
My head is pounding, my stomach is killing me and I am starving. "Why?" I groaned, bending over from the cramps that just wouldn't stop.  

"Oh? Is Bakugo having a hard time?" Round Face mocked from somewhere close by and I glared at her. 

"Uraraka, don't be cruel. Unlike most boys Bakubabe has always been amazing whenever I go through my cycle," Raccoon Eyes lectured, giving me something. "It's a hot water bottle, put it against your stomach," she instructed and I nodded, doing as I was told. I feel sick. I feel so sick that I just want to end anyone and everyone that comes anywhere near me. 

"Really? Fine, I guess I'll get the chocolate then," Round Face sighed and why in the hell does she sound disappointed? 

"Dark chocolate! He doesn't like sweet things!" Raccoon Eyes yelled after her and I could have sworn that I heard Round Face grumbling about wishing she didn't hear her but then she was gone. 

"It's okay, Bakubabe. She is just angry because Iida knows nothing about women's bodies and Midobabe freezes up, too awkward to actually help," Raccoon Eyes explained. "Unlike me, I have you, Kiribabe, Kamibabe and my lovely boyfriend, Sero and all of you treat me like the queen that I am." I know she is trying to distract me but it's not really helping. Not really. 

"What does that mean Mina?" Shitty Hair asked, looking like a complete fool but whatever, he handed me some pain meds to help with the pain, opening the pack for me and holding a glass of water. 

"Don't worry about it Kiribabe, just know that I have amazing friends," she sighed and hugged him after I gave him the glass back. 

"Dude, I heard that hot food helps but also cold food?" Dunce Face asked, looking confused. He had a cup of hot tea that I took gratefully. 

"True, ice cream and hot chocolate. I'm not going to pretend to understand how it works but usually hot is the way to go," Raccoon Eyes encouraged him. 

"I hate my life," I groaned, still hugging the hot water bottle. 

"And that's the hormones. Hang in there Bakubabe," she rubbed my back and that actually helps a lot. 

"Is it true that Bakugo is a woman?" The grape bastard came running in and I set off an explosion and he ran right back out. Fucking bastard. 

"Pervert," I grumbled and just fuck it. I laid down on my side and why does that feel so much better? Just why? 

"There there, Bakubabe. I know periods suck," Raccoon Eyes cooed. 

How in the hell did I get into this situation? I was in a fight last night with a female villain that I long forgot the name of. Turns out she used her quirk on me and when I woke up this morning I was a woman and bleeding from in-between my legs. My dumbass called the only person I could think of and no, sadly that was not my hag. Actually I take that back. My hag would be a million times worse. Raccoon Eyes has actually gone above and beyond, even going into the bathroom with me and helping me to figure out what to do with what. The fact that I was completely red faced through the whole ordeal be damned. The fact that girls actually help each other like that is surreal. Guys go into the bathroom together and we have to stop talking until we leave again. It's no wonder they always go to the bathroom in groups. 

"Bakugo, are you feeling any discomfort in your back or chest?" Ponytail asked carrying something I have no idea as to what to call it but it looks like a pillow. I grumbled in answer but nodded. The truth is both have been killing me. Turns out those big boobs that straight men seem to love actually wreak havoc on a girl's back and since mine showed up overnight instead of slowly growing I don't have the right muscles to support them. In other words I hurt. I hurt so fucking much, the pain behind my eyes from the migraine doesn't even begin to cover the pain that I'm in and girls go through this every fucking month? No fucking thanks! 

"This will help. I didn't want to mess it up and hurt you more so I just grabbed mine, I hope you don't mind," she blushed a little but I didn't care. The fact that so much pressure disappeared the moment my head was on it though should be illegal. 

"Why in the fuck haven't you had these fuckers removed?" I growled, in far too much pain to really think about what I was saying. 

"Well it's an option but it's dangerous," Ponytail answered without really hesitating. 


"Well, cancer becomes a lot more likely and besides that they usually won't do a boob job unless you have at least two kids and since I only just turned 18 well…" 

"That's fucked up. Who in the fuck made that stupid rule up? I get the cancer thing but kids?" I hissed through the pain and she sighed but nodded. 

"For some reason it's only for making breasts smaller. If they want bigger ones there is nothing preventing them as early as 16," okay I'm texting my hag over that bullshit later. Much later, like when I can sit up without crippling over from pain. 

"There are actually a bunch of laws keeping women from doing things. Like we aren't allowed to get our tubes tied unless we have at least two kids, one has to be a boy and the husband has to sign off on it. No husband no surgery," Raccoon Eyes shrugged. 

"I'm going to kill a bastard," I grumbled but the women just nodded as if they were used to this. When I'm a man again I'm seriously going to have a really "nice" chat with a couple of fucking politicians. 

The girls chatted for a while and Dunce Face being the only man in the room that was bi, was red faced but he didn't say anything too stupid, about either the topic or the situation. 

"Kacchan, I just heard from Uraraka, you-," Deku came running in to see my room filled with most of the girls in our class and my friends and froze before he saw me laying on my side in immense pain. 

"It's alright Bakugo, we are here. We'll take care of you," Ponytail whispered before running her fingers through my hair and why in the fuck does that feel so good? Just why? 

"Momo, I don't think Ochako is coming back," Ears whispered and Momo let out a sigh. 

"She really needs to get her priorities straight. Does she even know how much Bakugo does for all of us?" I could hear a lecture in her tone but she cut off before letting out a sigh and waving Ears off, who left the room for one reason or another. 

"Don't worry about Uraraka, we'll take care of her," Ponytail warned me and I swear I just felt the chill of death on the back of my neck. I might actually feel bad for Round Face if I wasn't so miserable. 

"Kacchan?" I looked up to see Deku much closer than before but he didn't shy away and instead he wiped my far too sweaty bangs from my face for me. "You have them bad like Mom huh?" He eyes the hot water bottle and I was hit with a wave of sympathy for the woman that made my childhood so nice. "Mom says spicy food isn't the greatest while cramping but no matter what your favorite food helps the most," he gave me a small smile before standing up. "I'll be right back." He ran out of the room and it's only now that I realized that the room was silent. 

