
Uraraka's POV

I can't believe we are doing this! Mina said that she saw a part of Deku's and Bakugo's fight and there is just no way that Deku doesn't know how to dance so with the help of Momo and Kirishima we have rebuilt Mina's room with the empty one next door and there is now a one way mirror and insulated sound system so that we could hear them but they couldn't hear us.

Do I feel a little bad about doing this? Okay, maybe a little BUT if Deku actually knows how to dance! My heart just might stop.

"Is everybody ready?" Mina called out.

"Um, is this really a good idea? What if they end up killing each other?" Sero asked nervously and we all stared at him. "Ne-ne-nevermind." He slouched in his seat and Hagakure passed out the popcorn while Shoji was passing out drinks. Surprisingly Shoji, Tokoyami, Sato and Koda were the most excited about this. I mean more excited than Mina and that was saying something.

"Mina, when are you going to go and get them?" Ojiro asked cuddling up around a pillow he brought from his room... I really thought he was much more serious about martial arts than this. Turns out he was a huge weakness for pillows and cushions but he blames it on his tail making regular seats uncomfortable for him. I will never be able to look at him the same way as before, ever again.

"Just a minute, is everyone here?" Mina looked around trying to count.

"Everyone but Iida and Mineta," Tsu answered with a kero at the end while eating popcorn.

"Great! This is going to be so great!" Mina squealed before going through a connecting closet door and Momo followed her to add some things to make it more difficult to get through before closing the door again.

"I mean are we sure this is a good idea? What if Midoriya really can't dance and Bakugo kills him?" Sero asked nervously.

"Don't be silly, as much as they fight they can't actually hate each other. Or they would have killed each other a long time ago," Shinso rolled his eyes from his bean bag chair in the corner. "Yaoyorozu, can you make me one of these to take back to my dorm? I could actually fall asleep on it," he cuddled into it again and I saw Kaminari smiling brightly while Momo tried to keep a straight face. She didn't make that one. Kaminari did.

"I'm sure you could just take that one with you," she smiled brightly at him and I saw Jiro smiling wickedly while writing notes for Mina to read later. She would kill us if we didn't give her the tea.

"Was a pole really needed in the room though?" Aoyama asked thoughtfully while offering a cheese plate that he brought with him.

"Of course! For one thing Mina has been taking classes and another we don't know what kind of dancing they know how to do. What if it's dirty and we miss it because they didn't have the pole?" Hagakure answered animatedly, dear All Might, we are really doing this.

"Hush, the door is opening!" Tsu grumbled and she didn't even Kero at the end, she was so focused and someone turned off the overhead light.

"Don't be shy! I promise that I'll have you both dancing like pros in no time," Mina giggled, dragging Bakugo in cursing while Deku looked like he was about to cry. "Don't worry, I made sure that no one saw me bringing you here so just calm down a little," she grinned smugly when the door closed. The way she worded that made me feel guilty but at the same time it was true. None of us saw her being then to her room, just into it.

"Now I'll just set the music to play at random and we'll change up the dance to match the music that is playing. Okay?" She grinned before slapping her forehead. "Oh my All Might! I forgot to get the snacks and drinks! I'll be back as fast as I can! I'll lock the door so don't even think about it!" She turned to glare at Bakugo who kept cursing under his breath before she slammed the door behind her, leaving the two alone.

It took all of two seconds before she came into this room and dived into the empty seat next to me.

"Did I miss anything?" She asked, whispering as if they could hear us if we were too loud.

"They started making out but stopped already," Shinso answered and she glared at him, already knowing he was lying through his teeth before turning her attention back on the floor length one way mirror that covered the entire wall in front of us.

"Better get comfortable, she isn't going to come back any time soon. Her attention span is about as long as a squirrel's," Bakugo rolled his eyes before finding the rolled up futon under her bed and pulling it out and getting comfortable. Should I be impressed that he didn't just get on her bed?

"Don't be so mean Kacchan," Deku frowned before adding, "She is your friend, you should be nicer." My heart, is Deku actually pouting right now? How is he so adorable when he is only talking to Bakugo? It's really not fair.

"Why? She won't leave me the fuck alone as it is," he huffed while stretching out on the futon as if it were his. He really doesn't have any class at all does he?

"I don't know how they succeeded when all I could do was fail. Guess I'm a bit jealous," Deku sighed and I dropped the popcorn that I was about to put into my mouth back into the bowl in my lap. Deku looks utterly defeated and I don't know how to react. Neither did anyone else, even without looking around I could tell that everyone froze and their mouths had probably dropped too. I mean who wouldn't want to be Deku's friend?

"Deku," Bakugo frowned, sitting up but he didn't say anything else which only seemed to upset Deku more.

"Forget it, All Might wants to know when you're free for training next. He said something didn't feel right and he wanted us to be careful," Deku sighed and I tilted my head confused. Do they have extra training with All Might?

