Hidden Desires

A/N Sorry it's been a while. With everything going on it's been hard to find time to write anything at all. I hope you all enjoy the story! 💃🏻

"What the fuck?" I rubbed at my temples, my poor pounding head, but nothing was helping.

"Bakugo, we need you to tell us if you have any," Aizawa Sensei paused, trying to think of the least insulting words for this bullshit. "Sensitive desires, you may have."

"What the hell are you smoking right after a mission?" I asked him point blank and with a straight face. Seriously, what the hell is going on?

"Young Bakugo," All Might spoke up while Aizawa Sensei sighed, frustrated. "You were hit with a troublesome quirk and if we know the answer we might be able to keep it discreet and away from the public and media in general."

"You're serious?" I raised an eyebrow at them, we were sitting in All Might's office, hell we were still in our hero suits, I wasn't even allowed to change yet. They both nodded and I sat back trying to think. Something I tried to hide? I mean I know plenty of secrets and I have plenty of my own but sensitive desires? What the hell does that even mean?

"Explain your question so that I can answer it," I groaned rubbing at my still throbbing head, seriously my head hurts like hell, did I hit it on something? They exchanged looks before Aizawa Sensei slid a sheet of paper towards me with some of the most disgusting shit I've ever seen but as much as my hands popped I forced myself to read it all.

"No," I forced the word out like it bit me. Barely containing the rage coursing through me as I reminded myself over and over again that they weren't accusing me of any of that shit when a thought hit me. Do I even feel attracted to anyone at all? Have I ever stopped just to look at someone? Have I attempted to flirt with a girl in my life? Even once? Hell I don't even remember asking my hag where babies came from, I know thanks to biology and health class in middle school but that's besides the point.

I felt myself go pale and Aizawa Sensei noticed. "Bakugo?" He prodded gently and I shuddered at the thought.

"What if I can't feel attracted to anyone? All the shit I talk about everyone but I still don't want to end up alone," the words slipped through my lips without my permission and he looked back at me shocked.

"Young Bakugo, you are still young. It's not odd for someone your age to not think about it yet. Attraction comes with age and maturity, not saying you're not mature. Contrary, you are a little too mature sometimes, but there is nothing wrong with you," All Might fumbled his words and honestly he butchered it so much that if I was even a fraction as sensitive as Deku I would be bawling right now. Wait, is that my problem? Am I not sensitive at all? I mean I'm strong but I'm still human.

Am I too strong? Is that even a possibility? Or is it something entirely different?

"Look it's late, Bakugo just keep what we said in mind and if you think of anything just call me and I will take care of everything that I can," Aizawa Sensei cut All Might off from fucking this whole conversation up even more and I just nodded, lost in my own thoughts.

Is there something wrong with me? Am I broken without even really noticing?


It's been a week and I still haven't done anything to warrant attention from anyone, well except for my temper but that isn't anything new.

"Bakugo, you have a meeting with Hound Dog today about the accident last week," I looked up confused at Aizawa Sensei's bored voice.

"Since when?" I demanded and he narrowed his eyes to glare at me.

"Now, any other questions?" He asked and I just huffed and left the class. The meeting didn't give me any answers either and I even let him use hypnosis on me but nada. For all intents and purposes I must be the cleanest person in history, if you could call it that.

"Young Bakugo, this just means that you are far more open with yourself than most people, besides no one said the effects of the quirk could only be sexual in nature. The villain just said that it usually was," Hound Dog tried to explain but it all just sounds like excuses to me. More and more excuses. The few cases that it wasn't sexual in nature were children and I'm not a fucking child. At least not as young as the ones that were reported.

Hours later All Might called me to his office after classes ended and I'm stuck on his couch telling him what Hound Dog told me, nothing useful.

"I wouldn't say that," All Might shrugged and now I'm focusing on the hero. "Well it's just, most have secret desires that would either ruin the image they've created for themselves, their persona, or that would ruin their reputation. The fact that you have none means that you have nothing that you feel ashamed of. You accept yourself the way you are, desires and all." How exactly am I supposed to take that? I mean I guess I understand, the quirk is supposed to expose my hidden desires and humiliate me but the fact that I'm blunt as hell and don't care what other people might think could mean that the quirk won't really do anything at all to me. Maybe? I can hope anyway.

"We'll keep an eye on you over the next month, maybe two but otherwise I think that you are pretty much cleared for action again," All Might smiled at me and for once I actually do feel better. I can finally kick some villain ass!

He finally released me only for Aizawa to grab me when I opened the door to leave and drag me back inside just for him to say an hour later basically the same thing that All Might did. Oh well, the end result was that I'm not weird. Well I'm innocent anyway.

Or am I?

Is there something wrong with me? There isn't a single girl in our class that I could look at and find attractive but I know that objectively speaking they are both strong and attractive. So why do I find myself avoiding them?

"All Might, I'm back from the mission finally, should I debrief-," I looked up seeing Deku for the first time in over a month and the pounding in my head turned into a sharp pain and I saw myself kissing him.

Oh. That actually explains a lot actually.

The world went black as I'm sure I fell to the floor and Deku was shocked into silence. Can't say I blame him, Fuck, I didn't even have any warning that I was going to do that.