"Mina? Didn't you say that Midoriya didn't do that well during the time of the month?" Ponytail asked, it was pretty clear that she was confused but I scoffed getting their attention. 

"Deku was raised by just Auntie. Uncle took off when we were four. Do you really see him ignoring his own mother?" I grumbled and a few of them let out relieved sighs. 

"Huh, then I wonder why he was always so awkward when Uraraka would… Oh," Raccoon Eyes realized as she was talking about. "How long has he known?" She asked me and I gave a dry laugh. 

"Better question is when didn't everyone know? She isn't fucking subtle," I hissed and one of the girls gave me a fresh hot water bottle and I grunted my thanks giving up the old one. 

"What's going on in here-?" Aizawa Sensei came in to find all of us in my room before spinning back around and walking out. 

"Rude fucker," I grumbled, why do I feel like I have a fever? Does this actually get worse? I will fucking cry and I refuse to feel embarrassed about it. Not after letting Raccoon Eyes into the bathroom with me, not after she actually helped and got MY blood on HER. Nope, embarrassment jumped out the fucking window. 

It wasn't long before Deku came running in holding a popping hot plate of spicy curry, the smell making my stomach growl. He only smiled and helped me sit up, setting up an area that I could actually eat at but thanks to the migraine I've had pretty much since I woke up I could feel tears sliding down my face but he only wiped them away and handed me a glass of almond milk. 

I am well aware that I am being pampered. It never once occurred to me that either my hag or Auntie were getting treated too well before but thanks to the grape bastard outside the door complaining about why I was being given special treatment now I'm wondering who hurt him so fucking bad. 

The hot sting of the spices helped so fucking much I have no idea how to react. My body was all over the fucking place crying from the relief but Deku somehow knew and just took my plate and left again, returning not too long afterwards with another helping of the spicy goodness. 

"Mom says it hurts but Aunty always said it helped," he winked at me. He actually fucking winked! 

"Urg, I hate you," I groaned before deciding to just fuck it. I laid my head on his shoulder, he flinched and after a minute he finally put his arm around me and I just buried my face in his neck. Okay embarrassment didn't take a flying leap like I thought. Why in the hell does my face feel like it's on fire? Actually, why does Deku smell so good? If anything my head doesn't hurt nearly as much and once he started rubbing his hands up and down my back I let out a small moan of approval and leaned in more. I just want to forget that the rest of the world exists at all. 


I woke up to Deku carefully laying me down but I don't want that. His smell and warmth is the only thing that has made my headache go away all day and I am NOT okay with it coming back. Hell no. 

"Shut up Deku and sleep already," I grumbled, pulling him down and using his chest as a pillow. Actually he is far more comfortable than I thought he would be. His muscles acting like thick cushions and thanks to me pulling him down he was now trapped under me. I felt his arm support the small of my back and I let out a long sigh of relief just from the small bit of pressure that was applied. 

"I know Kacchan is still a guy on the inside but is it really okay for them to sleep together since he is a woman on the outside?" Dunce Face asked and I really wanted to punch him in the face. 

"Don't worry about that Kaminari, Bakugo is on his period right now and he isn't going to let anyone touch him in any way that he doesn't want until after the cramps go away," Ponytail lectured him gently. I felt Deku take a deep breath as if he were relieved by that little piece of information but hell she isn't wrong. I just also won't let Deku go so long as I think he will keep the headache away and the best way to keep him is too keep my fucking mouth shut. 

I fidgeted a little, trying to get comfortable only to wrap myself around him, one leg over his waist and I heard a squeak but at the same time he flinched and the arm around my lower back tightened making me sigh. Finally some comfort. Is just not being in pain too much to ask for? I mean really? 

"Okay I brought Recovery g-," there were several people that shushed our Sensei before he could get too loud and I can guess what kind of face he is making but I kept my eyes closed. I'm too close to sleep to let him fuck it up. 

"Just check him. I can't deal with this," I heard him groan, much more quietly. I felt something cold next to where the hot water bottle had been and winced at the contrast. 

"Cold," I grumbled, climbing more onto Deku but managed to get that spot to touch his warm body to protect it. 

"Umm, Recovery Girl?" Ponytail whispered while I settled down again. "Bakugo is on his period right now. It's pretty bad. Migraines, cramps, nausea and it wasn't until Midoriya brought him curry that he could eat anything at all today." 

"I see, and are you absolutely sure he is a woman right now?" She asked and I remember embarrassment taking a flying leap this morning. Raccoon Eyes had enlisted Ponytail for help because the pads were not helping. 

"He, uh, needed help with some party supplies," Ponytail cleared her throat and now the fact the girls are always talking about party supplies even though they weren't going out made a lot more sense. 

"I see," I felt her hands on my sides and winced when she applied pressure to a very tender spot and I couldn't help the whine after the fact. Why do I have to be so sore everywhere? Just why? Everything hurts all the time and now that I found out that Deku holding me helps even a little bit, well, I'm not letting him go. 

"Young Midoriya, I need you to get up," she instructed and I felt him move but instead of trying to pull me off he protectively held his arms around me. 

"Recovery Girl, Kacchan really has been sick. When I came in he was as pale as a ghost," he tried to defend me but I already know he is going to lose. 

"Young Midoriya, I'm trying to examine Young Bakugo without waking him up. If his periods are this bad I might need to prescribe him something to help." 

"Oh," I could hear the reluctance in his voice but this time he tried to pick me up and I grabbed on, not willing to let him go. 

"Damn Deku, go to sleep already," I grumbled forcing myself to cuddle on top of him, making it much harder for him to try and lift me off just to find even more of the pain to disappear and I let out a long sigh when he stopped fighting me and I was able to climb on top of him. 

Pride who? The bitch never had period cramps obviously because hot damn I threw that shit away fast. 