Bakugo frowned, "I don't think we can get away with more training with All Might. As it is shitty hair won't stop asking about my trips to see the hag every week."

"You could just tell him you are going training instead," Deku rolled his eyes. "You know instead of LYING to your friend."

"And what do you tell the extras you call friends? I know you haven't told them about OFA because All Might said it had to be a secret. He's still mad that I found out." Bakugo cursed under his breath, is it possible for him to look more angry than usual?

"All Might wasn't mad. He was disappointed in me. There is a difference," Deku sighed and I almost dropped my drink. All Might was disappointed? With Deku? How? Why?

"All Might couldn't be disappointed with you even if it was you that took the last of his strength instead of me," Bakugo answered, glaring at him.

"Kacchan, you already know that I'm the reason he was weakened in the first place. You're not at fault," he raised his voice a little before catching himself.

"No Deku! It was caught on live TV that he gave up the last of his strength for me, not you. You don't-" Bakugo was getting angry again but Deku pushed him back fedup.

"NO KACCHAN, you listen," I felt a chill run down my spine even when he brought his voice back down because he didn't sound any less angry. "The world doesn't revolve around you. If I didn't take OFA, All Might wouldn't have fallen and you know that."

Bakugo got pissed as usual and they started wrestling before, "What the fuck is your problem? You've been like this for months now."

"No, I mean who would actually want to be a quirkless deku's friend anyway?" I remember Deku telling me that he was a late bloomer and I have to wonder, just how late was it? Wait, what does this have to do with anything at all anyway?

Instead of denying it like he should have, he let out a sigh before saying, "I don't want to be your friend, Izuku." Alarm bells started going off in my head. Did he just call felt by his first name? He even sounded sincere.

"That's not fair! Why? What did I ever do that was so terrible to you? What did I do wrong? How are we supposed to work together like All Might wants when you keep pushing me away?" Deku snapped, looking angry and hurt.

"You never did anything wrong, it's why we can't be friends," Bakugo answered as if that answered everything but now I'm even more confused.

"That doesn't even make any sense! So what? If I did do something wrong we could be friends? What would I actually have to do for you to even look at me without scowling?" Deku demanded sitting right in front of Bakugo now and did I just see Bakugo try to scoot back?

"Deku, sto-" he started but Deku wasn't letting him go.

"NO! Tell me!" He demanded and now I'm sure I saw Bakugo shake for just a second. Wait, just a minute... Bakugo is shaking?

Bakugo's hands went up and I covered my mouth expecting him to set off an explosion but instead he grabbed Deku and pulled him in, kissing him. Deku didn't fight him and if anything it was like he was waiting for it and pushed Bakugo over while they kissed before Deku seemed to snap out of it and pull away again.

My jaw was hanging open as I stared in shock and surprise, my heart beating wildly in my chest. I wasn't expecting this. I wasn't expecting this at all. The fact that I had an obvious crush on Deku wasn't a secret with our classmates but I'm not even mad. Not if Deku likes Bakugo.

"Like I said, I don't want to be your friend," Bakugo's voice rasped, drawing my eyes back up to see them again, Deku between Bakugo's legs keeping him from moving away while his mind seemed to race.

"You..." he said very slowly, "You want to be my boyfriend?"

"I know it' stupid, I know that I don't have a chanc-," Bakugo was about to start ranting but Deku just covered his mouth with his hand making him stop altogether.

"Who says you don't have a chance?" The look of absolute rage frightened me. Have I ever seen Deku look so made before in my life?

"Deku, think about what I did to you, how could I think anything else?" Bakugo started to look angry again but now all I can really see was the sadness in his eyes that he was trying to hide.

"Since when?" Deku shook Bakugo slightly, surprising the only slightly taller boy. It looked like Bakugo was done growing while Deku was hitting growth spurt about growth spurt.

"What?" Bakugo looked at him confused.

"Since when have you felt this way?" Deku clarified but he didn't let Bakugo go, refusing to lose eye contact.

"I realized it the day you saved me back in middle school but I don't know for how long exactly," he tried to look away again but Deku grabbed him and forced him to look at him.

"Before my quirk? Before OFA?" He looks so desperate, I'm not going to be able to eat any popcorn at this rate. They keep making me freeze up. I mean, Deku didn't have a quirk in middle school? How is that even possible?

"Yeah, what would your quirk have to do with anything?" Bakugo looked back at him confused again but Deku didn't answer and instead just kissed him. Bakugo was knocked off balance but he didn't let Deku fall.

"You loved me when I quirkless?" Deku grinned before kissing him again and again with the biggest smile I had ever seen on him. "You love me," he whispered again before the startled blond could respond at all and this time Deku didn't stop at a peck on the lips and I could see his tongue slip into Bakugo's mouth. He was obviously surprised but he wasn't fighting it anymore and instead was pulling Deku closer.

