A/N This is only cuteness. Nothing inappropriate at all. Happy Valentine's Day! ✌🏻
"Kacchan?" I looked up surprised to hear the far too familiar but also far too young voice of my crush. My heart sank at the sight in front me. Deku is four years old. His eyes brightened the moment I turned to face him.
"Kacchan! It really IS you! Everyone wouldn't stop staring at me and calling me a deku and and *sob*," Deku ran at me and I crouched down so that he was safely in my arms. I hugged him while he cried about the horrible day that he's had while I softly brushed my fingers through his hair to help calm him.
My heart really can't take it and without thinking the name slipped out of my mouth. "Izuchan, you have to be stronger than that if you're going to be a hero like All Might," I teased him and just like he was actually four again he looked at me in shock.
"Of course I will! I'm still just waiting on my quirk, that's all!" He defended and puffed his cheeks out at me in his little rage.
"Do you really think a quirk makes a hero Izu?" I asked him seriously and he paused.
"No," he answered after a long silence. "It helps but I could be a hero without one. With you by my side for sure!" He cheered up as if nothing had upset him in the first place.
"Good, I wouldn't want anyone else to be my partner," I ruffled his hair and gave him a small smile that only made him beam back. Seriously? Is he the actual fucking sun? I feel like I'm being blinded right now!
"BAKUGO! What are you doing to baby Deku?" Round Face stomped over all pissy like. Ah so that's what happened, Deku ran away from his friends not knowing who they were and thanks to this bitch calling him Deku all the fucking time he thought she was bullying him. This works a little too well in my favor.
I stood up with Deku curled up in my arms happily hugging me while wiping the last of his tears away when she tried to actually fucking snatch him out of my hands.
"Get this through-!" I started but quickly stopped when I realized that Deku wasn't breathing properly. I turned to look at him only for him to scream "SMASH," and punch a tiny fist out and hooked her in the nose. Blood started dripping but Deku was far too worked up to notice why she was covering her face.
"Leave MY Kacchan alone you great big villain! He is my friend! And I don't even know you," he yelled at the top of his lungs, his eyes squeezed shut to try and somehow make himself louder. I pretended to wince and he jumped looking at me worried.
"Kacchan? Was I too loud? Oh no! Is it because of your quirk? Didn't you say that you had to be careful around loud noises? I'm so sorry," he patted my head as if he were trying to soothe me and I just let him. "Kacchan, your hair is so soft! It's way softer than mine now. I told you that you could do it!" He bubbled and gurgled like the cute baby he is while I smiled at him and just let him prattle on and on. Even when he hugged me I carried him to the kitchen and held him on my hip while I opened the fridge and pulled out the things that I wanted.
I don't know how or when or even why this happened to Deku but I know Deku. And right now he must be starving. He was listing off "new" All Might trivia and I smiled while I carefully spread some whipped cream cheese on a cinnamon bagel that I nuked in the microwave, not trusting Deku to stay still long enough to actually toast them while I held him. It wasn't long when I had several on a plate and I brought out the honey just for his stomach to growl at the sight of the far too familiar brand that we've loved since we were kids.
"Sorry, Kacchan. I didn't realize I was already hungry," he whispered while trying to cover his face and hide his embarrassment.
"You better eat until you're full," I gently scolded him and grinned when he peeked through his fingers at me timidly. I drizzled the honey lightly over all of the split open hot bread and cream cheese, his eyes went wide when he saw the "feast" in front of his eyes.
"Really?" He asked, his eyes still wide and I carried him and the plate with a glass of chocolate milk to the kitchen table, letting him sit in my lap so he could actually eat at the table. Of course he made a mess and he apologized so many times about getting his milk on my white shirt that he was crying with his mouth wide open. Tired of telling him it was okay I stuffed a bite of the still warm treat in his mouth.
"Then eat until you're full," I smiled at him, careful not to scare him, at least right now. I'm well aware that my smirks have scared some kids, at least while I'm in my suit anyway. He nodded and tried to wipe his tears away but in the end I just cleaned his face for him. "Careful now, it's still hot," I warned him gently and he quickly nodded again smiling before taking a big bite. Of course just to huff and puff on it in his mouth trying to cool it off enough to actually eat. I couldn't help chuckling at him which made him exaggerate it even more until he shoved a bite into my mouth to shut me up.
"Little brat," I teased him and he puffed out his chest but in the end he didn't retort, instead just taking another large bite just to do it all over again.
"Dude!" I tried not to frown at the voice of our classmates hiding in the doorway. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" It was Kaminari and the only thing keeping me from shouting at him was the fact that Deku was sitting in my lap but I also know that Deku could hear them just as well.
