
"Kacchan? Can we have sex?" Deku asked and I froze where I was standing. We had just finished our shift and somehow we live in the same apartment complex but I don't think we are on the same floor.

"What?" I asked, turning around, did he somehow find out that I was gay? How? We are 22 this year and there hasn't even been a rumor in the gossip column about me being gay. There are far too many pieces of juicy gossip about all the girls I sleep with for that. Not that I actually sleep with any of them or anything.

"Can we have sex?" He repeated, not hesitating or even stuttering, instead he stepped closer and I saw something in his eyes that shouldn't be there. A small red heart was engraved into his deep green irises and I froze for a second.

"My place," I answered and turned to keep walking. He followed me with what looked like a sad smile on his face, very out of place for him.

I unlocked my door and let him inside before going to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of bourbon. "Want some?" I asked while taking a drink of the liquid ice fire.

"Yeah," his response was cold and unemotional but I poured the glass anyway.

"So what kind of quirk is it?" I asked after he downed the glass without even coughing a little bit. I never thought he was a drinker but damn. He made it look like it went down smoothly.

"I should have known you would notice," he chuckled sadly but waved me off when I opened my mouth. "Let's say it's something like a fantasy quirk. Anything that comes to mind is made real, so long as the other person agrees. I saved someone who lives in the red light district and turns out she lived there because people paid her well for her quirk. She didn't mean to use it on me but you know how it is."

"What made you come to me?" I asked next, from just that I don't see a reason to try and remove the quirk and most wear off eventually. Besides, isn't he dating half and half?

"Because until the quirk is fulfilled I am plagued with fantasies regardless of if I'm awake or asleep, working or not and I don't know how long I can take this," he sounds so depressed but I guess that's understandable. It would be hell to try and concentrate with those kinds of fantasies taking up your thoughts.

"How long ago were you hit with the quirk?" I asked, refilling our glasses and he nodded his thanks before downing it too.

"A month ago," I almost spit my drink out at that. A month? I knew his performance had been dropping lately but god damn, that is some willpower.

"Your boyfriend hasn't touched you in a month?" I am thoroughly confused. I thought they were going strong. At least that's the public image.

"I don't have a boyfriend. I never have. Todoroki and I are just friends and right now he is still trying to figure out how to ask Kirishima out," his voice sounded so lifeless. How often is he asked about Icyhot for him to answer like this? He put his empty glass down in front of me and I filled it again, it won't be long before the ice is gone anyway.

"Why me?" I asked, still sipping on my second glass while Deku was on his fourth.

He let out a long sigh as if he were hoping that I wouldn't ask but of course I did. "Because it needs to be with the person the fantasies are about," his head dropped and he just toyed with the now fifth refill in front of him. His eyes are red rimmed but not from the alcohol, he has been crying a lot recently. "I can't go through a year of this though so here I am," he set the glass down but I didn't move to refill it and he didn't let the glass go.

"Tempting as the offer is you've had way too much to drink to think about sex," I chuckled dryly, why in the fuck did I keep refilling his glass? Am I a fucking idiot? Or a genius? Would I even be able to hold back after hearing all this?

"I figured you would say no. You hate me after all. I should go die," he put his head down and I saw tears just before his face disappeared behind his arms.

"Hold on, if you weren't drinking like a fish the answer would have been different. Come on, let's get you cleaned up," I helped him up and towards my bathroom. He ended up hurling when we got there but hey at least it's not all over my floor. I ended up helping him into the shower and cleaning him up before getting a wearable blanket for him to wear. I don't have any clothes that could fit him so this will just have to do and it was the only thing that had a prayer of fitting him. I helped him into my bed before taking a shower myself and then throwing both of our clothes through the wash.

I sat on the side of my bed and watched him mumble in his sleep. Of course he couldn't turn it off even when he was asleep but hearing him moan my name like that was sending impulses through me.

I stood up again and went back to my kitchen and made something light to eat, making sure there was enough for the beyond horny man in my bed. Fuck, seriously! Why in the hell did I keep pouring? He never asked for more, he just set the cup down in front of me and I just did it. Who doesn't want more when they put their cup in front of the person with the bottle? Huh? Who?

I quickly ate my food and brought the other plate to my room and gently woke up the touch starved man.

"Kacchan~?" He moaned it out like in so many of my fantasies and if it wasn't for the fact that I'm the one that gave him the alcohol I would question if he actually drank anything at all. His eyes didn't look like a drunk man's eyes, no they were only clouded with lust and I am far too willing to be this close but here I am.

