A Complicated Target

Natasha drove a vehicle between the various trees, she would blast anyone with her 'Black Widow bite' if they got close, Barton was stood in the back of the vehicle, shooting arrows at any and all Hydra goons he could see. The goons were all dressed in snow white uniform, which made sense seeing as the forest they were in was covered in snow. Some goons would have regular guns while others would have special guns that would shoot blue energy blasts, some of the goons even had jet packs that were clearly powered by the same energy source as the guns.

While Nat was driving and Barton was shooting, Stark was flying around and blasting the bad guys while Thor was flying and jumping in-between the hostiles and taking out whoever he could. Cap rode through on his bike, grabbing, throwing and attacking anyone he could get his hands on. Hulk was being his usual self and simply destroying anyone and anything that was stupid or unfortunate enough to get in his way. Sif was on the ground, rushing in-between hostiles before quickly and efficiently taking them out.

Gwen would swing and jump in-between the bad guys, her style was more acrobatic and theatric than the others as she liked to perform various flips and flashy moves while fighting and dodging. Harry on the other hand kept things very simple, he would fly and teleport in-between hostiles, shooting spells that would severely injure at best or kill at worst.

Harry teleported in-between two hostiles, he took them both out with killing curses before summoning one of their guns into his hand and firing it at other hostiles until the gun was empty. Harry cast a delayed explosive spell on the gun before throwing it at a trio of approaching soldiers, the gun exploded, sending the three flying, Harry hit them each with a piercing curse to the chest to finish them off in case the shrapnel from the gun didn't.

A hostile aimed a gun at Harry and fired a couple of blue energy blasts, but Harry quickly blocked it by having his shield appear on his left hand. The hostile didn't stop and continued shooting, hoping that his gun would eventually get through Harry's shield. The shield built up energy from the blasts, once the goon had stopped firing the shield released the energy in form of a blast that sent the hostile flying a large distance back. Harry didn't waste much thought on him as he was pretty sure that man was very, very injured, if not dead.

Harry teleported up onto a tree branch and began shooting spells from above, he had managed to take out a decent amount when a couple of Hydra goons flew towards him using jet packs. Harry killed one with a killing curse while blocking the blast of the other using his shield. Harry jumped off the branch and made sure to cast an explosive spell on the remaining goon's jet pack, Harry slowly hovered down to the ground, once he landed he was treated with the sound of an exploding jet pack. His shield had some energy build up left, so Harry let it lose at a couple of approaching goons.

One hostile tried to sneak up on Harry from behind just after Harry's shield disappeared, Harry span around and was a second away from blasting him when Gwen dropped down and landed on the goon, sending him to the floor and knocking him unconscious.

"I had that." Harry said in a mild voice.

"I believe you." Gwen replied as she walked up to him. "Sif looks like she's in her element." Gwen commented, she gestured to Sif who had flipped one car at another car. She dodged a blue beam before knocking one hostile out with her shield then impaling anther with her sword.

"Well, she is a warrior." Harry nodded while casually flicking his wand behind him and sending a cutting curse that connected with the neck of a Hydra goon.

"Shit!" The pair, along with the other Avengers, heard Stark yell out thanks to the communication devices they all had. The reason for Stark's swearing was failing to enter the castle thanks to a defensive barrier that knocked him back.

"Language!" Steve admonished. "Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?" He asked.

Harry half listened to Jarvis's response, as he had created a shield to block some more blasts and was also wondering if he head heard right when Steve had said 'language'. According to Jarvis the main building was protected by some energy shield.

"Loki's scepter must be here," Thor said in-between fighting. "at long last."

"At long last is lasting a little long boys." Natasha replied after taking down several hostiles.

"Try saying that five times fast." Gwen joked before pulling a gun out of a hostile's hand while using her web shooters, she spun the gun before sending it right back at the goon, hitting him hard on the forehead. Harry thrust his wand in the direction of some Hydra soldiers, a large blast wave shot out, knocking fifteen soldiers off of their feet. Harry quickly span around and cast another spell at a charging vehicle, the front of the vehicle exploded before it reached Harry and Gwen.

"Show off." Gwen commented jokingly.

"I think we may have lost the element of surprise, guys." Clint commented after taking out a bunker with an explosive arrow.

"I'm sorry but did Cap really just say 'language?'" Harry couldn't help but ask.

"I know! I thought I was the only one who heard that!" Tony responded.

"I know," Cap sighed before taking out one vehicle by throwing his bike at it. "it just slipped out."

"The city is taking heavy fire." Jarvis informed the Avengers.

"Stark," Harry said after flicking his wand and decapitating one goon just as Gwen swung over head and began engaging with an approaching group of Hydra soldiers. "you hear that?"

"I got it," Tony replied. "Jarvis, send in the Iron Legion." Tony ordered. The Iron Legion was a group of unwearable suits invented by Tony, so they were naturally designed to look like his own suits of armour. They were controlled by Jarvis and their main function was to aid the Avengers by getting any nearby civilians to safety to prevent any collateral damage from occurring while also assisting in combat if needed.

Harry was about to respond when suddenly Sif landed on her back in front of him, Harry had taken a half step towards her when he suddenly felt something strike him in the face, Harry fell to to the ground but quickly rolled to his knees, he looked up in time to see a blur of blue and white escaping out of sight.

"We have an enhanced in the field." Harry said into his communication device as he and Sif got up. "I don't know if it's male or female but whoever it is fast, keep your head on a swivel." Harry said before turning to Sif, "Are you alright?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine." Sif nodded, "I didn't even see it coming." She said, almost disappointedly.

"Keep an eye out, it might come back." Harry said before he ascended into the air.


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