"Bro! I've never seen him act so soft before! So manly," Kirishima whispered back and I rolled my eyes. I was just about to tell them that we could hear them when Uraraka spoke up, sniffing.
"I don't understand. Deku actually hit me," that got a lot of attention but I also couldn't help frowning, even with Deku in my lap.
His shoulders slumped and his head drooped telling me that he heard and understood exactly what was being said.
"One more and then a bath," I announced like I didn't hear any of it and he looked up with a smile. He seemed to push whatever sad thoughts in his head away and quickly finished the food in front of him. I quickly washed the dishes with him sitting on the counter next to me. I had him reciting his letters and sounds while I worked and when I praised him for doing well he beamed at me.
"And do we talk to strangers?" I asked him with a small smirk that I couldn't conceal. I saw his eyes light up when he realized that I was actually lecturing them and not him.
"Nope! Strangers are dangerous and could be villains," his smile was big and now that I'm done with the dishes I dryed my hands and ruffled his hair.
"Good job, Auntie would be proud," I played with his hair while he giggled cute and loudly. He reached his arms up and I picked him up, letting him hug me and when I turned around with him still yawning in my arms I saw Uraraka looking embarrassed.
"Out of my way Round Face," I glared at her, the fact that a little blood was still dripping from her nose wasn't a concern for me. Instead I am pretty proud of Deku for standing up to the bully, it was something I've never seen him do before and now I'm wondering if the only person he didn't stand up to was me or not. Because if that's the case then he was a lot braver growing up than I ever thought. Deku yawned while hugging me tightly before I walked into the common area. I had Yaoyorozu make Deku a set of both sleeping clothes and play clothes which she absolutely loved doing. I swear, Ponytail is a little too easy to read sometimes.
Deku rubbed at his eyes while still holding onto me and I carried him up to my room and set the bath for him before getting both of us clean. I didn't get into the tub with him but he played in the bubbles for a while, while I made the bed. When I came back for him he was rubbing at his eyes again so I quickly emptied the tub and helped him get dry and dressed. Once he was under the covers, his hair brushed and tied back he was sleeping peacefully in no time.
I smiled before leaving my room, closing the door securely while locking it before going to the common area where Aizawa Sensei was trying to listen to six of my classmates at the same time.
"So who in the fuck wants to tell me how Deku became a little kid again?" I growled and Uraraka jumped not knowing that I was behind her. When she turned around though I saw her still bloody face. (Does she not realize that her nose was bleeding?) And the way her face paled did nothing but aggravate me further.
I slammed my hand by the side of her head, "What the fuck happened to Deku?" I let a small explosion pop in my other hand while I tried to control myself.
"Bro, I didn't know that you could take care of little kids like that!" Kirishima came in loud in his excitement. "Serobro, did you see how Midobro smiled at Bakubro? You would think they were best friends or something!"
I rolled my eyes but answered anyway, "that's because back then we were. No one knows Deku like I do and Round Face actually had the fucking gall to call him Deku. Were you trying to make him cry? I know you heard me calling him something besides that, that should have been your first fucking clue!" I snapped at Uraraka but several others including Aizawa Sensei froze at my words.
"What were you calling him?" Our teacher asked, almost holding his breath as if waiting to hear me admit that I was cursing out such a small child. Sometimes I really hate this class. Not really but still, how am I always the monster?
"I called him what I used to. It's none of your damn business," I avoided eye contact, mostly because I'm not willing to listen to them gush about me using his actual name but that only seemed to somehow trigger Sensei.
"Bakugo, tell me now," he started using his quirk and when I just motioned my eyes to the classmates around us he dismissed everyone leaving us alone. "Now," he repeated and I shrugged.
"I called him Izuchan. What else would I call him? I mean I did start to call him Deku at about that time in our lives but he isn't there yet, he is still waiting on his quirk," I groaned, more irritated than before. "Now you tell me, how in the fuck did he turn into a little kid again? Who in the fuck let him walk around unattended like that? Do you have any idea how relieved he was to see me? Why didn't anyone call Auntie and don't even think about trying to say that someone did because she would have been here long before now if they had!"
Long story short, Deku was working on an internship and a kid he helped accidentally used their quirk on him. He, Sensei, had started to call Auntie until he saw that Deku was gone and then he panicked and had just been looking for him for the last few hours and it was while I was laying Deku down for a nap that he overheard Kirishima talking about how manly adorable (I don't even know anymore) Deku was that he found out that Deku had been with me for a while by then.
"So where is he now?" He asked, looking around not finding him and I told him about laying him down for a nap before looking at my watch.
