"He's in rage mode," Thor sighed as Mjolnir returned to him, he had one cut under his right cheek and another cut on his forehead. "the girl had done something to him, he's not thinking straight, he's filed with anger and we need to keep him busy until he tires out." Thor said just before he saw a large beam fly towards them, he quickly was able to block it with Mjolnir, though barely.
"He won't be thinking properly." Clint said. The sound of teleportation alerted them to somebody behind them.
Thor turned around only for a super powered right hook to connect with his face and send him flying a large distance backwards. Clint reacted first and raised his bow but was unable to fire as Harry slammed the tip of his wand down on the ground, causing a shock wave to shoot out and knock everyone off their feet. Cap recovered first and managed to roll to a kneeling position upon landing, he threw his shield at Harry, knocking his wand out of his hand. Cap quickly got up and charged at Harry.
The other Avengers quickly got up just in time to see Cap fight Harry, Harry had ducked a left hook and blocked a right punch but held onto Cap's right arm with his left hand, Harry used his right hand and sent several rage filled punches at Cap's face, body and neck. Harry wrapped both of his arms around Cap's left arm, a second later a large crack was heard, Cap was able to get half a scream out before Harry continued punching him, Cap fell to the ground but Harry didn't stop. Harry began slamming his right fist down on Cap's face like a hammer.
Sif came from behind and grabbed Harry, trying to restrain him.
"Harry! Harry, you need to fight this!" Sif screamed. "The witch is controlling you!" Harry roared before breaking the hold, he wandlessly blasted her away, sending her flying through a wall and back into the scrapyard.
"Harry!" Natasha called. "Harry look at me, just calm down! It's fine! You will…" Natasha was cut off as Harry charged towards her, she jumped back to avoid his strike and continued dodging and ducking the rest of his attacks as he was too fast for her to do anything other than put all of her effort into avoiding his strikes. She had just dodged a roundhouse kick when Harry sped up and threw a punch that managed to strike her in the right shoulder, she fell hard on her back, pretty sure that something had become broken.
Harry tried to move forward when he felt his foot was stuck to the ground, he looked down and saw his foot was stuck in webbing. Gwen landed near and quickly wrapped the upper half of Harry's body in webbing.
"Harry, calm down!" Gwen shouted. The flames on Harry's suit became brighter and burned through the webbing, Gwen tried to web him again but Harry dodged and ran towards her, he closed the distance quickly. Gwen reacted by throwing a roundhouse kick with her right leg once he was in range, Harry caught her leg. A second later a snap was heard, Gwen fell on her back, screaming in pain and holding her broken leg. Harry raised his foot and was a second away from stomping down on her face when an arrow bounced off of his chest. Grim flew towards Hawkeye just as he nocked another arrow.
"I thought he was supposed to tire out by now." Hawkeye muttered before shooting another arrow. Grim dodged the arrow and increased his speed, Hawkeye was able to shoot a three more, the first two missed but the third was caught by Harry, it exploded a second later, knocking Harry to the ground. Before Hawkeye could get another arrow ready Sif rushed past him, she charged towards Harry, sword in her hand.
"What happened?" Pietro said as he sat Wanda down once he was sure they were a safe distance away. Wanda was sat down, her hands clutching the sides of her head. Tears and sweat dripping down her face. "Did he hurt you?" He asked in a worried voice.
"I… I saw things… in his head… I…" Wanda gasped. "I… I felt his emotions!"
"Loss… pain…" Wanda cried. "I can't get it out of my head!"
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