"Kacchan? Umm, I kind of need you to get off of me," Deku pleaded and there was something odd about his voice that forced me to look around confused. Ponytail had given me comfortable silky pajamas this morning and I wasn't willing to trade them for pants when the cramps started but my shirt collar was crooked now and I looked down to see one of my shoulders bare but otherwise I'm completely covered. 

"What the fuck? Just shut up and be my body pillow," I grumbled, rubbing at my eyes. I'm so tired. I just want to sleep the day away. 

"Kacchan," I heard him squeak and when I looked at him I saw him red faced but otherwise frozen solid, his hands up so I could see them both. I looked around a little but I didn't really see anything out of place though. 

My legs were on either side of his hips and now that I'm sitting up I was sitting on his lap. I flinched when my body revolted, sending the mother of all cramps through me and I doubled over from the pain. I let myself fall over onto the soft bed but still ended up letting out a low whine. 

"Hey Kacchan, it's okay I'm still here," Deku tried to comfort me but the pain was radiating through me and even the thought of snapping at him made my body hurt more so I just stayed silent. The pressure behind my eyes grew, but when I covered my face to hide from the light it really didn't help. 

Then I felt Deku's arms pick me up and hug me to him again and the discarded pillow was forgotten in exchange for his neck and the throbbing to slowly fade away. 

"I hate you. Fucking Nerd I hate you so fucking much," I tried to curse him out, really I did but then he applied pressure to my lower back I let out a low hiss and relaxed in his arms. The fact that I am now sitting in his lap with my legs crossed behind him be damned. He is the one that pulled me into this position so he will get the fuck over it. 

"From what I've been able to see it looks like this is an effect of the quirk as well," I looked up glaring at Recovery Girl. What the fuck is she even talking about? So I asked. 

"Young Bakugo believe it or not but as a woman we don't grab and latch onto a man just because we are on our periods," she sighed as if I didn't know basic human anatomy. 

"No fucking shit. It's pretty fucking obvious that Deku is letting off an electrical charge by just breathing and he has enough muscle that it doesn't feel like I'm laying on a bag of bones. Dunce Face was sitting close by because I wouldn't let him leave before Deku showed up," I rolled my eyes at her and she rubbed her chin in thought but now I have other issues.

"Wait, is that why the girls seem to come around so much all at once before leaving again? Because of my quirk?" Dunce Face asked, shocked but I ignored him. I don't have the patience to deal with him and he has helped too much for even me to snap at him. 

"Raccoon Eyes, bathroom," I hissed and not only her but Ponytail helped me up and led me to the bathroom where I then asked stupid questions on how to get this thing out of me and how do I know that I got the new one in right or not? 

"I hate this," I groaned, grabbing Deku by his shirt collar and pulling him back towards my bed when I came back out. This time the girls showed me panty liners and how they are used and why. I hurt. Just being alive hurts, standing still not doing anything at all, hurts. I curled up under the blankets, hiding from the God awful light that only seemed to make everything worse and then Deku hugged me from behind and a lot of the pain disappeared again. I turned over in his arms and instead curled into him. 

"I hate this, I hate this I really fucking hate this," I groaned and he started rubbing my back, applying small amounts of pressure and I whined again. 

"Well if that's the case then there is one villain who fits the description but she usually just attacks men who are toxic, give them a taste of their own medicine," Recovery Girl seemed to quote but when in the fuck was I a toxic masculinity type? When? 

"She probably saw you barking orders at Ashido and I last night and didn't realize that it was just a part of your nasty personality," Round Face seemed to gloat. Am I crazy or wasn't she supposed to get chocolate? 

"Uraraka!" Ponytail and Raccoon Eyes started lecturing her on all the things I do on a daily basis that actually helped them and them the frog spoke up for what I think is the first time today. 

"Uraraka weren't you supposed to get Bakugo some chocolate to help with the cramps a while ago? Kero," which set the girls off on how immature and ungrateful she was. I forced myself to open my eyes, glaring at her. 

"I'm never cooking for you again," I hissed but Ears came back holding a dark spicy pepper chocolate bar? Those were a thing? Really? 

"I managed to get a few different spicy kinds but they only had one dark chocolate but if your okay with a sweeter spicy then," she held up a bag with several chocolate bars in it and I nodded. She put it down next to me before opening the one in her hand and giving me a small piece to try. It was actually pretty good, all things considered. 

I think I may have started a small fued between the girls in our class and Round Face is not getting any allies any time soon. 

"Well maybe if Bakugo wasn't such a flirt with other people's men then I wouldn't be so angry," she ended up snapping and I am so confused. 

"Who in the fuck do you think I was flirting with and when?" I demanded but she refused to say anything else. Does she not realize that Deku is holding me right now? It's Deku under the covers with me? Or is he hiding? 

"Uraraka, I think you should leave now," Deku spoke up and his head popped out from under the covers, I Guess that answers that question, and the way he was looking at her all sad would have even had me pitying her if it weren't for the wave of cramps running through me. 

I gasped, just trying to breathe through the pain and again I felt far too cold hands on my back. 

"Hold still and deep breaths in," Recovery Girl ordered me around and with Deku as an exception all the boys were kicked out along with Round Face. 

"Young Midoriya, I really need you to leave. I need to examine Bakugo without his clothes," she sighed and I flinched away at the thought. 

"The fuck you are, there is this thing called consent and even I don't fuck around with that bullshit," I snapped at her and she sighed again but the girls were giggling like I said something funny. 

Ponytail was the first to recover, "Bakugo it's true. As girls we have to have our bodies examined on a regular basis and since today is your first day…" She trailed off but I understand enough. This isn't actually an option, not if I'm going to be healthy. 

"How long is this quirk supposed to last?" I demanded and I saw her avoid eye contact. "Answer me!" 

"If it's the villain I think it is then a couple years. Unless you meet a condition but-," She finally gave in but now I really need answers because I am NOT dealing with this for years. Hell no. 