"Kacchan?" I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in what looked like a hospital room. It took a minute but when I found Deku sitting in the chair at the foot of my bed I relaxed. "Do you want to leave with me?" He asked almost silently and I smiled at him.

"Yes," my vision is still pretty foggy and I could feel the throbbing in my head, probably from hitting it on the floor but it wasn't nearly as bad as before Deku came back.

"Here is the medicine to counter the drugs they gave you," he gave me my usual pills and I took them only for him to take out a needle in my arm. Even with as foggy as my vision and other senses were I could tell he was moving really fast compared to usual. He didn't alert any of the staff and it wasn't long before he opened the window in my room.

"I'll take you to a safe house of mine," he suggested, well if anything it was more like he was asking me than giving a real suggestion but I just smiled and nodded in agreement. The tightness I've had in my chest for as long as I can remember was gone and Deku was standing in front of me, offering me his hand. Well at the moment he was picking me up and carrying me on his back but still. He wasn't running away.

"Here we go, sleep if you can, it's going to take a little while to get there," he suggested and I nodded and snuggled into his neck. I felt him flinch but he also tightened his grip on me. He isn't afraid. Not of me anyway.

I don't think all that much time actually passed before I felt myself falling but when I latched onto Deku I found him laying me down in a bed, in a room that I don't recognize. Right, he said he was taking me to a safe house. He had started stuttering but he stopped suddenly when I just relaxed against him, hugging him.

"Sorry," I whispered, letting a yawn escape me now that I had settled down. My heart has picked up enough from the small shot of adrenaline that it didn't feel like I was in a fog anymore but what if Deku distanced himself from me because I wasn't groggy anymore?

"Kacchan, what are you sorry for? I'm fine!" He was fidgeting and was getting over excited again but it was really just too cute and I couldn't help leaning forward and kissing him. Deku was startled enough that he lost his balance and when I caught him I was holding him against me.

"You could have just kissed me back," I teased him, his face growing red but before he could either argue or defend himself I kissed him again. The kiss was soft and light and it made my heart flutter uncontrollably.

He suddenly pushed himself away, muttering about how he shouldn't be doing this. That he should wait until I could think clearly and that only made me smile and lean up enough to kiss him again. I'm thinking plenty clearly and I don't want to give him up.

"Deku what do you feel?" I asked after moving his hand from supporting himself to the side of my neck. His eyes widened but after a few moments he finally closed his eyes to think about it.

"Your heartbeat," he answered softly and I chuckled.

"And how do I usually get my mind clear again after taking medicine?" I prompted him.

"You get excited, you burn any of the drugs still on your system," he answered automatically and I pressed his hand against my neck again and waited for him. "Oh," he said slowly, his eyes wide as he started making sense of what I was telling him. "But you're so calm still?"

I chuckled at his confusion, grinning at him and enjoying the peace I feel at this moment. "Deku you know my dad," I pointed out and he looked at me confused again and I couldn't help reaching up to kiss the tip of his nose. "Deku, I won't abuse the person I choose to be my lover."

It took far longer than I'm comfortable with for him to realize what I'm saying but I still waited until I saw the realization reach his eyes.

"Deku, will you let me be your lover? I'll treasure you like I should have all these years," I whispered while gently nudging his jaw with my nose. He seemed to really like the sweet gentleness of the soft touches and I made a mental note to do them more often.

"You really want me? But you're under the effects of a quirk," his eyes dimmed during that last part and I now understand why he was pushing back so much.

"The quirk only revealed my hidden desires, nothing more. But if it would make you feel better we can wait to go public until I'm free of the effects?" I suggested while caressing his face in my hand. The fact that he didn't flinch or pull away at all and instead leaned into the touch made me happier than words could ever express.

"Ah, All Might and Aizawa Sensei kept asking what you did before passing out and I couldn't think of a good lie so I just said I don't know. You kind of surprised me," he chuckled nervously, he was probably worried that I would be pissed or something.

"That works, this way you can tell people as you feel comfortable," I shrugged, enjoying how my arms were draped over his shoulders and how the longer we talked the more relaxed he became. Right now he was laying down, almost on me, only holding his shoulders and head up. I nuzzled into him a bit more, cuddling him a little, liking how as time went on he allowed more and more.

"So, will you let me be your lover? I meant it when I said I would treasure you," I asked him and his eyes lit up at the words.

His excitement was really too cute, the way his lips met mine and how he couldn't seem to pull away enough for a single breath let alone to talk but that didn't stop him. No, the words tumbled out of him through the kisses and I laughed at his sweetness. "Yes." The way the single word kept repeating again and again even as we rolled over so I was on top of him, our bodies flush against each other while our tongues danced and our hands held, petted and generally explored each other only made the word more and more amazing.

"Yes," I moaned when he got a little too excited and he ended up sliding down from my mouth and to my neck only to bite me after a few kisses.

Sadly, that snapped him out of it and he quickly backed off again, why did he have to roll us over again? I loved him on top of me but in the span of less than a second he was gone and only cold air remained against my skin.


