't think I have ever seen my teacher smile like that before. Aizawa Sensei was smiling and he even leaned in and kissed Present Mic. It wasn't until the end of lunch that he was enjoying how flustered I was getting over the tiniest signs of PDA.
They held hands throughout their meal and Present Mic was so excited to talk about how they started dating, how afraid they were of letting anyone know and how at the end of it all the person they were the most afraid of, Midnight, was actually their number one supporter.
I ate almost absentmindedly while we talked, I asked so many questions on how they knew and how alone they must have felt before they finally confessed.
"Little Listener, everyone feels that way, even the straight people. You are never alone though," Present Mic patted me on the shoulder and again, it felt like a weight had been lifted from me. If this keeps up I just might start floating. "Oh, looks like lunch is over, you better get to class. Aizawa is always cranky when someone disturbs his sleep," he winked at me and Aizawa scoffed as if he were offended but he gave him another quick kiss before leaving Present Mic behind giggling.
"How did you know what I was asking?" I finally got the courage to ask him and he gave one last small smile before wiping it away.
"You're far from the first student Hound Dog has sent to me. He told me this morning that I might get someone at some point today, he didn't say who but you're not hard to read," he answered and stopped in front of our classroom door. "Go inside quickly so no one knows you were with me," he instructed and I nodded quickly and rushed inside as if i were about to be late and within seconds of getting to my seat he walked in and class began.
With classes over I looked at my phone and decided to chance it. I walked up to Aizawa with my bag already packed and asked for permission to go home.
"I need to talk to my mom in person," I averted my eyes but in the next instant he was handing me a signed slip allowing me off school grounds.
"Don't cause trouble while you're gone and remember you have somewhere to come back to when it's done," he told me in a low voice and I quickly nodded my head.
I paused for a second before asking, "Do you think I'm being too fast? Am I going too fast? Not fast enough?"
"The only person who can answer that is you, you already made your decision and that tells me no. You're not," he answered quickly, his eyes shifting to something behind me, letting me know that we weren't alone anymore.
"Thank you Sensei," I gave him a small bow and quickly left the classroom. I didn't even go to the dorms first, I left the school grounds and took the bus home. I sent a text to let Mom know I was coming and she was happy, sending me a bunch of smiling sunshine stickers until the bus arrived at my stop.
It wasn't until I got off the bus that I remembered to text All Might that I wasn't at school now.
All Might: Aizawa informed me. Good luck Young Midoriya. I'm here if you ever need me.
I smiled at his answer and put my phone away before actually walking to my house.
"Izuku!" She called out as I was walking through the gate and she ran out to hug me. She then started checking me over to see if there were any injuries but for once there wasn't any. She pulled me inside and I saw Aunty sitting at the table.
"Izuku sweetie, how are you doing? Is my brat causing any issues?" Aunty asked, smiling before I was pulled into a hug by her as well.
"Ah, Kacchan has been pretty quiet lately. I hear his friends always asking him what's wrong but he just clicks his tongue and walks away. You would think they didn't know how his body cycles his quirk giving him quiet periods and extra loud periods," I shrugged and Aunty started choking on her tea, making me look at her funny.
"Yeah, he has his 'periods'," she started crying while trying to hold in her laughter but I just looked at her confused.
"ANYWAY," Mom said really loudly, I looked at her confused. It sounded like she was trying to distract me from something important but I don't understand what. "What brought you home? It's the middle of the week and you usually only come home every other weekend," she looked so concerned, she was trying to tuck some of my wild hair behind my ears, reminding me that I need a haircut soon.
"I, uh," I hesitated but that only got her to put her entire focus on me, making it even harder to talk. "Well, I wanted to tell you something. About me," I added that last part at the last second. I saw her look at Aunty like they were exchanging secrets but she quickly smiled and guided me to sit down at the kitchen table.
"Honey, you know that I love you no matter what, right?" She asked and I nodded, the lump in my throat was making it impossible to talk right now.
"Izuku do you want me to leave for now?" Aunty asked and I looked up grateful but shook my head no. She won't tell even Kacchan about what I say and she would be the last person to judge me. It's just hard saying it to Mom. I know she loves me. I know that she wouldn't judge me but...
