"DEKU! WHERE ARE YOU!" Came the high pitched voice of my childhood friend. I spun around and right in the doorway stood Kacchan, four year old Kacchan.
"DEKU! FOUND YOU!" He ran in and jumped at me and on reflex I caught him and hugged him close, afraid he might fall somehow. "Dumb Deku, trying to hide from me," Kacchan crossed his arms and huffed.
"Umm Kacchan, how did you turn small again?" I asked him nervously.
"I didn't turn small. YOU turned big! It's not fair! Is this your quirk? Did you finally get one? Wait, is this all you can do? Weak!" He teased and laughed before hugging me again. "I'm so glad though. Now we can always be together," he whispered and my heart broke to pieces.
"I don't get my quirk for a long time, Kacchan. It takes an extra ten years, I was fourteen so you have to stay close, okay? It's super strong though," I smiled when he pulled back to look at me. "Want to see it?" I asked and his bright red eyes were wide but he nodded excitedly, waiting patiently.
I let OFA flood through me and his eyes flashed in his excitement. "Want to go for a ride?" I whispered in his ear and he quickly nodded his head and before anyone could say not to do anything I ran out the dorm doors while he was holding on tight. I was only using 2% but that was more than plenty for such a small baby. "Up we go," I giggled and he held on tight before I jumped a couple meters into the air. His squeals of excitement and his bubbling giggles were far too adorable to just stop.
When I was done I set him on the ground and he ran off yelling, "tag you're it!" There was a slight flash from him using his quirk to help propel himself forward, far weaker than when he is normal sized but that's expected. I let myself forget, just for now, that we were ever anything but best friends.
"Deku! Stop staring off into space, you'll never catch me like that!" He giggled from just a couple steps in front of me.
"Oh really?" I asked, smiling and his eyes went wide and he turned and made a run for it. It wasn't long before I was tossing him into the air with a surprised squeak from him that was followed by giggles when I started tickling him.
"Ha! Deku! You!" He couldn't make a complete sentence though and he finally gave up on trying only to try and attack me instead. Why am I so ticklish? Somehow I couldn't stay upright anymore and he was on top of me giggling like mad because he of course was winning the tickle fight.
"Say it! Say it right now!" He demanded, catching me by surprise. "Who's the best in the whole wide world? Huh?" He rolled his eyes before attacking my most sensitive ticklish spots.
"Kacchan!" I cried, squirming from under the small child. Suddenly he was lifted into the air and when I saw Todoroki I was able to breathe a sigh of relief and try to catch my breath.
"Oi! Who the hell are you to pick me up like this? Huh? OI STRANGER DANGER!" He screamed at him at the top of his lungs and I heard Kacchan's friends laughing hysterically nearby and I heard a few of mine chuckling, including Iida.
"Sorry Todoroki, Kacchan doesn't remember you," I propped myself up and smiled at him.
"I see," he nodded as if that made sense before gently putting him down next to me and he stood in front of me blocking him from me.
"What the hell do you want with us, Creeper?" He snapped at him.
"Kacchan, this is Todoroki. When we grow up and go to highschool he is in our class," I explained and Kacchan seemed to study me for a second but then he turned to block my friend again.
"I don't like you. Go away," he announced putting his hands on his hips and cocking his head back. Again his friends thought this was hilarious but Todoroki just squatted down next to him.
"Can I ask what it is about me that you don't like?" He asked gently but Kacchan let out an irritated sigh.
"I would but the Hag would throw a fit," he grumbled and Todoroki smiled.
"It's okay, I'm giving my permission. I understand it might not be nice to hear," he motioned for him to go ahead.
Kacchan bit his lip and let out a groan. "Fine! But you're not allowed to tell on me later! Your red hair irritates me and your one blue eye makes me think of the creeper always trying to challenge All Might for number one even though he doesn't stand a chance in hell. What's his name again Deku? Dumpster Fire? Anyway he should just know when he's been beat already instead of looking like a sad pathetic loser all the time. Then he has the gall to scream and look angry like he is supposed to be important? Give me a break!" Kacchan was really laying into Endeavor but I know that he gets compared to him a lot by Aunty and Uncle and it irritates him a lot.