"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, pretending not to know what just happened. The fact that he was not only off of me but off the bed and next to the door aggravated me to no end. The only comfort I found was the fact he hadn't left the room, the door was still closed and he was leaning against it breathing hard, and that the tent in his pants told me exactly where he was planning on going.

I plopped my head back on the pillow and cursed under my breath but otherwise just took a few deep breaths. Slowly, I can do this. It's not like I don't know exactly how skittish Deku has always been, ever since we were little. So I can do this, slowly. Just slowly.

"We don't have to do anything you don't want, Izu," I spoke calmly even as my lungs were screaming at me for more air. I took another large breath calming my body more but my boner stayed exactly how it was. "We can go just as slow as you want, not even a little faster."

"What about you?" His question was out before he really knew what he was going to say, the fact he covered his mouth with his hands told me that much.

"I won't rush you," I answered honestly. As frustrating as it is right now, I still won't rush him. As long as it took my ass to figure out that I am in love with him I'm sure as fuck not going to drive him away. Add to that that the only reason I figured it out at all is because of a quirk is even more bullshit.

"That's not what I meant!" Deku whined and I looked back towards him, his shaking body letting me see just how much he had been looking forward to it helped me calm down more than I thought it would.

"I won't push you, it's okay. Would you want to cuddle? Just hold each other?" I suggested this time. Maybe the way I worded it wasn't helping him understand me? How would Dad handle this if it were the hag? Fuck that. What would the hag do if it were Dad? An idea came.

I sat up, slowly so I wouldn't startle him and when he didn't look afraid, I stood up. Now he is busy looking at his hands and I could see him mumbling but it wasn't until I was close that I could hear him talking about how he should have asked first and not pin me down, making me grin. The fact that I kissed him first was irrelevant in his mind, that or he forgot that I started it.

"Deku? I want to hug you," I spoke loud enough for him to hear me and he jumped before he looked at me again with his wide doe eyes. I nudged his nose and I gently pulled him into my arms and sighed in relief from just having him close again. "It's okay, I just got a little excited," I whispered, trying to downplay just how excited I had gotten. Fuck, if he didn't jump away like he did I was probably going to start stripping him.

"You didn't do anything wrong. I liked it," he answered shyly before looking up into my eyes again. If it wasn't for him being hunched in my arms he would have been taller than me though.

"But I liked what you did too," I smiled at him and snuggled my face into his neck but didn't go any further. "Can I kiss you?" I asked calmly and I felt him nodding but I insisted on him saying it when I pulled away.

"Yes, you can kiss me," he gulped. He was nervous, that much was obvious, his hands were fidgeting and he kept looking away just to glance up again as if he were sure that this time I would disappear. I let myself indulge, his decant lips formed to mine and it wasn't long before he opened his lips to breathe between the kisses but again I couldn't help myself. My tongue found his and in moments I felt him pulling me towards the bed only to follow, far too willing to try and stop. By the time we reached the bed I wasn't sure if I was pushing him or if he was pulling me but regardless I found myself on my back again and his angel like figure was above me for only a moment before we met each other again.

"I love you," he whispered, making me pause, the smile on my face making it difficult to return his kisses.

"Not nearly as much as I love you," I answered, chuckling. His usually wide round eyes were narrowed and with the playful smirk on his lips he just looked so indescribably sexy right now.

"I want to have sex, but I don't want to push you. Is it too far?" I asked, hesitating on even doing this much but instead of answering Deku stripped off his shirt.

"Remember that you asked," he grinned and I could feel myself smiling now when he came back and this time it was like he cut the brakes altogether because he didn't stop. He didn't hesitate, his hands smoothly stripped me of my clothes and once he found himself between my legs he sat back just to look for a moment before biting his lip.

"Is there anything you don't want me to do?" He asked, forcing himself to stop once more.

"Break my heart," I answered with a grin and instead of a sweet kiss like I expected he sucked me into his mouth. He had lube and the still cool substance was rubbed in but it wasn't until I was ready to pull my hair from being so close that he pushed in and I froze.

Never, I've never before really thought about sex between two men. All the prep needed for it or how something that was supposed to be fun could just as easily hurt so very badly. And it hurts.

"Shh," Deku cooed, his voice gentle while he slowly worked his fingers into me. "Tell me if anything hurts, I don't want to hurt you," he whispered and I could only nod, not trusting myself to make a noise. I don't know how to feel about this. His fingers slid in and out and when his mouth returned to the blow job I nearly came. That sure as fuck didn't hurt!

Oh! I understand now. I relaxed and let his fingers slowly explore me and in a matter of what felt like moments I was ready to cum. My squirming and the noises that had escaped me more than made Deku aware and I could see him grinning before he returned his focus back to pleasuring me.

I came, the white hot bliss rushed through me so fast that I could only scream out but nothing made sense even to me. When I finally calmed down and looked at Deku he was wiping at the corner of his mouth and licking the substance up with a surprised grin.

"Kacchan, can we do that again?" He asked, his eyes all but lighting up and I could only nod with the way he was looking at me now. He didn't wait, after the silent answer he dived back into pleasing my body and it wasn't until I came three more times and I started shaking that he realized what he was doing.

"Do you need me to stop?" He asked, his voice dropping with disappointment while his movements froze.