What if I disappoint her somehow?
"I-" My voice broke, my throat dry and again they are trading looks as if they knew something that I didn't. "Sorry, I don't know-" I didn't finish. I don't even know what I'm trying to say at the moment. I don't know what to say, where to go, what to do. I don't know a lot of things right now. I don't know if I should even say anything at all.
"Honey, no matter what it is, I am here for you," her soft voice is so soothing, it makes me want to just hug her and forget all about what I was going to say. But I can't do that. The stress will still be there tomorrow if I do. My questions will still be unanswered if I do that. And dear God, I need answers.
"Mom," I took a deep breath and looked up and just said it. "I'm gay." Silence.
The look of confusion on her face spoke a lot but it didn't actually answer the questions that I needed it to.
"Is that all you wanted to say?" She asked, still looking at me as if she expected something else. I nodded my head afraid of whatever was going to come next.
"Izuku, that's perfectly fine," I looked back at her in shock. Is it fine? There isn't anything wrong with it? But... How? "Honey, it's no secret how much you looked up to Katsuki," my face blushed brightly but I didn't say anything. Of course they would know exactly who.
"Is that really all you came home for? Here I thought you got someone pregnant," Aunty sighed and I yelped in surprise.
"I can't get someone pregnant!" I blurted out and she laughed.
"Well we live in different times. Not all men but some can have children and even those that can't, there are quirks that allow them to anyway. Just like with women," Aunty shrugged before adding, "Take my brat for example. He could easily get pregnant, he actually has a really high chance of it. Higher than some women."
I gaped at her, should she really be telling me that? I mean really? That is Kacchan's personal information!
"Relax, I know that you won't tell anyone. Or else I wouldn't have said anything," Aunty rolled her eyes but laughed anyway.
"Oh Honey, I'm just glad that you trusted us enough to tell us. Are you dating anyone? Or are you just coming to terms with it? If you're dating someone I would love to meet him!" Mom smiled at me and even more weight just fell off of my shoulders. Free. I feel so free right now that I could actually just float away.
We chatted for a while and I answered their questions, I am just coming to terms with myself. I told them about going to see Hound Dog but I didn't tell them why and I told them about how much today in general has helped.
"I'm so glad you have a teacher that can relate to you. He is the good sort, I knew it before Katsuki was kidnapped during your first year. He is a good teacher, I'm glad you both stayed at UA," Aunty announced like it was a big deal and I couldn't help laughing.
"Honey, are you okay with us talking about this? With friends and family?" Mom asked with a cheerful smile on her face as she served dinner, Uncle was working late tonight so it was just the three of us. Katsudon was placed in front of me and I poured everyone some tea.
"I guess? I mean I'm not planning to shout it out to everyone but if I'm asked about it I think I would be okay with answering them," I thought about it for a bit after the question but I think that it's true. Now that I've told all the important people in my life I think that- No I still need to tell All Might and most importantly Kacchan. Eventually I'll have to tell him, confess my feelings. Even though he won't return them.
"So, if you're just coming to terms with it that must mean you have a crush," Aunty poked at my weakness and the way she smiled when she saw that she was right which made me want to run and hide.
"Not now Mitsuki, let him have a little while to himself before he goes out chasing a boy," Mom huffed and I started to relax before she added, "Well another boy."
"Uh, what?" I asked, my mind going blank.
"Honey, like I said it's no secret how much you looked up to Katsuki. To say it was anything but puppy love would be a gross understatement. Now if you STILL like Katsuki then that's a different story. After all he has hurt you but then again you two have grown together in a way that even knowing that I wouldn't want to get in the way. So if it is him you have my blessing, just be sure to tell him that pain is waiting for him if he ever hurts you again," Mom smiled and I felt a chill go down my spine and it's not even me she is threatening.
"Inko, you're scaring him but I think you hit the nail on the head," Aunty laughed for a bit before adding, "Of course I agree 100%. I'm not above making my brat feel the pain if he ever hurt you again, regardless of if you two are together or not."