"Here eat this, if you can keep it down for an hour we can talk about some exercise," I let my eyes trail down to his legs that were fully visible thanks to the blanket riding up before snapping out of it. Focus.

"Oh?" He looked confused for a moment and it wasn't until I looked away that he seemed to understand what I was saying. "Okay, Kacchan." I turned back to watch him and he quickly ate the food I gave him as well as drank the water I brought with me. Again I'm confused, how is he this focused with that much alcohol in his system? I know I'm a bit of a lightweight but that was some strong liquor still. And he acted like it barely phased him with the exception of the one time he threw up. If I had to guess that was probably just from me half carrying him though.

"Thank you," Deku said quietly, snapping me out of my thoughts again. "I know that I asked for something unreasonable but you're still here helping me." How are there more tears in his eyes right now? What can I do to stop it?

"Well to be fair I would have said yes if you didn't look so depressed when you asked. I mean fuck you looked like you were about to be hanged or something," I tried to joke but it fell flat. Neither of us laughed.

"Thanks for lying, it really does help," he looked up and smiled at me. His smile seemed much better than before but his eyes still looked so sad.

"Why in the fuck would I lie?"I grumbled but stood up and took his dirty dishes and went back to the kitchen. I need a minute after that. When I came back he was still sitting up but now he was looking at his hands as if he were shocked. I took a step closer and it's only now that I see the wet spot in front of him and his hard as fuck cock still exposed from the blanket being lifted up. But then Deku did what I really didn't expect.

He closed his eyes and started rubbing another one out. "Kacchan~," he moaned and I looked at my watch again. Ten more minutes and I can cave without guilt. Just a little more. It's not an exact science but it's a hell of a good guideline.

His breathing got hotter, heavier and the way his voice whined from the effort of just holding back. He has been dealing with this for a month and apparently it doesn't turn off, so that means even while he has been working he has been thinking of me. Like this.

I watched his face tense up and looked at my watch again only to gently shake his shoulder, making him jump.

"Do you still want me?" I asked him and he nodded, both surprised to see me and shocked that I was willing. "Go easy on me, it's my first time," I whispered and he grabbed me and yanked me onto the bed. I heard the fibers tear as he ripped them off of me but the moment his lips met mine I just didn't care anymore.

The feel of his hands running all along my body and the cool shock when he applied the lube. The way he whispered about love and pleasure and how he wanted to give it all to me. I came. Each time my body felt like it was about to give out only for him to push me over the edge again and again.

Why? Why is he doing this to me? It feels so good but it hurts so much. The kisses were nice, the way his hands teased at my skin and pushed into my muscles were heaven but even with one hand's fingers stretching my ass as if it were it's only purpose in life he still hasn't pushed in yet. How many times have I cum already? How much does he plan to put my body through before he even pushes in? Will I ever feel his dick pulsing inside of me? Or...

"Deku~," I ended up moaning his name but it's hard to focus on anything except for those dark eyes of his. The deep green, filled to the brim with both emotion and desire. There isn't a single thought on his mind except for me and my face would burn from embarrassment if he weren't cooling me at the same time. Each touch a cooling balm and each kiss a spark to see if a fire could be lit. A constant fight of extremes only for me to want to jump right into the center of the storm it created.

"Yes Kacchan~?" He moaned, kissing and licking at my fingers which for some reason felt so fucking good that it hurt.

"Inside," I forced the word out and kept my voice from whining too fucking much but the way his eyes glinted in the low light only makes me wonder if I walked right into a trap he planted.

"Inside? Hmmm, but I still wanted to taste you," he licked his lips before I saw him look down and smirk before licking at a small trail of cum from just a little bit ago. "Mmm, you taste better than I thought. Would you like to taste me?"

How the fuck am I supposed to answer that? I slowly nodded and he smiled before he crawled up my body and basically sat above my chest. His cock was practically throbbing in my face but what else could I do? I leaned forward and licked it. Deku flinched at the sudden contact but I just kissed his tip and licked it again.

"Fuck," he hissed out slowly and I decided not to hold back anymore and I opened enough to suck him in. It only took a few literal seconds before he came, the salty bitterness coated my tongue and made me want to gag but the sheer amount of relief on Deku's face made me swallow instead. I watched as the pleasure played across his features.