"But the weird thing is YOU actually look halfway decent and I don't like that. Deku is the only one who is allowed to fight me for number one. Only Deku!" He yelled the last part and now he is panting from being so worked up. Todoroki looked up at me with startled eyes but that only made Kacchan shout again. "STOP LOOKING AT DEKU! HE'S MY FRIEND NOT YOURS. MINE!" He screamed when he didn't think Todoroki was paying attention to him. Then he spun around and tackled my face thanks to me still sitting on the ground. "Go away extra!" He yelled and even with him holding onto my head I knew that he had to be glaring at Todoroki.
"Kacchan, if you're not nice I'll stop playing with you," I lectured and even with my voice muffled he quickly let me go.
"No! Who do you think you're threatening Deku? Huh? Who?" He pulled on my cheeks, mushing my face in his hands until I blew a raspberry and he started giggling before trying to cover it up again only to giggle when I made other funny noises while he was trying to be serious.
He let out a yawn still smiling before reaching his arms around my neck. "Dummy Deku, my Deku," he mumbled and I picked him up to let him snuggle into my neck before he quickly fell asleep in my arms.
"Oh my God! How is he so freaking cute?" Ashido asked in a high pitched whisper.
"I'm going to tell you now, you only get one picture. I'm not going to let you take more than one and that's for everyone in class put together. I'm serious," I glared at her and she actually took a large step back in surprise. No one argued though and if anything they all looked more than nervous. Too bad for them my friend Mei will make it so that my words are true, no matter how sneaky they try to be. Of course I would do it myself first but she would go over it to make sure I did a good job. It's easy to ask for favors from her when all she wants is for me to test a few of her babies in exchange.
I stood up and carried the sleeping Kacchan back inside only for the room to go silent the instant that I did. A few of our classmates were staring open mouthed but I don't blame them, not really. I mean Kacchan is the absolute best after all so of course he is the absolute cutest too. He snuggled into my neck, the fingers of one hand tangled in my hair but that only seemed to calm him down and it's not like it hurt anyway. I quickly and carefully cook a decent dinner for the two of us and when the smell is strong enough for him to wake up mumbling about being hungry I smile.
"It's just a cheeseburger mac but give me a minute to finish cooking some asparagus and we'll eat," I whispered while he nodded still groggy. It was a really short nap but it's already late anyway. "Once you're done eating we'll take a bath and get ready for bed, growing heroes need their rest," I chuckled and he giggled cutely in response.
"I'ma be a hero one day. The best in the world," he yawned, cuddling into me.
"Hmm, I don't get to fight you?" I asked pretending to be hurt and he laughed playfully.
"Only Deku," he finally agreed and I made our plates. "You made too much," he frowned. "Way too much."
I laughed out loud. "It was my turn to cook anyway. I wasn't just cooking for us," I teased and he looked up to see several more people and I felt his grip tighten. "They are our classmates, we live at school right now," I explained and he nodded as if he understood but he didn't let me go.
The way he glared had a few of them ducking out the doorway again though but I pretended not to notice. Once our plates were made I moved to the side and sat at the table with Kacchan somehow in my lap.
"The table is too high dumb Deku," he rolled his eyes when I was about to ask but I ended up just chuckling and ruffling his hair which he hummed about. That's right, Kacchan likes to have his hair played with, so I kept running my fingers through the silky soft stands while we ate. When we were done he pulled the chair with him to the sink and I had to stifle a laugh at how freaking cute it was because if Kacchan remembers any of this I'm going to die. He helped me clean the dishes, rolling his eyes at me whenever I would start muttering about some idea or another but he didn't stop me.
A hot bath later with our teeth brushed he was yawning and it was only 7:30 but that's about right for his age anyway.
