Morning After

Warmth, it's the only thing I want. Well I guess that's not true either. This feeling of just being whole as the sun lazily drifted in through the window, the covers pulled up wrapped around me tight. I could hear a train off in the distance so I must have left a window open last night so I could also hear some birds chirping, this is nice.

I wiggled down finding arms wrapped around me but I didn't give it much thought. I must have brought someone home from the bar last night and considering how great I feel they must have been amazing. I must have drank way more than I thought because I don't remember too much after fighting with Deku but I don't have a hangover so at least there is that.

The arms around my middle tightened and I could pretend that it was actually a lover holding me tight in the early hours of the morning. I couldn't help stretching but the arms only adjusted to me so I turned around to face them but kept my eyes closed.

Just a few more minutes, dear All Might please. Let me pretend for just a few minutes that it is him holding me, that I was finally able to get over my stubborn ass and tell him how I actually feel for once in my life.

I feel the arms pull me closer and smile at the thought, easily snuggling into the man and when I feel soft lips gently touch my forehead, I smile even more. I could hear myself hum as I cuddled into him. Pretending.

His lips met mine and I smiled into the kiss letting myself enjoy this small sense of peace. The kisses didn't end, they were kept soft and light and I was even starting to giggle whenever he would sprinkle a few around my face before returning to my mouth again.

"My nerd," I mumbled, knowing that whoever it was wouldn't really know who I was talking about. Even after they left they wouldn't be able to do more than claim that they slept with me. Sure they could make up wild stories but they wouldn't really have anything to stand on with it and no one would believe them.

I heard my pretend lover hum content with the title and when their kisses stopped I just started sprinkling him with my own, snuggling under his jaw while I did. His giggles made me smile, how long can I get away with keeping my eyes closed? How long can I keep this small sense of everything?

His giggles were getting louder, his mouth obviously open and smiling at the sweet touches before I finally decided it was time to return to the real world.

I pulled away and took a deep calming breath, reminding myself that whoever it was, I was probably the one that dragged them here while drunk and horny.

I opened my eyes; soft, dark green curls, sun kissed freckles, big round eyes with dazzling green jewels sparkling back at me and a cute smile aimed at me and only me.


Deku is in my bed, not just someone that looked like him but he, himself. How?

"Do you want to be here?" I asked slowly, not entirely sure how I should react but knowing better than to jump on top of him.

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't," he smirked at me. Fuck, he knows I don't remember last night doesn't he?

I slid closer, letting my arms reach over his shoulders and he lifted his head so that he could lay on one of them comfortably. That is a good sign, right? It has to be!

"Is it okay for me to do more of the things I did before I opened my eyes?" I asked cautiously, I'm close enough that I could start covering him in kisses again but what if he didn't want me to?

"If you really want, you could do more of the things you were doing last night," Deku teased, leaning closer. He didn't stop smirking at me but he did start kissing on my neck before he started nipping at me with his teeth.

"I'll never let you go, if you let me," I tried to warn him and I felt his giggles run up my back before he pulled away enough to look me in the eyes again.

"Who said I was giving you a choice?" As confident as those words were, his eyes were screaming at me, begging for more and I wanted to give it to him.

I kissed him on the lips, letting my tongue tease at his lips before he pulled me in closer and pushed his tongue into my mouth. His arms pulled my waist against his so I could feel him and I no longer want to talk at all.

"Yes," I whispered, kissing him again slowly. Letting my body move against him, working myself up. He leaned back and I followed him only for me to lose my balance and he used the momentum to roll me on top of him. My knees on either side of his hips while my hands were used to keep myself steady but he didn't show any sign of noticing as he slid his hands along my sides and down to my ass. He grabbed it and I let out a moan at just how tender I am.

"I want more," Deku whispered but he frowned. "But we already used the last condom." What? How? I had a large box in the drawer and you're telling me we used them all?

"Just how many times did we have sex?" I asked him and the look of shock must have been comical though.

"The condoms you have didn't fit," he chuckled nervously and I tilted my head before looking down to see for myself but I was sitting above him so that didn't work either.