"Mom! Aunty!" I whined and they both laughed at my expense but neither pushed the issue. I helped clean up and made the plate for Uncle before gathering my things. They complained about me not staying until I told them about my appointment early in the morning with Hound Dog.
"Honey, are you sure there isn't anything else you need to tell us?" Mom asked, fear radiating from her eyes.
I gave her a small smile, "Not yet." I want to tell them, to not hide any secrets from them but I need just a little bit more time before I do. I gave both Mom and Aunty hugs goodbye and goodnight before leaving again.
"Take this, I bought them for my brat but I can get him some later," Aunty put a small package in my hand and I opened it curiously only to close it tight again.
"Aunty!" I whined, my face hot and she just laughed while my mom pretended not to see anything but she couldn't stop a few giggles.
When I was finally back in the dorms I sent so many texts that I was back safe that it was a bit surprising that so many people were actually waiting for me.
Eraserhead: Good, I'll see you in the morning.
All Might: I'm sure you did amazing! Sleep well.
Mom: I love you honey, sweet dreams!
Aunty: Give my brat a whack upside the head for me. I'm sure he deserves it.
I couldn't bring myself to answer that. I sure couldn't actually go to his room just to hit him so I compromised. I went to his room and when he answered the door I held up my phone showing her message and he pulled out his phone and called her before slamming the door shut, but not before I heard him cursing her for actually trying to pull that kind of stunt. Then a text popped up on my phone and when I looked I almost dropped it.
Aunty: Good job! 👍🏻
Why do I feel like I was tricked somehow? I returned to my room and quickly pulled out my homework and I finished as quickly as I could but then... I looked at the clock. Will I even wake up to my alarm in the morning?
"It's good to see you again, Young Midoriya!" Hound Dog welcomed me inside and again I was met with the warm fragrance of sweet breakfast tea, muffins and egg bites and is that french toast?
"I was feeling like something a little extra sweet, if I remember correctly you also have a fondness for sweet things?" He asked while holding up a bottle of honey. "There is more than enough for even a third person so please help yourself."
It wasn't until after I was done eating that he asked me a question. "So did you give my question any thought? What do you want to gain from these sessions?"
I smiled almost immediately before I answered, "I just want to be happy and for once I am. I'm afraid that it's only temporary though, what if I don't come back and everything just falls apart? What if those feelings of doubt and ruin come back stronger? What if I end up alone?" I rambled and he let me. He gave me some hand sanitizer and then a pencil and some paper and again I was drawing Kacchan. This time it wasn't just his head but him in his hero suit. The more detail I put into the drawing the easier it was to talk, so I put every detail that I could remember into it, even using tissue paper to help me shade it in properly.
"So after he told you to take a swan dive, can you tell me how you felt? I know you touched on the topic yesterday but you seemed to want to cut it short," he asked gently and without hesitating I answered him.
"I felt like I really disappointed him. Like I truly was a waste of space and effort. If I could have somehow gotten at least Kacchan to see how hard I was trying maybe then we could have-" I broke off. Maybe we could have at least been friends again. But I couldn't say that, not now. Technically Kacchan and I are doing great together now. There is no logical reason for me to feel the way I do but I can't help it.
"Midoriya, feelings rarely follow logic and even so what you feel is still quite logical," Hound Dog answered and I snapped my mouth shut. Damn muttering. "You wanted your only friend to see you for who you were, to be able to, at the very least be capable of walking next to him and when he refused that, you felt hurt. There is nothing surprising about that. There is no reason to feel bad about the way you feel."
Then I caved and told him how I 'cheated' in life. The fact that All Might gave me his quirk and how. He didn't interrupt and he didn't counter me but then again I remember what All Might told him just yesterday about whatever I said about his quirk being the truth.
"I don't understand something," he said slowly and I looked up expecting disgust or revulsion but I didn't see either. "How is it cheating to get All Might's quirk? I understand that there was some power in it when you received it but ultimately you must train and work hard just like everyone else and if anything you are at a disadvantage because everyone else has had theirs since they were four or five. While you have only had yours for a couple years now. Add to that all the broken bones and other injuries that came from trying to figure it out, well I wouldn't call that cheating."
