
New post in "Introverts Life-guidance" from the owner "The extrovert introvert":

[Do you guys remember the story I told you once..

At the time I had just started the blogg, so maybe you weren't with us..

So let me tell it again..

Once upon a time there was a little girl who wished everyone could see the world the way she saw it.. Full of magic.. Full of secrets.. As magical and horrifying as it originally was..

I wish, she had never wished that.

So be careful of what you wish..

Maybe the Amen pigeon hears your prayers and God tired of all your naggnings just make it come true..

May the new year be a happier one. May you survive and may God be tired of the little girls naggnings again..

#wishes #blame #wrongwish #survive 2025/12/31 ]

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My mother always told me to live in reality. She told me that reality is cruel and not everyone gets what they want.

She said that not everyone is talented and that I should live rationally and according to my own abilities.

I grow up having 6 siblings. A pack of three: Destiny and Damon, Divine and Diana, Diva and Dylan.

The two older siblings, always competing with each other, had lots of tutoring classes on math, biologi, physics and plenty of languages. From school to high school and from high school to university.

Never ending classes. 

The Divine pair, Divine and Diana, which also means divine, were divine in every aspects. Of course other than their personalities. When they were born the real states sky racked which made them grandfathers lucky charms whom he always looked after.

They are the families lucky or should I say divine ones.

Early on, Grandfather took over Divines education. Education to make him his heir. Divine did not disappoint him at all. He, similar to Destiny and Damon, had great academic talent. He got his degree in business management with top grades while also receiving grandfathers tutoring and engaging in business world! 

Grandfather paid all of Divines educational expenses but of course he had to also engage himself in sports and of course my parents would love to have a athlete child. Whom also is most likely to get a lot of shares from grandfather. Now, when I say sports, I MEAN SPORTS. All sort of them. From boxing to hiking. 

Diana was talented musically, a divine voice and divine fingers in addition to a divine face. A born to be musician.

 So how could the family not invest in her? Teachers, expensive instruments, competitions, concerts sponsored by father, flies aboard and a private driver were always arranged for her. 

 Actually, I once heard father drunk talking about how he never got the chance to bloom his musical talents and I'm also grateful that he didn't. In that regard he's got my level of talents. Beneath average. So if he did we all had to go to grandfathers place begging for food.

Father wasn't the only one with a favorit. The last born was Mothers favorit while the second to last was grandmothers. The last twins are 4 years apart from me and 3 years apart from the divine par which makes it 6 years apart from the genius ones.

 Diva looking remarkably like grandmother, also inhered her talent for dance and pursued a dancing career. She also entered an art school which I wasn't even allowed dreaming of. 

 Once I had mentioned my interest for pursuing dance. The response from my parents was, a waltz teacher arranged for all of us siblings. 

 Then, out of nowhere Diva begin attending all sort of dance courses. Apparently, grandmother Bright had seen her dancing and saw real talent in her.

 I may sound evil or even jealous but, in my eyes, she did not seem anything out of ordinary.

 At least, not in those lessons we had attended all together.

On the contrary, I had mastered waltz. To be specific, everyone had mastered waltz.

 Well, It's better than nothing. My parent could have completely ignored my request. 

But they didn't. The reason could be the prestige brought or perhaps they just felt guilty.

 Actually, before that, I was attending piano courses. It was one thing I felt proud of and was actually good at. 

 Anyhow, when Diana asked my parents to try it and showed to be more talented than me, I had to stop.

 Our family couldn't afford nurturing two musicians was what I interpreted from my parents whispers and worried looks. At the time my fathers business had encountered with difficulties and even though they didn't show it, I still felt uneasy and burdened. Resulting in my decision to let go of professional persuasion of piano. 

 Last but not least Mommy's little baby boy, Dylan. He was crazy about cars and speed. Spending crazy amounts on cars and racing courses and whenever someone complained about his spending hobbies, mom would stop them. Not that anyone complained beside me. 

 She wanted him to play around and be a child. A mindset that she didn't have while raising her other children. Anyhow to everyone's shock, the spoiled brat became a popular actor. He even entered a good art-University. Someone who did nothing but playing around got accepted in university. Money really does wonders.

How did I live you ask?

 I lived according to my own abilities. I got accepted into a mediocre university for teacher training.

No tutoring for the mediocre me. 

 Not everyone gets the same opportunities. So after getting accepted on my mediocre self, my parents told me off.

 They said that they couldn't afford sending four children to university at the same time. They would rather pay Divines side education, basketball. Damn Divine..

 As the one raised to always have consciousness I understood that I couldn't ask them to pay for my education instead of the blessed Divines. But me understanding and me not getting angry wasn't the same.