"Last night you kept saying that I had to use a condom because only one person was allowed to not use one. Who were you talking about?" He asked, smirking at me.

I could feel my face get hot since I already knew exactly what I meant. I decided a long time ago that the only person I would not force to use a condom was Deku. I trust him, not some random fucking look alike on the street and since I obviously thought Deku was a look alike in my drunken stupor I must have said exactly that.

I didn't say anything and just fingered at his chest, waiting for him to understand, knowing I would probably explode and ruin everything if I tried to actually say it myself.

"Does that mean I can actually fill you this time?" He asked, sliding a hand up my chest and along my jaw. I gave a small nod before snuggling into the soft touches.

"And what if I get you pregnant?" He asked, pulling his hand away so I could focus on what he was saying.

"I'm a man," I tilted my head to the side confused.

He chuckled a little before saying, "Just what if?"

"I guess we would be parents then?" I'm still confused. Men can't get pregnant. Can they? Was there a quirk that I don't know about?

"I was hit with a quirk last night that made pregnancy more likely but no, it didn't say anything about making a man pregnant," he chuckled and I relaxed. "It also made me extremely sensitive, it's why I had so many condoms with me in the first place," He motioned to the side and I followed only to see a box of xl condoms sitting on my bedside and several wrappers still laying around probably from us rushing but I don't see any used ones sitting out so at least there is that.

"I could go to the store if it makes you uncomfortable?" He offered and I relaxed, still sitting above his waist.

"Like you said it didn't say anything about making men pregnant. So unless you want to stop-," I trailed off and he smirked at me before pulling me down again and kissed me. I felt him reach over to the night stand and get the lube and the cold chill from him applying it to me but I didn't pull away.

Memories of last night were vague but still there and when he helped lift me up and lower me onto his large, stiff cock I let out a moan, letting him guide us. By the time I was half way down him I had to stop just to adjust but he just lifted me up again and gently started working his way in with each shallow thrust.

By the time he was all the way in I was panting and my cock was throbbing and already ready to cum. Oh he is big. I should have realized what I was getting myself into. I really should have, I mean the condom wrappers were right there but damn it all, he feels so good.

He waited, letting me just take in the sensations of being completely filled and I swear I could feel his pulse through his dick when he was taking deep breaths. I nodded and he helped me up again and we started moving in a smooth, sweet rhythm with only our moans to distract us.

We had sex. Every time I took him all in he would try to muffle his moans in my chest and I can't have that at all.

"I like hearing you," I kissed him, keeping him from looking away and I could have sworn he actually got harder. We got louder, he got louder. He started muttering about how amazing I was to be able to take him like this and soon enough even that was getting louder, turning into whispers and moans to growls and demands. The only time either of us went silent was when our mouths were filled and even then the noises escaped us, refusing to be caged in.

I slid down and rode him, he grinded into the very back when I heard him curse for the first time and I was able to feel him cum. Something I've never felt before because I've never had sex without a condom and it set me off too, making a mess between us.

"I'm not done," I whined and he grinned.

"Neither am I," he whispered and kissed me before rolling us over and I wrapped my legs around him loving how he moved so slowly just so he could take his time to kiss me.

**Two years later**

**Eraserhead's POV**

"What did you just say?" I looked at the villain who was now giggling like he was a demented toddler.

"I said you should be careful with that new batch of drugs. I've been told that it makes Molly look as harmless as a peppermint," he kept giggling but I'm not done questioning him.

"What does it do?"

The villain kept giggling, he just couldn't stop. "Well for anyone who has never had Molly before it will just kill them but otherwise it will send their sex drive into overdrive, they won't be able to say no, until death takes them that is," the villain cackled and I slammed my hand on the desk getting the villain's attention again.

"What is the survival rate? There has to be one!" I can't not demand I could feel my eyes flashing red but the villain just nodded as if of course he agreed with me but then he held up two fingers. Just two.