"Fuck no!" I was gasping for air and it felt like I'm about to fall apart but Deku had managed to find so many places on my body that I never knew could feel so good and I can't let him go now.

"But you're shaking," he tried to point out but I only shook my head and pulled him in to kiss him again. Sweet caramel, is this my taste? No wonder he likes it so much, he could practically live off the sugar. When I didn't let him go he started kneading into my chest before trailing his kisses down only to make himself comfortable and experiment with what I did and didn't like there.

I'm going to die, he's made me cum so many times it hurts but at the same time I couldn't let him go. "Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchan," my name dripped from his lips only to be silenced when he found a new place or I would react violently to something thanks to how sensitive I've become. I cried out, my body shaking so badly that Deku seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in and sat back and looked down on me.

I'm barely gasping for air, tears had steamed down the sides of my face and even though he stopped touching me, my body wouldn't stop flinching and flexing, screaming for more while begging to stop. I couldn't stop and when he pulled away it was far more damaging than I could have ever guessed. I don't remember jumping forward and grabbing him, only that one moment I was whining about him pulling away and the next I was pulling him back down again. The shock and confusion in his eyes didn't stop and when he tried to pull away I started begging.

"Don't stop, please. Don't stop. I need you. More please, so good. Don't stop," I can't say that any of it made any sense at all, at least to me, but what I do know is that when I tried to kiss him again he relaxed enough for me to pull him in close and I could feel his painful boner throb against me. Right, so far it's all been foreplay and he hasn't cum once yet. "Please? Please, please" I kissed him, my hands started scratching his back and I heard him gasp when he flinched away. "Please."

He dived into the kiss and when I felt him push against my ass I spread my legs, wrapping them around him while trying to make it easier for him just for him to pull away and dab some lube on himself only to find me unwilling to let him go. Yes. He finished awkwardly thanks to me not releasing him and he came back just to kiss me and scatter my thoughts all over again. I felt him push a little and he slipped inside with ease but my body froze at the foreign feeling.

He paused for a moment and I heard him chuckle before his kisses trailed down to my pecs again and my body flexed and flinched, swallowing him even without him pushing forward. I clawed at him until he seemed to remember what all was going on and he pushed the rest of the way in and I moaned at the relief. As painfully amazing that it all felt, everything seemed to slow down again once he was inside. Our bodies moved, slowly at first deciding what we did and didn't like and once we were both confident neither of us could slow down.

My legs around his waist, my arms over his shoulders pulling him in, our lips tasting each other, hungrily trying to devour the other only to get frustrating with breathing and one of us would move to the neck. I came. Unlike every other time where I froze or couldn't hold myself together, this time I rolled us over, not willing to let him go. His hands on my waist helped me to balance, my head tossed back, I screamed. I couldn't hold myself together at all and that only seemed to excite him more. I felt him cum, his whole body flexing, trying to somehow pull us closer and just before my body could give out Deku rolled us over again.

"Again?" He asked so innocently, so hopefully that I could barely chuckle while nodding and Deku pulled out just enough to thrust back in again.

I just might die from the bliss.


"Hmmm, Kacchan," I woke up to my name being purred in my ear only to find Deku fast asleep next to me. His body was covered in red angry scratches and dark bruises, when he turned to adjust to me I saw the large purple hickeys on his front. I can only imagine what I looked like now, not after last night. You would think that we were on something with the way we attacked each other. My body is screaming in protest at even thinking about getting up already.

I leaned forward just enough to kiss Deku's forehead and when he opened his eyes showing the dazzling rich emeralds that were his I could only smile.

"Good morning beautiful," I tried to whisper but my voice was completely gone which made him laugh. He snuggled into me with his bright, beautiful smile while his giggles filled the air around us.

Can this last forever? Please? I'm more than happy with just hiding out here and repeating last night for a good long time.

"Are you okay Kacchan? There were several times I thought that I hurt you," Deku asked, propping himself up so he could see more of me and his hands gently pressed against me making me hiss. Guess I can't cover that up.

"I couldn't stop," I tried to answer but again he had to read my lips to understand me but his smile seemed to brighten. We cuddled for a long time but when he hugged me I gasped out from the pain so he insisted on me taking a hot shower and then a hot soak. Helping me into a large tub, by the end just to join me when I wouldn't let him go. My voice was still gone. I tried to use my eyes to convey what I wanted and on some level I think he understood because it wasn't long before he was stepping in with me. Resting in his arms, I started to gently kiss him, starting at his cheek just to trail over to his neck.

When Deku decided to take things further I don't know, only that one moment I'm trying to tease him by nibbling on one of his ears and the next I was somehow sitting in his lap facing him.

"I want to try it like this. Can we?" His soft voice already traveling straight to my libedo made me nod before he was even done talking. The splashing water around us was left ignored as my screams struggled to be heard.


Before I knew it a week had passed and I found out that Deku didn't bring our phones with us and he didn't tell anyone that he was taking me. The only reason I found out was because we had turned on the TV and saw our faces plastered on it claiming we were missing and that a quirk was suspected.

