The Real Threat

"Guys, Gwen found something interesting." Harry said as he joined the other Avengers. He handed Thor a tablet showing him the picture that Gwen had showed him.

"What's this?" Tony asked, Thor's response was slamming the tablet into Stark's stomach, causing Tony to stumble back slightly. In Thor's defense, he was still upset.

"A message, Ultron killed Strucker." Steve said as they all looked at the picture.

"And he did a Banksy at the crime scene just for us." Tony replied.

"This is a smoke screen, why send a message when you've given a speech?" Natasha asked.

"Strucker knew something that Ultron wanted us to miss." Steve replied.

"Why would he… yep." Natasha said as she looked at a computer. "All of our information on Strucker has been erased, it was done from the very night that Ultron became active."

"Well, he takes after his dad in the brains department." Harry said, causing Tony to glare at him. "But the one thing he can't hack into is physical knowledge, find any files we have. Maybe we can find something."

"On it." Barton said.

The Avengers went off and came back later with as many boxes of files as they could, everyone began looking through for any piece of valuable information they could find.

"Strucker sure had a lot of friends." Steve commented after half an hour of searching.

"Well… these people are all horrible." Bruce said after putting one file to the side.

"Prick," Harry said as he skimmed through one paper before throwing it away, he picked up another and skimmed through it. "asshole," Harry said before throwing it away. "cunt," he said at the next piece of paper. "Bi-curious."

"That's enough with the commentary, please." Steve sighed.

"Wait!" Tony said suddenly as he picked up the folder that Bruce had put away. "I know that guy from back in the day, he operates off the African coast. Black market arms deals."

"Of course you do." Harry rolled his eyes as everyone else gave Tony a look that clearly showed what they were thinking about Tony dealing with this guy.

"There are conventions alright. You meet people, I didn't sell anything." Tony said, defending himself.

"What's this?" Thor asked as he pointed at the guys neck.

"Tattoos." Tony said.

"No these are tattoos." Thor said as he pointed to different marks.

"Thor's right," Harry agreed as he examined the photos. "the difference is there, that mark is burnt on to his skin. He's been branded. Bruce, look up this symbol." Harry said as he showed Bruce the picture and pointed to the brand on the guy's neck.

"You got it." Bruce said as he took the photo and went to a computer and began searching.

"You think it's important?" Natasha asked.

"You don't just brand people." Harry said. "If you brand someone then it's either because you're a cunt with issues or because you want people to know what this person has done."

"It means thief." Bruce said a short while later. "It means thief in an African dialect."

"Which one?" Harry asked.

"Wak… an… ada, no um… Wakanda." Bruce answered. Tony, Steve and Harry all looked at each other.

"Isn't that…" Harry began only to stop when Steve nodded.

"I thought your father said that he got the last of it." Steve said to Tony.

"I'm sorry, but what's in Wakanda?" Bruce asked.

"The strongest metal on Earth." Tony answered as he glanced at Cap's shield.

"Get a location and get ready," Steve ordered "it's time for action."


The Maximoff twins, Pietro and Wanda, currently found themselves in a scrap yard in Johannesburg, Ultron had sent them in first to speak to Ulysses Klaue, when that didn't work out he had come to speak to the man himself. Ultron's new body was much more powerful than his previous one as it involved advanced tech that he had stolen from several different locations, including technology from the Chitauri invasion.

Klaue, seeing that he was clearly vastly outgunned by Ultron and the enhanced twins, reluctantly handed over the vibranium that Ultron wanted. Despite handing the metal to Ultron, Klaue revealed that it was worth billions and had cost him personally when he had taken it from Wakanda, at which point, Ultron transferred billions of dollars into Klaue's account via remote access to the Internet Network.

"Keep your friends rich and your enemies rich, then wait to find out which is which." Ultron said after transferring the money.

"Stark." Klaue said under his breath.

"What?" Ultron tilted his head.

"Stark," Klaue spoke. "he used to say that, he said it to me once, you're one of his."

"What? I'm not…" Ultron grabbed Klaue's hand, the mercenary with him reached for his gun, only for Wanda to stop him using her powers. "I'm not! You think I'm one of his hollow men? Are you kidding me? I mean look at me, do I look like Iron Man?! Stark is nothing…" Ultron paused, in his rage he ended up accidentally cutting off Klaue's arm. "Ooh! Oh I'm sorry, I am so sorry. Oh, I think that's going to be okay, I'm sorry. Just… don't compare me to Stark!" Ultron kicked Klaue down a flight of stares, his mercenary ran after him. "That's a thing with me, Stark… Stark is a sickness!"