"Yes," Bakugo finally answered when they had to pull away for air. "Only you," he added before he could kiss Deku again.

The fact that it was getting so heated made it difficult to watch but I couldn't look away. It looked like they weren't going to stop at just kissing when Bakugo suddenly pushed Deku away, both of them gasping for air.

"No, we can't! I'm already 18 Deku, it would be a crime," Bakugo seemed to regain his senses but Deku wasn't having it.

"I turn 18 in less than a month, I've already waited this long, I can manage a few more weeks," I swear I saw Deku's eyes light up a toxic green, I didn't even know he could do that.

"You expect me to keep my hands off of you for that long? When I already know now? Just how strong do you think I am?" Bakugo collapsed on the futon with a groan.

"I'm not the one saying we have to wait," Deku frowned before crawling back over again and hugging Bakugo to himself. Snuggling his face into Bakugo's neck. "If I had it my way we would be doing the horizontal tango in your room," and I saw Bakugo flinch and let out a moan before I realized that Deku had bitten him.

"Aren't you always telling Raccoon Eyes you can't dance?" Bakugo was grasping at straws, even I could see that. I mean Deku could only really mean one thing by horizontal tango and it doesn't have anything to do with dancing.

"Kacchan, with how much time I spent alone in my room growing up, you really think I don't know how to dance?" Deku nipped at Bakugo's lips playfully and I had to bite a knuckle to keep from screaming at them to just kiss, damn it. I can't do that, I mean I like Deku. Don't I?

"Oh? What kind of dances do you know?" Bakugo was really resisting Deku with everything that he had but we could all see him caving, little by little.

"Nothing that anyone else could see, but you," Deku smirked at the blond while he shuttered. "I'll show you," he added when he noticed the pole in the room.

"I fucking knew it!" I heard Hagakure whisper squeal while someone else shushed her.

Deku changed the song and I felt my heart drop at the choice. It was dark and the lyrics talked about the singer being obsessed while Deku danced around the pole. Bakugo couldn't stay away and was slowly moving closer until Deku was hanging upside down and was sliding down the metal when he gently used his fingers to pull Bakugo into a kiss. The way he slipped off of the pole and onto Bakugo's lap brought lap dancing to mind but there is no actual way, right?

"De-ku," Bakugo tried to ask but his voice broke in the middle and now Deku was straddling him while gently rubbing on him.

"Stop me if you don't like it," Deku whispered in his ear and I saw him stick his tongue in Bakugo's ear making him shutter but he was frozen in place otherwise and only a moan could escape him. It wasn't until Deku had slipped his hands under Bakugo's clothes that Bakugo could resist at all again and when he pulled away he was panting heavily.

"We are all going to hell," I heard Shoji whisper and someone else hummed in agreement but no one tried to get up and leave.

"Deku we can't, you're still-" Bakugo started but Deku was already there when he turned to face him and he didn't stop.

After a few slow kisses Deku pulled away just a little and whispered, "I don't want to hear that we can't. Unless you say you don't want to, I don't want to let you go."

"That's not fair and you know it," Bakugo hissed back but he didn't say anything else.

"So you want to too?" Deku asked, smirking again but this time Bakugo just nodded, trying not to look at him.

"Then I'll wait, Kacchan. But don't expect me to give you up the morning I turn 18, I've waited long enough," Deku warned him, tracing a finger along Bakugo's lips, biting his own and we all heard Bakugo curse before kissing the man still on his lap.

"Fuck it, yes," Bakugo's words barely made a sound but thanks to the sound system we were still able to hear him. "Take me to my room, I'm yours," he added and kissed him again only for Deku to pick him up fluidly and the door to Mina's room broke where she had locked it but neither of them even flinched before Deku carried Bakugo out, racing down the hall.

None of us made a sound for a long time and I almost forgot he was even here at all until he spoke up. "Damn, that's crazier than my theory about him being All Might's secret love child."

"Will you give the secret love child theories a rest?" Shinso snapped at him.

"No," Todoroki answered as if it were nothing.

"We shouldn't bother them for a while," Sero cautioned and we all looked at him confused. "I'm not worried about Bakugo, he tried again and again to resist. It is Midoriya that I'm afraid of. He has spent years chasing after Bakugo, could you imagine how he would react if we tried to stop him now that Bakugo finally said yes? I don't want anything to do with being murdered, thanks."

I felt a chill race down my back at that and I know for a fact that I wasn't the only one either.

"Then we should distract our teachers if they show up until they come out on their own," I whispered and everyone turned to me. "We can't let Deku hurt anyone and least of all get expelled because he couldn't rein himself in!" I defended myself and several nodded in agreement. We picked up the room and several stayed back to put the two rooms back the way they used to be while the rest of us went down to the dorms to guard against any teachers that could have shown up but no one did for a long time.