"Deku," he grumbled, irritated with me for some reason or another and when I looked at him he held his arms up towards me and I picked him up. I swear he fell asleep the moment he tucked his face into my neck but I just went back to my room anyway carrying both the small child and our things. He refused to let me go so after adjusting myself a little and just let myself curl around him, holding him against me. His hands were still clutching handfuls of my shirt but otherwise he was completely relaxed next to me so I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
Morning wasn't any better, Kacchan rubbing his eyes and was ordering me to do things but when it came to nap time I decided to put an All Might movie on to fall asleep to but he wouldn't let me go. I ended up caving and laying down with him and I know that he was awake all the way to the end but once the credits started rolling he laid against me and closed his eyes. He was out in seconds. And he said I'm a nerd. He is just as much of an All Might fanboy as I am.
I ran my fingers through his hair a couple times but he was already asleep. I let out a yawn and it wasn't long before I was dozing off too.
"Deku, it's time to get up!" Kacchan shook me awake and I groaned a little and tried to bury my face in the soft fluffy pillow but that only made the shaking worse.
"DEKU! I'M NOT A STUPID BODY PILLOW! LET ME GO!" He screamed pushing me off the couch and I yelped falling onto the floor. Kacchan was left on the couch looking at me accusingly but I don't really understand why he's upset? I'm the one that was knocked onto the floor!
"Stupid Deku!" He huffed and crossed his arms, turning away to pout. I looked around still confused only to see Todoroki watching amused and I mouthed, asking what happened.
"You were talking in your sleep. You were asking Bakugo to wait for you and something about getting stronger," he explained but that didn't really help me understand why Kacchan is mad.
"Stupid dumb Deku!" Kacchan cursed me and I just sighed before standing up and stretching, going to the kitchen to get something to drink. It was when I was on my way back that I heard them talking to each other.
"I didn't ask!" Kacchan hissed angrily but then his voice softened. "But thanks. I guess."
"Why don't you tell him? He would like to hear it from you the most," Todoroki asked and now I'm confused. What did I miss?
"Deku is a Deku. He probably doesn't even know what love is," Kacchan grumbled but forget freezing up, I stopped breathing. Love?
"Is that why you're so mean to him? He won't know if you don't teach him," Todoroki pointed out but I don't understand any of this.
"You're just saying that so you can take him away!" Kacchan snapped and why doesn't anything they are saying make any sense?
"No. I can't take Midoriya away. You have to stay with him, it's wrong for you to be apart," Todoroki answered and now my head hurts. What?
"You want Deku and I together?"
"Then why do you look at him with your eyes like that?"
"How are they exactly? I don't understand," Todoroki, I'm the one that doesn't understand here!
"Like you wish he would look at you instead of me! Why do you think that I don't like you!?!"
"I thought it was because my dad is Endeavor."
"Yuck I feel bad for you," Kacchan made a gross noise and I can't blame him. Endeavor is a piece of work.
"Thanks. I don't get him either. He's always yelling my name as if it's some kind of battle cry."
"Pfft!" I never once thought that I would hear Todoroki say that, Kacchan's friends? Sure, absolutely but Todoroki? I could die from laughing but here I am trying to stay silent while Kacchan was laughing out loud. His laugh is just adorable and I love it. Wait, what are they talking about?
"You don't like me because I like Midoriya? Shouldn't that make you happy though?" Todoroki asked, still confused.
"No, I don't like you because you want to take him from me. There's a difference Creeper," I could practically hear Kacchan rolling his eyes and I'm still so very confused. When did Todoroki want to take me from Kacchan?
"But I don't? I just want you both to be together all the time. I like to be with you when you're together," I could hear Todoroki's voice lighten as if he were smiling but I don't really know how to take that.
"So you don't want to take him from me. You just want to be with us too?" Kacchan asked after a while, there was silence that made me think that Todoroki left the room so I finally pulled myself together and walked back inside still holding the cup in my hands but Kacchan just smiled seeing me and held his arms up for me to pick him up. What am I even thinking? Kacchan is only four at the moment so how could he mean anything more than friends? I won't lie to myself, the thought that Kacchan wanted to be with me had made my heart ache but seeing him now as such a small child only made it hurt again.