"What the fuck is the condition?" She still wasn't meeting my eyes. The fuck is the matter with her? 

"Umm Kacchan?" I looked back at Deku who was still letting me cuddle him. He handed me his phone showing me the picture of the extra I fought last night. 

"Man Who? The villain known for turning toxic men into women so they can get a taste of what the every day life is like. Her quirk is strange in that unless you meet a special condition, the victim would be stuck for the next five years. Which causes a boost of ethical questions," I stopped reading out loud and quickly read on trying to figure out the condition. It took a few pages and it wasn't a secret that I was getting more and more annoyed with the fact that they were tiptoing around the answer until the very end. 

"Pregnancy has been the only case in which the quirk will wear off faster. After not only birth but after the child has been weened off the'mother's' milk," I paused not knowing what to say for a long ass time. 

"You're telling me I have to have a kid before I go back to normal? But then I'll have a fucking baby! How is that an actual fucking choice?" I was screaming but Deku let out a sigh making me pause in my rant. 

"Is that the villain that you were fighting?" He pulled the picture up again and I groaned but nodded anyway. 

"Damn it," I heard Recovery Girl sigh. In the end Deku was kicked out anyway and I feel more violated than I ever have before in my life and then my hag was called. Causing another ruckus all on is own but I was already doubled over in pain again and not answering her cheap shots until Deku was let back in again and I had my body pillow back. 

"So your going to have Izuku give me a grandchild? Well I'm not against that, at least I'll have one now. The fact you were so fucking gay you probably shit rainbows didn't escape any of us," my hag tried again but I ignored her. I thought I was doing pretty good at keeping my preferences to myself but I guess I failed that pretty fucking horribly. 

"Aunty, please. Kacchan is having a hard time and I know that he and Uncle take really good care of you when you're on your period," Deku chastised her and she started backpedaling. "I remember one time he was sick and Uncle was at work and instead of trying to force himself to take care of you both he called me and Mom and I came over for the whole weekend." He started listing off a bunch of examples of when I put her needs first and she, faced with Deku's straight forward and innocent personality, couldn't do anything but apologize. 

"Besides, even if he were straight, would you really want your son to have a baby straight out of highschool? Graduation is tomorrow and I don't see any sign of you telling him how proud you are or anything at all!" Okay now he is pissed but I just cuddled into him, letting the pain in my head disappear while I listened to my hag stumble and stutter because no matter how tough I act the fact that I'm a Bakugo remains the same and the fact that as a Bakugo we have zero resistance to him and Auntie is more than just established. I fought it like hell, even bullying him when we were younger but even at the height of my ignorance, the one time he told me he was disappointed in me cut deep. 

It was like my world was ending. 

"And how dare you just assume that he would pick me anyway? Kacchan hates me and you know it!" And I didn't need to look up to see my hag getting uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, she is well aware of just how much I "hate" him. Much more knowledgeable than he was at the moment. Unlike what so many people think, my hag and I get along great and I do actually talk to her about just about everything. Including my one sided crush on the greenette. 

"Can I just go back to sleep already?" I groaned and whatever Deku was about to say next stopped in its tracks. Oh that is a useful skill. Can I keep that? 

I heard the door close and when I opened my eyes I found Deku and I alone in my room, curled up and cuddling in my bed. Why does that thought make my heart hurt so much? 

"Sleep Kacchan, I'll take care of everything," he whispered and I nodded before climbing on top of him again. I felt a small charge and opened my eyes just to see him using his quirk and I let out a sigh and cuddled into his arms. The pain finally disappearing altogether before I closed my eyes and let sleep take me. 


"Bakugo?" I heard quiet whispers and I had to force myself to open my eyes only to blink rapidly to try and see. I found Ponytail and Raccoon Eyes standing next to my bed. 

"You've been asleep for too long, you need to change your tampon," Raccoon Eyes explained when I looked at them confused. I have to get up just to change it? I thought the whole point was so that I could sleep comfortably? 

They helped me up so that I wouldn't wake up Deku who must have fallen asleep after using his quirk for too long. This time however there was little to no blood. Huh? 

"I guess it makes sense, you weren't born a woman and it's kind of weird that you had one as soon as you turned into one anyway. A girl's body," Ponytail went on to explain how periods worked and now I'm even more grossed out by them. 

"So what does that mean for me now?" I cut in, too tired to actually snap at her, not after everything these two have done for me. 

"It means that you should take a hot shower, soak in a hot bath and go back to sleep. You should be 'normal' when you wake up," Raccoon Eyes smiled but I don't like how she said normal and said as much. 

"Look Bakugo, the thing is that after our periods we need time to relax and actually get back up to speed. You'll be tired mostly but most of the cramps will stop, most girls either stop getting migraines all together or will get much smaller and easier to handle headaches until those fade away too. As women we are expected to just flip a switch and 'get over it' but the truth is you'll feel pretty shitty for a few days still," Raccoon Eyes shrugged and Ponytail nodded in agreement. 

"When I turn back to normal I'm making politicians suffer for all this bullshit," I grumbled, I know perfectly well that they are not the reason behind periods. But I also know that they are the reason that women in general have such a hard time with everyday tasks. They didn't argue with me so I'm sure they understood what I meant. 

"So sleep?" I asked and they reminded me to take a shower. I looked down at myself and groaned. I really didn't want to think about this before but. "How do I do that?" I finally groaned just giving in. 

They helped. When everything is said and done I will forever be in debt to these two. They not only helped with soaps and how to do certain things but they also helped by showing the best way to clean not only my chest but the blood spewing demon below. It actually wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Mostly it was the soaps I should and shouldn't use. 

They had to join me in the shower in order to help and then when that was done the bath was drawn up and they showed me the correct way to relax. Turns out I've been doing that wrong too but then again my quirk does require that I'm more than just excited. 

They helped me dry off and Ponytail gave me another set of clothes because even though it was only a day it turns out that my old clothes really stink. Deku had put up with a lot today. 

