prototype of koyanskaya cap

An American magician is in a VIP room of the newly built casino watching all the wins that are from this simple Qp, all types of ascension materials, also CE's even mystic codes all these things were obtained from the losers of the casino who thought they could win many benefits but they are all wrong, they may win a lot at the beginning but that is part of the plan, let them win at the beginning then they will lose what they won

then to recover what they won they will bet things like QP materials CE myster codes but what is really important is that they have in their hand a list of the servants that the losers ended up betting the contracts they made with the servants that now with their servant

At the beginning it was not easy to get one of them to bet on their servant and we must add the fact that now you can no longer call male servants thanks to that person, that changed things in Chaldea for those who had one or more male servants. They ended up disappearing and now there is a great power vacuum in Chaldea, which is why the value of a female servant skyrocketed

With this, a second wave of invocation began on the part of those who do not want to lose their power and influence in the organization and on the other hand, those who want to take advantage of it to gain more power and influence.

Taking advantage of the opportunity I ended up summoning a servant named Koyanskaya, she was surprisingly skilled in business.

She suggested the idea of ​​the casino to increase my influence and power. At first it seemed like a bad idea to me, although I could gain more power in Chaldea, it was not enough for all the problems that have to be done to make the casino, even though on the one hand I would win a large amount of money. Materials from this point of view were not worth it: Koyanskaya said something that completely changed my mind on how to see her idea.

bet on the servants when she said that I thought she was crazy who would do that but knowing how things are now it was impossible for someone to resign their servant in this situation but she said that it is possible to do it as long as there is an example or in this case a victim everything What is needed is enough benefits to force the other party to bet on his servant but also the other person cannot be a person of low prestige in Chaldea nor too high to avoid problems at the beginning

It doesn't sound like a bad plan but I was about to say that there is no one here who remembers a person who could be that springboard for my promotion Munoh who was before one of the most important people or else the most important person at that moment after Receiving multiple bad strokes of luck, his influence and power have fallen in a great way that is not like before, he was the perfect springboard for my rise to power, he was known by almost everyone, but his forces were too weak to be a threat and he only has one servant at her side who was raiko if I followed Koyanskaya's plan she would be my first servant won by the casino the more I think about it the losses are very small compared to the wins not only will I gain more influence and power in Chaldea but I would also win the servant of the others in Chaldea following Koyanskaya's plan with that it became clear that the casino was the best option to continue now

This is how the construction of the casino began, although some who opposed it, such as Dr. Romani together with Da Vinchi, with some force, in the end he managed to convince them and Konyaskaya to all those who opposed the idea of ​​the casino, which caused all the influence that Avia had to end. Now all hope to recover me was this casino and very possibly the casino would not have been made without Koyanskaya telling the different forces in Chaldea that this was an opportunity to increase their power but also get things from others without shedding blood and getting things into trouble. What would make them lose more than they gain?

This is how the casino that would be known as Nff Chaldea Casino was completed. In the early days, many people were the least important for the plan to come to fruition. It was necessary for an important person to come in and follow him like moths to the fire.

In the end, important people ended up coming, although at the beginning I was only allowed to bet Qp to avoid problems with Dr. Romani and Da Vinchi for the moment, even if it was only temporarily to avoid any problem that could ruin the plan.

As the days went by, the Nff casino began to grow to a great extent and just as it influenced me and had power, although I already recovered what I lost but it was still not enough and more so now some people are trying to take control of the casino since now you can bet from this ascendio materials, CE and mysti codes

That is to say, the NFF casino became a large troso of meat without a good defense, even though Konskaya is powerful, it was not enough to defend itself from all the forces that are watching it, it was necessary to divert their attention, make them fight among themselves and the only way to achieving it was the last part of the plan so I called Konskaya

♡ you called me

konskaya you already know the current situation it is necessary to act with the last part of the plan go and look for munoh to divert the attention of the enemies who are watching us

Apparently the contractor is nervous about the actions of others ♡ don't worry, I'll clarify things

munoh point of view

I am currently in the Nft casino with a good winning streak, I have won a very large amount of QP, CE's, even some mystic codes from other magicians who lost the game. Now I have begun to regain the prestige that I lost in the battle of Rome when the troops under my command lost somehow humble yourself just remember that it makes my blood run hot after that my power and influence fall in some way insulting to my pride I who was one of the most powerful people among the survivors of the attack

In the moments where my presence fell, I know when Arturia betrayed me with that common person, I would give him what he deserved if it weren't for the people at his side, but the most important one was Rome. After that, my power in Chaldea was almost as if it no longer existed. In the end I only have my favorite raiko left and to prevent something like Arturia from happening or for her to abandon me I increase her madness charm now she follows my orders 100% she thinks that all my actions are correct even if they are not or even if I abandon her She still thought I was right.

