30. Unexpected Guest (2)

Marquis Desmond Fairisles had decided that he would stay at our capital's mansion. Duke Arthur seemed like someone had snuffed the life out of him while Rune was confused.

The personnel in the mansion were on edge and I was finding it hard to avoid the old man. He seemed to have some sort of agenda for continuously trying to be around me.

And, it was thanks to him that I had failed to contact Silas for the past two days to check up on Elise's condition. Her treatment must have started but I still had to go and see if everything was fine. Having a (supposedly dead) concubine under his wing just because I had asked him to do so must be taxing.

I sat in the library for the moment to avoid the Marquis and others, I had to think up of strategies for the future. Just because I had Elise didn't mean that Eric would definitely be loyal to me.

I already had a plan but I still needed Silas's expertise. Anyhow I saw it, I needed to contact him as soon as possible.

"I should go see him soon." I sighed holding my black rook.

"See who?" I nearly jumped out of my skin as I heard the sudden question.

Marquis Fairisles walked over and sat in front of me looking at the chess game that I was playing.

I was alone in the library to escape this old man and have some peace of mind but it seemed he wasn't going to let me out of his sight.

"Are you playing alone?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered placing the rook down in the game from where I had picked it up.

"You could have asked someone to play." He suggested as he picked up his knight and removed my pawn.

I sighed as I picked up my bishop and took his knight out.

"Everyone else is busy with their work and I wanted to spend some time alone."


He went ahead with another move and I countered it taking out another one of his knights and making him pause for a moment.

After a few minutes of playing, I pulled a checkmate on the Marquis and leaned back in my chair. I had dumped my work on Viscount regarding the township and I still had to give him further instructions.

There was more work than what was visible and I had no time to waste lounging around.

Marquis stared at the chess board and then at me.

"Do you like playing chess?"

"Yes. It helps clear my mind."

"Then would you like to play another round?" He asked.

"I was thinking of going for a stroll in the garden." I said.

I had dropped the act around him as he knew my smiles were fake. He would often compare me with the late Duchess which made me curious about her but since I had no memory of her so it was hard to think of anything.

"That sounds good too,"

Marquis stood up making me stare at him before I sighed and we walked out of the library. We were just walking down the hallway when I saw Rune.

"Reina?" He came running up to me as soon as he spotted me.

"Where are you going?" He asked me as his eyes went up to the Marquis.

He was scared of him too.

"We were going out for a stroll."

"You can join us if you want." Marquis offered.

"Uh... Is that really fine?" Rune asked.

"Yes, why not?"

I walked in between Rune and the Marquis, Rune seemed slightly on edge so I reached out and held his hand.

He looked down at me and I smiled at him making him relax a little.

We walked through the garden, it was an awkward stroll as no one knew what to talk about. Usually, Rune would initiate a conversation but with him being silent there was nothing that we could do.

"Are you two scared of me like your father?" Marquis asked making me and Rune look up at him.

"No." I said.

"N-No." Rune stuttered and Marquis sighed.

"Did your father say some bad things about me?"

"Tha-That's not it!" Rune squeaked as he squeezed my hand tightly.

"Then do you hate me?" He asked.

"No, that's not it..."

"I think the problem is with your face, Grandfather." I pointed out making Rune look at me with wide eyes and agape mouth.

"My face?"

"It's scary." I told him honestly.

"Is it?" He scratched his beard looking as if he had no idea about that fact.

"Why don't you try smiling a little? It will help people approach you."

"Huh? All right then."

The corners of his lips curled upwards and Rune beside me clenched my hand even tighter and I could see his face going ashy pale.

Well, I wouldn't blame him, this old man had a special sort of scary face when he smiled.

"Maybe a smile was a bad idea," I said and his stoic face returned.

"Serene used to say the same thing." He spoke running his hand through his hair.

"Ma-Maybe you should practice a little." Rune suggested.

"Hm... Then I'll practice more."

"Massaging your facial muscles to relax them should help." Rune instructed and the Marquis crouched in front of Rune.

"How should I do that?"

Rune flinched but then he started instructing the Marquis while I observed them.

Marquis Desmond Fairisles didn't seem arrogant or stuck-up. He didn't even get angry all the while that he was here even when the scared servants would mess up in front of him.

Maybe it was his stoic face and the intimidating air that made him hard to approach.

"What do you think about it, Reina?" Rune suddenly asked me and I blinked.

"Huh? What?"

"I said that if Grandfather acts kindly with others then they wouldn't be so scared of him."

"Hm... that could work."

Two days later, I still hadn't gotten a chance to go to the location where I was supposed to meet Silas.

But there was another kind of thing going around the mansion, Marquis was acting "kind" as how Rune had suggested and the result:

"I-I think I did something bad." One of the maids who was serving the Marquis stuttered as she talked to her friend.


"Hi-His Excellency keeps asking me if I am all right and doesn't tell me much work and whenever I bring him his food he gives me that scary smile."

"Wha-What did you do?"

"I don't know!"

"Ta-Take care of yourself."

"Wah! God, help me! I don't want to die so soon!"

I ended up eavesdropping on their conversation and sighed. Marquis was actually trying hard to not come off as a scary person but it seemed as if it was failing miserably.

I walked up to him the next day as he sat in the library reading some papers.

"Are you busy, Grandfather?" I asked and he looked at me.

"No, do you want something?"

"I was thinking that we could take a walk outside." I suggested and he placed the papers down and stood up.

He was indulging me and Rune without any hesitation which made me a bit more certain about what I was thinking.

"Maybe you are being misunderstood because of your stoic nature." I spoke making him look down at me.


"You were trying to act kindly towards the maids as Rune suggested, right?" I asked.


"Stop doing that." I said and he tilted his head to one side.


"It's having a reverse effect." I answered making him stare at me for a moment before he walked silently.

"It can't be helped then I guess." He mumbled and I sighed as I was about to tell him that it was all right when I sensed the sudden disturbance in the mana near us.

And before I knew I was whisked away from the Marquis.