Uncovering Clues

"Really?" Tony asked as he turned around to face him. "That's it? You roll over onto your belly every time somebody snarls."

"Only when I've created a murder-bot." Bruce replied, making it clear that he was also unhappy about the situation.

"We didn't, we weren't even close." Tony replied. "Were we close to creating an interface?"

"Well you did something right, and you did it right here." Steve said. "The Avengers were supposed to be different from Shield."

"That is the whole point of the Avengers." Harry nodded in agreement. "Well Stark?"

"I'm sorry but does anyone remember that incident with a giant alien army that came out on a wormhole?" Tony said as he pointed up. "Nobody? You know, the one where there was thousands of aliens and we all nearly got nuked. You know what? Maybe it's just me who remembers that, huh? We all nearly died, the city nearly died, heck the world nearly died! We're standing three hundred feet below it. We're the Avengers, we can bust arms deal and Hydra soldiers all day, every day. But that up there… that's the real deal… that… that's the endgame. Last time we were lucky enough to have a nuke with an immortal wizard to carry it up there, what are you planning to do next time?

Are we just going to 'fight the good fight' until another nuke drops on us? Are we going to wait for another miracle? Or some lucky series of events that work in our favour? Luck? Skill? Or preparation? That's why I wanted to make Ultron, not because it was a fun project, I got Bruce to help me make him because we need help. How are you guys planning to beat that next time?"

"Together." Steve said without missing a beat.

"We'll lose."

"Then we'll do that together too." Steve said without missing a beat.

"I'd rather not do that thanks," Harry cut him off before he could anymore. "I hate to say this, I really hate to say this, but I do understand where Tony was coming from."

"Thank you!" Tony clapped his hands together and gestured to Harry, happy to have one person on his side.

"With that being said, Tony you're a fucking dumbass." Harry continued, wiping the smile off of Tony's face. "preparation was one thing, but creating artificial intelligence? Haven't you ever seen a movie before?"

"You do realize that we don't live in a movie?" Clint asked.

"Says the archer to the wizard while he is arguing with the mad scientist who fly's around in a robotic suit." Harry countered.



"… fair." Clint nodded.

"Anyway," Harry said as he turned back to Tony. "what you did might have been done with good intentions but we will be discussing it at length later, fair warning that it will likely involve a lot of screaming in pain on your part." Harry said before turning to Steve. "This will be a P.R disaster if people find out."

"What do you suggest?" Steve asked.

"Give me a sec," Harry said before he conjured two pieces of paper, he waved his wand a couple of times over both, they transformed into paper airplanes and shot off in two separate directions. "there, done."

"What did you do?" Sif asked.

"Gwen and Rhodes are contacting everyone they know. They will inform them that a rogue program is on the lose and that they you suspect Hydra or some other organization that we won't mind throwing under the bus, the last thing any of us need is to be blamed for creating this."

"Nice idea," Natasha nodded. "but that doesn't fix our Ultron problem."

"We should get to work then," Steve suggested. "I want Bruce and Stark to lead as we check through all of our system and anything we have that connects to the internet."

"If possible try and make it so that Ultron can't access it and if you can't do that then shut them off." Harry added. "We are not allowing him access to our stuff."

"Harry's right," Steve nodded. "Also gather any and all information you have on Ultron and try to find a location. The rest of you either help them if you're capable or stay ready, the second we get a hint of where he is we are off. We need to find Ultron as soon as possible."


Unfortunately finding Ultron was much easier said than done, the fact that he could be anywhere in the internet made sure of that. The Avengers focused all of their time on trying to find Ultron, luckily Harry didn't really need more than two minutes to repair all of the physical damage from Ultron's attack. A lot of time had been diverted into making sure Ultron couldn't hack into any of their systems.

Harry was currently walking along with Gwen who was telling him what she had learned so far.

"He's all over the globe." She said. "Robotics labs, weapons facilities, jet propulsion labs and so on. Reports of a metal man, or men, just coming in and emptying the place."

"He's probably made a lot of robots to help him." Harry sighed. "I can only guess the number. Has there been any attacks? Injuries? Deaths?"

"Only when engaged." Gwen replied. "Mostly just a lot of guys complaining and going on about old memories, worst fears and something too fast to see."

"That's interesting." Harry hummed.

"Which part?"

"Both, the 'only when engaged' part indicates that Ultron would prefer to keep the bloodshed to a minimum or is simply trying to keep a low profile." Harry responded. "As for the mind fucks and thing too fast to see, that is very likely to be the Maximoff twins." Harry nodded. "I guess I'm not completely surprised that they teamed up, they both have something in common."

"Not anymore." She replied as she showed Harry a tablet with a picture of a dead Strucker with the word 'peace' written behind him in Strucker's blood..


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