"Deku, I'm thirsty too!" Kacchan raised his voice and I realized that I was lost in my own thoughts again.
"Sorry Kacchan, I'll get you a cup now," I chuckled nervously and he rolled his eyes, he used to do that all the time didn't he?
"Deku, just give me your cup," Kacchan sighed as if I were just being a little kid. I chuckled at the thought before handing him my cup. He drained it, of course, before pointing towards the door where the sun was still shining brightly. "Let's go! This time I'll be the hero and you can be the victim!" Kacchan cheered and I couldn't help laughing. It's the same game all day.
"I got you! You're safe now Deku!" He cried out after jumping onto my shoulders giggling sweetly. I couldn't even pretend to be upset, he is everything I have ever wanted.
"Midoriya," I looked up to see a very bad Aizawa Sensei. What did I do now?
"Yes Sensei?" I tried to sit up but Kacchan wasn't having it.
"Oi Eyebags! Who are you to be bossing Deku around? Back off Creeper!" Kacchan yelled irritated that I had again been distracted from our game.
"Kacchan you can't just call everyone you don't like a Creeper. It's not nice. This is Aizawa Sensei, he is our highschool teacher and a current pro hero," I lectured him but Kacchan just scowled more before glaring at our teacher again.
"Sorry sensei, did you need me for something?" I turned my focus back to our teacher to find him staring at Kacchan in undisguised shock. "Sensei?"
He seemed to snap out of it. "Right, I was going to have you help in the search of Bakugo but it looks like that will no longer be an issue," now I'm confused.
"When did he go missing? He's been here since yesterday," I quickly added in case there was any confusion.
"Why wasn't it reported that he was here or that he was turned into a child?" He asked instead.
"The person who found him should have reported it. Who found him yesterday?" I looked around but no one really looked sure.
"I think that we all just heard him when he ran in calling for you Midobro," Kirishima answered, making me frown.
"Then how did he get to the dorms?" I asked but again I was met with silence.
"Dumb Deku I was already here. Why would anyone need to bring me?" Kacchan huffed but he hugged his arms around my neck making sure not to let me go. I ruffled his hair and felt his muscles relax.
"And Kacchan is the best after all. So smart to find me," I answered and he smiled brightly, his defenses going down again.
"Oh course I'm going to be the number one hero after all! I have to be able to do at least that much," he giggled when I tickled him.
"This brings so many questions to mind," Sensei sighed but after rubbing his temples for a bit he straightened up again.
"Bakugo, should I consider it okay with you if Midoriya watches over you until you're back to normal?" He asked curiously but Kacchan didn't seem to catch on to the skeptical tone in his voice.
"Of course, Deku is Deku after all. Someone has to take care of him," Kacchan bragged, puffing out his chest and his friends are again in the background trying not to let their laughter be heard but I'm so tired of it.
"Just so you know, when Kacchan remembers everything I'm not saving any of you," I smiled at them and they started whining about me being not fair. "I'm going to be too busy trying to save myself. You all are on your own," I shrugged while Kacchan looked at me curiously before turning his glare towards them.
"So I don't like these extras?" He asked but when they tried to defend themselves he ignored them.
"You're not curious as to why Midoriya would be trying to save himself?" Aizawa Sensei asked and Kacchan chuckled.
"Deku is Deku," he shrugged as if that answered everything. I let out a groan, it really does answer everything as far as Kacchan is concerned though.
"I don't know whether to be that impressed or disappointed," Sensei answered and I groaned again. Like any of this is my fault? Really?
"You're hugging Midoriya really close though," Aizawa Sensei observed and Kacchan looked up at him.
"So? He is Deku, if I don't, who will keep him out of trouble?" This resulted in a bunch of our classmates cackling like hyenas. I glared at them but only my friends took a large step back. I guess the rest of our class really think I'm a pushover. I'll have to fix that, maybe Kacchan will help? I think he would have fun helping.
When our teacher could school his face again he turned to face us again, yeah I'm not saving him either. "Right, for the foreseeable future you are to remain with Midoriya, if you return to normal you are to report to me," Aizawa Sensei finally finished. He didn't even make it out the door before I heard him snickering. Yeah, he is on his own.