"The two young heroes in training; Dynamight and Deku are 18 this year and are expecting to graduate from UA, a top hero school in the world, later this year. It is confirmed that Dynamight had been hit with a quirk a week prior to going missing while the hero Deku was on a mission and when he returned the two bumped into each other causing Dynamight to pass out and was then rushed to the hospital, again it is suspected that the quirk he was previously hit with had taken effect. The hero Deku insisted that he didn't know why but seeing as the two are childhood playmates and current rivals not too much is known other than their recent turbulent history," the man explained and I couldn't help perking up at what they were saying. As much as Deku and I fight, it wasn't a secret that we pushed each other to become better and that was the nicest way to put it. Both of our competitive asses have done more than our share of property damage while competing for number one.

It wasn't until Aizawa Sensei was shown that my attention came back to the broadcast. "I have every belief that they are alive and well right now. I'm sure that it will only be a matter of time before they work together to get themselves home safely but that won't stop us from rescuing them if and when the time comes," he announced as if he were declaring war or something.

"I think the quirk affected us both," I whispered, my voice still very much gone but at least now it wasn't so raw.

"Probably but I don't regret it," Deku smiled towards me and I kissed his forehead. We cleaned up the best that we could and locked up the safe house before Deku used his quirk to take us several kilometers away and we dragged ourselves to the local hero headquarters just to see several nobody heroes freeze at the sight of us and I collapsed on a chair while Deku tried to get them calm down and contact our teacher. It was barely an hour later that Aizawa Sensei arrived with All Might, the detective that was trying to ask us questions was left ignored while we leaned against each other and dozed off. All Might even used his hero form to hug us and I squealed in surprise but that was the only thing that would come out, my voice is going to take days to return, I just know it.

"Where have you two been?" Sensei demanded but I could only shrug and Deku couldn't seem to describe it either and ended up with saying, "it was like we were in a dream." Of course that created its own set of problems but neither of us could answer more than that.

"Bakugo, why are you so quiet?" Aizawa Sensei finally sighed, giving up on that line of questioning but I just pointed at my throat and tried to say hello but nothing came out. "You can't talk? At all?" He looked concerned but I just shrugged and nodded. Deku really took it all out of me.

They finally escorted us back to school only to drag us to Recovery Girl's office and after she was done examining us she looked at us confused.

"Neither of you are currently under the effects of a quirk but there is some residue left in both of your systems. Do you remember anything at all?" She questioned and I nodded but couldn't think of a good way to put it before remembering how Deku described it like a dream. I picked up a nearby pen and wrote exactly that.

"A dream? What happened in the dream?" She asked and I frowned trying to think of what to write without telling them shit they don't need to know. An idea came and I started writing again.

A dream where nothing was impossible and wishes came true. I can't describe it better than that.

I put the pen down and saw their worried faces but Deku was smiling from ear to ear before leaning against my shoulder. I wrapped an arm around him and Aizawa Sensei glared at us but I ignored him. He can think whatever he wants, Deku is my lover and I meant it when I said that I would treasure him. Recovery Girl noticed the change in our behavior (who wouldn't?) And she ran several more tests but in the end we were taken back to the dorms only for Aizawa Sensei to drop us off in front of our friends.

Asshole, he knew that we were covered in bruises and various wounds (Deku and I were really rough this past week) but even setting us down with a slight jarring motion he did nothing when we were grabbed by our friends and questioned. I set off my quirk to get away since I couldn't yell at them and Deku could finally explain what little we told our teachers but just like our teachers they weren't satisfied, demanding answers to questions that neither of us were willing to answer so we pretended our ignorance but when it was obvious that they weren't going to let us go I used my eyes and motioned to sit on the loveseat to try and relax but when Deku sat next to me, close, they all got pretty quiet.

Thank fucking God! I let out a yawn and laid my head on Deku's shoulder only to feel him lay his head on mine as we relaxed now that they stopped demanding answers. I drifted off to sleep but not until after I was comfortable in Deku's arms laying down. I curled up and felt his arm wrap around me before everything went silent.


"Are they dying?" I heard someone ask and I want to strangle whoever it was, can't they see that I'm sleeping?

"Bakubro's shirt came up when they laid down, did you all see those bruises?" Kirishima asked quietly and there was a murmur of agreement.

"Kero, Midoriya's shirt opened showing his back and those cuts and scratches are nothing to croak at. Where have they been this whole time? Kero," Asui asked while ribbiting. I would have groaned if my voice wasn't completely gone but instead it came out like a silent sigh while I tried to get comfortable cuddling into Deku's side. They all went quiet again and this time I did sigh in relief. Can't they all talk somewhere else and leave us the hell alone?

"Kacchan, go to sleep," Deku whined in his sleep. There was a bit of moving around from both of us to get comfortable again but then we relaxed. I wonder what the chances are that they will just leave us alone?

"Dude-!" Sero exclaimed but he was cut off making me think someone covered his mouth.

"The tea is too sweet for you to ruin it. Do I make myself clear," Ashido hissed and somehow I think that is the angriest I have ever heard her. At the very least it was most dangerous. I shrug the thought away and tighten my grip on Deku, hugging him to me. Whatever, it's not like I care what the rest of them are doing so long as Deku is here with me, happy and healthy.


