Ritsuka, Mash, and the vicious child

Thank you for your hard work, Senpai! Have a drink!"

"Mash! Thank you for going out of your way, I'm so happy!"

 After finishing his daily battle training in the simulation room, Ritsuka was greeted by Mash, who was waiting outside, and his face fell.

 He smiles and thanks his partner, who offers him a drink, and they start talking alone.

"I was able to observe the training. It was amazing! I was giving accurate instructions to Artoria-san and Cu Chulainn-san, and I could see that they had grown much more than when they first Rayshifted. "

"Ahaha, thank you for the compliment. I'm going to fight to save humanity and the world, and I can't remain a novice master forever. I'll grow, too."

``...I probably shouldn't say this, but I feel a little lonely. Even though my seniors are growing at a remarkable rate, I still have a long way to go... I feel like I'm being left behind a little bit. Yes."

 While praising Ritsuka's growth as a master, Mash sadly reveals his true feelings.

 Ritsuka has grown a lot since the incident in Fuyuki, where they fought together as partners who entrusted their lives to each other.

 If it was possible, Mash would have wanted to fight alongside him and walk together with him, but since the contract was canceled by forcibly stripping him of his master privileges, that became impossible. .

 Looking at Ritsuka, who has made a contract with a powerful heroic spirit named Artoria, Ritsuka says to Mash that he is worried that he doesn't need her, an immature hero.

"I won't leave you behind. Mash is my most important partner to me. The reason I'm working hard to become stronger is so that everyone will think that I'm a suitable master for Mash. But… I need Mash."


 Mash's heart skipped a beat at Ritsuka's serious words.

 Mash blushed and panicked at Ritsuka's words that clearly and clearly stated that the reason he was training so hard was for him, that he was important to him, and that he needed him. He showed a reaction.

"Ah, um, I'm so happy to hear you say that! I, too, will work hard to become a servant worthy of my senpai! Ah...!!"

 Mash was in too much of a hurry and ended up biting her, and her face turned even redder.

 As Ritsuka followed her while giggling at her, a Chaldea staff member called out to Mash.

"Mash~, the simulator is ready~! We're going to train, so come in!"

"Yes! ...I'll be leaving soon. It was a pleasure to talk to you, Senpai."

"Me too. Good luck with your training."

"Yes! Ah, that's right. The doctor said that there have been an increasing number of masters complaining of poor health lately. Senpai, please take care of your health too, okay?"

 Saying that, Mash enters the simulation room with his head bowed.

 Ritsuka was happy to be able to talk to Mash for the first time in a while, watching as she transformed into a servant and began to fight the summoned enemies, but... that refreshing feeling seemed to be ruined. , Wai suddenly appeared and called out to me.

"Hello, Fujimaru-san. You seemed to be having fun talking to that demi-servant, weren't you? What were you talking about?"

"Ah...Hello, Wai-kun. Is there something you need?"

 Ritsuka responds meekly to Wai who calls out to her for being rude.

 Ritsuka doesn't really like this boy, who has both the selfishness of a child and the lack of ethics typical of a magician, but he maintains a casual attitude as if there is no need to increase his enemies by approaching him bluntly. Contact with

 In response to Ritsuka, Wai said something like this while showing a smile that oozed some bad feelings.

"Yes, I called out to Ritsuka-san today to invite her to a little game."

"A game? What kind of game is it?"

"It's a really easy game. Besides, it's been praised by other masters as being good training. They all play this game."

 Ritsuka was convinced that the content was absolutely disgusting.

 Wai seems to be having fun, and he has a meaningful smile on his face, and just as Ritsuka thinks that he is trying to trick her through this game, Wai begins to explain the content of the game.

"It's really simple. Let two masters fight their own servants...that's all."

"Huh, I see. Looks like it'll be good training."

"Right? But here's where it gets interesting. There's a punishment game for the master who loses after competing like this. The details are..."

 Wai looked into Ritsuka's eyes with an evil smile on his face.

 He paused, as if to surprise Ritsuka with the worst possible punishment.

"--Lending one of your servants to the victorious master. Well, to put it simply...the losing master lends a female servant to the victorious master, and is turned into a meat urinal. "


 After all, Ritsuka thought, feeling disgusted inside but not showing it.

 At the same time, he realized that Y's target for approaching him with this kind of story was Arturia, so he slightly averted his gaze and let out a breath.

