Friend or bread shuttle?

Ring! Ring!

The phone's consecutive ringing sound echoing through the chaotic exquisite dorm house, finally peeked through her hands holding her ears and achieved the goal of waking her up.

Looking at the clock, she had barely slept four hours. The previous days events added to her lack of sleep made her to be in a bad mood. Lacking motive to do anything, she just wanted to sleep some more.

Parting my eye lids with difficulty. With soul reason of shutting it down, I started searched the chaotic room. Rummaging the room, for almost five minutes, I found it under the pile of clothes I was planning to meekly fold. 

'What meekly folding, I will be living in the middle of nowhere the entire summer. Why should I bother folding them'

Embracing the clothes in one go, I just dumped all of them in a big kartong box and silver-taped the box. Feeling pretty content, I patted my own head. Well done, very efficient.

The phone had already stopped ringing. Who was it? God knows! Why? Since my phone had already died while ringing. 

Now I'm done with my luggage. 

With a satisfied smile I connected my phone to the charger, planing on asking grandpa if there is anything lacking in the villa, My Villa!

Even the sound of it was pleasant and made me happy. It is never bad to have more properties, even better if a rich grandfather hands it over to you..Sweeet!

Ding Ding Ding.. Ding!

Wow, Since when am I this popular?

Turning on my phone, I got 30 missed calls and 50 messages. There were also a few private massages in the blog.

10 calls from Unknown number, 15 from grandfather Miracle and miraculously 5 from grandfather Bright.

Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

It was the door bells sound. My brows jumped up, in all years I lived here only grandpa had come a few times and he never rang the bell since he knew my door password. Such an unpredictable day!

Somehow, after severally injuring my poor little toes, I passed through the pile of bags and boxes, arriving at my front door.

Opening the door, I didn't have one but two guests. 

"Can I come in dear daughter?"

"Wellcome grandpa- and Theodore !?! Haha, it's a bit crowded here but sure!" I directed grandpa kim to an armchair, purging things away from his way. Completely ignoring the statue at my door.

"Hello Dawn, how are you?" asked Theodore, still in his mourning attire, as he shamelessly sat on the newly taped box and destroyed it! Making all off the scrambled clothes scatter around.

"I think they were crumpled to begin" he said as clueless and shameless as ever. 

I wish there was a hole I could hide in. Cold sweat run down my back as I pretended to be cool.

I nodded to him, while stretching the corners of my mouth to make a crescent shape.

"Yes, they were! I was going to fold them later.." 

As if. If Eun-Woo was here, he would have, for sure, cast me one of his infamous doubtful and sarcastic glares.

I was never able to be a true to Theodore, vise versa.

Unlike how naturally my friendship with the easy going and bright Eun-Woo of the past came to be, making other friends was a dilemma for me. Because of my family situation, preferences and upbringing I had came to adapt a distinct criteria for choosing friends.

They shouldn't be an eye candy, having Eun-Woo, the schools flower boy, beside me had made me enough of an eye sore and Theodore who used to be really chubby until high school passed that criteria easily.

They should be rich. Besides the influence of grandfather Bright's words about how friendship is an investment, thanks to the many rumors I had heard, mostly from my aunt, poor friends had the tendency to betray their friends for money. One time when our teacher in second grade asked me to deliver homework to the sick Theodore, I accidentally discovered that he was rich. Therefore, being more than capable of lending me money in the future, he passed this criteria too.

Remaining only to make a healthy and strong relationship. Which I think I messed up by acting like his follower and only understanding this fact when it was too late to do new investment.

Things were good until high school. He was chubby and didn't have many friends. So every now and then we spent time together. Like eating lunch together or studying together.

However, things changed drastically after his wight lose. He once even told me that he can't introduce me to his parents as a friend since I'm poor. It wasn't his fault that I had counseled my background and that the only one knowing my background was the tight lipped Eun-Woo. This had extended to the point that, if I said I have forgotten my wallet, he would straight to my eyes say that he wouldn't lend me money afraid that I wouldn't be able to give it back. All while, I would buy him presents and give him snacks. I had really become a shuttle like Eun-Woo said.

At that time, I understood that his criteria for making relationships were the same as mine and I understood how shitty of a person I am for having had that kind of criteria. Making me totally uninterested in making friends anymore. 

The worst part was that I couldn't stop it, in fear of becoming a loner. I had lost my friendship with Eun-Woo and he had adapted to always be on the receiving end. Making a hell out of my high school days..

A hell that, even started burning down my family relationships and a hell that now has burned down everything. A hell that I made myself, with my unending fears..

'What would have happened if I hadn't fallen in love with Eun-Woo and run away from him? ' I asked myself as I looked at grandpa kim who had the same smile as the Eun-Woo of the past.

"What brings you here today?" 

I said as I gave grandpa kim a bitter yet genuine smile.

"I can't see Lucas? I wonder if we could discus it in his presence.."

"Sure thing, just a moment!"

Horridly taking my phone and finding his number I called him.

Seeing grandpa kim and Theodores curious faces I explained.

"Ah, since I'm moving the house doesn't have furniture so he is in hotel!"

"You sure are confident aren't you? You seem to have recovered from the heart break that pretty boy gave you last night to be calling this early in the morning! "

Hearing Lucas unexpected speech in a sleepy tone, I turned off the speaker as fast as I could, even though, his voice was so loud that the only one not hearing should have been the deaf. My face felt like it was burning.

Darn, lose mouthed teenager. I hereby take back my words about liking his directness.

"You are on speaker and your uncle and grandpa kim are here to talk to you!!!!!" I said as fast as I could trying to save some dignity, really hoping non of the people in the room guessing the person in question.