I woke up yawning but instead of stretching out I tried to snuggle deeper under the blankets just to find myself snuggling into a warm body. Deku. I opened my eyes to see him watching me sleepily with a smile on his face but when I looked around I found that we were still in the dorm common area but it's late at night. Very late.

"Want to come to my room," I asked him with a sleepy grin. His bright smile relaxing me further, I cuddled into him already knowing that we were both too tired to actually go anywhere let alone do anything. "Tomorrow." I heard him hum and I fell asleep in his warm and comforting arms.


This time I opened my eyes and jolted upright. "Deku!" He reacted to the panic in my voice before he opened his eyes to see us in some kind of dungeon. We were sleeping on some kind of torn up cot but otherwise the area was pretty much empty.

"Where? How?" Deku sputtered and stuttered and I could feel my heart growing cold.

"Were you hit with a quirk on your mission?" I turned to him and his eyes went wide before he shook his head no real fast and suddenly I fell hollow. "What in the hell?" I pat my chest but I'm in one piece and I don't seem to be hurt anywhere. I could see Deku doing the same.

"Something is wrong, I don't feel right. I feel," he trailed off and I finished the thought for him.

"Hollow," the word could have been made of venom the way I spit it out.

"HAHAHAHAHA! You're finally awake I see," we jumped up and put our backs together but we couldn't see where the voice was coming from. "You won't find me and I find it much more enjoyable to watch you squirm than to actually attack you," he chuckled, too bad for him that I have sharp ears, thanks to constantly being damaged and repaired, my body adapted this way so I wouldn't do deft from my own quirk. I threw my hand out but instead of setting off my explosions I tried to spray out my quirk and from the sound of his gagging I not only got him but hit him in the mouth. Perfect.

Deku shot Blackwhip out and we saw it wrap around something we couldn't see but when Deku flipped whatever it was upside down the sound of gagging rose sharply from him yelping.

"Too bad for you we don't like to be played with by villains. What did you do to us? Why do we feel empty?" I demanded, I feel unnaturally calm and I both like it and hate it. What in the fuck did he do to us?

"How did-!" I put my hand over where his mouth should be before smiling, he stopped even trying to talk.

"Answers only," I instructed him and when he nodded I let him go.

"I disconnected your emotions and ability to empathize with others," he answered and from the sound of his voice he sounded terrified. Guess he knows what that means for him at the moment.

Deku figured out what he meant first though, "So you turned us into psychopaths? How does that actually help you though?" I can't help agreeing, wouldn't turning the enemy into this make things more difficult? I don't feel any kind of responsibility or guilt and I'm pretty sure that Deku hurt the fucker pretty bad just now.

"It was supposed to ruin your public image. Make them fear you," the villain grumbled but he was still too scared to stay quiet. I nodded as if that made sense, it doesn't but whatever. I reached out and, still using Blackwhip as a guide, grabbed what looked like his pinky and snapped it, only to hear him scream. I grabbed his ring finger and when he started begging me not to, I started asking questions.

"How long does the quirk last?"

"Depends on how strongly you feel for the lover you have. The stronger your feelings the longer it will last. The longest so far has been a month," he whimpered and I nodded in understanding. I snapped his finger and moved on to his middle one before asking the next question.

"When did you use your quirk on us?"

"Last week I used it on you. It was contagious so your lover got it from you. Please, I'm answering your questions, no more!" He begged crying but I don't actually care one way or the other. I snapped his finger.

"You do realize you did this to yourself right?" I asked and he agreed sobbing before I snapped his pointer. This is kind of fun actually.

"Deku want to give it a try? It's kind of fun," I looked over my shoulder just to see him giggle, the sweet melody soothing my nerves and I almost snapped his thumb without meaning to.

"I'll do the next hand, enjoy your fun," he giggled erotically.

"At least I still love you. I would be pissed if I finally got you only to lose interest as soon as I did," I sighed and he giggled some more.

"Have fun. I can always do his legs," he whispered in my ear, sending a shiver through me.

"No! Please I'll never do it again, I swear!" The villain screamed but I just snapped the thumb, enjoying how easily it moved in my firm grip.

"What happens when the quirk ends?" I asked but this time he refused to answer so instead of just breaking his pinky I moved to the tip and broke it. "I can break each finger once or three times. Your choice," I heard him whimpering his agreement before I repeated my question.

"You will sleep for a couple days. When you wake up you'll remember what all you did but you still won't feel the guilt from it. Your conscience will remain shut off for this period of time for as long as you remember," he was still sobbing but I relaxed my grip, moving it back to where it was before he tried to test me and broke his pinky again.

"Where are we?" He answered and after that I pretty much ran out of questions so I let Deku take over until he was satisfied with how much he knew about the villain's quirk.

"Ready to go? I asked Deku who just broke the villains arms, making it to where he could now neither run or crawl anywhere. He broke his legs pretty badly before that.

"Yep!" Deku bounced up in his excitement. We picked him up between us and dragged him out of the abandoned warehouse basement, to think I actually thought it was a dungeon of some kind. Deku bubbled and giggled while chatting away until we were at the police station, turning the villain in. Eraserhead was called while the detective questioned the fucker and we sipped on cocoa waiting for the caterpillar.