"He will probably be waking up soon though," I made my way to the kitchen and started prepping the pork for katsudon for him. I can spoil him a little, mostly because it makes my heart swell from seeing his bright smile aimed at me. After I had everything ready I made my way upstairs only to find Sensei still following me but I just rolled my eyes and kept going. It's not like it's a big deal that he is taking a nap in my bed or anything. He is four for crying out loud!
I unlocked and opened the door only to run inside at the wails coming from inside.
"What's wrong? What happened?" I asked a few other questions but when he saw me he jumped from the bed into my open arms asking what happened to ME and where I had been this whole time. Turns out he woke up and didn't remember where he was and it scared him.
"Kacchan, don't leave me. Please," he whimpered, his sobs finally subsiding while I rubbed his back carefully hugging him while he held onto me for dear life.
"Hush now, it's okay. Everything's okay now," I hummed until he finally settled down.
"Who are you and why are you in Kacchan's room?" Deku asked, sounding angry and bitter. I turned to see Aizawa Sensei frozen in shock from either the scene or from the hostility in Deku's voice. The fact that Deku was hugging me possessively now was just fucking adorable though.
"So now you talk to strangers do you? I asked and Deku's eyes widened and he covered his mouth as if he were caught cursing and shook his head so fast that it wasn't until I realized his hair wasn't hitting him in the face that I remembered that I tied his hair back after his bath. Oops, but it's still adorable so whatever.
"This is Aizawa Sensei, he is our homeroom teacher at UA, he is also the pro hero Eraserhead," I told him, acting smug only to see Deku's eyes light up.
"You're a real life hero?" He asked excitedly, before launching into a series of questions about both his quirk and how he fought villains with it just to turn around and ask him about All Might, much to Aizawa's irritation. I could practically hear him screaming as he reminded himself over and over again that Deku wasn't trying to be difficult and instead was just being a normal four year old boy.
Deku's arms never left my neck though and I didn't mind holding him, the fact that our teacher kept eyeing me though, didn't go unnoticed by the four year old himself. He let out a large yawn, probably from waking up too early from his nap and leaned against me hugging me.
"How about some hot cocoa? It's kind of cold out," I suggested and he looked up with his bright smiling eyes.
"Can I have marshmallows? I promise not to spill any on you this time!" Deku asked and I hugged him close, pretending just to act like I was trying not to drop him while leaving my room and kicking Aizawa Sensei out in the process.
"I think we have some jumbo ones. Maybe as big as the mug?" I teased him and his eyes went wide at the thought only to giggle cutely while hugging me. He doesn't like elevators, not as a teenager and certainly not as a small kid so I took the stairs and I could feel how his arms relaxed as we descended. He asked odd questions about different things and pointed out things that he figured out for himself.
I chuckled as we entered the kitchen and I was again walking around with him on my hip while I got everything ready. He asked if we could add extra cocoa when he saw the baker's cocoa in the cabinet and Sato actually heard his plea and waved for me to do whatever I wanted. I can't blame him. Deku's large green eyes were too fucking adorable to say no to for long.
When the sweet treat was finally ready I set him down carefully at the table making him frown up at me.
"Kacchan?" His eyes were big and round and already starting to water from his tears.
"I need to pour the cocoa and it's too hot to hold you at the same time. What if I burned you? Auntie would skin me alive," I tried to reason with him and he nodded his head still close to tears. I grabbed a couple ice cubes from the freezer and put them in our cups before pouring the mixture, giving it a nice dollop of marshmallow fluff on top and sprinkling cinnamon on top of that. Deku loved the "already melted" marshmallow topping and leaned forward blowing on his still warm mug but he was careful not to burn himself.
I pulled out the hair tie from earlier and brushed my fingers through his hair but thanks to his hair being tied back for so long it looked a lot longer from being pulled straight.
"Looks like your hair has gotten pretty long. Do you want a haircut?" I asked him and he looked up with big doe eyes. "Don't look at me like that! I was asking not telling," I defended myself and he giggled, a smile easily replacing his pout in moments.
"Mom will make me cut it soon," he pouted again, leaning against me now that he was sitting in my lap again.
"Do you want to let it grow out?" I asked him surprised, he's never really shown much interest one way or the other before.
"I like when you help me with my hair but Mom says that I rely on you too much," he avoided eye contact and I just chuckled.
"You're a little kid Izu, at least right now it's okay to rely on me. I'm a hero after all," I winked at him and he turned his bright smile at me again. Damn it all, when he turns back into himself I might just fucking kidnap him. I won't be ready to give him up!
"I love Kacchan the mostest," he hugged me tight, not letting go for a long time. Not until I hugged him back.
