A Desperate Plea

Harry teleported into his bedroom, he threw his wand away just as his suit disappeared. Harry ran his hand through his white hair, he growled before letting out a loud, primal roar. Several seconds later Harry fell to his knees, breathing heavily.

"Fuck." Harry said under his breath. Harry took several deep breaths before he stood up. "Fuck me." He sighed.

"Maybe if you ask nicely." A voice replied. Harry looked up and nearly jumped back when he saw who was standing in front of him, Harry took several steps backwards, only stopping when he felt his back press against the wall.

Standing in front of him was a woman with pale skin, wearing a silky black robe that covered everything from the shoulders down to the knees while straining against the woman's body. Her curly black hair descended past her shoulders, her violet eyes pierced Harry's green ones. Her red lipstick covered lips were in the form of a smirk as she looked at him.

"Why… won't you… leave me alone?!" Harry growled as he ran his hands through his white hair.

"Oh… is ickle wickle Potter upset?" She cooed in a baby voice as she walked over him.

"You are dead," Harry closed his eyes. "you are dead. I made sure of it."

"You mean when you ripped my head off?" She asked as she stepped just in front of him. Harry's eyes snapped open when he felt her hands on his shoulder. "No, you aren't getting rid of me that easily."

"You're dead, Bellatrix." Harry growled.

"Oh, sweet little baby boy," She cackled loudly, causing Harry to flinch. "after all we've been through, after all that we've done together, I will always have a spot in here." She said, tapping him on the side of his head. "Do you remember Potter?" She asked with a grin as she licked her lips, letting Harry have a glimpse of her yellow teeth. "I do." She purred as she pressed her body against his.

"You're not real." Harry said, more to himself than her.

"Am I not?" She grinned before taking a step back, she dropped her robe to reveal that she was wearing nothing but a lacy black bra and panties. "I like to think I'm real." She said as she pressed her body against his. "Do you remember our time together, Potter?" She asked as she placed her hands on both sides of his face. "You would be strapped to a chair or chained to a wall, then I would come everyday and start breaking you. You'd last from morning to the afternoon before the torture broke you, then we'd spend the evening having a 'different type of fun' before doing the same thing the day after." Bellatrix paused and stuck her tongue out, licking the side of Harry's face from his jaw to his forehead. "I remember." She whispered into his ear before playfully biting on it.

"Fuck off!" Harry snapped as he pushed her off of him, she fell back and onto the floor.

"Ow." She said in a mild voice before standing up. "Come on Potter," She licked her lips as she began rubbing her hands up and down her body. "you're just like me. You and me are chaos personified. You and me are chaos."

"Fucking hell." Harry closed his eyes and rubbed his temples with his finger, he took a deep breath and focused on his occlumency shields. After several seconds of silence Harry opened his eyes, he looked around and saw that there was no longer anybody else in the room. Harry's legs fell out from under him and he slid down to the floor.

"Woof?" Harry looked up and saw Padfoot standing in front of him, looking at him with concern. "Woof?"

"I… I don't know Padfoot," Harry sighed. "just… just give me a minute."

"Harry." A voice whispered in Harry's ear. "We need to talk."

"Curse my life and the stupid, dumbass cunt in charge of it!" Harry growled as he slapped the floor and stood up, surprising Padfoot, but before Padfoot could do anything Harry teleported away.


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