"WHERE HAVE-," Aizawa Sensei came in seething but froze when he saw us sitting so close giggling in each other's ears. Fuck him, Deku is mine. I heard a police officer clear their throat and when I looked up I saw him motioning the pro hero over before briefing him on the situation.

By the time he was done Aizawa Sensei was very pale but he walked back over anyway while I played with Deku's fingers and kissed his knuckles. He let out a sigh before telling us to follow him, which I would have ignored if not for the fact that our beds would be closer if we did as we were told. When we returned he had to use his capture scarf to drag us from the dorms which is where we wanted to go to All Might's office.

"Let me go," I demanded, pissed that he wasn't listening. I cursed and spewed insults that I sure as fuck wouldn't have done under normal circumstances and a few of them he turned around to gape at me, shocked before he forced himself to keep going. Deku on the other hand stayed silent and if it wasn't for the fact that I knew him so well I would think he was asleep or something.

"Deku, you can't kill him," I warned him and he turned to look at me in shock.

"And why not?" He demanded and Aizawa Sensei stumbled, tripping over his own feet, not that I cared.

"Because I'm going to kill him," I answered with a huff and he started arguing with me.

"No fair, you always get to let your aggravation out," he whined and I rolled my eyes at him.

"You could too if you didn't prance around all the fucking time," I lectured and from there we really started arguing about nothing, at all. It was fun and judging from the smile on Deku's face I would say that he was enjoying it too, even with the nasty things he was telling me to do.

"Go jump off a roof," I grumbled only to see him grin.

"After you," he sang out and we started laughing at the ridiculousness of it all and Aizawa Sensei actually sighed in relief when we made it to All Might's door, just to drop us on the couch and All Might looked up surprised at the extra roughness.

"Go to fucking hell!" I hissed at him but Deku wasn't looking and thought I was talking to him.

"Lead the fucking way," he snapped which set off another argument.

"I was talking to the caterpillar!"

"Well next time say so! I'm not a mind reader!" He defended.

"Yet! As often as you sprout new quirks you can't tell me it's not a possibility!" I snapped right back at him. He froze at that.

"Could I? But that would make life so boring! Sure it could help every once in a while but it would be a nightmare if I couldn't turn it off," he started analyzing the possibility only to glare at All Might who flinched at the hostility radiating off of him. "Is that possible?"

All Might however seemed to still have some survival instincts and quickly denied it, shaking his head no and holding up his hands in defense, not relaxing until Deku and I sat back in our seats.

"Thank fucking God," we said together only to laugh at each other.

"What?" All Might asked Aizawa Sensei but I chose to ignore them and started tickling Deku who squealed in joy.

"KACCHAN!" He squealed but I didn't let up and it wasn't until I touched his leg that he flipped us over and he pinned me down, holding my hands above me and tickling the fuck out of me while I squirmed under him, trying to get free with our laughter hanging in the air around us. I could vaguely hear what Aizawa Sensei said to All Might though. That we were basically psychopaths at the moment and how neither of us had a concept of consequences at the moment, there was also the fact that the quirk was going to last anywhere from a few days to a month but I don't know how they came up with that number. I also didn't care.

"Kiss me you fucking Nerd," I grinned just for him to smile brightly at me and do exactly that. He let my hands go and I wrapped my arms over his shoulders.

"Love you Asshole," he giggled and I barked a laugh before kissing him again.

"Love you too, fucker," I smirked and his response managed to grab our teachers' attention so much so that it was now quiet in the room.

"Maybe if you're good," he teased and we laughed together just to kiss more.

"No! I'm not going through this! You are not to be within a meter of each other, period!" Aizawa Sensei yelled pulling us apart with his capture scarf and while he looked at Deku I used my quirk to set off a large exploration just to destroy the fucking thing.

"Fuck off, I'll do whatever the fuck I want with my boyfriend and that's that!" I glared at him but instead of answering he was just muttering about how this scarf was supposed to be fireproof but I'm not going to point out the fact that my explosions aren't fire, they just create fire a lot of the time.

I caught Deku princess style, much to his giddiness and he draped his arms over my shoulders just to giggle more before giving me a sweet but light kiss.

"Tease," I pouted but he just kissed me again, this time letting his tongue dance with mine. "Much better," I grinned at him just to steal another kiss.

Aizawa Sensei was broken while All Might was completely lost on what to do. "Boys," he tried to get our attention but it was really a laughable effort on his part.

"I'm calling their mothers," Aizawa Sensei caved and started dialing. I could overhear my hag cackling on the other end when he told her why he was calling and I even heard her screaming at Dad that they were coming to see for themselves but again, I don't care.

I sat back down on the couch to give Deku more of my attention but I know that once I let him go he is probably going to get up and carry me back to the dorms. I'm okay with that.

"You call that a kiss?" He teased me only to force me to let him go so he could straddle my lap and really kiss me. I stopped breathing, I couldn't focus, his shining green eyes above me held me captive anytime I opened my eyes for a glimpse just to close them again and sink further into my heaven.