"Deku, our future is weird isn't it?" Kacchan asked while slumping in my arms.
"You have no idea," I agreed and we both let out a long sigh. "Want to keep playing or should I call Aunty?" He made a face.
"Ew, leave the hag out of this. No, call Auntie," he said. He said that as if it were the most reasonable thing ever. I chuckled at the thought and called my mom and put it on speakerphone.
"Hey Mom, Kacchan was hit with a quirk and wants to talk to you," I say before Kacchan could say anything, I heard Mom laugh and Kacchan bubbled happily as he talked to Mom.
"Auntie, Izuchan's cooking still stinks. Can you make your amazing spicy curry for me, please!" He whined a little to make it sound like he was pitiful.
"I don't remember you complaining about dinner last night," I grumbled, I even used a boxed ready made dinner so that I wouldn't mess up the spices too badly, before adding a stupid amount of chili for Kacchan's portion.
"If I complained everytime you cooked you would stop trying," he deadpanned. Well ouch, but I guess he is right, still he could have been nicer. Then again he is Kacchan. He doesn't twist the truth no matter who he's talking to.
Mom started laughing, "Oh my, Katsuki dear, how old are you right now?" Mom asked without agreeing, but I guess that makes some. Kacchan couldn't handle something like ghost peppers when he was four.
"I'm four, I just got my super awesome quirk, have you seen it? I can make explosions like Dad but I can actually control them pretty okay, kind of like the ha- I mean Mom." Well he just might have avoided a long lecture, honestly he probably just put it off until she got here though.
"Oh my! So grown up Katsuki, you'll make a wonderful hero won't you? I would be happy to make you my extra special curry," she giggled and I have a bad feeling about this but Kacchan was too busy cheering and generally being the cutest kid ever.
"You hear that Izuchan? Auntie's bringing her amazing cooking!" He giggled while running around me while I sat on the ground. Thankfully our classmates had already gone inside but Aizawa Sensei was still standing close by just watching and listening to everything.
"Oi Izuchan, let's play heroes! I'll be the hero and you'll be the victim, okay? Okay!" Kacchan giggled excitedly and I let out a groan before flopping onto the ground. Mom thought this was hilarious and it was only because her laugh cut out in the middle that I knew she hung up while Kacchan was trying to pull me up by force and he wasn't doing half bad.
"Izuku! Get up! Stop being such a Deku!" He complained while still trying to drag me away. I couldn't help chuckling at that and I picked him up with the arm he was trying to pull me by and started tickling him.
"Oh no! It's the villain Sir Tickles A Lot, what will our hero do now?" I asked like I was a TV announcer which made his eyes brighten at the new hero game I was offering him. He set off several explosions to try and free himself but I wasn't letting him go for anything, his squeals of joy making everything worth it.
"Okay! You can be the hero this time!" He squealed his submission and I picked him up and tossed him into the air which only seemed to excite him more.
"And the hero Kacchan saved the day again!" His laughter only lightened my heart and when I stopped he hugged me tight.
"My Deku," he yawned, probably tired from all the playing and general excitement.
"Hmmm, I think an All Might movie might be perfect right before dinner, what do you think?" I asked with a smile and he cheered in his excitement. It's too late for a nap and Mom would be here soon with the dinner Kacchan asked for and I know he won't fall asleep to All Might.
"Deku it's time for bed," Kacchan pouted and I looked up surprised. Sure enough it was 7pm and Kacchan was obviously wanting his bath so he could be in bed on time. He had been quietly playing with some All Might and other pro hero action figures so that I could actually get my homework done. It's Sunday night and I really needed to get it all done still. As is, I'm still not done.
"Guess I'll finish after I get you into bed then," I chuckled at his impatience and I saw him roll his eyes but he didn't argue. Once I had him bathed and tucked into bed I turned my desk lamp on and turned off the bedroom light. I turned on some light music and he let out a sigh and I watched him relax and soon enough his breathing slowed, letting me know he was fast asleep.