 Most of them probably thought that they could easily steal the Servant from Ritsuka, who had no talent as a magician, had no backing, and did not belong to any faction.

 As expected, he probably doesn't know that he stole Arturia from Muno...but he brought this up with the intention of doing something similar to Ritsuka.

"I'm not impressed with things like meat urinals. I'm sure Wai-kun is a great magician, but he's still a child, right?"

"Can you please stop licking me? I'm younger than Ritsuka-san, but I have much more experience than you, right? I've collected many women by using them as urinals and slaves... There are some servants of other masters who have become addicted to my penis."

 Ritsuka ignores it, thinking it's a childish boast.

 Although he has no intention of accepting such a stupid offer of a match, Wai says in an amused tone.

"Hey, let's do it~! I love beautiful ladies like Artoria the Lancer. I want to rape a woman with a pure face like that and turn her into a slut who can only think about dicks. Snowboarding is so much fun! I might accidentally overdo it and break it, or it might end up in my collection, but it's the result of a competition, so it can't be helped, right?

"...I'm sorry, but I'll stop. I don't want to do that."

"Aha! Ritsuka-san, are you afraid of losing to me? You don't want to fight because you don't have confidence, right?"

"That's the problem before that. Artoria is an important friend, not a tool. She's not someone you should gamble with."

"Hmm... I see. Then I guess I can't help it."

 Ritsuka, who resolutely refused Wy's offer to fight, tries to leave the place.

 But...Yi's evilness was far beyond his imagination and far too dangerous.

"Huh? The magician's intuition is making a fuss! If this continues... I feel like that demi-servant will suffer something terrible!"


 Ritsuka stops in his tracks when he hears Wai's deliberate scream.

 When he turned around and looked at his face, Wai gave him an even more sinister smile and continued to say the following.

"Ritsuka-san, you know this, right? All of the masters who survived that explosion are trying to become the best masters in this Chaldea... We are all friends, seeking credit, concessions, and honor. We have not only formed an alliance among the masters...we have also embraced the staff.''


 While saying that, I turned my gaze towards the inside of the simulation room and looked at the employee who had come to call for Mash earlier.

 Ritsuka, who was operating the simulator in place of Mash during his combat training, also turned to look at him as if to respond to his gaze, and that's when Ritsuka understood everything.

"If Ritsuka-san doesn't accept my invitation...I don't know why, but I feel like an unfortunate accident will happen! The simulator will malfunction and a strong enemy will be summoned... I can't help but feel like an accident like that will happen to a demi-servant!"


 Ritsuka hears Wai's words and stares at him with wide eyes.

 Wai, who had taken Mash hostage and threatened her by using her safety as a bargaining chip, said to Ritsuka, his evil smile growing even stronger.

"Please don't do anything suspicious, okay? If you do that, that demi-servant will turn into a rag in no time, right?"


"Ahaha, you look nice now…! Don't worry, I won't let you face an enemy that could kill you. I won't leave behind the experimental table, research samples, and… the functions necessary for a pregnant slave. It's such a waste! Ahahahahahahahahahaha…!!"

 Wai threatens that if Ritsuka makes the wrong choice, Mash will suffer something worse than death.

 He asked in an inciting tone as Ritsuka's fists trembled with anger.

"Look, what are you going to do? Do you want to kill that demi-servant in order to protect your precious servant? Or do you want to give me Arturia Pendragon for the sake of the demi-servant? Choose whichever you like. That's fine, Fujimaru-san!"

 ...He's a very clever child. Even though he takes Mash hostage, he shows his wisdom in not directly telling her to hand over Artoria.

 If Ritsuka suddenly presents Arturia to him without any foreshadowing... Da Vinci and the others will find it suspicious.

 In order to avoid such a situation, Wai had Ritsuka take part in the game of his own volition.

 If this is the case, then there is a reason, and if Ritsuka can pretend that he foolishly took a reckless bet...that's probably what he thinks.

 I'm talking about a quick-witted guy, and I'm sure he'll change the rules of battle to be more advantageous to himself.

 He's probably going to do whatever he can to steal Artoria from Ritsuka and crush her.

 Even though he knew that... Ritsuka didn't have the option of refusing Wai's request.

 In order to protect Mash, he decides to take on the challenge that the unscrupulous child offers him.

"...I understand. I'm going to compete with you."

"Aha! That's a good answer~! Well, now that the battle card has been established... let's decide on the detailed rules."

 Wai is pleased that things have turned out the way he expected, and begins negotiations to gain even more of an advantage.

