
A/N I know it's been a while but things are crazy at the moment. Remember my new story Hero's Villain or Villain's Hero will be published on Webnovel first and then AO3. It will NOT be on Wattpad! 🪷

We were fighting some kid, the whole fucking class and the reason why was because the actual pros couldn't touch him without lawsuits and since we were still in highschool we were given the go ahead. The kid kept crying that he couldn't turn it off and Eraserhead's quirk isn't working on him. Talk about a fucking headache.

I get close and set off an explosion to get his attention so that Deku and Eraserhead could get close, the kid's quirk was some kind of black lightning that shot you backwards and slammed you into things but from the looks of it Eraserhead couldn't erase it unless he is looking at the kid at the moment of impact and the kid kept bawling and covering his eyes so that really wasn't helping us at all.

All this trouble over a fucking kid.

"Peekaboo," my head snapped up at the ridiculous sound to find Deku trying to play peekaboo with the kid. The little boy actually looked up and Deku did it again. The kid sniffed and cracked a smile but kept watching.

"Peek a," Deku froze and then yelled "boo!" Making the kid laugh. Looks like it's the revisional exam all over again.

I reached into my belt and grabbed a handful of ground powder. I came up with this idea thanks to that class of trouble makers. I popped some explosions in my still clean hand letting the red sparks catch the kid's attention and then I set off a small explosion in the hand with the powder. First the calcium and copper chlorides manifesting the once yellow orange explosions blue and then some regular table salt to turn it a bright yellow.

"What's your favorite color?" Deku asked and I heard a soft voice say green. Green is easy, copper, it doesn't even need to be ground up; a simple penny from America will do just fine and I just need to hold it.

I grab a small handful and let my explosions spark and green sparks flash. The kid is smiling brightly and I walk forward a few steps before motioning him closer. The kid had finally stopped crying and was starting to ask for different colors, giggling at the silly faces that Deku was making. When the kid had finally stopped crying I let out a breath, I'm bored out of my mind.

"Thank you Mister," the kid had grabbed one of my gauntlets and tugged to get my attention, probably thinking it was like a shitty sleeve but he accidentally pulled the pin.


I aimed up and forced a smile, "Here's some real fireworks," I grunted and it was the hand I was still holding the pennies, I let it blast into the air and the kid jumped his quirk zapping both Deku and Eraserhead but neither seemed to be hurt so we all pretend it didn't happen and when the kid was taken away I collapsed on the ground.

"Kids are fucking scary as hell," I grumbled and I felt more than heard Deku sit next to me.

"You did really well keeping him from freaking out over your gauntlets," Deku smiled at me and I rolled my eyes. "Seriously, if it were me I probably would have panicked," he chuckled before leaning against me and I could have sworn that I felt a small electric shock but Eraserhead was calling us and the rest of our classmates back to go back to school.

"Coming Aizawa Sensei!" Deku called back and started standing up but I heard him mumble, "Can I come over tonight?"

"Do what you want," I averted my eyes but I couldn't help feeling another shock through my system when he offered me his hand. I took it without thinking. I couldn't look away until I was on my feet and then I shook my head trying to clear it. What the hell is wrong with me?


I heard a knock on my window and opened it while clicking my tongue. "Hurry up and get inside before someone sees you!" I snapped and he grinned before jumping inside and once the window was locked I was going to make sure my door was too but Deku grabbed my hand and pulled me back against him.

"I've been good," he whispered and a chill went down my back. It was like there was a live electrical current running through me now that he was touching me and I couldn't hold still anymore. I pulled him in for a kiss.

I vaguely remember him pulling my curtains shut and guiding me towards the bed. "So good," I agreed when we broke to breathe but I also used the moment to pull my shirt off. It's been months since we started dating, sneaking off to do little things here or there. The movies, arcade, a cafe here or there and then there was this. Deku always came through the window, kept everyone else from either interrupting or interfering and we both know that I like my privacy anyway.