I wonder when he will turn back into himself? He is going to be so mad if he misses class because of this but I don't really see Aizawa Sensei letting him join in, at least not during heroics. All Might might try to let him but there is no way he will actually let him. Maybe a child version or an area to play in and use his quirk freely. That actually sounds like a really good idea so I picked up my phone and sent All Might the suggestion only to thank me for the suggestion but then I returned to my homework.
"Hurry up! We need to go-," Kacchan was yelling instructions much to our team's amusement. Unlike what I thought last night Aizawa Sensei did not see any issues with Kacchan participating in class. In fact he said that unexpected situations arise all the time during missions and this was just one example of many. All Might just looked very conflicted about the whole situation but at the same time he never wants to contradict Aizawa Sensei on anything which is a headache when All Might has been a hero for so much longer than he has but then again Aizawa Sensei has been a teacher for much longer. Even if he did expel most of his students throughout most of the time.
"Ouch, Kacchan stop pulling my hair," I begged, I swear I'm going to lose a handful of hair if he doesn't let go soon.
"The creeper in black said that we needed to get to the top without falling. Why are you so slow?" He groaned and I suppressed the need to point out that not only was I carrying him but both of our packs while the rest of our team avoided looking me in the eyes when we were told what the exercise was. How they turned one of the gyms into a mountain side hike I will never know and when Kacchan returns to normal he is going to be so pissed that he missed mountain climbing.
"Put me down," Kacchan finally huffed and I did what he wanted and he started pointing out little things the rest of our team was doing wrong and when they looked at me confused I sighed.
"Uncle has taken us mountain climbing since before I could really remember. He is right, you're not supposed to walk in those kinds of places," I agreed when Kacchan lectured Shoji on the fact that he willingly stepped into just an obvious hole in the ground.
"You could have broken your neck, giant dummy!" Kacchan cursed about as much as any four year old would and thankfully that was mostly; dummy, stupid, and old hag. I don't think I would ever hear the end of it from Iida if he used actual curses.
Kacchan ended up taking the lead and with me using Blackwhip to make sure he didn't get hurt the rest of our team followed, now actually listening when Kacchan gave them instructions so we made it to the top without me having to think too much ahead and just focus on the two packs and Kacchan in front of me.
"The fact that you actually needed a four year old to tell you how to walk is just sad," Monamoa was cackling and so were a few others from class B that were waiting for their turn.
"Oi, are you saying that you've been mountain climbing before?" Kacchan demanded, making several pause and looking confused.
"No, I have not. I do, however, know how to walk though," Monamoa didn't stop laughing but Kacchan's sharp glare kept everyone else from joining him.
"So you're saying you can sail because you can swim?" Kacchan continued not in the least put off by the older boy.
"How does that make sense?" Monamoa asked, confused and Kacchan smiled.
"Exactly." That left our class in giggles while Monamoa looked absolutely enraged but Aizawa Sensei cut in before he could say anything inappropriate.
"As Young Bakugo put it, terrain can make all the difference. Being surrounded in a situation that you either are or are not familiar with can make the biggest difference in a rescue mission or during a pursuit," He lectured and nodded approvingly at Kacchan and I. What did I do to get that reaction? I don't think I actually did anything all that spectacular but still, I couldn't help smiling at the unspoken praise.
Class went on with Aizawa Sensei making quiet snide comments about how weak minded class B was that a four year old needed to lecture them. That didn't make Vlad King happy and he was even worse with his commentary than usual, even if he can't actually get any worse without being belligerent.
As usual Kacchan demanded that I pick him up and carry him around but he was quickly bored when class B kept falling in the holes that Kacchan had lectured about even though they all watched it the first time.
"They're all a bunch of dummies," he grumbled before clicking his tongue and cuddling into my neck to ignore them. He yawned and settled down pretty quickly letting me know he was ready for his nap.
When is Kacchan going to turn back to normal? Just when? He is absolutely adorable but any more of this cuteness or the fact that he is super clingy to me is going to just explode my heart. It's not fair!