"Oh junior," A voice said, Ultron and the twins turned around to see Iron Man land in front of Thor, Captain America and Grim. "you're going break your old man's heart."

"If I have to." Ultron said in a calm voice.

"Nobody has to break anything." Thor replied.

"Clearly you've never made an omelette." Ultron replied.

"He beat me by one second." Tony said to the others.

"Ah yes, he's funny. Mr Stark." Pietro Maximoff spoke. "It's what? Comfortable?" He said as he gestured to some nearby weapons. "Like old times?"

"This was never my life." Tony said in a low voice.

"You two can still walk away from this." Cap said to Pietro and Wanda.

"Oh we will." Wanda said with smile on her face.

"I know you've suffered…" Cap began, only to be interrupted.

"Captain America," Ultron laughed. "God's righteous man, pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth but…"

"You just had to give him a personality, didn't you?" Grim said to Iron Man before turning back to twins. "Look, you don't like Stark, I get that. Trust me when I say I get that. Trust me when I say that there is a list of people who want to get to Stark. I understand revenge, I understand it better than these guys. You want revenge, we can work something out, but your best option is definitely not to work with a crazy robot that has daddy issues."

"Daddy issues?" Ultron repeated in an offended voice. "I do not have daddy issues."

"Could have fooled me." Harry snorted.

"If you believe in peace then let's keep it." Thor spoke.

"I think you're confusing 'peace' with 'quiet'." Ultron responded.

"Uh-huh, what's the vibranium for?" Tony asked suddenly.

"I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to spend this time explaining my evil plan." Ultron said sarcastically, before aiming his hand at Iron Man. Using some anti-grav technology he pulled Iron Man forwards before blasting him back into a wall, Tony quickly recovered and flew at Ultron who flew towards Tony. The two engaged each other in mid-air just as a swarm of Ultron bots swarmed in to attack the rest.

Harry, Thor and Cap began fighting off the robots just as a bunch of men, likely Klaue's men, entered and began shooting. Harry wasn't too worried, because while he and the other three were attacking from the front, the others would be coming in from the sides, apart from Sif who was outside guarding Bruce until/unless they needed the Hulk.

Harry transfigured one robot into a giant spear before sending it flying at another pair of Ultron bots, the spear pierced through both bots, taking them out of play. Harry saw another robot charging toward him out of the corner of his eye, Harry teleported behind the robot and blasted it apart before taking to the air. Harry looked around in time to see a mercenary aim his gun towards him, Harry cast an explosive spell on the gun, causing it to explode and take out the mercenary.

Harry engaged with another two robots just as he heard Cap speak over the communicator ear pieces.

"Thor, what's your status?" Cap's voice asked.

"The girl tried to warp my mind," Thor responded. "take special care, I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty."

Harry landed on a walkway, he cast a blasting curse at a group of approaching mercenaries when he sensed someone coming from behind him. Harry turned and grabbed Wanda Maximoff's wrist, both her hands were covered in red energy, she tried to blast him away with her other hand but Harry easily blocked her attack with a quick shield. Wanda tried to reach into Harry's mind, only to find herself unable to penetrate through his mental defenses.

"Trust me, my mind is not one place that you want to be in." Harry said as he raised his wand to stun her.

Wanda growled and shoved all of her power and focus into reading Harry's mind, she was able to breach through his mental defenses, though barely. A few seconds later Wanda pulled out of his mind, Harry dropped to his knees while she stumbled backwards and fell on her butt. She was shaking and sweating, Pietro quickly stopped next to her.

"Are you hurt?!" He asked in a worried voice as he began looking her over.

"I… I'm sorry… I'm sorry!" Wanda cried, tears dripping down her face as she looked at Harry.

Harry didn't respond, he instead stood up, magical flames began dancing around his suit. He pulled his arms back and raised his head before letting out a scream of pure rage. All activity in the the scrapyard ceased as everyone looked in Harry's direction, once Harry finished roaring, his blazing green eyes locked onto Wanda. She had activated rage mode.


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