 Since he is in charge of Mash's safety, Ritsuka cannot refuse his request. More and more, the conditions for the match are decided in favor of Y.

"The number of Servants can be up to 6, which is the maximum number that can be used in battle, right? You can equip Craft Essences as you like. Also, borrowing support servants is prohibited! Well, the rest..."

"...Let's try not to use command spells. If it's proven that we used them, we'll lose."

"Ah, that's right! If I used a command seal for something like this, the people above me would get mad at me! So, the most important part... if I win, I'll be able to use your servant Arturia Pen. I'll let you borrow my dragon for the night. You won't complain about anything I do to you then... that's fine, right?"


 The moment Ritsuka accepted the conditions he had set, Wai's mouth twisted into the most sinister smile.

 After laughing out loud, he asks Ritsuka to double check.

"It's decided. This content is bound by the magic of the contract, so there's no point in just blurting it out, right? If I win, your Arturia Pendragon will be destroyed by me and become part of my collection! Ah, I'm really looking forward to seeing the King of Knights turn into a lustful pig, and seeing you shed tears when you meet him!

 I'm guessing that the aftermath of the victory over Ritsuka is already unfolding in Wai's head.

 He was trembling with joy at being able to train the King of Knights however he wanted...Ritsuka asked him quietly.

"...Hey, I have a question. If I win the match, what will Wai-kun do?"

"Huh? ...Huh, haha! You say something interesting! Do you really think you can beat me?"

 At Ritsuka's extremely ignorant remark, I burst into laughter as if to stir things up.

 Thinking it was probably just a petty provocation to protect his pride, he answers the question like this.

"Of course, I'll bet my own servant as well. If Ritsuka-san wins, I'll lend you a female servant for one night who is equal to or better than Arturia Pendragon. Well, I don't think you'll put your hands on it. Hmm... You can use me as a toy, as a toilet, as a slave, whatever you want. Oh yeah! I'm also not allowed to discuss this with anyone else, okay?

"Oh, okay. I won't consult anyone."

 Now you're ready. Due to the effects of magic, Ritsuka cannot discuss this matter with anyone, and she cannot run away from the match.

 Tomorrow, he will step up to the stage where he knows he will lose...and he will lose. And then, he offers his precious servant to himself as a meat urinal.

 There's no way I'll lose. This one has the best types of Servants and Craft Essences, and while Ritsuka can only send two Servants into battle, I can use the full capacity of 6 Servants, so there is no way I can lose.

 The decisive battle will be tomorrow, and in the evening Artoria, who was taken from Ritsuka, will be added to his collection of female slaves.

 Wai, imagining that future, opens his mouth wide and begins to laugh with the greatest joy.

"Ahahahaha! Ahahahahaha! I'm looking forward to it! I'm really looking forward to it! I can't wait for the moment when you're defeated miserably and you hand over the King of Knights to me! Ah, can't it be tomorrow soon? So... I…Ahahahahahahaha!"

 Ritsuka just silently watched as I laughed out loud.

 He could see boiling anger and determination in his eyes, and he felt that he could never forgive this boy, and...


Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh...!?"

 ...The next day, in the simulation room, Wai was confused, with his mouth wide open and a blank expression on his face.

 What unfolded before my eyes was an unbelievable sight, as the six Servants I had prepared appeared to be lying on the ground.

 They are not moving at all, and are in a state where it is completely impossible for them to continue fighting.

 While Wai, unable to understand the situation, just lets out a stupid voice, Ritsuka, who is accompanied by two servants, says to him indifferently.

"It's a battle. This battle is my victory."

"Uh, that's a lie. Something like this... this can't happen! There's no way I can lose under these conditions!!"

 As Ritsuka declares victory, Wai, whose comfort from yesterday has been completely shattered, shouts loudly.

 Unable to admit his defeat, he looks back on this battle from the beginning and begins searching for a breakthrough.

(Something has been wrong ever since these guys arrived. Yes, it didn't feel right!)

 While thinking this, I searched for that sense of discomfort.

 The first thing that occurred to me was when Ritsuka and the others appeared in the simulation room...when I learned that Arturia and Cu Chulainn's spiritual bases had grown more than I had imagined.

 The servants that Wai prepared were all trained to levels between 20 and 30.

 I think that Wy's decision to divide the provided pilot fire and raise the Servants in a well-balanced manner even though he was unable to return was an excellent decision, the exact opposite of Munoh's, who concentrated his materials on one Servant.