"Holy shit! Inko! They really are kissing and damn they aren't coming up for air either," I heard my hag but I wasn't going to give up my hold on his intoxicating hips to even flip her off, not now. I did however feel Deku's grip on me tightened. I wonder if he had a safe house nearby that we could disappear to? I know the one but it was kind of far away. Then again, that might be for the best.

"Ladies there seems to be a quirk involved but they get extremely violent if we try to pull them apart," All Might informed them but Deku's oh so soft lips were making it difficult to concentrate on anything at all.

I felt something on the back of my head but I didn't bother to look around to see what hit me. Deku however let his quirk flood over us and I heard something fall on the floor behind me.

"Izuku, honey you can't use your quirk to hurt Mitsuki!" Auntie nearly shouted but no one else came close.

"Kacchan, it's getting noisy here. How about a safe house?" He whispered in my ear and I hummed in agreement only for the next moment to be flying into the air and far away from school. I wonder how we got outside? Not that it matters. Once inside the safe house he carried me to the bed and nothing else really mattered.


It's been three months. I would curl up in a ball and die from the embarrassment of that night if Deku wasn't right next to me in the same shape as me. Well mentally anyway. My back is killing me and I saw the marks on his back telling me I wasn't any nicer than he was. Did we really disappear for three months? This has to be a joke! Right? It took a day for us to actually get up (fine, it took a whole day before I could even sit up) and another one after that before we could even think about going anywhere. It wasn't until the third day that we decided it was time for us to actually go back and deal with the consequences of our actions.

Why couldn't we keep the guilt free part of the quirk for the going back part? Just why!?!

We ended up taking a subway and then a bus back to the school dorms and when we dragged ourselves through the gate you would think there was an alarm going off because in seconds Aizawa Sensei was there with what looked like a new capture scarf and dragged us straight to Recovery Girl, our mouths sealed shut. You know what? Fuck it. I don't want to tell them shit anyway.

Once Recovery Girl was done with us, she had thankfully shooed our teacher out of the room in order to ask us questions and it wasn't until we were bright red that she let him back in again but this time our parents were with him.

"Spill the tea Brat! Did you finally get laid? Are we expecting any grandbabies? When can we expect grandbabies? When's the wedding?" My hag listed off the questions as if that was the only thing she had thought about the whole time we were gone.

"Mitsuki, give them time to answer the first question before listing more of them off," I was about to sigh in relief at Auntie's words until she turned her attention back to me and I have never seen her eyes so cold before in my life. It felt like my blood froze in my veins.

"Now Katsuki dear, what do you intend to happen now that my baby boy gave you something so precious? Don't deny it, I already know," she waved me off before I could even try to say anything at all.

Deku however wasn't having her attitude. "Mom! Back off, you know what you're doing!"

"Izuku dear, leave this to me. I am your mother after all," she smiled and the cold chill I got made it difficult to breathe.

"Mom!" Deku blocked her and my hag and I was finally able to snap out of the dread that I had somehow been trapped in. Is there anything scarier than the mother of my lover? I severely doubt there ever could be. I heard Deku and Auntie arguing for a while before I jumped at a soft touch on my shoulder only to find my hag next to me.

"Brat, what's wrong?" She bent so that she was level with me, thanks to me still being seated. "Is this not what you wanted?" She asked carefully, not sure, maybe even doubting the fact that I was gay at all but I don't really know. Not yet anyway.

"I-," I don't really know. I mean Deku I want. I want all of him and he knows it but it would have been nice to take things a bit slower. Not the sex, I'm more than happy with that part but the telling our parents part. Telling our mentors or really anyone at all. Why couldn't I confide in my dad or best friend? Why couldn't I take my time and actually go on a date with my lover before our relationship blew up in our faces? Why couldn't we just hold hands and whisper sweet secrets and cute affections to each other? Am I not worth that much? That would have been more than just nice. But of course the hag misunderstood me and hugged me instead. It wasn't until long after she let me go that I found out why.

Why in the fuck am I crying?

"Kacchan?" Deku was by my side in less than a moment and I leaned my head on his shoulder and just tried to hide away for a little while. "Take your time. No one has to know that you don't want to," he whispered and I nodded, not really sure what I wanted right now. Only the things that I couldn't have now.

"I'm just tired," I croaked, my voice still not really back thanks to the last three months of heaven. The fact that he quickly wiped the tears away while humming about me getting something in my eye made my lips twitch in a small smile. Okay that was kind of cute.

"I understand," he cooed quietly, soothingly. He blocked not only Auntie but everyone else too. He ended up picking me up and carrying me back to the dorms and when everyone saw us they tried to block our path, shouted questions and demanded answers, I could hear someone lecturing and others crying but I kept my face hidden in Deku's neck.

I just want Deku, to be his, and the fact that I felt the elevator take us up a few floors helped me relax when the doors opened to show my room door. We finally laid down, the door locked and Deku held me tight in his arms. As if he could just will his love into me or something.

"I love you," I whispered and I cuddled into his embrace listening to him mumble about how much he loved me and what he loved about me. His cute rambling soothed my nerves and I fell asleep.

At least I didn't get pregnant and I still have Deku in my arms. I can live with this, everything else can be sorted out later.