I was lost in my own thoughts when I realized someone was talking to me and looked up, confused. "Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts. What did you say?" I smiled before realizing it was Monamoa again. What in the H-E- double hockey sticks does he want now?
"If the beast is so great then why is he always wanting to be carried around by you then?" He snapped and he was red faced and embarrassed about something but I don't care what.
"Are you REALLY asking why a FOUR YEAR OLD wants to be carried around? Are you an absolute idiot or what? Are you incapable of thinking at all? It's been two days. TWO DAYS that he has been surrounded by complete STRANGERS by the way and he hasn't caused any issues or made any scenes at all. He hasn't panicked or thrown any tantrums and only wants to be held by SOMEONE that he actually knows. Is that really so hard for you to get through your thick skull? Are you even qualified to be a hero at all if you can't see a child right in front of you?" I yelled at some points but I had everyone's attention long before that happened and I don't think anyone could deny what I said. The problem with me being so nice is that when I do get mad everyone just stands around shocked instead of taking what I say into consideration. Maybe I should walk around and call people extras like Kacchan does? At least then people would hear what I'm saying.
Of course those in class B just dragged Monamoa away but not even the girl that usually knocks him out and apologized for him said anything, looking far too pale at the moment. Right, because someone as nice and easy going as me doesn't deserve an apology. Got it.
I felt Kacchan move around in my arms only to find him looking at me. He didn't look angry, if nothing else he looked really happy.
"I've been good?" He asked, his eyes bright and hopeful and oh my God, my heart is really going to explode at this rate.
"Kacchan is the best," I smiled and agreed only for his smile to widen and brighten and yep, there goes my heart. I'm going to die.
"Deku isn't so bad either," he said, his face going a little red before he hugged me and plopped a kiss on my lips and I froze. Sweet. Kacchan is sweet. Sweet like... Suddenly I was on the ground with something big and heavy on me but I can't think about that right now. No. Nope. Don't look!
I looked.
Kacchan was sitting far too high to be considered my lap almost completely topless, the only exception being the torn bits of the tank top he had been wearing and as far as his shorts went... Thank God that I put him in a pair of loose gym shorts this morning. They are tight now but at least he is covered. I am certainly NOT going to look too closely at that though.
"The hell?" Kacchan looked around in a bit of a daze.
I can't keep silent though, "Kacchan please stop moving around!" I hissed and he froze before looking down and seeing me. His legs were on either side of my waist and it really looked like he would have had me pinned if not for the fact that he looked so confused. He started to get angry when I hissed at him again, begging him not to move but right when he was about to yell he moved and I covered my face. I don't want to see death coming and right before I could close my eyes I saw as understanding hit him. I mean come on! He is sitting right on top of it! How could I have EVER thought he wouldn't notice? I didn't, that's how.
"What in the fuck happened to me?* He demanded instead but he also didn't get up and I am going to die a very explosive death. Yep. I'm going to die, painfully and while making a mess for someone to clean up. Unless Kacchan somehow finds a way to bring me back to do it myself.
"We don't know, you showed up as a four year old and demanded that Midoriya take care of you," Aizawa Sensei finally answered and I focused on my breathing to will away the boner I had. I can't think about how amazing and sexy he looked sitting on top of me. Nope, I sure as hell can't think about how ripped he is now or how he still hasn't moved.
Damn it. I'm going to hell.
There were a bunch of things going on and I had to really focus to will away my excitement, thinking about moldy food and really anything gross I could think of at all when Kacchan finally got off of me. I wonder if he stayed to hide me or because he really didn't think about moving? But then again, it was Sero that pointed out that he was sitting on me so maybe he would have stayed longer if he hadn't?
We were all sent to change, especially Kacchan, and I couldn't look at Kacchan even after he was dressed properly. He only had his UA gym clothes but still, it's not like it's tight or anything! My face still feels like it's on fire. I tried to run away as soon as I was dressed only for Kacchan to grab me by my collar.