"Oh Kacchan, you were amazing today, I haven't been able to think about anything but you since the incident," he growled in my ear before kissing down my neck.

"Oh? Then you should show me exactly what you were thinking about this whole time," I teased him, letting him strip the rest of my clothes from me. He didn't hesitate, fuck he didn't even take it slow. The moment he had the lube on he pushed in and waited for me to give the okay. The hardest part of us having sex, especially while we were excited. Waiting for me to adjust.

"Yes," I hissed and I felt him gently rock in and out of me. The feel of his lips and tongue against mine, demanding more and more until he would get frustrated and bite into my back, careful to make sure that my clothes would always cover the marks.

"I'm going to cum," I warned him and he pulled out and flipped me onto my back, oh this is new. He trailed kisses down my abs and sucked me into his mouth before opening his eyes and now I'm pinned under his piercing gaze. The hot, hot wet as he sucked and licked and fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!

"Ahhh!" I threw my head back, my back arched and Deku swallowed around me making everything else in my mind go numb.

It wasn't until he was between my legs and pushing back in again that I could open my eyes and the look of lust waiting for me there was nearly overwhelming.

"Oh Kacchan, I want so much more than that. Can't we keep going?" He leaned down while begging and I mumbled an answer thanks to his tongue diving in so fast and I swear it felt like he had gotten harder than before while we shook the bed in our excitement. He kissed up and down my body, sucking on my fingers if they got too close to his face and anytime I was about to cum again it was the only time he pulled out and the feel of his tongue on my dick was almost always too much but he always swallowed.

"Fuck Deku, what did I do to get treated like this? I need to do it again," I moaned and I heard his dark chuckles before he let me go again just to push this throbbing cock back into my ass.

"I'm just hungry," he whispered before kissing me and you know what fuck it. He can be as hungry as he wants so long as it's me he is feasting on like this. I heard him giggle and now I'm wondering if I said any of that out loud but instead of answering me he slammed into me and I screamed out when I felt him throb inside of me, his teeth marking my pecs while he tried to control himself but the cum kept flowing and once he finished I collapse under him. It probably took only five seconds or something like that but damn it felt so much longer.

I watched him gasp for air above me, sweat still trickling down in places while he tried to calm down but he didn't pull out. I didn't cum that last time but he made me cum so many times it felt wrong to point that out but it hurt to stay silent.

"I want more," I froze at the words that didn't come from my mouth. "Kacchan can you take more? I don't want to hurt you." He looked conflicted and I moaned when his body seemed to flinch at just him thinking of stopping.

"Fuck, I need to cum," I groaned in answer and he looked down and saw my still throbbing hard on between us.

"I can do that," he whispered and he pulled out, it felt wrong like he shouldn't ever pull away from me but the feel of his hot wet mouth stopped those kinds of thoughts in their tracks. He didn't stop.

I would cum and he would swallow before he would start all over again and thrust into my ass like he couldn't stop just until I couldn't take anymore and his mouth would suck me in again. This happened again and again and somehow neither of us were getting tired. If anything it was like we were getting more energetic and we started trying out new ideas which only left me breathless but then we would come back to this to catch our breath again.

"Deku!" I tried to warn him, I was riding on top of him but that didn't stop him from lifting me up and bringing me to his mouth again. Once I was empty he set me back down on my seat with his hands on my waist and it would be like he never stopped.

"Bro? Can you help me with the math-," I barely look up to see Kirishima who barged into my room as if it were his but what Deku and I were doing was on clear display, we were laying on top of the covers after all so there wasn't even a way to try and downplay it.

"Kirishima, can you come here?" Deku asked and I would have looked at him as if he were stupid if it weren't for him filling me right now. My best friend hesitated but walked over anyway and I heard Deku tell him to take off his pants but it wasn't really registering properly in my head. No, not really but the sound of Kirishima's pants hitting the ground did get my attention.