"It's okay," I tried to soothe him but his small arms only tightened, probably thinking that I would force him to let go or something but I just gave him a gentle squeeze and let him hug me for as long as he wanted. When I felt his arms loosen I decided to tease him though. "Your cocoa is going to be cold at this rate, all that effort to make the best cocoa ever and you barely drink a sip," I groaned and he let me go and quickly turned around to take a large drink.
"No! Look it's still warm," he turned his bright smiling eyes back to me again and held up his cup as if I could actually see it but the marshmallow mustache with bits of cocoa coloring was nearly too much for me so I took a drink of my own, much hotter, version.
"That's good, I wouldn't want it to go to waste," I grinned, loving how he took me so seriously. When he was done I took him to the common area and motioned for Sero to give me the remote control, which he did, and I turned on not the hero news but hero trivia and the way Deku's eyes lit up told everyone in the room everything they needed to know. I not only know how to take care of Deku but I am also willing to take care of him, at least like this I am.
"Kacchan! Look, they are doing an All Might then versus now special!" He pointed excitedly at the TV, not letting my arm go even though he was happily sitting on the couch to watch. I let out a chuckle and easily gave in, sitting next to him while the show started. I could hear several of our classmates groan quietly to themselves but Deku either didn't notice or didn't care as he shouted out the answers and every once in a while jumping off the couch to run around a bit just to come right back to sit next to me again.
The show continued for an hour and when he was totally engrossed I went back to the kitchen to make dinner. Keeping an eye out for him while I quickly cook our dinner. It was my turn tonight anyway so it wasn't like I was expecting all that much from anyone else. He must have noticed I was gone at some point because he ran in while I was cooking the pork just to hug my legs and run back out again. As if he just had to make sure I was here before he could do anything else.
"KACCHAN!" Deku ran in his face full of excitement just as I finished cooking the meat. "You're actually a real life hero?" The way his eyes lit up told me that the TV channel was either changed or they decided to compare today's up and coming heroes to All Might, which they do a lot of.
"I told you I would be the number one hero someday, I'm working hard for that goal," I ruffled his curls and listened to him giggle while I made our plates. "Come and get it," I called out before picking Deku up and carrying him to the table, going back for our plates. He chatted happily the whole meal asking all sorts of questions about my quirk that at this point in time in his life, he didn't know much about.
I cleaned his face and helped him cut his meat for him but all in all he did really well, he even sat by himself thanks to Ponytail making him a booster seat. Since I cooked I didn't have to clean so when Deku and I finished he held his arms up to be carried.
"Oh? Aren't you acting a little spoiled?" I teased him and he pouted.
"But Kacchan is so big. I want to see everything with Kacchan still," he begged me with those eyes of his.
"Alright, alright," I chuckled, picking him up again. "Maybe we should go outside so you can exercise a little? Kids need to play," I wondered out loud and he brightened. Ponytail made him everything he would need, hat, gloves, coat and scarf and the fact she made it all in All Might colors for him only made him the happiest little boy ever. He pulled me outside and into the snow without even knowing which way to go. I had to pick him up and carry him to the nearest park.
He let me sit on a bench and watch him, running back constantly to show me the different things that he found before running off to look for more. We even ended up throwing a few snowballs at each other for a while. When his nose was red from the cold I decided it was time to go back and if it wasn't for him being so cold already I think he would have fallen asleep in my arms.
Once we were inside I set a hot bath for him to soak in but he ended up pulling me in too. This time we were in the common area baths so it was a large tub and we kept a towel around our waist. A few of the guys in our class came in but they generally kept to themselves while I took care of the now sleepy child. By the time I had him clean, warm and dressed he was barely registering the fact that I was brushing his hair for him.
"Kacchan?" He asked, barely awake and I hummed to let him know I was listening. "Thank you for the best day ever. And for being my friend again," he sighed and I could actually feel all of our classmates turn to stare at that small sentence. Nosey ass fuckers.
"It's not easy you know but we can be friends again," I answered and he smiled even while cuddling in my arms.
"Knowing that, I can withstand waiting. You're the best Kacchan," he hummed while I rubbed his back while still walking and ignoring our classmates.
"Just don't let me hurt you too much. I was a nasty kid," I warned him and I could feel his grip tighten.
"No, Kacchan is the best," he argued weakly but I just hugged him.
"I hope you still think that when you grow up," I whispered, now away from ears that didn't need to hear. I felt him nod and he fell asleep before I could even unlock my door but I tucked him in anyway. "Goodnight Nerd."
Maybe I needed this innocent time more than I could have ever known. Oh well, I'm sure he'll turn back into himself tomorrow if not by morning. I couldn't get away though, he had a large handful of my shirt making it to where I just chuckled and climbed in next to him. He curled against my chest in his sleep.
Yeah I needed this.