"Oh no you don't. You and I are going to have a little chat," Kacchan smiled and I could feel my soul trying to leave my body. He is going to kill me!
"I'm sorry!" I tried to block myself and get away at the same time but failed at both. The first because he only stood there and the second because he didn't let me go and just pulled me back into the locker room, I heard him flexing his other hand and setting off explosions. I really am going to die!
He waited until everyone else was gone, even Iida, who only went when I nodded at him to go ahead. The fact that it was Kacchan who kissed me, even as a four year old child, be damned. Kacchan has to be pissed.
"So want to explain what exactly that was? He motioned towards me vaguely but we both knew what he was implying.
"For the record, you are very attractive and you already know that," I didn't look at him while I said it but that was also all I said.
"No shit, but not what I'm talking about Deku," I looked back at him confused and he seemed even more pissed than before. What did I do now?
"That was a really fast reaction considering everything," he prompted and I stared at him confused until it hit me.
"No!" My eyes widened in shock. "Absolutely not! It's just that suddenly I was on the floor and you were on top of me and the sight of you in your ripped tight clothes and-and," I can't believe I'm saying any of this. Am I signing my own death warrant right now? Am I?
"And?" He prompted. Yeah, I'm going to die.
"The look on your face," I said quietly and he looked at me confused but I'm not willing to say it too loudly but I also know he won't let it go until I do say it. So I leaned in and whispered in his ear. "I've been wanting to see that look on you for a while now. You looked dazed but it also looked amazed. I just," I couldn't say any more and he didn't need me to. Both of our faces were red.
"Back at the dorms," I looked up, not expecting his voice to be so calm and I saw him blushing even more. "We should talk in my dorm after we get back," he wouldn't look at me but he blushed brighter. "If you want."
"Yes!" I almost jumped and barely kept from screaming which got him to look at me again. "I mean, yeah. I would really, really like to talk to you," I tried to clear my throat but we both know what I actually want.
"You should take care of that before coming back to class," he gestured towards me and when I looked down I cursed. Right, thinking gross food isn't going to help with this at all.
We were laying in his bed still when he suddenly asked me a question I hadn't thought of.
"What do you think of Icyhot?"
"Umm, that he is a good friend?" I answered confused and he rolled his eyes but turned to face me and the fact he wrapped an arm over me and pulled me closer made me smile.
"As a lover?" He corrected me and I don't really know what to say.
"He isn't my lover so I don't really know?" I answered a little scared. Was this only a one time thing? Was Kacchan planning to leave me for Todoroki?
"Deku, he is in love with both of us. Is that something you would want to consider? If not then I won't worry about it but if you are... Well I need to think about it," he looked uncomfortable.
"What do you think right now?" I asked curious. If he were against it he wouldn't bring it up and even though I hadn't thought of it before, I'm not against it.
"I don't know. All this time I thought... Well I thought he wanted to take you from me," I bit my tongue to keep from interrupting him. This must be about the conversation that I overheard when he was still a child. "But knowing now that he has nothing like that in his head. I don't know what to feel."
I nodded, taking what he said in. "Do you find him attractive?" I asked before changing my mind. "I mean sexy? Does his looks or body do anything for you?" He looks conflicted, like he wants to say one thing but feels the other. Alright then.
"I'm okay with it, so long as I have Kacchan," I hugged him and he hissed a little at what I'm sure felt very tender. I started rubbing his lower back and he let out a small moan. "But if it helps, I think Todoroki is asexual. At first I thought he liked Kirishima but he says that he likes being around me and you more. So unless he just hasn't hit puberty yet, which is possible, I don't think you need to worry."
"Thank fuck," he let out a sigh and relaxed against me. "I don't think I could take both of you. I mean damn." He chuckled at my embarrassment but I smiled at him before rolling us over to a more comfortable position.
"Does that mean you're ready for more?" I asked, teasing him while I pressed against him. He shuddered letting me know exactly how much I just turned him on. I was only a little hard from his naked body being pressed against me but now, I'm more than a little.
"I can take anything you give me," he whispered and I kissed him. So sweet.
Sweet like Kacchan.