44. Growing Pains (2)

I stayed at the Fourth Wall for the rest of the day scanning the area for the rogues while wondering how Davian was doing back at the castle.

"You... are not cold dressed so thinly like that?" Adler asked.


"How did you fly all the way there?" He asked and I sighed releasing a gust of white smoke.


"Your Water Magic can make you fly?"

I nodded not wanting to explain as I stared at the white landscape that was splashed with red at a few points.

"What family do you come from?" He asked.

"Spare me the questions, Vice-Captain. I don't like being interrogated." I said and he fell silent for a moment.

"How old are you?" He asked and I sighed.

"Thirty one."

Adler stared at me before exhaling sharply and walking away. The more I was knowing about North, the more I was worried about the child who now took the reins of this place in his hands.