Shielding Against Chaos

The robot made a screeching sound, a few seconds later it responded.

"I see a suit of armour around the world." It said, though not it's own voice, it was Stark's voice.

"Ultron." Banner said, realizing what exactly was in front of them.

"Ultron?" Sif repeated, sending Banner a questioning look.

"In the flesh. Actually no, not exactly," Ultron said as it shook its head. "not this chrysalis. Not yet. But I am ready. I am on a mission."

"What mission?" Natasha asked, not entirely sure she wanted to know the answer.

"Peace in our time". Ultron answered.

The wall behind Ultron was smashed open as a several Iron Legion robots flew in, fortunately Harry was quick with his wand, he created a shield that the charging legion bots crashed into. Harry quickly followed up by blasting them apart with Thor and Sif quickly joining in by smashing any of the bots they could get their hands on.

Between the three of them they were able to quickly deal with the bots and leave them in a pile of broken parts.

"Well, that was disappointingly quick. Ultron said in an amused voice, bringing everyone's attention back to him. "I am sorry, I know you mean well, all of you, you just didn't think it through. You all want to protect the world but none of you want it to change. I really don't understand that. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve? It's necessary but you all fight it. Look at these these," Ultron said as he picked up a broken Iron Legion robot. " these puppets." He growled slightly as he crushed the head and threw it away. "There is only one true path to peace, the Avenger's extinction." Thor had head enough and roared as he tossed Mjolnir at Ultron, smashing the robotic body to pieces. The head remained intact, something that allowed Ultron to say one last thing. "I had strings…" He said in a voice that appeared to slowly be getting lower and more quiet. "but now I'm free". Ultron said as he turned off, his voice fading away yet echoing in all of the Avenger's heads.

"Stark." Harry spoke.

"Yeah?" Tony asked slowly.

"I'm going to say this one time, the fuck?"


After dealing with Ultron it had been discovered that the scepter had gone missing, it was apparently taken by one of the legionnaire bot. Thor flew off to chase after one Legionnaire that had taken the scepter, the rest had gone down to the lab. Banner quickly rushed over to his computer and began looking everything over as fast as he could.

"Banner, what the hell is going on?" Harry asked, as he stood while crossing his arms.

"All of our work is gone, Ultron cleared it out. He used the internet as an escape hatch." Banner replied, emphasizing his point by gesturing to the computer and showing that all of the work they had was now gone.

"It's nice to know I can't go to a single party without something crazy happening." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Ultron." Steve said with disbelief.

"He's been in everything," Natasha said, standing in some more comfortable clothes than before. "Files, surveillance. Probably knows more about us than we know about each other."

"He knows a lot, yes, but not everything. I highly doubt that all the important information about all of us is available online, I still have my secrets." Harry replied. "Sif and Thor here are unknown beyond a few things that Shield has picked up over the last few years."

"Perhaps but even then he still can learn a lot." Gwen pointed out.

"A knowledgeable enemy is always the worst kind." Sif commented.

"What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?" Rhodey said.

"Nuclear codes." Gwen said, instantly understanding what he meant.

"Nuclear codes." Rhodey nodded. "looks like we need to make some calls, assuming we still can."

"Make them now." Harry ordered before anyone could respond. "We can't waste anytime, contact Shield, contact everyone and give them a heads-up. " Rhodey nodded and quickly walked away while Gwen got out her phone and walked out of the room to make a few necessary calls.

"Nukes?" Natasha asked. "He said he wanted us dead?"

"He didn't say dead, he said extinct." Steve pointed out.

"He also said he killed somebody." Barton reminded them.

"There wasn't anybody else in the building," Harry replied. "I checked, it's just us."

"Yes, there was." Stark said as he showed a holographic image of what looked like an orange destroyed ball.

"Why do I feel like I should know what that is?" Harry asked.

"Is that Jarvis?" Natasha asked.

"This is insane." Bruce said with a large amount of disbelief and shock as he walked closer to look at the dead Jarvis holograph.

"Jarvis was the first line of defense, he would've shut Ultron down, it makes sense." Steve replied.

"So Ultron's first reaction is to kill whatever he thinks is a threat?" Harry asked. "Oh, that's just great."

"Harry's right," Bruce nodded. "Ultron could have assimilated Jarvis but he didn't, this… this isn't strategy… it's rage."

Any further response was cut off when Thor stormed into the room in full Asgardian armour, he immediately walked up to Stark and grabbed him by the neck with one hand and raised him up in the air.

"That's going around." Barton commented.

"Use your words buddy." Tony managed to get out despite being held up by his neck.

"I have more than enough words to describe you Stark." Thor said.

"Thor, there is a bloody queue for that that, wait your turn." Harry responded.

"What about the legionnaire?" Steve asked, narrowly beating out Harry.

"The trail went cold about a hundred miles out," Thor grunted as he let Tony go, Tony coughed and took a few steps away from Thor. "but it's heading north and now it has the scepter. We have to retrieve it… again!" Thor said, glaring at Tony.

"Genie's out of that bottle, clear and present is Ultron." Natasha responded.

"I don't understand, you built this thing, this program." Helen Cho said. "Why is it trying to kill us?"

Instead of a responding Tony began laughing, Bruce's eyes went wide and looked at Tony while shaking his head and whispering 'no', clearly telling him to stop laughing.

"You think this is funny?" Thor said with a smile, not a happy smile, more like a 'keep it up and I'll smash you' smile.

"No, it's probably not." Tony said when he turned to face the team. "Right? It's… this is very terrible. It's so… is it so… it is so… so terrible."

"This could have been avoided if you didn't play with something you don't understand." Thor said.

"No, no, I am sorry but it is funny." Tony said as he walked up and got in Thor's face. "It is a hoot that you don't understand why we need this."

"Tony, maybe this isn't the best time to…" Bruce started only to get interrupted by Tony.