"What? 2%?" I asked and started to relax. At least with 2% there was a chance that Bakugo and Midoriya who had been hit with the drug this morning could actually survive. I'll just need to hurry and-

"No," the villain giggled some more, is his voice getting higher? "Two, as in two people have survived, out of thousands, a couple of new runners of mine. No one has been able to figure out how but they have been dosed several times and somehow they are still alive. Good luck finding them though," his insane giggling was well past on my nerves. "They disappeared without a trace a week ago. Their villain names weren't even that interesting so I wonder if the drug finally did them in or something else. Black and Green, the only two to have ever survived." His cackling could be heard several rooms down the hall but it was only now that I regained some control and simply left and the villain was taken away in cuffs his screams and insane giggling could be heard by everyone in the building the moment he was outside of the room.

"The heroes Deku and Dynamight are as good as dead! Finally some peace for the underworld! HAHAHAHA!"

He was finally taken away and I left the building, driving directly to an apartment building that everyone seemed to know housed the current number one and two pro heroes in the country. How the two of them ever became roommates was a mystery to me and anyone else who knew them growing up, the fact that they actually seemed to function well now that they were adults was both a relief and sore spot for me. Why couldn't they get along when they were in my class?

But now isn't the time to think about that. I took the elevator up to the top floor and without bothering to knock, picked the lock on the door to let myself inside. If even half of what the villain said was true then there was no way either of them could let me in. So this is reasonable!

I searched the apartment, not finding them in any of the obvious or out in the open places so I had to grit my teeth and go down the hallway. The doors to the bathroom, an office and a bedroom were open but there wasn't anyone inside of them. I took a deep breath and made my way the last few steps to the room at the end of the hall, the only door closed in the apartment…

I turned the knob and let the door swing open. "Aahahhhahhaha~!" The unmistakable noise made me cringe but thanks to the fact that I was already aware of what the drug did to people I had to keep going. No matter how much I really don't want to see this.

Surprisingly Midoriya was above the Bakugo, their gasps and moans were quiet but not like they were trying to keep their voices down. No, it was more like they were losing their voices. Neither hero looked up, their attention was solely on each other trying to devour the other's screams until I knocked into the dresser by accident, not expecting it to be this bad.

Bakugo had all but torn chunks out of Midoriya's back, the way he scratched and clawed trying to pull the larger man in. He wasn't the only one doing damage either, Midoriya had left so many bright red and angry bite marks on Bakugo you would have thought he was actually trying to take a chunk out of him.

"Water," one of them asked, seeing me but there was no telling who it was. How long have they been trapped here? I quickly looked around the room and found a case of water by the door, it was almost like they were prepared just for this but couldn't reach it in time. I handed them a bottle after opening it only for Bakugo to dump it over their heads and both of them collapsed.

Midoriya rolled himself off of Bakugo, only with the help of Bakugo pushing him off, and both were panting, gasping for air.

"What?" I am confused, I was not expecting that, in fact what was that? I was thinking that I was going to have to figure out a way to tear the two apart but the thought that they could stop on their own didn't even occur to me, thanks to the drug they were hit with.

"Blue Moon, the fucker makes it to where you can't stop but the quirk that is mixed in with it deactivates when water is splashed on the victim's head. Thank fuck I was getting in the shower when Deku was hit with it the first time," Bakugo groaned, as if expecting the question.

"You just have to have water splashed on you?" I asked to make sure but it was Midoriya that answered.

"It has to be on the head or it won't stop. I swear they have drugged us a dozen times while we were undercover," the way the two of them only bothered to pull the sheet up over their waist a bit more didn't go unnoticed, that or the fact that they weren't trying to get away from each other. Then again they have to be completely exhausted.

"Deku fucking tackled me before I could pick up a bottle so we've been stuck here since," Bakugo added in a whisper and without any warning at all they seemed to only blink before they were out cold.

The fact that it's seven in the evening and they were drugged in the early morning makes it understandable that they were so tired but then again twelve hours of intense sex, it's a surprise that they didn't pass out before. But the villain's words were racing through my head again. "Until death takes them." Could the drug actually make it to where they couldn't stop at all? To where they couldn't even pass out from exhaustion?