When did I start crying again? Why did I? No, I know why. It's because I have felt so guilty for so long now and suddenly, again, more weight was dropped off my shoulders.
"I thought therapy was supposed to take a long time before it helped?" I asked and he chuckled.
"Normally, let's just say you got lucky. Although I recommend coming in for the remainder of the school year to keep track of your development I would say that you are on the right track to getting exactly what you want from these sessions," He smiled at me and I couldn't help laughing in my relief. Less than two days of actually talking with the correct people did all of this?
"Maybe I should confess sooner than I thought. Give myself time to heal after I get rejected," I mused out loud, still laughing.
"That's not a bad idea but why do you think you will be rejected?" Hound Dog smiled at me and I couldn't help laughing again.
"You're right. I have a chance so long as I do it properly," I smiled and he did too, and I'm not the biggest dog person in the world but now I really want to hug him and pet him.
"Go ahead, you're not the first student and you certainly won't be the last," he chuckled and again I realized that I must have been mumbling out loud. That didn't stop me from taking him up his offer though.
Classes were a breeze, I was practically skipping out of class in my excitement and my friends were teasing me about how I must have gotten a girlfriend.
"No, I'm gay." I shrugged it off and Uraraka gaped at me.
"Well there goes my chance," she sighed and I looked at her confused. "I have had the biggest crush on you since our first year. That's okay though," she smiled at me. "We should be the person we are without anyone else saying otherwise."
"I agree, I'm bi and I'm actually planning to ask Kirishima out later today," Todoroki nodded in agreement and we all wished him the best of luck. He seemed confused but accepted it happily.
"I for one, hope you find exactly what you are looking for," Iida agreed, motioning to all of us, but I noticed that he didn't include himself and I asked about it.
"I, uh, I have a date for this weekend. I think?" He fidgeted and that got a few laughs and we cheered a bit for him too.
"I'll probably get my heart broken tonight but I'm going to confess anyway. Better sooner than later," I smiled at them and they tried to talk me up but I just laughed and shook my head. "It's okay. Really, I don't know how to explain it but I just know I will be fine."
We went back to the dorms and I waited until Todoroki had pulled Kirishima away before I gathered what remained of my courage and I knocked on Kacchan's door. I could hear him cursing before he even looked but he froze once he saw me.
"Hi Kacchan, could we talk? In private?" I asked, still smiling somehow and he looked at me so confused but eventually he nodded and motioned for me to come inside. "Would you be willing to walk to the park with me? Just a short walk?" I tried again, as much as I wanted to enter his room, I also know that I need to be able to escape if he really does reject me but I also want my confession to be at least semi-romantic. If it was still spring with cherry blossoms...
"What about cherry blossoms? It's the middle of autumn," Kacchan rolled his eyes but I saw him reach behind the door for his jacket and motioned for me to lead the way. I quickly grabbed my jacket that I left at the front door and we walked outside without anyone bothering us. I saw Iida stop Uraraka from shouting out and whispered in her ear but otherwise no one seemed to notice.
I led us to the track that we usually run on when we decide to train together on the weekends. It's not exactly romantic but it's better than his room and the changing leaves certainly made the whole area pretty. There were enough trees around that it gave you the feeling of a nature park so at least there was that.
"Okay Deku, what's going on? You've been acting differently all day, yesterday too," Kacchan grumbled something under his breath but again I just smiled.
"Is it a bad difference?" I asked, still not able to drop my smile.
"I never said that," he averted his eyes but if it weren't for the crisp cold in the air I would think he was blushing. Can I pretend a little? I think I will. I skipped ahead a little before stopping in front of him and he looked at me in surprise before stopping. I looked around and sure enough there was a bench a little bit ahead.
"I'll race you to the bench," I winked at him and took off without waiting for an answer, leaving him confused for a moment before he was running after me. At the end I jumped over the bench and ducked down only for Kacchan to trip and fall over it while I was giggling from under the bench. I rolled out the other side and was still giggling and ran around it after he got back up again.
I could see his obvious confusion in his eyes but he didn't explode or get angry, instead he started laughing and we were both running around. It was like we were playing tag and I couldn't get enough of it. It felt like a dream.
