Claws of Fury

Sif gasped out in pain as she felt three claws pierce through her right thigh, the claws were attached to Harry's right hand, thankfully the grip she had on his wrist stopped him from pushing those claws all the way. Harry struck her in the face with his other hand before pulling his claws out, he grabbed her by the neck and lifted her with his left hand before slamming her face first on to ground. He stomped on the back of her head, sending her face further into the ground.

Harry lifted his foot just as another arrow flew towards him, Harry caught it with ease and span it around before he tossed it back at Hawkeye, Hawkeye dodged the arrow which nearly pierced his neck. However he also remembered that an explosive device was attached to it, he rushed away when the device exploded, the explosion was far enough away to not cause serious damage but was able to knock him off of his feet. Harry saw Cap trying to get his feet, he growled before summoning Cap's shield and throwing it at him.

The shield bounced off Cap's chest, sending him back to the floor. Harry took a step forward when he felt something hit small hit him in the back, he turned around to see Natasha aiming a gun at him. She was noticeably holding it in her left hand.

"Harry, please." She said in a pleading voice. Harry bellowed at the sky, he took a step forward when Iron Man flew towards him. Harry growled and ignored Natasha for the time being in favour of flying towards Iron Man. "What the hell?" Natasha said in a soft voice. "His rage mode should have finished by now, he at least had some level of control before, what the fuck is happening?" She wondered.

She didn't get too long to think as Iron Man flew over her head and crashed a few meters behind her. Harry landed a short distance in front of her, he growled and was about to charge when he suddenly turned to his right side. A lightning bolt crashed into him, Natasha looked on her left and saw Thor shooting lightning at Harry using Mjolnir, Harry didn't fall, he was pushed back a small distance but he didn't fall. Once Thor stopped shooting the lightning still danced around Harry, or at least it did until Harry aimed his hands at Natasha.

Natasha quickly rolled out of the way when she saw Harry aim his hand at her. The lightning didn't hurt her but it did hit Tony who had been getting up behind her.

"Harry!" Natasha shouted. She was ignored as Harry side stepped an attack from Thor, he grabbed Thor by his hair and pulled, throwing Thor down onto the ground. Harry stomped hard on his head before he straddled him and began throwing punch after punch at Thor's head. "Damn it." Natasha sighed before she rushed towards him, she decided to get in close seeing as none of her range attacks were working. She was two seconds away from reaching him when Harry suddenly gasped and fell off of Thor. He lay down next to Thor, and began breathing heavily. "Harry?" Natasha stopped, her gun aimed at his eyes, the only exposed part of his suit.

"I…" Harry coughed. "… I… I'm…" Harry coughed again, he managed to push himself on to his stomach, he tried to get up but stumbled and fell down, his mask disappeared and his hood pulled itself off as he got onto his hands and knees. Natasha took a step forward only to stop when Harry suddenly spewed his guts out. Harry paused, he tried to get up only to vomit again. Harry, once he had stopped vomiting, looked around at all of the other Avengers. "Fuck." He whispered to himself.


Harry and the rest of the Avengers were sat in the Quinjet as it flew back to Avengers tower, Clint was driving it back since he wasn't hurt too much. The same couldn't be said for the rest of the Avengers, before they got on the jet Harry healed them the best they could. Cap was resting on a bed while Gwen was placed on a separate bed as those two were the most hurt. The others were all sat around, Thor wasn't too hurt, Sif and Natasha were the most hurt after Gwen and Cap, but they all thankfully didn't make a fuss and just allowed Harry to heal them.

"So," Tony said, cutting through the length silence in the Quinjet. "you want to explain what the merry band of madness was all about?" He asked Harry, he was noticeably still in his armour (without his helmet) and unlike the others he was still stood up. He wasn't too hurt as his armour protected him so he got a few bruises at most.

"Not really." Harry sighed, sitting in civilian clothes.

"So… you did all this?" Bruce asked in a quiet voice.

"No, Padfoot tagged in at the last minute." Harry said in a sarcastic voice.

"I'm sorry but I have to know, what the hell was that?" Tony continued. "You went crazy and attacked us all."

"No, I went crazy and tried to attack the twins, you guys got in my way and then I attacked you." Harry corrected him.

"That's a good point actually, you tried to kill the twins, they are kids!"

"Kids who became homeless because someone dropped one of your bombs on top of their home." Harry reminded him, glaring at Tony.

"I know that, but don't try and change the subject. You attacked us all!"

"I'm well aware of that." Harry growled. "Do you have a point to all of this?"

"What I want to know is what the hell happened?! Because if there's some trigger that makes you go crazy then we need to know about it."

"The girl saw somethings that she shouldn't have seen, that's all there is to it."

"All there… all there is to it?!" Tony demanded. "You've injured most of us and nearly killed Cap. What did she see?"

"That…" Harry stood up and walked towards Tony who suddenly shifted into a defensive stance, not that Harry cared as he stopped in front of him. "… is none of your goddamn business."

"But you…"

"It is none of your business," Harry cut him off, his voice cold and barely above a whisper. "she saw something that she shouldn't have seen. You don't know what I've been through, Stark. I've seen things that can never be unseen, I know things that should never have been taught, I have suffered through pain the likes of which you couldn't imagine on your worst day. When I was fourteen years old I ended up being tortured in a graveyard while being surrounded by the man who killed my parents and his followers and trust me when I say that's not even in the top ten of my worst experiences. So trust me when I say… it is none of your goddamn business." Harry growled before teleporting away.


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