Still I let out a sigh of relief, at least they are alive.


I stayed in the apartment, making myself at home in the kitchen when I found the devil's coffee that I'm sure belonged to Midoriya considering how much Bakugo used to curse the liquid will power when they were still in school and between sleeping on their couch and drinking the delicious concoction I kept watch over the two young heroes for the next few days. The coffee is simply my payment, no one said I had to do it for free.

I woke up early one morning hearing noise from their room and stood up stretching thinking they were fighting again like when they were still in school. Some things never do change, I quickly hide the smirk on my face and replace it with a scowl. I failed and chuckled to myself before realizing that neither of them seemed to leave one bedroom for the other at least not that I noticed but shrugged the thought away. I must have been sleeping or something.

It wasn't until I was about to push the door open that I realized that the noises sounded wrong. It didn't sound like a fight, maybe they were wrestling? I paused at the door before hearing Bakugo from inside.

"Let me hear you," he demanded and what sounded like whimpers soon followed his voice.

"But it's embarrassing and there's someone in the living room!" Midoriya tried to argue but it was unmistakable that the whining was indeed coming from him.

"Do I embarrass you?" Bakugo asked and the way his voice lightened made me stop from actually opening the door.

"NO! Never," Midoriya nearly shouted, making me jump in surprise. I mean obviously but it's there a reason to be so vocal about it?

"Then let me hear you," Bakugo encouraged gently and there was a noise that sounded like something wet but I couldn't place what it was.

"Ffffffff- AH! FUCK!" Midoriya stuttered and finally shouted out and chuckles could be heard from the room.

"More," Bakugo demanded and there were more unintelligent noises from the room. "Try harder," he barked only to yelp and I heard a heavy thump.

What in the hell are they doing? They should be recovering not wrestling, I shook my head irritated and was about to walk in when he heard more talking. Louder than before.

"Yes, deeper, so hot. Fuck yes!" I froze, what did I just hear from Midoriya's mouth?

"Yes, that's it. Give me more," Bakugo whispered and I feel an urge to turn around and just leave but just as I was about to do just that there was a startled yelp from in the room and I pushed the door open on reflex to find Bakugo on his knees in front of Midoriya. Midoriya seemed to be out of his mind and not noticing anything around him, his quirk crackled every now and again when he couldn't quite hold himself together. But even that wasn't the first thing I noticed and my eyes were wide in shock, not able to look away.

Bakugo was giving Midiriya a blow job.

"Louder, do you want me to stop?" He threatened and instead of answering Midoriya grabbed handfuls of his hair and pulled him closer, making the blond moan and in turn he was gasping.

"I want you, now," Midoriya's voice rasped and it took everything I had not to slam the door and just close it again, going back into the living room.

Since when-? Wait, were they in a relationship or is this a side effect of the drugs? I pull out my phone and cringe but still hit search after entering their names into the browser. I was bombarded with pictures of them holding hands in public, eating at romantic restaurants together and even pictures of them kissing each other in public. News articles seemed to flood my phone and one from almost two years ago asking if love was in the air for the two polar opposite heroes.

Two years ago… They have been together for a while and I walked into their bedroom without even thinking.

I'm a fucking idiot.

All the times Hizashi and I have been hit with sexually based quirks that I am all too aware that after the quirk wears off there is a need to remind ourselves that it wasn't just the quirk. We actually loved each other. Of course Bakugo and Midoriya would be in the same position!

But I never wanted to see my old students like that. As much as I prayed, begged and demanded that they get along, I never once thought that it was all sexual tension. No wonder they never got along in my class! They were too busy trying to ignore those kinds of feelings.

Can I forget all of this? If I remember correctly Shinso has figured out a way to make people forget details, not whole scenes or batches of their memory but details. Maybe he could make me forget some of this nightmare?

"FUCK YES!" I heard the scream from the bedroom and you know what? They are well enough that I really don't need to be here anymore!

I lock the door on my way out and start dialing Shinso's number. 


"I need a favor," I get on the elevator, hoping that this would actually work.