"Good enough to eat," I mumbled but when he looked back at me confused I sucked him back into my mouth and his whole body shuttered instead. He gasped out, his voice higher than usual. I closed my eyes and just immersed myself in this small pleasure. I could feel him getting hard again against my tongue but I just gave his ass a squeeze and relaxed into the gentle thrusting I put him through while he tried to stay still.

"Kacchan~!" He crooned my name and before I could register what was happening he pulled away from me leaving me confused. He was just about to cum again so why did he-? I stayed where I was, both confused and trying to nurse my pride.

"Too good, so very..." he trailed off but I feel better now. At least I didn't do anything to hurt him or otherwise make him uncomfortable. "Let's do it together?" He suggested and the way his eyes seemed to sparkle left me at a loss. Why would I ever tell him no?

He climbed on top of me but this time when I sucked him into my mouth and I felt him doing the same to me. It took all the control I had not to let him go, to my surprise. So hot and wet, so hard but soft, it was intoxicating. When it was too much and I came he pulled away while I cried out, not able to focus at all when my mind went blank.

After a few minutes to let me calm down Deku's face was above mine again but there was space to let me catch my breath still. "Do you think you're ready?" He asked, and it took a minute for me to realize what exactly he meant by that.

I quickly nodded, both excitement and fear rushing through me but Deku just pulled me in for a kiss and I relaxed in his arms until I felt him gently pressing against me. "Are you sure?" He asked again, this time it sounded like pain from him trying to hold back.

"I'm sure," I whispered just before kissing him. The feel of him pressed against my body was a lot to take in but then he started pushing. I cried out making him stop but I latched on to keep him from pulling away. I can't. I can't be this close just for him to stop now.

I kissed him, he started to push in again and my back arched but my nails were also clawing at him. Don't stop! Please don't stop. I want to beg but the only things coming out of my mouth were unintelligible gibberish. Then he bit into my neck, it was a soft bite but nonetheless the shock made me relax for just a moment. He slid the rest of the way in.

His hands were on my hips gently angling me this way and that but he didn't push anymore and he didn't force me either. He waited while I adjusted and when I couldn't hold still anymore he made sure to gently thrust just a little to help me relax but I wasn't relaxing.

"FUCK!" I hissed. I can't stand this slow speed but any faster and it would probably hurt. Damn it!

"Kacchan," I forced my eyes open to look at the gorgeous man that said my name. "Don't force it, just relax. I'm not going anywhere," he whispered before kissing me. He stopped thrusting and was just focusing on kissing me and I let him. Each touch and every whisper soothed my frayed nerves and it wasn't until he started moaning that I realized that I was too. At some point he had started thrusting again but instead of like before he started out basically just lightly rocking into me so that if anything it felt more like he was more focused on kissing me. But now it's different. He had started pulling out and the stimulation from just that was enough to make me melt in his arms.

"Does it feel good?" He gasped, he was obviously forcing himself to focus enough to talk but I don't want that.

"Yes," I answered him anyway, and just like I hoped he relaxed and focused on just us. He kissed and licked down my chest just to thrust harder when he came back up again. Our tongues slid into each other's mouths so easily it was like we were home.

To say I like it would be an insult to how I really felt but at the same time there was something missing. This gentle loving is nice and God knows it feels good but still. Could it be better?

He nipped at a nipple and I cried out at the unexpected pleasure. Oh. That's right, gentle isn't really my style. I'm harsh, abrasive, forceful and powerful so wouldn't I like sex better that way too?

I carefully rolled us over, shocking Deku but when I leaned down and kissed him, his hands returned to my waist and I started flexing my hips and lifting myself up and down to get a feel for what I was doing. With him supporting me it was a lot easier than I expected and the longer we went the faster we went, the harder.

I cried out after he slammed me down again. When did we get so rough? I threw my head back and cried out from the pleasure but Deku seemed to take that as a challenge and did it again, harder. We got faster and faster, it was hard to hold on but then Deku flipped us around again and he slammed into me forcing me into the mattress and I screamed. I clawed at his back, pulling him closer and then everything froze.

We came. It was explosive, our bodies didn't seem to understand what they should do next so we just froze where we were and gasped for air.

"Again," I gasped and Deku's head snapped towards me. "We have to do that again. That was-," I don't have the words to describe what that was but I loved it.

"Would now be a bad time to tell you that this quirk will take a while to wear off?" He chuckled nervously, starting to pull out and making me hiss. He looked up and I saw that red heart still in his eyes.

"Then we should meet up every night," I whispered, giving him a kiss and he groaned, making me pause.