"Don't tell anyone that it's over?" I averted my eyes and they giggled a little. 

"Go get your man," Ponytail whispered and I felt my face heat up. Looks like the bitch known as embarrassment was back again. Damn it. 

"I told you it was obvious!" Raccoon Eyes quietly squealed before opening the door and I returned to my room to find Deku sitting up slightly confused. Ponytail handed me something but then the girls left and I was alone with him. 

"Kacchan? Are you okay?" He asked, still groggy. 

"Just sore, I needed a shower," I explained without oversharing and he nodded before holding his arms out to me. I climbed into his lap cuddled into him and when I felt a small jolt I opened my eyes to find him using his quirk again. Letting it run through him and the excess was seeping into me. It really does feel good. 

I let out a sigh and closed my eyes, not caring that we weren't laying down yet. This is all I need. 

"Does it still hurt anywhere?" He asked and I shook my head no. I felt when the low hum of his quirk disappeared but I didn't let him go. 

I tried to adjust myself, to get comfortable but now that I'm not distracted from the immense pain from before it felt like every little thing was stabbing and poking at me, not in unpleasant ways either. 

"Umm Kacchan? Could you stop moving around so much?" Deku asked and I looked back at him annoyed just to find him red faced. Why? I don't even have my legs wrapped around him like before. They are on either side of him and I sat back to look him straight in the face before I froze. Oh. 

"I'm sorry! You were just moving around a lot and it felt really good. I couldn't help it," he tried to defend himself but I still hadn't reacted. The package that Ponytail gave me is now heavily on my mind. 

"Kacchan I'm really sorry. It will go away soon I promise!" He hasn't shut up but I also hadn't been listening going through my own internal panic the whole time. 

"What if I didn't want you to?" I barely whispered but I felt him go rigid under me, letting me know that he heard me perfectly. Neither of us said anything or moved at all. Fuck! I really fucked up! How am I supposed to come back from this? 

"If that's the case," he hesitated before he gently lifted me by my hips and set me up high in his lap and directly on top of that. I could feel it through our clothes and he wasn't anywhere close to soft. My nervousness made it hard to breathe but the gentleness of his attention kept me close. 

"Is this what you want or do you just want to get pregnant so you'll return to normal faster? I just need to know so I can prepare myself," he whispered in my ear. His breath tickled my ear, sending a shiver through me but I managed not to lash out. I picked up the box that Ponytail gave me and handed it to him, he looked confused before he looked inside and saw what was in it. 

Condoms. Using a condom would prevent pregnancy so I'm pretty sure he understands what it is that I want. I hope so anyway. 

"Don't push yourself. If you're not interested then just say no. It's okay," I whispered and I can't help feeling like I've been laid bare in front of him but still. I need to know and it would be better on my heart if it were sooner rather than later. 

He tilted my chin up so that I was facing him and my breath caught in my throat but from the look he was giving me. It was dark, it's the middle of the night but still, how can he look so dangerous? 

"Is this what you want?" He asked but before I could answer he rephrased it. "Am I who you want?" The darkness seemed to somehow increase the depth of his eyes, mesmerizingly so. 

"Yes," I whispered and he tugged on my chin and our lips met. It was brief and awkward but still, they met. I kissed him again, taking it as permission and his arms wrapped around my waist holding me close. He stood up, still holding me and carefully laid me down before he removed his shirt. 

He stripped, only leaving his boxers on before he climbed up on the bed with me. I tried to take off my shirt but he stopped me before I could do more than lift the hem. 

"Let me? I want to see it all," he asked and his deep husky voice sent a shiver through me. I nodded before he kissed me again. I felt his hands trail up my sides, carefully mapping out my body. I let out a whine when he found a particularly sensitive one when he seemed to snap out of it. 

"Your period?" He asked ready to back away but I didn't want to let him go. 

"It's over, I'm clean. I took a shower and then a bath," I tried to stop him from leaving but the moment the words were out he was diving in for another kiss. 

"Then I'll help myself," his low voice was making my excitement pool in my lower body, it feels different compared to getting a boner. I could easily feel that and it wasn't hard to figure out but as a woman… 

He slipped a hand under my waistband, still not pulling off any of my clothes and I felt when he lightly fingered me, his finger easily slipping inside the very wet folds. 

"Looks like I don't need to wait," he chuckled before he carefully pulled my bottoms off so I had nothing on anymore. The cool chill of the air made me wince but it took until now for me to realize that he had gone down with my clothes. 

"Deku?" I asked nervously, did he change his mind? 

"Thanks for the meal," I heard him whisper in answer and I flinched, he licked me! He kissed and licked and it felt so good. I let out an involuntary cry but that only seemed to excite him more. The electric shock from his tongue on something so very sensitive and then he found something that made my whole body shudder. He attacked it mercilessly and I swear I came, he even hummed seemingly satisfied when I arched my back and collapsed again. 

"You should take a bath every night if you're going to taste this good," he was panting and I'm a bit confused. I thought cum was supposed to be bitter? He unbuttoned my top, letting the material fall to either side of me but he just stared for a moment. "Beautiful." The huskyness of his voice sounds raw and forced but at the same time he doesn't look like he was disappointed. 

He carefully planted a few kisses before licking up to my breasts, his hot mouth taking my very cold nipple in his mouth almost burned. It all feels so good I don't know what I'm supposed to do. What am I supposed to do? No, what am I thinking? I grew up a man and I should know what feels good right? Shouldn't I? 

I pressed my hands on his chest and he froze, he looked up and I pulled him in for a kiss. His surprise turned into excitement and we were both enjoying the kiss until he leaned forward and I felt something hard bump into me and we both froze. 

"Right, I should take care of this first," he panted, pulling away before reaching away from me. I let out a low whine, not wanting it to end but he came back holding something I had completely forgotten about. A condom. I watched him tear it open with his teeth and he was pretty fucking fast, rolling it on, not giving me time to actually see how big he is in the darkness before he was back with a kiss. 