"GOT YA!" He yelled out tackling me to the ground and pinning me there, our laughter was contagious and I just couldn't stop. It felt like several minutes had passed when he suddenly looked at how he was straddling me and the moment he went to get off I flipped us over so I was the one pinning him down.
"Now, I've got you," the giggles just wouldn't stop and I was smiling so hard but I wish this could last forever.
"Please tell me you're not under a quirk," he asked, almost begging and I leaned down so my mouth was by his ear to whisper.
"No, this is just me. Giving in to all the things I want so very much, like you," I whispered, tickling his ear as I did. Once I was brave enough, I pulled away so that I could see the result of my words, only to find his eyes wide and his smile even wider.
"Are you saying that you are giving in to me? Do you want me?" He bit his lip as if that would somehow wake him up from this beautiful dream.
"Is that a bad thing?" I asked and then readjusted myself so I could lay down more comfortably but still keep him under me, at least for now.
"What if I said it isn't? What if I did the same thing now?" He asked and now he is looking back and forth between my eyes and my mouth giving me the courage I needed.
"Then I would say kiss me," I whispered and in less time than it took to blink his lips were pressed against mine. Our sweet stolen moment stopped only because I saw Aizawa Sensei in the distance so I pulled away. "Let's finish this later, for now," I smirked and his eyes widened and I started tickling him, anywhere I could reach only for his laughter to burst out of him and he tried to counter attack but I was already giggling like a mad man so we started rolling over and over wrestling through our laughter only for everything to come to a screeching halt when Aizawa Sensei pulled us apart using his capture scarf and I pouted.
"But Sensei, we were being good!" I whined and he did a double take but I'm sure he still saw how we were laughing and giggling and maybe he realized that we weren't using our quirks? I can hope.
"Problem Child, let's pretend that I don't know why you went home yesterday. In what world would my two students, known for being like water and oil, suddenly having a tickle fight in the middle of the running course, constitute as normal or good to you?" He sighed rubbing at his face but hey, I've been the kind of honest, that makes me feel naked for the last two days now. Why stop now?
"Because I've started talking to Hound Dog about my feelings of inadequatcy and suicidal thoughts," I smiled up at him even though he had me hanging upside down.
"WHAT?!?" Kacchan snapped out of his laughing mood and jerked to face me, fighting Aizawa Sensei's hold on him. "Deku, you can't-"
"I know Kacchan. But now that I've actually asked for help, the world doesn't seem so dark as before," Aizawa Sensei dropped Kacchan but I was straightened up and brought closer, a look of fear and horror mixing in his eyes but I smiled anyway. "Thank you," I whispered to him and he seemed to understand that I am talking about so much more than a single conversation. He put me down.
"Don't disturb others who might try to use the training field, my door... My door is open," he looked at me meaningfully and I nodded, still smiling my thanks. Kacchan wasn't having it though. He was demanding answers, he was starting to break and he only barely stopped himself from asking if he was the reason behind those thoughts.
I don't have the answer to that though. It happened years ago but it still didn't help by any means but I also know that in his own way he was trying to protect me and his pride, it didn't work but the intent was there. So when Aizawa turned his back and walked away, I waited a bit before kissing Kacchan again.
"Like I said, the world doesn't seem so dark anymore. And now I want to see just how bright it can get," I answered, my arms wrapping around his waist, I hugged him to me. He is so warm, and his natural scent only helped to warm me up from the inside out.
"Deku, I don't know what to do. I want to say yes but what if I hurt you again?" He whispered, fear creeping into his voice.
I pulled away and smiled and answered, "Mom and Aunty said to warn you that you will be in a world of pain if you even thought about it but they give their blessing."
His eyes widened in disbelief until something in his head seemed to click and he smiled too.
"So does that mean I can kiss you?" He asked and I nodded happily, only for him to give me three small pecks making me pout at how short they were. "Do you realize that I'm a possessive asshole?" He asked, his voice softer than a kitten's meow in a bed of downy feathers.
"Do YOU realize that I'm jealous and insecure?" I asked in response, pressing my forehead against his and enjoying his laughter again.