Aizawa Sensei was the only one and before he could even say why he was there Kaminari was asking him for help with his homework that he had out, ignoring Iida and Mineta that came in with him. When that actually worked several of us started asking questions and when I heard the elevator open and looked up I saw Midoriya and Bakugo walking out of it holding hands and I swear I saw a hickey on Bakugo's neck. I ran over and dragged them towards the girls elevator without saying a word and thanks to Momo following me I managed to get them to my room which was closer.

"What in the actual fuck?" Bakugo hissed trying to get away from me.

"Shut up, do you two realize that Aizawa Sensei is here and you both have hickeys showing? Are you trying to get caught?" I hissed at them and they froze enough for us to drag them into my room and Momo made foundations that matched their skin tone.

"How did you-?" Deku started to ask but I just smiled.

"Oh we all know. Congratulations by the way," I winked and they both turned red.

"You're not mad?" He asked, barely stopping himself from stuttering but I smiled.

"I guess you did know then. Sorry about that, no I'm not mad. You should be happy," I smiled at him and we finished applying the makeup and went back downstairs.

"What has gotten into you all today?" Aizawa Sensei demanded just as the elevator opened showing the four of us inside. "Bakugo and Midoriya, All Might wants to see you in his office," he barked at them and they quickly nodded before leaving out the door and leaving us with our teacher who was still suspicious. "What the hell did you all do now?"

"Whatever do you mean?" Momo asked innocently and I swear she is the only one in the class that can actually say that and sound innocent...


It's Deku's birthday but none of us knocked on his door. Considering how Bakugo was trying so hard to get him to wait until today, I severely doubt that he is anywhere but in Bakugo's bed right now.

Thankfully I already talked to Bakugo yesterday about Deku's birthday party today. He could have all of him until dinner and then it was time for the whole class to have him. I did however forget to tell Iida and Mineta though so they sent it in the class chat.

Iida: Happy Birthday Midoriya! I hope you have a wonderful day though it seems you are not here at the moment.

Mineta: Happy Birthday! I hope you get a date soon now that you're a man.

Uraraka: Quiet! Deku will be out later. He is busy right now. We are having a small party for him after dinner.

Todoroki: I think you put that in the other GC, they aren't in that one.

Iida: It is unprofessional to leave us out like that! Uraraka!

Ojiro: It's not like she did it on purpose. The other GC is just for non school related things and last time we tried to add you, you got really upset.

Iida: Oh, I apologize for my blunder.

Mineta: Hey what about me?!?!

*No one responds*

I put my phone down and it wasn't long before Iida came out of his room and apologized in person where Mineta started harassing Momo almost as soon as he walked out of the room.

When dinner arrived we all sang Happy Birthday to Deku and Momo made a mistletoe and held it between him and Bakugo saying something about a touch of Christmas in July and Aizawa Sensei walked in while they were kissing and froze. Everyone pretended not to notice him except for the two who actually didn't and it took everything I had not to laugh when Bakugo was tickling Deku before shoving a bite of cake in his mouth and kissing him.

He made a face before saying, "Fuck you're too sweet most of the time. What the hell was I thinking?" Then he tried to "chase it down" with water. It didn't work but he ended up laughing and kissing Deku again when he pouted.

"Presents!" Kirishima announced as if we didn't already know and I watched as Momo and Jiro went around getting a few couples to kiss and Iida was forced to separate Mineta from Momo and basically babysit him so that the girls could have fun too.

I laughed with my friends and I couldn't help giggling when I saw the pairs that Momo and Jiro got to actually kiss when Jiro snuck up on me and held the mistletoe above me and Iida, shocking us both.

"What?" Iida asked flustered and I couldn't help blushing at the thought.

"Oh, come on. Kiss the girl," Jiro winked at us and I looked up to see him bright pink but not refusing. Maybe I was looking at the wrong friend all along? I smiled at him, feeling my cheeks burn but I didn't look away. Iida finally gave in and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek making Jiro and a few others groan.

"Maybe you would like to join me for a walk in the park this weekend?" He suggested and if it's possible he turned an even brighter shade of pink.

"I would like that," I smiled back at him before leaning against his arm a little only for Sero to whistle and a few others to call out congratulations. We all pretended Aizawa Sensei wasn't here because I don't think any of us could have handled that at the moment. Nope, not at all.

Most of us were ignoring Deku and Bakugo now that Bakugo was biting Deku. Yep, we could have done without that, thanks. The away Deku was giggling like a love sick puppy wasn't helping either but okay.

He is happy, our friends are happy and surprisingly enough I'm happy too. But I think waiting until I'm 18 will be a lot easier than it was for Bakugo to try and hold off for Deku turning 18. I just don't see Iida trying to push his luck. Will I? No way!