Deku was watching me and his eyes didn't leave mine while he licked out and made my best friend hiss in surprise. I couldn't look away, not with his deep green pools staring me down. His hands continued to help me ride him and it wasn't until I was about to cum that he let Kiri's dick go, lifting me up so he could swallow around me. This time though he flipped us over again so that I was on my back, Kiri's dick still out was now by my mouth.

"Kirishima? Can you cum on Kacchan's face for me?" Deku asked and my eyes widened in shock but when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye I turned just in time for him to cum all over my mouth and chin. "Thank you," Deku giggled before leaning down and licking it. "Stay still, I'll clean it off of you," he whispered still giggling and how in the fuck is this turning me on more? His hot tongue licked the still warm fluid off of me while my friend just stood there in a daze, watching.

"Oh so good, I'm going to cum again if you're so erotic," he giggled before thrusting hard and I moaned out, opening my mouth and in less than a second Kiri's dick was in my mouth making me freeze. "Oh, I like that idea. Kacchan will you make him cum on your face again? Or maybe your chest this time? I could lick it off your nipples," he suggested and thanks to Kiri's light thrusting I couldn't respond with more than another moan making both men harder at just the sound.

I forced my eyes open and found Deku kissing Kirishima before letting him go and whispering something, he pulled out of my mouth and this time came on my neck. The electric shocks flooding through my body while Deku lapped it up were nothing compared to when he came. How much can I really take? I had to be overflowing at this point but instead he had to pull out to add more lube and I basically tackled him, rolling us over so I could ride him again.

"Don't use me as a fucking plate. You want it, drink it from the source," I grumbled and this time I pulled Kiri in for a kiss. The sharpness of his teeth kept me from making it too deep but he was quick to respond and I felt him shudder through the kiss when he came again.

He was so far gone that he was barely awake, he couldn't keep up with us and he was only getting kisses and a blowjob. That's actually really disappointing. I never planned to bring anyone else into the bedroom with us but the fact that he walked in while we were so distracted meant that neither of us were thinking very clearly. He cried out, cumming one last time before Deku let him go and he flipped us over again.

"Leave and forget everything, it was just a nice dream," Deku instructed him, giving him one last kiss before Kiri just nodded and left again. Did he fucking hypnotize him or something? I didn't get to ask before Deku pulled away and sucked me into his mouth and started swallowing. Huh, I didn't even realize that I was so close. I didn't cum just a little bit either, no I kept cumming. It took more than just a few seconds to finish and the way Deku was looking at me and smiling only seemed to excite me more.

"Kacchan really is the best. You taste the best, you last the best, you cum the best," he giggled before turning me onto my stomach lifting my ass into the air. "I want to fill you until there isn't a choice for a baby to come out. How does that sound? Do you want to have a baby with me?" He teased and I chuckled at his surprisingly dirty talk.

"Whatever happened to make you this fucking horny can it happen again but don't sleep with anyone else. I draw the line there," I pouted up at him and he grinned.

"Oh no, Kacchan is my one and only," he purred and I wanted to roll my eyes at that but I guess it was just a blow job and a few kisses, I would be lying if I said it wasn't a turn on. "I'm going to fill you so much that we have a baby and you can never leave me," he whispered in my ear before pushing in roughly. I grunted at the rough treatment, Deku usually wants to spoil me to the point of madness but this sudden forcefulness had my heart pumping.

"Oh, you like that? How about this?" He crooned and I felt him pull all the way out just to slam back in again, pressing me hard to the bed so I couldn't get back up. He didn't stop, my hips held in such a way that there was a slight twinge in my back but with how he filled me I couldn't do more than cry out in bliss. I know that when this is over my back is going to kill me, there isn't any way around it but damn it all, it feels so fucking good.

Without me saying anything he pulled out and flipped me over so he could swallow my cum when I came and once he did he didn't bother to return back to our previous position and instead kissed me while my legs wrapped around his waist and he pushed in from the front.

"Dude have you seen-?" I looked up to see Kaminari letting himself in and he froze at the sight of us. Did Kiri really leave the door unlocked? The fucking dumbass!

