The Battle Within

Harry roared and took a step towards Wanda only for a fast streak to knock him on his back, Pietro stopped a small distance behind Harry. Harry quickly got up and ran after Pietro, Pietro turned and began running away, he glanced back and to his horror he saw Harry running after him and catching up to him. Harry was quickly able to grab him by the back of his shirt collar.

Pietro stopped as soon as Harry had grabbed him and turned to throw a punch at him, Harry caught his hand before throwing him at a wall. Harry wrapped both of his hands around Pietro's throat and began squeezing, Pietro choked and tried to push Harry off but found he wasn't strong enough.

"Stop!" Wanda screamed.

Harry did stop, he looked at Wanda and roared again before he jumped into the air, heading towards her. Harry pulled his fist back and was a second away from striking at her when he was tackled out of the air. He and Thor landed a short distance away from Wanda, Harry got up and tried to rush towards Wanda only to be stopped by Thor who pulled him into a full nelson headlock.

"Calm down, Harry, calm down!" Thor yelled, as he tried to hold Harry back. "Harry!" He yelled when Harry keep trying to break free. "What did you do to him?!" Thor shouted at Wanda.

Harry roared and broke out of Thor's hold, but this time instead of charging towards Wanda he turned around and punched Thor threw the wall behind him. Harry leaped through the hole that Thor caused.

"Come on," Pietro coughed as he quickly got to Wanda, "we have to go." He said as he rubbed his throat. He picked her up but before he could start running Thor flew out and landed on the floor in front of them, he looked up, reveling a cut under his right eye.

"Go!" Thor yelled before he was suddenly pulled back into the hole in the wall, a few seconds later a large thud noise was heard before Grim stepped out of the hole. Pietro gulped before running as fast as he could, Harry quickly flew after him.

"Guys," Cap spoke into his ear piece. "Harry's gone crazy, the twins did something to him, he's in rage mode and has attacked Thor. Banner, you stay in the jet, the last thing we need right now is for the Hulk to be loose as well. Everyone else work on restraining Harry."

"If he's in rage mode then our best bet is to keep him distracted until his energy levels drop out." Natasha replied, her voice was calm despite the worry she felt.


Pietro and Wanda had gotten out of the scrapyard, but Pietro didn't intend to stop there. He had to get himself and his sister to safety, he wasn't sure what happened between his sister and the Avenger, but he knew that his sister had clearly pissed the man off enough to make him want to kill them. Fear was not something that Pietro felt very often, but this was one of the few times that he did.

The ground in front of them exploded, causing Pietro to suddenly have to put on the breaks, he managed to turn to avoid most of the debris from the explosion. A rock hit him hard on the shoulder, which combined with suddenly stopping caused both him and his sister to fall and roll before landing next to each other, both facedown on the floor.

"Are you alright?" Pietro whispered as he grabbed her hand.

"We have to get out of here!" Wanda said quickly as she stood up along with Pietro. They heard a roar and both turned to see Grim flying towards them at high speed, his wand was aimed at them. A red cruciatus curse shot out from his wand just as a repulsor blast hit him in the side, knocking off his aim. The curse flew wide and struck the ground near the twins.

"GO!" They heard Iron Man yell before he tackled Grim in mid-air.

"Come on!" Pietro picked Wanda up and quickly ran off.

The other Avengers, with the exception of Banner who was still on the jet, arrived in time to see Grim shoot four beams from his wand. Tony was able to dodge the first beam but the second clipped his right leg, the third struck him in the back before the final beam slammed him hard down onto the ground. Tony groaned but didn't get much time to experience his pain because Harry crashed on top of him to add some more pain. Harry's shield appeared in his left hand and he began repeatedly slamming it on Tony's head.

He only stopped when he heard something rushing towards him, he turned to see Mjolnir flying in his direction, he raised his shield and the magical hammer crashed into it, sending him flying backwards.

"Thor, what's happening?" Sif asked.


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