"Have you changed your mind?" He asked, his hands roaming along my body dragging the material from my top up and down my sides. 

"No," I answered him breathlessly, honestly. How could I change my mind when he has been so attentive, so caring, so everything? 

"Good," he smiled before kissing me again and he pulled my leg up and around his waist and I lifted the other to wrap around him. I felt him bump against me again but this time he didn't pull away. "Then I'll take you." he waited so I nodded and I felt him push in, it is so very different from having a cock and masturbating. It was like I was being filled by his very being and I felt whole. I like it. He pushed all the way in and thanks to how wet I was it was easy for him to slide in. The harder he pushed into me the more I wanted but the less he could do. Then he pulled out and my nails raked up his back trying to keep him just for him to push back in again. 

It didn't take long, our excitement far too fast to last but when he took off the condom he stayed where he was above me, just looking at me while we breathed heavily. It was intense, the fact that I've waited for no one but him but never actually believed the day would ever come seemed to only make it go by far too fast. 

"Could I-," he broke off not knowing what to say before starting over. "I want to feel the real you. Could I go the other way?" Anal, he wants to feel my ass and I want to let him but would it be the real me? Since I was turned into a woman I mean. I guess it would be the realest part of me, well besides my mouth but, yeah. 

I gave a short nod and he smiled. "Can I use your cum as a lube? It feels so good. Or do I need to wear a condom again? Can I just thrust a few times without it, get myself all wet to push in?" He was getting excited at the idea. Is that okay? But. I mean. "I promise I won't cum in your front," he added but he noticed my hesitation. I don't actually know that much about sex between a man and a woman. I was a man and I didn't have an interest in women so why would I? 

"I," I stopped, what should I say? What is the correct answer? I don't know, I don't understand. I just. Arg! I mean it's not like he could get me pregnant if he doesn't cum in the front, right? 

[A/N For those of you younger who may not know. This is NOT safe and does not act like birth control. Even pre cum has sperm in it and CAN get someone pregnant. It's a lot less likely just because there is so little but it is possible. Also after a man cums there can and probably will still be cum in the shaft so again it can get you pregnant. Be safe, be responsible.] 

"Okay, I'll trust you," I whispered and that made his eyes light up and he kissed me again. 

"I won't let you down," he whispered and he was so very sweet. His kisses left a trail on me that his hands seemed to mirror on either side, I couldn't help moaning out at his touch and his eyes only seemed to dance from the starlight through the window. 

"Do you have any idea how long I've wanted you? How long I've dreamed of having you all to myself?" He asked, his voice low but it was easy to hear him still. 

"Why? I'm-," I started, about to dig into myself for all the shit I've done over the years but he cut me off with a kiss that took my breath away. His tongue slid into my mouth, trapping me, holding me hostage when he sucked the air from my lungs. The way his hands slid along my skin, teasing at my sanity

"Because you are amazing." He kissed me, not letting me respond in any way except through his touch. I stopped thinking about it. I caved, the world doesn't need me right now so I can be lost in mine. Each kiss played with emotions, every touch sent little zaps of desire, of need coursing through me. 

Then he did it, he pushed in. Being a woman is still so confusing. On the one hand, I don't want to get pregnant. The thought of how my body would change scared me and I'm not afraid to say it. At the same time though, the moment he pushed inside I didn't want to let him go. My body is screaming at me to let him fill me. 

"Just a few," I heard him grunt as if reminding himself that he couldn't stay. He paused for a moment before kissing me. It's so hard to breathe to focus to do anything at all and then I felt him pulling out. This time I didn't try to trap him but instead moved with him. He grunted at what has to be intense sensations but he didn't try to pull out either. He thrusted back in again and I was making those extremely embarrassing noises again but I just couldn't stop. I scratched at his back moving with him until I felt him freeze and pull away, completely out of me. 

"I, I, I, I-," he tried to explain but neither of us are thinking straight at the moment. I sat up just to pull him towards me, he looked so confused but he came to me anyway. I made him sit next to me and then I climbed into his lap. My legs on either side of him while his hands went reflexively to my waist to steady me. I sank down his cock, letting him fill me and marveling at the new found control I felt just from being on top of him. 

"My turn," I whispered and he nodded, not actually capable of answering now that he was inside of me again. I rode him. Letting him slip and slide inside of me, testing what felt good and what was amazing. There were a couple times where he tightened his grip on me, not letting me move but after a while he would relax and I was building us up again. 

My arms over his shoulder and around his neck, he couldn't look anywhere but at me. I love it, I love how his eyes dark as they are now took mine in and devoured them. I kissed him. His hands tightened on my hips again, keeping me from moving but it didn't stop the kiss. Or how neither of us seemed to be able to breathe because every time we separated we were gasping for air just to do it again. 

"I should pull out now," he whispered through a kiss, not daring to pull away even for a moment. 

"Okay," I answered but I didn't move to get off of him. His hands were holding me tight by the waist, supporting me while I could feel him deep inside of me, not willing to let me pull off just yet despite what he said. "Whenever you're ready. I trust you," I added and he seemed to realize what he was doing. 

He slowly pulled me off and I don't think I'm the only one suppressing the desire to plunge me back down again but we made it. Gasping and clutching into each other like a life line but damn it all, we did it. My legs are wobbly and he has to set me down next to him, seemingly forcing himself to. 

"I want more," I whispered in his ear and I got to watch as he blushed crimson. 

"Oh I'm going to give you more," he finally answered after a couple deep breaths. He carefully pushed me over, face down on the bed and this time he didn't hesitate. He pushed in hard and fast in my ass and I cried out at the unexpected roughness. I could feel the slickness and when he pulled out again I cried out even more. 

"Yes!" He slammed into me again and again. I could hear him grunting, he won't last long, not at this point. No. The pressure was building up in me, I grabbed handfuls of my sheets but my world was falling apart faster than I could hold on and I screamed. I felt him throbbing inside of me but neither of us could move, not anymore. Gasping, shuddering, throbbing all over, what could I do but nothing at all? My arms gave out and my face hit the pillow. I turned my head but that was all. I had no energy, nothing else to give. 