"Kaminari? Could you come here?" Deku sang and I sensed dejavu. Just like with Kiri, Deku started instructing him and I had his dick in my mouth. Why am I the one giving him a blowjob? Actually why am I just letting this happen? I saw Deku kiss Kaminari and I flinched at the sight. For some reason Kiri was okay but Kami wasn't.

"I want you to cum right here, do you understand?" Deku asked while sliding a finger along my dick this time. "Right on Kacchan's kacchan," he giggled and I saw Kami nod while dazed. Wait, is he hypnotized? For real? He pulled out of my mouth and gave himself a couple good pumps before letting his mess explode onto my dick. "Good, now leave the room and lock the door. Forget everything while you were in here," Deku instructed him before pulling out and sucking me into his mouth to clean me off and force me to cum.

"What the fuck is going on?" I demanded once he was done swallowing around me. Actually when did the sun come up? Did we really stay up all night having sex and why don't I feel tired?

"I don't know but I can't stop it. I don't want to stop it," Deku answered and his eyes looked so honest even with the heavy lust clouding them. "I'm just so hungry," he whined and I froze for a second.

"Unlock my door," I told him and picked up my phone and sent a text. I can't believe I'm doing this. Deku did what I asked him too and it wasn't long before I was riding him again and our moans were filling the air.

"Bakugo?" I heard Icyhot call out and I told him to close and lock the door on his way in. Just like the last two times Deku asked for him to come here and he started blowing his friend while I kissed him.

"Want to join?" I asked when I heard Deku moan and I knew he just came in my lover's mouth.

"Kacchan?" Deku glared at me and I leaned down to kiss him.

"What you don't want to see me fuck him in the ass while he sucks your dick?" I teased but he just narrowed his eyes glaring at me for a minute before answering.

"Your ass is mine. No one else," he warned and I grinned. I very much like the possessive Deku. Thank you very much.

"Then you better fill it well," I teased him some more and he grinned.

"Oh I can do that," he smirked, pulling out and putting me back on my knees again. Icyhot in front of me, I go ahead and suck him into my mouth, it's not lost on me how Deku seems almost desperate to swallow cum so I stopped right before he came. It wasn't long before Icyhot was sent away, still dazed and confused. So that settles that. Deku is somehow hypnotizing whoever comes into the room and somehow I'm either immune or I've developed a resistance.

"Maybe we should take this somewhere else?" I suggested and I saw his eyes light up at the suggestion. Oh, he is a pervy horny man. We ended up back in my room when it became obvious that people wouldn't stop showing up wherever we were but that was pretty much a given. Deku however managed to swallow a lot more cum though. Is it bad that I'm enjoying this? I mean, just a little? We did at least manage to avoid the girls because the thought of one of them joining us sets my blood on fire but Deku seemed to already understand that.

"Kacchan? I'm not tired," he told me as if he only just realized that something wasn't right. Oh looks like he has been far too submerged in his lust to realize it before now.

"Good, I'm not done," I smirked, licking at my lips while I rode his hard ass cock. His fingers twisted and pinched my nipples and if it wasn't for the fact that I've gotten used to it I might have been surprised at how he flipped us over and pulled out just so he could swallow the load.

"Kacchan? I'm about to cum," he moaned, getting ready to thrust back in but I stopped him.

"As deep as you can," I smirked up at him and he nodded before helping me back on top of him again. There was something different about this time but I couldn't place what it was. He still helped me ride him, the way he slid in and out of me was almost too much to bear but the thought of stopping was out of the question. Oh.

I'm about to cum, this would be the first time we came together since he snuck into my room last night. I leaned down and kissed him, his tongue eagerly exploring while he grinded into me, his hands on my hips pulling me in and I couldn't help crying out just when he started to throb and fill me. I came. The mess was all over his chiseled abs and some even made it to his pecs but he didn't seem to notice. No, instead all he could seem to focus on was cumming inside of me and I let him.

