A little while later all of the Avengers found themselves back in the Quinjet after the mission was over, Stark had put away the scepter while the others all took their seats.
"How's Barton doing?" Steve asked.
"He's stable," Harry answered. "I healed him the best I could, but he needs some medical help. I don't have any potions on me that could really help out here."
"Banner," Tony called from the cockpit of the jet. "Doctor Helen Cho is on her way from Seoul, would it be alright if she sets up in your lab?"
"Hmm, uh… yeah. She knows her way around." Brue replied. Harry turned to the other Avengers just as Tony put the jet on autopilot.
"Any of you guys stumble on the enhanced?" Harry asked.
"There was a second one, a female." Steve replied. "I don't think there are any more but we can't rule out the possibility."
"What does the female look like?"
"Dark brown hair, black clothes, young as well. She could be somewhere between late teens to early adult."
"Powers?" Harry asked.
"Not entirely sure," Steve admitted "all I remember is seeing her wave her hand, a flash of red and then I end up falling down some stairs."
"At least you didn't break your hip." Tony said making an 'old man' joke. "As for the enhanced, I've managed to get some data from Hydra, we can check it out later. It might reveal more."
"Today was fun," Sif commented with a bright smile. "I'd like to go on more missions like this."
"Speak for yourself." Barton commented from his bed.
"Can anyone give a report on the Hulk?" Gwen asked while filling out a report.
"The gates of Hel are filled with the screams of his victims." Thor smiled, Harry facepalmed just the others gave Thor a look that clearly said that that was not the best thing to say while Banner was in hearing distance, Thor seemed to realize it, as he began quickly trying to correct his statement. "But not the screams of the dead, of course." He quickly added. "No, no, no. Just um… wounded screams, yes, mainly whimpering and a great deal of complaining plus some tails about torn deltoids and gout."
"Thank you." Bruce said to Thor even though he didn't really believe that was all that it was.
"You saved it." Harry whispered to Thor.
"Sir, we're landing." Jarvis's voice echoed in the Quinjet as it landed at Avenger's tower.
"Thank you Jarvis." Tony replied.
"The lab should be set up by now." Gwen said as she worked away on her tablet.
"This Midgardian technology is very impressive." Sif commented.
"Indeed," Thor agreed. "they have shown me various new things, including something called 'your tube'."
"YouTube." Tony corrected.
"Yes, that." Thor nodded.
"What is 'YouTube'?" Sif asked Harry.
"Well it's basically a thing on computers where people can upload videos, remind me later and I'll show you." Harry said as the jet door opened, several people in blue medical uniforms came forward and detached Barton's bed from the jet.
"Come on Clint." Natasha whispered to Clint before she helped the medical personnel carry Barton out. Everyone else followed out, leaving Harry, Steve and Gwen in the Jet. Gwen got up from her seat and walked out with Harry and Steve following behind her.
"Does that ever bother you?" Steve asked Harry as he stepped next to him.
"Does what bother me?" Harry asked as his suit disappeared and he was left in his civilian clothes.
"Natasha and Clint," Steve spoke quietly. "they're pretty close, does that ever bother you?" Steve asked.
"No, not really." Harry answered honestly, he knew what Steve was thinking, but Harry wasn't worried about that, partly because Barton was already married but Harry was not going to mention that yet as Barton preferred to keep it secret. "I trust them both, if I didn't then I wouldn't be working with them in the field."
"That means you trust the rest of us?" Steve asked.
"For the most part." Harry nodded.
"For the most part?" Steve repeated. "That means you don't trust us fully."
"I trust you to keep your word, I trust you all enough to fight at my side. I even trust you all enough to call you friends. That doesn't mean that I won't kill you or the others if I even have a good enough reason to believe that you'll betray me or go after the people I care about."
"I don't intend to be offensive, but you have trust issues." Steve replied. "You should trust us more."
"You should trust a little less." Harry responded. "I was born near the end of a war Steve, my parents hid themselves a small while after I was born, the knowledge of where they were was known only to one person. Someone who was a friend of my father's since they were eleven years old, that person went straight to the head of the enemy army and told them my family location. Because of him I grew up without parents. During the second war the old idiot who was running the opposition to the enemy side had placed all of his trust in a spy despite several people, me included, telling him not to. Long story short, the spy was loyal to himself, not anyone else."
"I'm sorry you went through all that, but that doesn't mean that it's always the case." Steve argued.
"I'm not saying I don't trust you, I'm saying I don't trust you one hundred percent." Harry replied. "People have flaws Steve, everyone including you is flawed. You might not break and turn traitor like others, but you have your flaws. Barton and Natasha are physically the weakest, not counting Stark when he's outside of his armour. Stark's got an ego and is a loose canon, Thor's a prince who wasn't always as nice as he was now. Banner's afraid of his own shadow, I wouldn't totally be surprised if he is tricked into turning traitor by somebody offering him a cure for the Hulk. Sif, while incredibly smart, does not know much about this world and could be tricked into unintentionally betraying the team. As for Gwen…"
"Yeah?" Gwen asked, looking at the two over her shoulder. "What's wrong with me?"
"I'm not supposed to answer that, right?" Harry asked.
"Probably not," Steve nodded. "Let's move on."
"Yes," Harry agreed before turning to Gwen. "what's happened to Strucker?"
"He's been detained and will spend the rest of his miserable life in prison." She answered.
"What about the two enhanced?" Harry asked.
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