"Kacchan," he groaned before looking up again. Is the red heart brighter than before? "I'm hard again," he mumbled, his face getting red from embarrassment and I laughed.

"Good thing I'm so well prepared then," I smiled at him and after I kissed him he flipped me onto my stomach and pinned me down.

"Did I mention that I need to act out all of the fantasies?" He asked and a chill went through my spine.

"No, bring it," I smirked at him and he pushed in from behind making me grunt from the force. Holy!


Our three days off seemed to fly by and after a long hot shower and an even longer hot soak in the tub I got dressed for work. I'm still limping a little but after everything Deku put me through I don't think that is a bad thing. I would probably be more concerned if I weren't considering how hard he fucked me and all the ways he did it. But still, even after all that there was still a heart in his eyes letting me know he was still under the effects of the quirk.

Not that I'm complaining. Nope. This has to be the first time I've felt so relaxed in my life forget just being a working pro hero adult. I walked into headquarters and headed to my office. Most everyone was quiet, trying not to get my attention but it was pretty clear that they weren't ready for me to come back. Maybe I work them a little too hard?


"Dunce Face, where is my report?" I snapped unlocking my office door and Kaminari showed up looking exhausted. Looks like it was a busy three days.

"Dude, I know you are required to take time off every week like the rest of us but on the weeks that I'm in charge could I just pick someone else? It's so much work," he whined and I rolled my eyes. How did he become my number two? He didn't, but my friends from highschool decided that they should take turns so it wasn't so hard on them and usually they worked in pairs at that. Yeah, it takes two to replace just me, go figure.

"Where is Soy Sauce Face?" I asked without looking up. It was pretty obvious that Kaminari was the only one here because otherwise there would have been a bunch of nonsense going on when I walked in. As much shit as I give Kaminari about being stupid he is actually really smart, at least when it comes to people. He can read people better than Deku could write notes and that isn't anything to sneeze at. It's also why I don't actually have to worry when he is in charge for the weekend and yes, Sero is well aware that Kaminari's word out ranks him and he gets it. Now how Kaminari hasn't figured it out yet is beyond me.

"There was a villain terror attack this morning on the bridge and he is still directing clean up," Kaminari sighed and I had to force myself not to smile. Yeah they make a good team.

The fact that Deku and I each created our own hero agency didn't surprise anyone but what did surprise them was the fact that our agencies worked together so often and with little friction. Sure, as far as the media goes we are huge rivals and at each other's throats most of the time but as far as the pro hero circles go we have the best partnership in the country, forget the district. It's also how Deku managed to grab me after work last week, our offices aren't that far away from each other.

"Kacchan?" I looked up surprised to hear the voice of the angel with the soft knock on my door.

"Deku?" I asked. Why is he here? Sure our offices are pretty close but they aren't that close.

"I was on my way to the office when there was a villain attacking the convenience store by our apartment building and well technically that is in your district," he chuckled nervously. I let out a groan, of course Monday has to start off with annoying paperwork.

"Come in," I sighed before pulling out the file cabinet only to frown. "Dunce Face, why is there only one copy left of the villain custody transfer left?" I glared at him.

"Dude it was a busy three days!" He whined and I just sighed again.

"Go make 50 copies now," I handed him the packet and he groaned. I actually have this file saved on my computer just in case we ran out (which happens way too fucking much) but they don't need to know that. He ran out of my office and the door slammed behind him.

"Coffee?" I offered, standing up to make some regardless of his answer. But then I froze, the gentle touch of his hand on my lower back and the light touch of his breath on my neck.

"There is something else that could wake me up better? I could lock the door?" He offered, his mouth far closer than I thought it was and I felt a shiver pass through me.

"Yes," I answered, putting the cup down and he quickly walked back to the door and locked it, making sure the blinds were closed properly too.

"In your office is one of many places that I-," he stopped abruptly and a thought occurred to me. If he has to enact all of his fantasies does that mean we have to sneak around? Like has he ever thought of us on a plane?

My belt loosened and my pants dropped to the ground. "Is this okay?" He asked again, hesitating. Fuck it. I'm getting laid.

"My office isn't sound proof," I warned him and he nodded before I felt him start to finger me. Counter to what everyone else thinks, I need to be able to hear what's going on outside of my office so of course it isn't sound proof but I'm regretting that choice now, after all. Confidential meetings happen all the time and it would be more convenient if we had them in my office. Note to self, soundproof the office.