I fell on top of him, before he helped me off of him and we lay there gasping for air.

"Whatever the fuck we did to cause all of that, we have to do it again," I said and he laughed out loud. He helped me up again and we cleaned up before cuddling in bed and holding each other. Normally he would go back to his room and we would try to pretend that we didn't have sex but fuck all that.

"I don't want to hide us anymore," I whispered and I felt Deku flinch at the words but I kept going. "I want all the extras to know to keep their fucking hands to themselves. I have a feeling that no one will remember today and that's fine, I would rather they didn't but I do want them to keep their distance. Especially Shitty Hair and Icyhot. And if Round Face keeps making doe eyes at you I just might kill her."

Deku giggled a little before snuggling close, "okay. We'll tell everyone tomorrow." We both tightened our hold on each other before falling asleep comfortably.


"Bakugo? Have you seen Midoriya? The two of us were hit with a dangerous quirk the other day-," I grumbled at the unwelcome visitor but I ignored them and simply cuddled into Deku who didn't even flinch at the noise. Aizawa Sensei had come barging into my room, how in the fuck he did that when I remember locking the damn door last night was beyond me but whatever, and now that he realized that I wasn't alone he was silent.

I heard the door close and when I opened my eyes my room was empty. Well that's a nice change of pace.


"Bakugo and Midoriya, stay after class," Aizawa Sensei instructed when the last bell of the day rang. I knew we were getting off too easy, he hadn't said anything all day about what he saw in my room and I was starting to think I dreamed it.

"Is it safe to assume that you two were together for the whole of the quirk?" He asked, not beating around the bush at all.

"What exactly was the quirk?" Deku asked, other than our libedo spiking through the fucking atmosphere I can't think of either of us doing anything that we normally wouldn't.

"The child's quirk made the victim crave and require sexual energy for roughly a day after being hit with his black lightning," he rubbed at his eyes and things were slowly making sense.

"Would that make Deku be able to hypnotize people?" I asked him seriously and Aizawa Sensei glared at me for a long time before deciding to answer.

"If he wasn't getting enough sexual energy he would unconsciously call for those that were willing to come to him but he wouldn't be able to make them do anything they didn't want to," he answered slowly and I chuckled while Deku's face went red.

"So when you said you were hungry," I teased him and he hit my arm but stayed silent.

"Were you with him the whole time or not?" Aizawa Sensei got frustrated and snapped at me but I just nodded, it's not like they could really do anything to us anyway since it was the effect of a quirk.

"Then you need to report to Recovery Girl and get examined, there is a possibility, although a small one, that you could be pregnant. The quirk essentially turned Midoriya into succubus, or incubus in his case, and even with you both being male it is possible. It will also be considerably faster thanks to the fact that he wasn't entirely human at the time."

"Who did you get pregnant?" I asked and he glared at me from over his coffee that he almost spit out.

"Probably Present Mic, the two of them are highschool sweethearts after all," Deku shrugged and I grinned back at our teacher.

"Makes sense, well unless Sensei decided to take it rather than give it," I said suggestively.



"You're not pregnant, however it looks like you are now capable of it. In the future if you continue," Recovery Girl paused not sure how to continue but eventually decided to just be blunt. "If you continue to receive it instead of giving it, make sure to use a condom and otherwise practice safe sex."

"So we could have children in the future?" Deku asked, his eyes seeming to sparkle and I chuckled at his cuteness.

"After we graduate we can talk about that. I'm thinking three or four," I smiled and he giggled before kissing on my neck and making me laugh. Recovery Girl didn't think it was funny and tested to make sure that neither of us were under the effects of a quirk now and once we were cleared she gave us a box of condoms.

"Don't get pregnant while I still have to deal with you," she threatened and Deku thanked her and we returned to the dorms.

After leaving our things in our rooms we ended up cuddling on the couch watching a romance and generally spending time together before falling asleep. It's nice not hiding away like before.
