Harry to the Rescue

"I'm closing in." Tony informed everyone.

"Clint's been hit pretty bad guys, we're going to need evac." Natasha informed everyone.

"Nat, I'm coming there, keep Barton still." Harry replied before teleporting over to Natasha, he found her kneeling down next to Clint who had a massive gash on his side and was groaning in pain. Harry was about to kneel down and help him when he saw what was likely the source of his injury, a nearby bunker that was firing blue energy blasts. Harry lazily side stepped one blast before jabbing his wand in the direction of the bunker, causing it to explode into several pieces while also taking out several nearby goons. "Alright Barton, stay still." Harry said as he began waving his wand several times over Clint's wound.

"Thanks." Natasha nodded before pulling out a gun and almost lazily taking out a trio of approaching Hydra goons.

"No problem," Harry said once he was done. "I healed it the best I can but he's still going to need help." Harry said as he grabbed onto Barton's arm, "I'd better take him to the jet."

"Go quickly." Natasha nodded in agreement.

"Back in a few." Harry said before he teleported away with Barton. The two landed in the jet, Harry slowly and gently placed Barton down on to an emergency bed.

"T… thanks." Barton said, letting out a deep breath.

"It's fine." Harry said as he removed Barton's coat. "You just stay still and don't make the wound any worse until I get back."

"What happens when you get back?" Barton asked.

"You can then feel free to make it as worse as you want." Harry joked, he was about to teleport away when Barton grabbed his arm.

"The enhanced, the blur… he's a male." Barton coughed. "Blonde hair, around six feet… young…"

"Got it." Harry nodded before teleporting away and landing next to Natasha.

"Is he alright?" Natasha asked immediately.

"Regrettably he is still Barton," Harry replied before pressing a finger against his ear piece. "guys, Barton told me that the blur is a young male, blonde hair and roughly six feet tall. Keep an eye out." Harry said before turning to Nat. "I miss anything?" Harry asked.

"Not much," Natasha shrugged as she looked around, the Iron legion had arrived and the few remaining Hydra goons were surrendering. "we're locked down out here." Natasha said into her ear piece.

"Great," Cap replied. "Harry, can you deal with Banner?"

"On it." Harry nodded before he made his way over to the Hulk who was throwing around bits of a damaged vehicle. "Hulk." Harry called. Hulk snapped his head in Harry's direction, obviously ready for a fight, but he stopped upon seeing Harry. He let out a soft grunt before giving Harry a questioning look. "You have fun?" Harry asked as he pulled down his hood and mask. Hulk nodded his head and grunted again. "That's good, sorry to see you go but we kind of need Banner back now." Harry said apologetically.

Harry waved his wand and cast the patronus spell, Harry's dog shaped patronus rushed out of his wand and ran towards Hulk. It ran in-between and around Hulk's legs while Harry was subtly casting cheering charms, the patronus stopped next to Hulk's right leg, the positive emotions from it were helping to calm down the Hulk. Hulk's expression softened as he reached down to pet it with one of his large fingers, his finger went through it but upon touching it Hulk felt even more positive emotions fill him up.

Hulk suddenly took a step back and fell to the ground, his body shifted and changed colors, a few seconds later Banner was lying on the ground, breathing heavily. Harry took a small breath before getting rid of his patronus and walking towards Banner.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked as he helped him up.

"I'm… better than normal." Bruce shook his head as he got to his feet. "The transformations aren't as bad as before."

"That might be my method of having you calm down." Harry guessed as he grabbed Bruce and teleported him into the Jet, Harry gently guided him down into a nearby seat. "Just rest it off." Harry said before he pressed his fingers into his ear piece. "Guys, can I have an update please?"

"We're all coming back to the jet," Gwen's voice replied. "you can wait for us there."

"Got it." Harry replied before waving his wand and creating some new clothes for Banner.

"Thank you." Bruce nodded appreciatively.

"You're welcome," Harry said before turning to Barton. "how are you holding up?"

"Peachy." Barton said in a dry voice.


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