Deku pulled out, I heard him groan but otherwise he stayed silent. He helped me to lay down properly, kisses littered across my shoulders and the back of my neck while he hugged me to him. 

"Holy fuck," I whispered but only because my voice was so raw from my screams. 

"That was heavenly," he agreed and I couldn't help laughing. His playful giggles danced in my ears while I cuddled into him. His kisses didn't slow down and I ended up moaning at the soothing gesture. 

"Fuck, I want you again but I don't know if I can take it or not," I groaned and I felt his hands tighten a little. 

"Let's take a shower, you're going to need to be cleaned out," he suggested and I hate to admit it but I could already feel his cum dripping out of me making me uncomfortable so I nodded. He gave me another kiss before getting up and going to my bathroom. The fact that I was in there just a couple hours ago with the girls be damned, I need another shower. 

He came back after I heard the water running for a while and he carried me inside. "I won't cum inside this time," he said, but I'm too sleepy to really understand what he means. Come inside what? He is already under the water with me so that can't be-. 

"AH!" I cried out at the suddenness of it all. I was holding myself up against the shower wall and his cock was pushed in my ass as deep as it would go. 

"So good, so very good," he whispered, his voice stained from holding back and I felt my irritation grow. Why in the fuck is he holding back? He pulled out and thrusted in again and again this time much shallower than before but I'm not caught off guard anymore and I want more. Holy fuck I want more. How am I even awake right now? I am utterly exhausted but at the same time all I want to do is go harder. 

"Kacchan if you do that," he cut himself off and I squeezed around him again. The hot running water runs down our impatient bodies, making it more difficult to focus. He pulled out. I could see that he was still hard and more than willing but maybe I was pushing him too much? 

An idea popped into my head and I picked up the rag and added soap before I started washing myself. I could feel his eyes on me, watching everything as I washed my chest, my breasts bouncing a little but now covered in bubbles had his attention. I used a finger to motion him closer and he came. A light kiss later and now he is biting my neck while I thoroughly cleaned his shaft for him, his chest and abs already done. 

"Now let's rinse off," I motioned towards the water and in a daze he blinked a few times before agreeing, pulling me in with him. I turned off the water and used a towel only for him to pout but follow my lead until we were back in the bedroom again. 

"Let's fuck again," I smirked and he smiled brightly, dropping the towel and we were on my bed again. This time he was in front and I liked it. I liked it a lot. Maybe being a woman isn't all bad? 

"I should stop, I'm going to cum," he whined, already pulling out but I don't care. Not right now. 

"Then cum," I demanded and he froze looking at me confused before I pushed him over and got on top of him. Letting him sink inside the wet folds that were for him and only him. His hands went to my waist and after a few moments he asked. 

"Are you sure?" His voice was weak, far too much effort was being spent elsewhere for him to care and I smiled. 

"Fuck yes!" I answered and with the words still on my lips he slammed me down on top of him. Again and again, I cried out my bliss and it wasn't long before he was pulling me down hard and I could feel him throbbing inside of me. He came. The rush sent me higher and I know that I came too but instead of getting tired like with anal I just want to keep going. 

"Again?" I asked and suddenly my back was on the bed and his tongue was in my mouth. His hips rocking in time with mine. Our cum mixing and being forced deeper inside of me but neither of us could do anything but love each other. 

I never want tonight to end. 


I woke up tired, tender and sore. I couldn't help giggling though, Deku's ticklish touch on my arms were making it hard to focus. 

"Good morning beautiful," he whispered and even though he is behind me I know that he is smiling. 

"Morning sex?" I turned my head to flirt with him playfully. 

"Thought you would never ask," he smirked right back and I felt my heart skip a beat. He didn't waste time though and his light touches turned into kisses that led to him pushing deep inside again. 

"Almost," I cried out and he slammed into me again, rocking the bed and hitting the wall, just as the bedroom door opened. My back arched and Deku was sucking on my breasts. Not only our teacher but a few of our classmates just for several to scream and run back out again. Including our teacher. 

"Nosey ass extras. Seeing shit they shouldn't," I grumbled but Deku chuckled. 

"We probably took too long, it's kind of late now," he pointed at the clock on my bedside table and sure enough it read 7am but, and this is a big but, I usually don't go downstairs until 7:30 since class starts at 8 and since it's the last day classes don't even start until 10 thanks to several going on patrol. Which neither of us had this morning. 

I just huffed though and Deku played with my hair, tucking it behind my ear. "They still chose a shitty time to show up," I grumbled and he hummed his agreement. During the climax, right in the middle at that, was a terrible time to be interrupted. 

He helped me to the shower this time resisting my temptations thanks to people already waiting on us but once I had my pajamas on again I crawled back into the now clean bed. 

"Kacchan? This is your room, I'm pretty sure it's you they wanted to talk to," Deku started running his fingers through my hair, soothing my nerves. 

"But I don't want to talk to them," I rolled my eyes but then closed them and just enjoyed his sweet touch. 

"Do you think it has anything to do with the quirk you were hit with?" He asked and I just wanted to groan and turn over and sleep. 

"Fuck, do I have to?" I grumbled some more but he didn't seem to be listening so much as flirting with the lock of hair between his fingers. 

"Probably, why else would they barge in without knocking?" I let out a groan. Since when has he been this logical? I mean really. 

"Fine, but I'm staying in bed. I'm sore all over and I just want to be in your arms," I pouted and he giggled before climbing up next to me and holding me in just the perfect way. "I love you Deku," I yawned after that but his response made me smile even more. Huh, have I always been this relaxed? Why does it feel odd then? 

I was half asleep when I felt him get up but even when I turned towards him he just kissed my forehead and got up anyway. I heard the door open and I swear someone screamed but it was cut off fast. 