When I heard about this casino I thought it was fake, it was very unbelievable that someone could do it with all the factions that I have seen.

It seems that if it was true, someone did it, opened a casino, although at first I wasn't interested since they only bet QP, but after a few days I heard people talk that in the casino they now bet CE's material and what surprised me the most was mystic codes, who with the sane mind I would bet the mystic code was the most important case after the servants I had to find out if this was true

In the end it was all true, people bet their mystic codes against each other to gain more strength for themselves, so what I did was bet on things that didn't suit me since this casino was an opportunity to recover from the defeat in Rome to recover my power in chaldea

After losing at the beginning of some of the games I started to win in a way that counted, achieving many things but the only thing that mattered was the mystic codes won from other families with this I am sure I will recover what belongs to me

At that moment a red-haired woman approached me with a body close to Raiko's, but not so much, she was beautiful in every sense of the word, so I spoke.

♡ Mr. Munoh, someone wants to talk to you about something that might interest you ♡

What would that be that would interest me?

♡ He will already discover it but believe me he will not "regret it" ♡

You can also bring your servant with you ♡

That was strange, one of the rules here was that the servants could not enter the rooms to avoid fights, although no one cares, people follow her to be sure that the other party did not attempt a robbery, in addition to avoiding the help of the servants in the game

Now they tell him that he can bring Raiko something here. It's not right to find out. He can only follow the woman. I'm not afraid that they'll attack me because with Raiko by my side it was impossible for him to hurt me. Something since Raiko is one of the most powerful servants currently in Chaldea, which trick she wants would not succeed if she is by my side.

entering a room where a man is apparently from the United States and the name speaks

good to see munoh alpacer you have won a lot in the casino

Let's stop filling in, let's get to the main point, I told the person in front.

It is not necessary to do...

Did you hear what my son said, stop dragging out this conversation, Raiko said next to me.

the man in front only sighs then only to say

a bet the winner takes it all

That did surprise me, it was a big gamble before I could say anything, Raiko speaks first.

There is no way my son would accept something like that.....

Before Raiko continued I stopped her from speaking then spoke to the person in front.

Raiko is right, there is no way I would agree to bet everything I win here with someone I don't know who and how do I know that if you have the same things as the things I win, there is no way I would agree to a bet like that, I'm about to leave here

then the man spoke again I think you misunderstand when I mean betting everything not only what you win in the casino but also betting everything you have outside the casino all your QP materials CE's mustic codes but the most important thing... your servant

There is no way my son would agree to something like that, this is an insult and I will not allow it!...

Raiko, calm down, I tell him, Raiko, who reluctantly puts away his sword, then he said it to the person in front in a tone that was somewhat enraged by that proposal, which makes it seem like he wants to take everything off, including my underwear.

That is a very insulting proposal for me. Besides, whoever you are, a person would not make that proposal without having things in your hands.

The man speaks my name again it doesn't matter but who am the person behind this casino and if I can make this level of betting

this man was the person behind this casino I knew the person in charge was American but I didn't expect it to be this person in front

So you are willing to bet on this level of play if you want me to bet everything I have, you also have to bet all your things that would be your personal goals in this casino...

I pause and look at the woman next to this person, if she is here it still means that she is a servant, not only is her beauty not inferior to Raiko, but her strength may not be weak either, for this man to say this not only I need the resources as well as the strength to make a bet of this level so this woman has to be a powerful servant then continued speaking

If you want me to bet on my servant, you also have to bet on the servant at your side.

♡ I'm sorry, I'm not in the app...

In fact, the man responds quickly without looking at his servant who does not seem very happy about what was said but I care so much about what she thinks. She is thinking about the benefits of winning a game of this level, not only will she have a very large amount of memories that will include mystic codes and the most I knew a beautiful sarvant when the problems that came with the casino were not a problem for me on the contrary it would be my ticket to the top again.

Well, what kind of bet will a fight be? or will it be games?

They say that it will be a game in the casino where everyone can see the game to avoid any trap that happens in the game, which is not a disadvantage for me but for him. Whatever his trick would not work with so many people watching, there was no way to That I lost to such an obvious trap, I already have some ideas on how to get revenge on that useless person who took away his servant.

But first he will have fun with the senvat of this person who is practically giving it to him.