 In a sense, I think that I was aware of my own situation, as I wanted to make up for my low level of mastery by raising a large number of easy-to-handle combat Servants.

 His misfortune was that he underestimated Ritsuka's ability and the rune magician, Cúchulainn, who was behind it.

 By engraving a special command code on Altria, you can create a hidden spiritual base,sexBy making it possible to train Artoria, there is no longer a need to use a pilot fire for Artoria.

 Unbelievably, thanks to Ritsuka's ability to continue loving her, who is a heroic spirit, until she faints, she is able to earn more experience points than expected and reach the upper limit in no time. It was.

 By pouring all the pilot fire he had obtained into Cu Chulainn, Ritsuka was able to efficiently raise the two Servants to their maximum level, and moved on to securing materials for his second coming in order to move on to the next step. .

 Fortunately, the only materials needed for the first ascension are pieces from each class. You only need so many of them that you can count them on one hand.

 If that's the case, you can ask Da Vinci to prepare it for you.

 In this way, Ritsuka strengthened his forces so that the other masters would not notice, and on the eve of the final battle with Wai, he brought his servants back to life and faced the battle in perfect condition.

 However, if that was all there was to it, I still had a chance to win.

 I was surprised that the servants on the other side had grown more than I expected, but we still have a numerical advantage.

 The longer the battle lasts, the more magical power you'll accumulate, and you'll be able to shoot your Noble Phantasm. When that happens, the attack power of this side with more Servants should be higher.

 So it's okay, everything will definitely work out... That's what I thought going into the battle, but my expectations were easily betrayed.

 As soon as the match began, Artoria released her Noble Phantasm.

 Before Wai could issue any instructions or before his servants could take any action, the King of Knights jumped up without any warning and charged at them with his Holy Spear at the ready.

 The Servants who received a blow from the Holy Spear, which boasted an attack range that pierced all defenses and did not allow even evasion, collapsed helplessly... and thus, Wai's forces were annihilated.

"Oh, that's strange! There's no way you could accumulate magical power that quickly! You used a command spell!?"

"I didn't do anything. Artoria was just doing well."

"You lied! You cheated! You used a command spell that was forbidden! That's why you lost!"

"That's why I didn't use a command spell. Here, take a look."

 Looking at Artoria, who had an obviously unnatural way of accumulating magical power, no matter how I looked at it, I could only think that Ritsuka had used a command spell to charge her with magical power.

 Wy complained that it was a foul, but Ritsuka calmly showed him the command spell floating on the back of his hand and made him count the number of strokes.

"What do you think? There are three strokes, right? If you're right, there should only be two command spells left here, right?"

"B-it was written with a pen or something! It's a fake!!"

"It's real...look, it's just like this."

 As Wai continues to argue, Ritsuka rubs the back of her hand and then shows her a command spell.

 Ritsuka made sure that the command spell floating there was not distorted at all, and that it wasn't graffiti or something, and then he looked at her, wondering if he could use the three command powers now. asked him.

"Uh, that's a lie, there's no way something like this could happen..."

 Seeing Ritsuka's confident attitude, Wai's face turned pale and she drooped in disappointment.

 It seemed like Ritsuka had pulled off an impossible miracle, but... he was definitely planning on cheating for this match.

 As Wai said, Ritsuka did indeed use the Command Spell to rapidly charge Arturia's magic power.

 However, the command spell he used was not his. It's a command spell with three strokes that I took from Munoh before and didn't use.

 It's a really simple trick, but it's a trick that takes advantage of the magicians' belief that they can only hold up to three strokes of a Command Spell, and it's so effective that Wai doesn't notice this trick.

 Ritsuka stares at him with his head drooping and urges him to admit defeat, but Wai refuses, whining.

"I'm not losing! You absolutely used the command spell! You broke the rules, so it's your fault! Give Artoria, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me!!"

"...It seems like you've misunderstood something. There's nothing in the rules of this battle that says you lose if you use a command spell, right?"

"Yes! You were the one who came up with that rule... ah!?"

 Ritsuka used a command spell, which was against the rules of dueling, and I refused to admit defeat because of that, but then I remembered something and my eyes widened.

 Ritsuka calmly and matter-of-factly told him the correct rules for a duel that he had come up with.

"There is no rule that says you lose if you use a command spell.make・I said let's do it. And you haven't been able to prove that I used a command spell. Your argument that it was my fault that we lost doesn't hold water.''