"Problem child, what the hell do you think you're doing? This is-," Aizawa Sensei started but then Deku cut him off. 

"Kacchan is sleeping. I want him to stay that way," I could hear the smile in his voice but all other noise disappeared. Huh, how odd. "Now what is so important that you all barged into a teenager's bedroom at 7 in the morning? What couldn't wait?" 

I cuddled into the pillow next to me, breathing in deeply the rich scent that was all Deku; hints of honey and lavender mixed with some kind of warm spice. Deku. 

"Midoriya, we were lied to about the quirk he was hit with," Aizawa Sensei was speaking through gritted teeth but otherwise I didn't really hear anything wrong. 

"Ooh, that's a shocker. A villain lied, someone call the tabloids," Deku chuckled and I heard some frantic whispering but otherwise there wasn't really a response. "So what did the quirk actually do?" He asked when no one seemed willing to speak up. 

"That-," there was a pause as if even Aizawa Sensei didn't know what to say. 

"Midobabe," Raccoon Eyes spoke, her normally cheery voice a bit too low for comfort. "Bakubabe, is going to get pregnant." Oh is that all? Deku and I already made that choice, together. Nothing to worry about then. 

"Probably if he doesn't let me go," Deku chuckled and I heard more panicked whispers. When did he get so confident? He keeps making my heart skip a beat. 

"No, Midobabe. I mean. Uh, the quirk didn't just turn him into a woman. That wasn't a normal period, it was something more like an animal going into heat, attracting a mate." I could hear her stutter in a few places but she had been the most coherent person since Deku opened the door. 

"Explains why Kacchan couldn't keep his hands off of me," Deku is chuckling still and I opened my eyes to see Dunce Face bright red next to Raccoon Eyes through the open door but he stayed quiet. No jokes today huh? That suits me just fine. 

"No, Midobabe. I just. It's just, how do I say this?" There was a pause as if she were looking at someone else for help. 

"Midoriya," Aizawa Sensei spoke up before clearing his throat. "Anyone Bakugo has ever looked at with any sort of romantic interest won't be able to stay away from him. He is like a magnet and neither of them will be able to say no." 

Hold the fuck up. Is he saying what I think he is right now? Because it sounds an awful lot like I would be raping people, well Deku, but that is nowhere close to what happened! Deku liked it, no he loved it. He kept driving us forward, trying to take us further. There is no way in hell that a quirk made him do all that! 

"What are you trying to say," Deku's chuckles were nothing more than a faint memory now. Did I hurt him? Did he actually want to be with me? Did I? 

"No!" I said it out loud covering my mouth and Deku spun around to see me standing behind him. No! No, no, no, no, no! 

"Kacchan, no. Look at me please?" He begged pulling me into his arms but the panic had already set in. The realization of what I did, the crime I committed without even knowing. 

"I raped you," a sob broke itself out of me and it's only now that I realize that I have tears streaming down my face. I raped him. I'm evil, I'm, I'm, I'm… I'm a villain. 

"NO!" Deku yelled trying to force my attention back on him but I flinched away when I realized how close he was. I could feel my quirk pop and snap between my fingers so I wrapped my arms around myself to keep my explosions far away from him. If I hurt anyone, it needs to be me. I'm the bad one. The evil one. The villain. 

"Kacchan, I swear I only did what I wanted. Period. I love you, I've loved you since we were kids," he tried to reason it out but I averted my eyes, looking away from him. I can't look at him. Not this angel. I don't deserve to look at him. He forced my chin up so he could look into my eyes. "Kacchan I swear, I love you." 

"How do I know that the quirk isn't making you say that? How do I know that any of this is even real?" I closed my eyes, I can't look at him, not any more. I've lost every right to even be near him now, forget being a hero. I'll be lucky if I don't go to prison for this. 

"Kacchan, please look at me, please," he begged. I felt his hands wiping away my tears and when I opened my eyes I saw him near tears. "Please," he begged when he saw me responding to him but I just covered my face with my hands and sobbed. I couldn't hold it in. 

"I hope you're fucking happy. Get out!" Deku screamed at them but when I opened my eyes I saw our teacher looking at us both confused and full of pity. This ruined any chance of us being happy. It ruined any chance at all of us being together because now no matter what I do I'll always question if he ever really liked me at all. 

"Wait, I can prove that it's true! My journal, you'll believe me if you read that won't you?" He asked, nearly begging and I nodded after a moment. Do I actually have a chance? Is there any chance at all? 

"Alright, come with me," he pulled me towards the door and once it was open he didn't bother to wait on me and instead picked me up princess style and ran towards the stairs. It honestly didn't take that long to get to the second floor from mine and when he unlocked the door, his hands were shaking. He carefully set me down and went to his desk and brought back a black book and flipped it open before smiling, letting out a sigh of relief before handing it to me. 

I quickly skimmed it and then went back and read it again and then again before I looked up at him. It was a fantasy. He had written down a wet dream about the two of us and then went on to wish for it to be real. 

"See? I promise, I love you. The quirk didn't make me do anything at all that I didn't want to do. I swear," he was on his knees in front of me but I'm still crying, not from guilt like before but from relief. He actually wanted me. We are safe. 

I nodded and leaned against his shoulder just trying to breathe enough to calm down. I didn't hurt him. Holy fuck those words are such a relief I just couldn't get over the weight that dropped off of me. I didn't hurt him. Sure the quirk probably pushed things along that would normally have taken longer but I can live with that. 

"I love you so much Kacchan," he whispered in my ear but now that I'm not flinching away from him he is a lot more relaxed. 

"I love you too. So much it hurts," I responded and I felt him nod but he didn't pull away. 

I love this man and thank God today is graduation day because he is going to be the father of my children and I don't want that kind of negative publicity when I get pregnant.  

"Kacchan I know it's kind of early but," he paused and I looked up at him and he shyly smirked at me. "Will you marry me?" 

"Yes you fucking Nerd. Now fucking kiss me already!" 