Deku pushed in and I bit my glove to keep from crying out. "Just a quicky," he swore, kissing on my neck and I moaned in response. Yeah I need to soundproof my office fast.


"Ha! Deku!" I cried out my body finally giving in. We were in a fancy hotel for a hero gala and we had each been assigned rooms which meant that we had to break them both in. With all the heroes downstairs you would think he would be fan boying to his heart's content but instead he has been showering me with all his attention and affection. It's been three months since he first asked me to have sex and it's only now that I see the red heart gone from his eyes. We have been all over the place and yes, even on a plane once, thankfully it was a private flight for a mission so there was at least that but his libedo has been something else.

"Get over here and kiss me," I growled playfully at him and he giggled sweetly before climbing back on top of me, he thrusted back in before he kissed me and holy fuck that feels good. It wasn't until we finished again that we calmed down and actually pulled away.

"Deku?" I asked and he turned to face me with a smile and I was able to see that I was right. The red heart was completely gone now.

"Yeah Kacchan?" He smiled back at me and I could see the softness of his eyes and the gentleness of his smile.

"Let's get married. I think that we would-," I started to panic once I realized what I just said but before I could ruin it all Deku grabbed my head with both hands and pulled me into a kiss that took my breath away.

"Yes!" He whispered excitedly over and over again and it's not until I had to force myself to focus that I realized just how hard he is. Well I guess I don't need to ask about if he really loved me now that the quirk was over. We rolled over and this time I'm above him, riding him, thanks to the soundproofing the hotel guaranteed, I didn't try to stay quiet either.

"FUCK!" I screamed out, my quirk going off while Deku held my hands up so I wouldn't actually destroy anything but it didn't stop me from noticing that he didn't finish this time. He carefully helped me off of him only to leave me on my knees and I smiled at the familiar feeling of him settling behind me. He slid inside gently just to grab my hands to pull them back just to slam into me again.

By the time we were done I felt like jello. A feeling that has become my new definition of orgasmic in the last few weeks. We had been trying out several of his more kinky fantasies lately but it just didn't compare to either of my two favorite positions and from the way Deku responded he seemed to feel the same way. Me riding him and him holding me up from behind were clear winners. But just like every time we are completely satisfied something has to go and ruin it.

There was a chime from the door. I hit the intercom button by the bed, knowing there was no way I could get up after all that.

"What part of do not disturb do you not fucking understand?" I grumbled, referring to the sign we put on the door knob before locking it.

"Bro! Thank God it's your room. They are starting the awards ceremony and everyone was in a panic from not being able to find you or Midobro," Kirishima started rattling off. I look up at the clock and curse. I guess we were gone for longer than I thought.

"Be down in an hour," I grumbled but I turned the intercom off when he started to argue but then I heard him sigh and say he would keep looking for Deku.

Deku didn't want to broadcast our relationship because of the quirk and I get that but now the quirk is over.

"The quirk is over now," I hummed, hugging him to me for just a little while longer.

"What?" He looked at me surprised.

"The red heart in your eyes that I told you about, it's gone," I smiled at him before giving him a kiss and sitting up. "I won't force you to tell anyone. You can tell anyone and everyone whenever you feel like it, I just wanted you to know. I waited to ask you to marry me until it was gone," I winked at him before quickly cleaning up and getting dressed again. It was while I was putting on my gear that Deku came out of the bathroom.

"Anyone?" He asked and it took a second for me to realize what he meant and I smiled at him.

I walked up and pulled him into a gentle kiss, making sure he was engrossed before pulling away. "Anyone, everyone, anytime," I kissed him again and I could see his eyes darkening again but sadly we didn't have time.


"And this year's number one hero is!" The host announced and there was a dramatic pause. Just like last year it was down to Deku and I, much to the ire of the older heroes. I smiled, not really caring who got it. Deku had it last year and we have started taking turns to the point that most everyone assumed it would be me but I'm pretty sure Deku will get it again this time. As bad as his performance was for that one month both of our performances skyrocketed after we started sleeping together.

"Dynamight!" They announced but I had to stifle a laugh because the name on the screen wasn't mine. There was a lot of murmuring and more than a few laughs including my own but the host hastily corrected himself and Deku stepped forward to make his speech but at the end he caught everyone's attention.

"And I couldn't have done it without the support of my family and friends and of course my lover who recently asked me to marry him," he announced with a bright smile that radiated sweet innocence, despite how he was in the bedroom just a couple hours ago. But at the moment the entire venue was going crazy over the revelation that Deku not only had a lover but was now expecting to get married. Instead of just walking away though he walked up to me and smiled brightly.