"Do you realize that I'm more than okay with that?" He asked and then he kissed me again. Our lips lingering on each other, as we slowly explored each other, taking our time, our arms wrapped around each other holding each other tight.
Several minutes passed with us flirting, kissing, chasing each other around only to tackle each other and wrestle again while screeching out our giggles when a tickle spot was found. Before we actually sat on the bench to catch our breath, Kacchan pulled me close and leaned his head on my shoulder.
"So who all knows?" He asked and it took a minute for me to understand what he meant.
"You and Aizawa, Hound Dog and All Might," I answered before leaning into him too, enjoying how it feels to actually feel wanted.
"What made you ask for help? I don't think anyone ever thought that you of all people were hurting, not like that," he played with some of my hair and I let him.
"A nightmare, I called All Might and blurted it out before I could calm down. I was actually going to ask if there was someone I could talk to, you know, someone who knew the secret and instead he picked me up and took me straight to Hound Dog. I didn't even have to ask," I relaxed into what I hope is my new boyfriend's arms but I should actually make sure about that.
"So Kacchan, does this mean you'll give me a chance? You don't have to, you can still say no. I was expecting you to say no," I looked up at him and saw his shocked face again. "Don't worry, I'm not going to die even if you say no. I just needed to tell you how I felt so that I had a chance of at least moving on, or at least of letting you go." I didn't let him go while I was talking. I couldn't. If nothing else, right now in this moment he is mine and I am his.
"I love you Deku," I looked up to see him fidgeting but he didn't stop there. "I started seeing Hound Dog too, I go ridiculously early in the morning just so that maybe I could get the answers that I've been looking for. Mostly it helps me with controlling my anger but it also helps me process everything from the past. Why I've been so angry and just shit I never really thought about."
He took a few deep breaths but it was clear that he wasn't done yet. "If you are really okay with just me, I would love to be your boyfriend," He cuddled into my neck making me giggle at the sweet affection.
"I am more than okay but you should know one more thing," I grinned at him and his confused face was worried but even that couldn't stop my smile. "I'm going to be a bit possessive too." He barked a laugh and pulled me into his lap.
"I'm good with that," he smirked.
We didn't need to tell anyone in the dorms about us, I guess someone saw us kissing in the field and told them before we got back, probably expecting them to turn on us or something. What actually happened was that our friends were basically falling over each other to congratulate us on our relationship, I guess we weren't the only ones praying for a yes. Sato brought out a bunch of cupcakes and Jiro put on some music and it somehow turned into a party. One that Todoroki decided to ask Kirishima out during so then we were celebrating both couples and when Aizawa Sensei showed up with All Might, Sato just handed them cupcakes.
I mean it's not like we were actually doing anything wrong. All Might however was very happy with everything but he did pull me aside to make sure I wasn't just trying to cover up any pain. I hugged him, it took him by surprise since we were still in sight of everyone else but he still hugged me back.
"Secret love child," Todoroki called out, confusing All Might and I just laughed.
"I wish," I answered and that was when All Might understood what was being said and he started blushing.
"Uh, about that," he fumbled and Todoroki got all excited but pretended not to be listening in. "I might have started dating your mother?" He fidgeted, rubbing at his neck.
"Dear God, I'm going to be calling All Might uncle before long," Kacchan groaned and Todoroki sighed but I saw him shrug it off.
"Then when should I start calling you dad?" I teased, I can't believe how nervous he was acting over something like that. My words however made him freeze up and nothing seemed to get through to him.
"Deku, you broke All Might," Kacchan teased, hugging me from the side.
I shrugged though, "I guess I am stronger than I thought." Kacchan started laughing loudly at that and we walked away from the man having a meltdown. I did send Mom a text saying that I might have broken her boyfriend and I then ignored her calls because nope. She can talk to All Might first.
I plopped down on the couch and once Kacchan was comfortable I turned so my legs were across his lap and I leaned on his shoulder, his arms wrapping around me.
"This is a lot to get used to," he whispered in my ear.
"Do you want me to stop?" I asked but he didn't let me pull away and instead he hugged me tighter.
"No, never."
I'm so glad I asked for help.
The End.