"Ah, ah, ah…!?"

 --If you listen to this statement, you can be sure that Ritsuka is cheating.

 However, as long as he can't prove it, he can't be ruled as a foul loser...The rule that Wai agreed to without thinking is what protects Ritsuka.

 Of course, other rules will also be enforced.

 Looking at the situation, the winner is Ritsuka. If he wins...Yi will have to lend him a female heroic spirit that is equal to or better than Arturia for one night.

 I thought that I was confidently playing a trick and trapping my opponent as a bad kid, but when I opened the lid, I found that I was being trapped by Ritsuka, who was even worse than that.

 In accordance with the contract he had arranged, Wy had to offer his servant to Ritsuka, and for a while he was dumbfounded by the humiliation of his unexpected defeat, but... he suddenly raised his voice. Start laughing.

"Aha, ahahahahahah…ahahahahahahahahah!!"

 Just looking at his appearance, I could only feel that he was broken.

 Wai's words and actions give the impression that she has lost a battle she was sure to win, and that her pride has collapsed, causing her to go insane. She turns to Ritsuka while laughing and opens her mouth.

"Looks like I'm the loser. Yes, I admit it. I'm also a man and a member of the Shaw family, a prestigious magician. I'll keep my promise. I'll be in your room right away... Arturia Pendragon. I will send a female heroic spirit who is no worse than you."

 After making a bold declaration, Wai leaves the simulation room and heads to his room.

 On the way, he stomped on the ground in frustration, but by the time he stood in front of my room, he was able to calm down his turbulent emotions and enter in a calm state.

"Nightingale... it's your turn. There is a patient waiting for your treatment."

"Again? This organization called Chaldea has a lot of sick people..."

 As soon as he entered the room, he said that to Nightingale, who was waiting inside.

 While the girl, who didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong with exposing her naked body and muttering her impressions with a hint of astonishment, Wy said to try to get Nightingale's good mood.

"Don't say that. We need your help to eradicate this disease. Please do your best today. Please come. Nightingale...! "

"Of course. I will do my best to save all lives. There is no need for rest. I will immediately go to the patient."

"Oh, wait a minute. I have something to do."


Wai stops Nightingale, who was about to leave the room naked, and uses her command spell to shine.

 She had a shocked expression on her face, and I used a command spell to tell her the same command I had given her so many times.

"I command you with a command spell, Nightingale... become frigid. Become a state where you won't feel pleasure or get excited no matter what is done to you. Again, I command you with a command spell, to work on this treatment with all your heart and soul. I command you with a command spell, forget this command.''


 Nightingale's eyes lose focus for a moment when she hears Wy's command.

 She quickly returned to her normal state and said to me with a look of irritation on her face.

"...Are you okay now? I would like to go to the patient as soon as possible."

"Ah, it's fine. I'm sorry for stopping you. Good luck with your treatment..."

 That evil smile appeared on Wai's face as she saw off Nightingale, who left the room naked and immediately turned into a spirit child and disappeared.

 Apparently he's still planning something. Wai muttered to himself in the room, squeezing out the laughter that vibrated in his throat.

"That's fine. Fujimaru is now free. If you had just offered Arturia to me, your life would have been saved."

 Wai let out a meaningful mutter, looked up at the ceiling, and his evil grin grew stronger.

 He sends Nightingale, who has expressed his strong love in a distorted way, as an assassin to corner Ritsuka, and continues to laugh happily as he imagines what will happen tomorrow.



Bad status

: ``Frigidity''... Even when the body is touched, she does not feel sexual pleasure or get excited.

However, the body becomes accustomed to intercourse, even though it does not appear as a reaction.

The cumulative number of command spell strokes used exceeds ten, and Nightingale in this state is invincible to sexual stimulation.

``Common sense alteration''...Their perception has been altered by the command of the Command Spell that treating the sick = sex.

She is always naked because she has been led to believe that this is the appropriate attire for a nurse who can quickly perform medical procedures on her.

With the addition of the influence of the [Masturbation] skill, Nightingale performs full-on sex with the patient, using her body without feeling, in order to treat the patient.

Also, Nightingale is not aware that she is being given these orders by Wye.


Nightingale? ? for? ? ? ? but? ? ? ? What about her? ? ? ? When she went to that person? of? ? do.

This information is kept secret, and like the two bad statuses above, even Nightingale herself cannot view it.

When her vigilance drops below 0, she will be able to view hidden information.