"No regrets?" He asked, almost shyly, and I smirked back at him.

"None," I answered before reaching up and kissing him in front of everyone, my hands now resting on his waist while his arms were over my shoulders. There were several reporters demanding answers to questions that weren't any of their fucking business but one seemed to catch Deku's attention.

"Why? What?" He tilted his head. A smile that seems innocent enough but I know that it was the reporter's last chance to survive.

"What the fuck did he ask to get that kind of reaction?" I tried to get his attention and he smiled but didn't turn away from the reporter that pissed him off. I pulled out my phone and sent a message to Auntie who was somewhere in the crowd nearby.

"Oh, they didn't ask anything that a decent human being would ever think about," I smiled and even though his hand was on my lower back I could feel him putting himself between me and the reporter that pissed him off.

I let out a heavy sigh, looks like Auntie isn't going to make it in time. "Fine, I'm going to get something to drink. How does bourbon sound?" I asked him, side eyeing him. Ever since that first night that was kind of our code for when shit was about to hit the fan.

"A large glass," he smiled and let me go and then I let out another sigh and just walked away. I don't need Deku fighting my battles but there are times when he needs to fight his own demons and his complacent ass has plenty that I need to walk away from so he can face them.

I made my way across the room and towards the bar and made my order, before simply sitting down and sipping the smooth liquor.

"Bro! When did you and Midobro start dating?" Kirishima demanded and I saw a few of our friends and coworkers getting all excited.

"Ask him if you want to know," I smirked behind my drink but continued to watch Deku.

"What's going on?" Kaminari asked, of course he is the first one to notice the change in my behavior.

"Oh, someone is about to get their ass kicked. I'm just not sure if it's literally yet or not though," I swirled my drink while I watched and this made all of them turn to look at my lover.

"Dude, isn't that the reporter that's known to be a huge homophobe?" Sero asked and I lifted an eyebrow interested.

"Deku is going to end his career," Round Face let out a small sigh and I chuckled at the thought. It wouldn't be the first time Deku took a reporter's career and ended it. I'm sure it won't be the last either. He pulled out his phone and I saw him reading some things off.

"Looks like he has already started the grilling," Glasses took a drink from something that looked fruity, odd I figured he would only drink water. Then we all saw the rest of the reporters turn to face him with horrified faces.

"Oh the bonfire was lit," Chicken Nugget leaned on my shoulder and I set off an explosion that he dodged but also got him off of me. "What did he do to get the Golden Boy to sink his teeth into him?" I shrugged because I really don't know.

"Bro, it's already on the news," Kirishima was looking at his phone.

"What set him off?" I asked vaguely interested while police were arriving to take the fucker away.

"Oh!" That caught my attention. I saw Kirishima's face flush and everyone that looked over his shoulder froze. Irritated, I grabbed the device and looked for myself and the caption made my blood chill.

"Why would you love such a whore?"

"Oh," I cleared my throat and gave the device back and turned around in my seat to face the bar. "I already have the bourbon, give me something fruity and sweet enough to kill," I waved at the bartender who looked very confused but brought it to me anyway.

I stood up holding both drinks and walked back to Deku and handed him the sweet monstrosity. He looked at me a bit confused but accepted the drink before taking a sip and his whole face lit up in bliss.

"Thanks Kacchan! This is great, what is it?" He asked and I set my hand on the other side of his waist.

"Not a fucking clue, I asked for something sweet enough to kill me. Figured it would be perfect for you," I smiled at him and he relaxed against me before I felt him flinch. Fuck, what did the bastard say to put Deku on the defensive like this?

"So Kacchan, do you remember an escort mission when you were working with Pretty Kitty?" He asked and something in his voice didn't sound right.

"Probably, who the fuck is that?" I sighed and Deku quickly pulled up a picture of a female hero with a cat-like quirk. "Oh yeah, what about it?" I am even more confused now.

"Is it true she was a past lover of yours?" He asked and yep I feel someone walking on my grave. They were fucking tap dancing on the God damn fucker.

"Hell no," I pointed at the picture until he looked at his phone again. "Two reasons; first off I've only ever been with you." The way he blushed at that sentence alone almost made me want to stop but with the cameras rolling whatever, they can get the whole show. "Second, I'm gay. Not bi, not pan not any other fucking orientation out there, just gay. And that is a she so fuck no. Besides, don't you know how cats usually react to me?" I let out a sigh and Deku looked at me confused for a second before his eyes went wide.

"Oh! Oh no, did you hurt her? Is she okay?" He asked and I blew out a long breath in irritation, make it sound like I fucking attacked her or something.

"She's fine. But she isn't allowed to work with me again for her own health. She could have died with how often she kept trying to get in the way of my explosions. I get that nitroglycerin smells good and all but she was acting like I was fucking catnip or something," I didn't bother to hide my disgust as a shiver went through me. "Plus I'm pretty sure that she was a pervert like Midnight and just no."

Deku gave me an unusually large smile which is saying something for him. "What?" I asked, getting uncomfortable.

"So I'm your one and only?" He asked teasingly and I smirked back at him.

"I only want the best after all," I answered and he giggled cutely. "Come on I'll ask the bartender what the fuck that monstrosity is called," I tilted my head towards the bar and he leaned against my arm while taking a sip of the flavored sugar on his cup. We found a seat next to each other and chatted happily, flirting as we did. Thankfully the only part of this whole thing that was broadcasted was the actual award ceremony but I'm sure someone caught the whole of a Deku's rage on camera, after all, how else would they have arrested the fucker?

"I love you Kacchan," Deku sighed while leaning in and I turned to accept his overly sweet kisses.

"Water after this, I'll die if you get any sweeter," I teased him and he giggled embarrassed while his face turned a slight pink. As embarrassed as he is, he is also loving all this attention.

"Kacchan, let's go home," he suggested and I gave him another kiss only for him to deepen it. I hummed in agreement after he pulled away and I could see how the lust glinted in his eyes. Looks like I have a fun night ahead of me.

"Let's go upstairs first," I suggested and his smile grew. Fuck am I going to survive tonight?


*Urg!* I retched again, hovering over the toilet. Deku and I were married a month ago and it's been four months since the hero gala. The reporters are still causing a fuss over our marriage. I mean fuck how is it any of their concern?

"That's it, I'm taking you to Recovery Girl," Deku announced and I looked at him like he was crazy.

"First, when the hell did you get home? Second, you realize that she is retired right? She just might kill us," I pointed out with a straight face until another round of throwing up hit me.

"Are you really going to argue?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me and I groaned.

"We are walking. I cannot with your driving, I just can't," I groaned and he nodded but he frowned some more. He left the room and let me empty my stomach in peace or so I thought until he came back with Recovery Girl in his arms.

"Do not tell me that you risked death just to kidnap her," I glared at him and he just sighed.

"He actually requested that I let him bring me to you. Something about not being able to stop getting sick," she let out a sigh of her own but I had already turned and dry heaved into the bowl. Well so much for throwing up. Looks like I don't have anything more to hurl. I saw her frown and her expression turned serious before she walked over to check me over. I tried, I really did try to do what she wanted and the fact that she didn't hit me with her cane told me that she understood at least that fact.

She took some samples; blood, my upchuck and even urine and started doing tests right here, frowning the whole time I just laid my head on the seat. Just because I didn't have anything to throw up doesn't mean my body wasn't still trying.

It felt like forever and Deku was trying to clean my face, waking me up in the process, when she finally started muttering something and seemed to be double checking the results.

"Well that's that," she gave me a friendly smile that made me cringe. Am I dying? "Sorry Young Bakugo, you're going to have to come to an actual office. I'll call UA they are closer," she gave me a smile that made my hair stand up on end. This woman being nice isn't a good sign. Nope. "The easy way or the hard way?" She asked.

"Easy," I answered quickly, whatever she had up her sleeve I want nothing to do with the hard way.

"Great, could you give me your wrist?" She asked after I forced myself to stand up, with Deku's help. I held out my wrist still confused only for her to smile even bigger and suddenly everything was dark.


"Now now, it's time to wake up," I heard the demon chuckle as if she could pretend to be an angel still.

"What the hell did you do to me?" I groaned, cradling my head. It feels like it's splitting but somehow I'm not nauseous anymore.

"You picked the easy way," she responded as if that answered everything. It doesn't answer a damn thing!

"Deku," I groaned and I felt him start threading his fingers through my hair the way that I like.

"She used a pressure point to put you to sleep and I carried you on my back so you wouldn't get sick. It's probably for the best, you haven't slept well in weeks now," he answered and I froze and actually took in everything. I actually do feel better, which is fucking bullshit because of the ringing in my ears but maybe she'll do it again before we leave and I can just sleep until I actually get enough rest for once.

"Okay, what are we here for?" I sighed just giving in. I'm not stupid enough to piss off this woman. I would die and Deku would become a murderer.

Both bad things.

"Just a quick test. Just lay back and pull your shirt up, this might be a bit cold," she instructed and I followed her instructions but looked at Deku who just looked confused. He did however lace his fingers through mine and held my hand and I relaxed back.

"Well that settles it," I turned my attention back to the woman who was pushing a hard plastic wand thing into my less than hard abs. How in the fuck am I throwing everything up and gaining weight? I don't understand.

"So what is it?" I asked, relieved that if nothing else I'm about to have answers. "The flu, a virus?"

"A baby," she smiled and Deku and I both froze and she turned the monitor towards us. The screen was black and white and fuzzy as hell but there wasn't a question about what we were seeing. "Rather, babies," she corrected herself, chuckling. Two, there are two of them! "It doesn't look like they'll let us see their genders quite yet but it is still a little early. 18 weeks along from what I can see, based on their size. You must be starving."

I am, I have been ravenous for weeks now but nothing would stay down...

"Recovery Girl, what do we need to do? Kacchan has been getting sick every day and he can't ever keep anything down. You saw for yourself," Deku immediately started asking questions on how to take care of me but there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," she called out and Lunch Rush came in, setting a tray in front of me and Recovery Girl gave me some pills. "Go ahead now, these will help you keep everything down. I'll give you a prescription to take at home," she answered but I'm too dazed to actually focus on her. My eyes on the screen that wasn't moving anymore now that she took the wand away and now that the goop on my stomach was gone my hands were sheltering the two small bubbles.

Babies, my babies. No. Our babies. I looked up at Deku who was asking question after question but at the moment I don't care. I grabbed him by his shirt collar and yanked him down so I could kiss him.

"You did this, didn't you?" I asked and he froze, not understanding. "That quirk, when we first start-," I explained but my voice gave out and he looked even more confused than before, the overflowing emotions were getting to me.

Recovery Girl cleared her throat, "Does this mean that I'm free to tell him?" I nodded but my eyes didn't leave Deku's.

"Young Midoriya, when you two were in highschool, do you remember Bakugo saving you?" I could have punched someone with how much she down played that statement.

"Of course. Kacchan died, if it wasn't for his quirk-," he started but I yanked him into another kiss stopping him in his tracks and when I let him go again Recovery Girl pretended not to have noticed.

"Bakugo was heavily injured, particularly in his abdomen," she spoke slowly but Deku didn't look away from me while I waited for my answer. "Young Midoriya, Young Bakugo lost any chance he had at carrying children that day. I can only assume that the quirk he is talking about is the only way he could think of this happening."

"I-... Kacchan, you never said anything. I thought that you just didn't want-," he started, tears flooding his eyes but I yanked him into another kiss.

"I want," I answered and I saw wet spots on his face even though his eyes hadn't started leaking yet. Fuck. I'm crying aren't I? "I want," I whispered and kissed him again, this time far more gently, letting his shirt go and now he was holding my face.

"You need to eat," we have two more people to save now," he whispered and I laughed, wiping the tears away before I took the meds Recovery Girl left for me and I ate quickly. Deku was already filling a book with everything the woman has to say on how to take care of me and things we would need, medicines, vitamins, the like.

For the first time in weeks I ate and it didn't immediately try to come back up again and I looked up to see Lunch Rush holding another plate, this time filled with fresh fruits and vegetables and I accepted it and just ate everything I could.

"Careful now, no choking," Lunch Rush chuckled but he only handed me a carton of milk that I downed.

"Come back here in two weeks and we'll see what their genders will be but then I'll stop by your apartment once a month. This does NOT replace an actual OB appointment! I'm too old for all of that and you need proper care. Also no physical hero work until after they are born. Several weeks after they are born," she lectured and I nodded.

Deku is now peeling an orange that I somehow haven't already devoured yet and feeding it to me slice by slice. His hands were shaking and the smile on his face was so big and bright. I couldn't finish the orange but only because I feel stuffed from overeating already. Recovery Girl just left us be and it wasn't until after Lunch Rush left that Deku helped me up that Recovery Girl came back to us handing us a small square.

A picture of our two small bubbles.

"Fucking Deku," I whispered chuckling from my giddiness. "This is all your fucking fault," I added before pulling him in for another kiss, careful not to damage the picture in any way. Loving how he giggled at my affection. "I love you."

"I love you too."
